Chapter 7

Twice and no more (Sequel to Miracle)

Chapter 7

[Aaron POV]

I was on my way to Hebe’s house to work on our project. Guigui went with Wangzi to do theirs too. I’m quite worried about Guigui. That guy kept staring at her during lessons, and even when we were having our break. If he dares to touch Guigui, he’s going to be killed by me!

“Aaron, we have reached.” We stopped in front of an old house and it was quite rundown.

Hebe smiled at me shyly as she led me into the house. The living room was in a mess. Magazines and peanut shells were left lying around. I must have guess that her father had watched soccer early this morning. You know how guys like to eat peanut during the match and throwing everywhere. I must pity Hebe and her mother because at the end of the day, they had to clear the mess.

“My father is always like that. He knew I was bringing a friend home, yet he didn’t bother to clean up the house.” She sighed.

Hebe is such a poor girl. I always thought that she came from a rich family, since she’s wearing branded goods all over her body. We entered her room and pulled two chairs to her table.

“What do you think we should do?” Hebe asked.


[Guigui POV]

This guy is really insane. Did he sneak out from the mental hospital?

“Can I not go in?” We stopped at a mahjong club.

Wangzi came close to my face. It was only a few inches away and I could hear him breathing.

“You are such a coward. Fine, I will go in myself. You can run home and cry to mummy.”

Damn, this guy is trying to provoke me. I swear I will punch his face if I didn’t look at him. It will be such a pity to leave a bruise on his face.

“I’m not a coward!” I almost yelled out.

Wangzi pulled my hand into the mahjong club. As the door open, the cigarette smell was strong and unbearable. I almost felt like running to the toilet and puke. But I managed to endure it. He brought me to a corner and knocked onto a door.

Out came two gigantic men, each holding a cigarette on their hands. They are really gigantic because they are about a head and a half taller than me, and they are muscular.

“What is it little boy?” One of them asked.


[Wangzi POV]

“Hello. We have a project which we have to interview your boss. Can we go in?” I was about to take a step but one held me up.

“Not so easy. You got to give us something in return to speak to our boss.” The other guy said, smirking.

I gulped onto my saliva as he whispered into my ears. “We want that girl behind you.”

I turned back to look at Guigui. She was frightened and getting pale.

“Ok, you can have her…” I was about to hand her over when I kicked his leg and ran out of the club, holding onto Guigui as tight as I could.

We ran along the street, once in a while looking behind to see if those guys were chasing after us. They were and they were slow. So what if you have bigger body? That means you have a greater inertia and it would hinder you from running fast.

We turned at a corner and ran across the park to rest. Sweat dripped from my forehead and I felt sweat on my palms. Guigui‘s eyes were wide and was open. From this angle, she’s quite cute.

I leaned forward to kiss her lip. She didn’t return it but neither did she push me away. Slowly, she came back to earth and saw me right in front of her. Guigui pushed me, causing me to land on the floor with a thud.

“What the hell are you kissing me!?” She yelled.

I grinned. “Well, the prince has to kiss the sleeping pig to wake her up.” I emphasized on the word sleeping pig.

She got up and kicked my in-between as she stormed off.

“What the? That’s very painful!” I shouted back so she could hear.

I held onto the area as I waited for the pain to subside. That girl is violent, yet she’s interesting. I wonder if I can get her from Aaron, to play with her.”


[Guigui POV]

I was dreaming about the kiss Wangzi gave me.

“Bastard!” I said out unknowingly.

Rainie stared at me and snapped my thoughts.

“Who are you calling bastard?”

‘Wangzi! He kissed me!’ I literally yelled in her head. I can’t let her know or she will blabber on.

“No one…”

Rainie shook my elbow. “Come on, just tell me. I promise I won’t leak out the secret.”

I can’t tell her. Everyone knows Rainie can’t keep secrets. If I tell her, the whole school will know it.

“Really, I’m just thinking of the drama series I’d watched last night. The main actor did something bad to his girlfriend and I think he’s a bastard.” I said that without blinking my eyes.

“Oh.” And Rainie carried on with her work.


[Nobody POV]

It was during the break and Aaron was sitting in the room, completing his work. Guigui had gone for lunch with Rainie. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to find Wangzi smiling at him.

“What do you want?” Aaron asked.

“I just want to let you know what we did yesterday.”

“Guigui told me a crazy guy kicked a gangster’s leg and pulled her into the trouble. Can you leave me alone? Can’t you see I’m trying to do my work?” Aaron was annoyed.

Wangzi smirked. “She didn’t let you know what we did, the both of us.”

Aaron stopped writing and glared at Wangzi.

“We got some… physical touch on our…” He pointed on his lip that had curled up.

“Well, thanks for telling me such a lie.”

Wangzi walked off, whistling.

‘Did they really kiss? No… Wangzi must be lying to me. I knew it! He’s interested in Guigui! But I better ask Guigui.’

Aaron ran out of the room to look for Guigui. He found her sitting at a corner with Rainie and a few classmates. Guigui excused herself and followed Aaron to the school garden.

“Answer me honestly, Guigui. Did you kiss Wangzi yesterday?”

Guigui looked at Aaron. What could she say? “Aaron… I...”



Kodocha2007: I've updated. :)

jess: Haha. Mind adding me in msn? :) Takashimaya Kinokuniya has it right now. But only 6 novels left since 5pm. You got to call to reserve. Bugis Kino doesn't have the stock already. If no more, you got to wait I think. I'm getting mine tomorrow! :D Happy happy.

QuQo^"^Cute*: Thanks :D

♥GuiLun♥: Thanks. :D

azngurl716: Haha. I've been cracking my brain to think of interesting stuff to write, but the next few chapters will be very boring!

kookieez: Hello new reader. Thanks! :)

To someone out there: Please do not come here to comment negative stuff like the fanfic or whatsoever. I will just delete your comment. If you tell me that I have to improve on my language or other things, I will accept it. But not comments like yours. You are not welcome here. Thank you. :)

02 December 2008

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