Your imagination

Knowing the Truth

I look up to the sky, sun shining brightly. I put my hand above my eyes to block the sun a little. It I have to work on such a beautiful day. Not long ago, I was enjoying watching the kids run around the park, chasing each other. I have always thought about having one of my own. But I need to focus on myself and helping others first. I have a doctorate degree in Psychology. I study how the stability of the relationship between the parents affect their children. I meant with kids who needs to talk about their feelings or just need emotional support. But that does not pay much when you do not have many patients, so my side job is at a small café. I need money to pay the bill, you know? It is hard when you live in a hotel, but there are not many apartment complexes to choose from. I continue to walk down the busy streets of Seoul.

Out of nowhere, a man comes riding straight towards me through crowds of people. He is going to fast! How has be not fallen or hit someone? He swerves around some more people. They don’t even flinch! Wahh! When he gets to me, we stayed at each other. It’s that intense stare, that if you blink, you are afraid you will miss something. He to the cross walk and road right out. “HEY! Watch out,” I had yelled before I knew it myself. A car came to a halt, as I ran to the front of the car. Did I blink? I don’t remember. Maybe I looked away because when I looked at the spot where the man should be lying, was vacant. Looking around, I heard people saying I was crazy for yelling so loudly. Did I just image that? WHAT THE ?!? I slightly blushed and ran towards work. I’ll just forget what I saw. Maybe it was the heat.


*** POV CHANGE ***


Standing on the edge of the roof top, they look down at the girl, who seemed flustered and hurried away. Sighing, yet interested, Jungkook said, “She saw you.”

            “YEAH! But how? I was going too fast for human eyes.”

            “Well not for her, you should be more careful, Taehyung.”

            “Jesus man. Call me V.”


Taehyung drops the damaged bike and sits down behind Jungkook. He places his hands around his left leg, hardly making a sound as he snapped the broken leg back into place. “Fine. But psssssssh! Please Jungkook, careful... is my middle name.”

            “No it’s not.”

            “Sarcasm, my drear friend.”

“Yeah. Yeah. Let’s get the others and tell them about this.


            “Because something doesn’t feel right.”


*** POV CHANGE ***


Work is not as bad as I thought it would be. The sun shined through the windows and a cool breeze swept through the door. The customers are all so sweet. Some of the younger girls call me Unni. We often have many chats about boys from their schools and I would give my advice to them. I tell them to go for it and given if they reject you, be happy you at least were able to tell them. Just because something does not work out, does not mean you got to see the bad side of things. An older lady over in the corner raises her hand and I rush over to her. “Hello, how may I help you today,” I say smiling.

            “Oh but I think it is me, who can help you,” she said looking up at me smiling back.

            “Huh?” I shake my head confused on what she just said.

            “Green tea please.”

            “Oh sure thing! I’ll be right back.” I walk away behind the counter. I get some hot water and pour it into a cup and put a tea bag in it. Did I really hear that? Or imagine her saying that? Wah! So weird. Jeez get you head in the game Sophia! I come out from behind the counter with her tea. Focusing on not spilling or dropping her tea, I never noticed she was gone. The sit I was sure she was sitting in, was now vacant. What was left was 100 dollars, a blue pendent, and a note.

            This is for you, my dear.

I flip the paper around, nothing, on back either. I cannot just keep this, it is too beautiful and certainly not mine! I can’t just leave it here, so I decide to take the necklace to the Boss.

“Keep it! If she left it for you, there much be a reason right?”

“But Boss… I…”

“No Buts Boss. Or Butts for that matter. Keep it, Sophia. Or at least return it yourself.”

I drop it into my shoulder bag before heading back out where Luna was making coffee. “Want some, Sophia?”

            “Oh sure.”

            “You alright?” She turns to the coffee machine and starts to brew a cup.

            “Yeah. Just that older lady that was sitting in the corner, grey hair, pale green eyes, wearing a flower shirt...”

            “Ummm… Sophia, I think you are going a little insane. I don’t remember seeing anyone like that or old for that matter.”

            “She gave me a blue pendent and a note with $100.” I grabbed it out of my bag to show her. She looks up at my weirdly and places her forehead to mine. “Uhhh, Luna?”

            “Do you need to go home? Is it the heat?”

            “Wait Luna! What do you mean?” I look down at the paper to find nothing written on it anymore. “What! I…” I think a moment and laugh it off. “Yeah it must be the heat. Sorry for scaring you.”

            “It’s alright, Boo. Take it easy.”

            “Will do.” I place the stuff back into my bag and pushed the pendent out of my head. What is up with me today? The rest of the day goes by smoothly, no imaging weird guys on bikes or old ladies saying weird things and leaving their stuff behind. A couple of guys came walking to café. I hate to stereo-type but they look like some kind of thugs. “How can I help you gentlemen?” I try saying it as nice and sweet as possible. One of the guys reaches out and grabs my arm, trying to drag me out of the store. “Stop let go.”

            “You’re coming with us, Sophia.”

The Boss comes out of nowhere grabbing the guys arm.

            “If you would so kindly leave, Sir.” The Boss smiled, but I felt a hidden emotion behind it. “I can’t have you taking my hard worker away.” His smile screamed, Get the out of my shop before I throw you through the window. The man let go of my arm and stared at me, then at the surrounding people. Then like that they were gone. The boss chuckles a bit, “friends of yours?”

            “Oh hell nah.”

            “Mmmm… Get back to work. Work hard and I’ll treat you and Luna out tonight.”

            “Thanks Boss!”  That was so wierd... How did he know my name... 


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