Chapter 1

Lazy Mornings

Jungkook's face was shoved into Yoongi's neck as he slept. His warm breath fanned acrossed his skin and one of his bare, smooth, pale legs was thrown over Yoongi's. Yoongi had missed this. He missed the smell that stuck to Jungkook's skin, the warmth that his body provided, and he just really missed Jungkook overall. He hoped that Jungkook didn't have to leave again, because he doesn't know what he would do.
    Yoongi ran a hand through Jungkook's dark tresses and stopped it on the back of his neck, rubbing the soft skin there. Jungkook stirred some in his sleep before settling more against Yoongi, releasing a warm sigh.
    Yoongi looked over at the clock, 5:15 am, it was to early to get up. Yoongi relaxed back into the bed and let Jungkook's warm weight take him back to dreamland.



The warm caresses of the sun slowly brought Jungkook out of his peaceful sleep.The blankets that covered him had slipped off at some point during the night or early morning. There was a hand running lazily up and down his bare leg that his shorts didn't cover. Jungkook swatted at the hand as it reached his thigh,"Tickles," he murmured sleepily. That didn't deter the owner of the hand though for it continued its journey on his leg.

Jungkook groaned to himself before rolling off of Yoongi and curling up on his side away from him and his wandering hands. Yoongi followed after him and wrapped himself around Jungkook. Yoongi placed soft kisses on his neck and continued messing with his legs.

"Stop," Jungkook whined, wishing he would let him sleep.

"It's time to get up sleepy."Yoongi's deep voice said followed by another soft kiss on his neck.

Jungkook shoved his face into his pillow, "Don't wanna," he mumbled. A comforting silence followed for a while and Yoongi's hand continued to move.

"Yah! Why do you keep messing with my legs? Stop it, it tickles." Jungkook broke the silence batting at Yoongi so he would leave him alone and let him go back to sleep.

"Can't help it. Your legs are calling my name." Yoongi said as he hand began to slip towards his inner thigh.

"Yah, stop touching me you ert!" Jungkook said as he grabbed Yoongi's wrist, stopping his movement.

"But your legs look so pretty and plus its not often you show this much skin." Yoongi whined like a child and wiggled his fingers slightly, teasing his skin again. Yoongi had a point though. Jungkook usually slept fully covered up due to getting cold easily but last night it was so hot in Yoongi's apartment that he slept in shorts that barely hit mid thigh.

"Doesn't mean you have to feel me up." Jungkook mumbled still hiding his face into his pillow.

"Fine." Yoongi huffed taking his hand out of his grip and shoving it up Jungkook's shirt, pressing it flat against the planes of his stomach. Jungkook sighed, Yoongi was beign awfully clingy this morning usually it was the other way around.

"What's up with you today?" Jungkook asked quietly.

"Nothing." Yoongi spoke into his neck.

"Liar." Jungkook replied back. It was quiet again for a while, only the sound of their breathing filling the room.

"I just missed you." Yoongi spoke quietly and if Jungkook wasn't paying attention he probably wouldn't have caught it. Jungkook slowly shifted, turning around in Yoongi's hold, and pressed their foreheads together. He lifted his eyes and looked at Yoongi. His soft, gray hair was mushed and his face slightly puffy from sleep, but to Jungkook he looked beautiful.

"I was only gone for two weeks." He whispered.

"Yeah but those two weeks made me realize things." Yoongi whispered back.

What type of things?" Jungkook asked.

"Things about you, about us." Yoongo said. Yoongi moved and laid on his back looking at the ceiling. Jungkook followed after him, slinging his leg and arm over Yoongi and placing his head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. He didn't ask Yoongi anything knowing that soon he would speak and tell him. Yoongi's fingers played with the ends of his hair on the back of his neck as he contiued looking at the ceiling. Soon the silence was broken by his deep voice.

"I realized that you staying the night just a couple of days a week isn't enough, I want you here all the time. I want you to move in. Cause I want all the mess you come with and if you do have to leave again at least your mess will be here. Because those two weeks of nothing to remind me of you was hell. I wanna be able to wake up every morning and go to sleep every night to you beside me. I wanna hear your singing in the shower and see you wrapped up in warm blankets on the couch as you watch some dumb drama. I just want you beside me all the time because god am I really in love with you. And I know you're it for me." Yoongi spoke.

Jungkook could hear Yoongi's heartbeat speed up as he spoke and he clung to him tighter. Tears of happiness pricked Jungkook's eyes, god did he love Yoongi, his heart felt like it could burst. Jungkook moved and straddled Yoongi taking his face into his slender hands.

 "Yes." Jungkook said breathless as he looked into Yoongi's eyes. He then continued to say 'yes' over and over again as he placed kisses all over Yoongi's face giggles also escaping his mouth.

He pulled back and looked at Yoongi before saying, " You're it for me too cause god I really love you." He then leaned in and pressed his lips to Yoongi's.

The kiss started off slow and sweet before turning more heady. Yoongi's tounge slipped into his mouth and he released a small moan that Yoongi swallowed. Their tongues danced together before Jungkook pulled away to breathe. Jungkook laid completely on top of Yoongi as they tried to catch their breath. They laid there and basked in the presence of each other.

"Here let me get up." Yoongi said and Jungkook rolled off of him and curled up on his side and watched as Yoongi got out of bed. Jungkook could hear water running and decided that it was time to get out of bed. He walked into the bathroom and Yoongi stood there brushing his teeth. Jungkook hopped up onto the counter and took his toothbrush and begun to brush his teeth too. After Yoongi was done he stood there watching him. 

"What?" He asked voice muffled around the toothbrush. Yoongi gave him a gummy smile and said, "Nothing, just thinking about how hopefully I'll get to see your pretty legs more now that you're moving in." 

"Really?! That's what you're thinking about!" Jungkook said as he rinsed his mouth out and hopped off the counter to attack Yoongi. Yoongi moved quickly and escaped the bathroom and Jungkook, laughing as he went. 

"Sorry babe like I said your legs are calling my name." Yoongi said as he went into the bedroom and Jungkook followed him. Jungkook grabbed a pillow off the bed and threw it at him. It barely missed him as he escaped out of the bedroom and went towards the kitchen. 

"Yah, I changed my mind I don't want to live with you, you ert!" Jungkook yelled after him. Yoongi gave a hearty laugh that made Jungkook's heart flutter. 

"Sorry babe, you can't take it back now. You're stuck with me." Yoongi yelled back. Jungkook shook his head with a smile and walked out towards the kitchen and to Yoongi. 

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sweetgirl19 #1
Chapter 1: I know how you feel Suga xd <3 <3 Kookie's legs are to die for <3 But Yoongi's are not too shabby either <3
gaemgyu245 #2
Chapter 1: I think i gonna have diabetes soon...
bakemono_x #3
Chapter 1: all hail kookie's legs. hahaha. this is so cuteee and sweet im drowning in sugary feels.
lilibethnielo #4
Chapter 1: My sugakookie feels!!!
This is soo cute :)
Chapter 1: this is so cute, omg omg!!! but there are typos if you had not notice yet.
kookiewookie7 #6
Chapter 1: This is soooo cute, I'm dying!!