the confession♥

A Friend's Confession
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"I want to confess."


I immediately looked up at Chanyeol who was sitting right in front of me. We were sitting at the cafeteria, had finished with our lunch. Now, we were just waiting for the bell to ring.


What? Did he just say he wanted to confess?


"C-confess? Do you mean... uh? Like, confessing, to a girl?" I asked, staring at him with an incredulous look.


"Yeah," Chanyeol answered as he smiled sheepishly. He played with the straw of his bubble tea.


"Who's that girl?" I asked him, curiosity suddenly washed over me. I really wished he would answer, "It's you." Duh, I know I shouldn't be delusional, but hoping that my crush would like me back wasn't a sin, right?


Yeah, I secretly had a crush for him, Park Chanyeol.


However, Chanyeol didn't answer my question. He merely smiled at me.


"Help me, Rijin-ah," he said.


I was dazed by his words. Nonetheless, I just nodded. How on earth could I agree to help my crush confessing to a girl?


That's nonsense.




"Rijin? Choi Rijin!"


I snapped out of my reverie when my friend, Hana, waved her hands in front of my face and called out my name. I looked up at her, and I could she her brows creased as she looked at me, as if studying my expression.


"What have you been thinking about?" She asked me with a curious look. She glanced at her wristwatch then said, "You have been like that for like an hour."


"Like what?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.


"Propping your chin and having a blank stare. Why? Something's distracting you?" She asked me, full of concern. I shook my head lightly. "I'm just tired," I said, massaging my temple. I had a little headache since the lunch time, and I had the hunch it was caused by Chanyeol. No, I mean, it wasn't Chanyeol's fault. It was just me who couldn't accept the fact that Chanyeol was going to confess to a girl, so... yeah.


"I'm going to take a nap. I'm sleepy. Wake me up if class is over," I said to Hana, then buried my head on the table. Actually, I wasn't sleepy at all. I was just not in the mood to talk with anyone. I just wanted to set up my messy mind.


I asked myself, how did everything start? I didn't even remember how I started to have a crush on Chanyeol. I didn't know when, I didn't know why, I didn't know how. I just knew that I did.


Chanyeol was my best friend besides Hana, my friend from childhood. I and Chanyeol had been friends for about one year, not really long enough, actually. However, he knew me really well like we had been friends since forever.


Actually, my first impression towards him wasn't really good. I still remembered clearly how our first meeting was...




April 1st 2014


We met on the hallway.


A guy, wearing white-colored soccer attire, was playing with a soccer ball on his hands. He threw it to the air, and then caught it. Threw it, and then caught it. I thought he was an idiot because a soccer ball is supposed to be played by feet, not hands.


I was secretly watching his swift movement, when the soccer ball was thrown too high. It seemed like I was having a bad luck, because the soccer ball suddenly hit my precious head.


"Ouch!" I cried then glared at the guy who had thrown the soccer ball to my head, though I was sure he did it unintentionally. But, still, my head hurt.


He then walked towards me. I expected him to apologize at me. However, instead of apologizing, he picked the ball landed on the floor, then laughed.


What the hell? He laughed!


I was sure he laughed at me because he had his eyes directed to me. After he had picked his soccer ball, he then left, without any words. He didn't even say sorry!


Heck, what a well-mannered man.


School had ended. I was heading towards the School Gate, when suddenly someone shouted my name, stopping my pace.




Oh, I knew that voice. I turned my heels and then saw Chanyeol approaching me. He had his usual idiotic smile plastered on his face. Ugh, I hated to admit it, but even though he looked idiot with that smile, he still looked stunning in my eyes.


What nonsense was I thinking?


He stopped his pace right in front of me. "Let's go home together," he said, grinning widely.


I really wanted to say, "No, I want to go to somewhere else," but I knew right, I could never lie to Chanyeol. He could always read my mind, though I didn't know how he managed to do it.


I also really wanted to say, "I want to be alone," but I bet he would be suspicious.


I snapped from my thought when Chanyeol waved his hands in front of my face. "Yah! What happens with you?" He asked, narrowing his eyebrows. I shook my head lightly. "Nothing. Let's just go home," I said.


I and Chanyeol then walked side by side towards the School Gate. "Yah, don't lie~ I know something's bothering you. What's up?" He asked, as he nudged my arm. See? He could always know if something's bothering me. However, I wouldn't tell him that something was indeed bothering me; of course not.


"Nothing," I replied nonchalantly. Fortunately, he didn't ask any further.


"When will you confess?" I suddenly broke the silence, as we stepped inside the bus. Chanyeol, who was walking behind me, answered. "On White Day."


I gulped. Today was only a week and a day before White Day. He was going to confess that soon?


I sat on the seat at the back, followed by Chanyeol, sitting right beside me.


"Wait, that's Saturday, isn't it?"




"Are you planning to ask her out or something?" I asked.


"Nope. I'm going to confess at school."


"But there's no school at Saturday," I stated.


"No , Sherlock. But there will be an annual White Day event in our school, remember?"


I suddenly remembered that event. I just nodded lightly. If he was going to do it at School, then there was a possibility that I could see him confessing to that girl. No way.


"So what's your plan?" I asked, trying to sound as normal as possible-when actually I could hear a cracking sound inside my chest. Uh, no, actually I was just exaggerating.


"I can't tell you," Chanyeol remarked, his lips formed a playful grin. I rolled my eyes then nudged his arms. "Oh, c'mon, Chanyeol," I whimpered.


"I really can't tell you, Rijin. It's a secret."


"You stingy little brat."


"Who do you call little? Yah, you're as short as gnome, and you call me little?" Chanyeol asked mockingly. I flicked his forehead. "Oh, please, Chanyeol. My height is more than average, as a girl. It's just you that is too tall," I remarked, then blew him a raspberry. He chuckled.


"I know."


I then cleared my throat. The curiosity about the girl whom Chanyeol liked kept bugging me from inside. It took me much willpower to finally open my mouth and asked, "So... how's that girl? I mean, why do you like her?"


A smile suddenly crept onto his lips.


"Well, she..." Chanyeol cleared his throat. "She's a nice girl," he said. Unsatisfied with his answer, I frowned. "That's all?"


"Uh, no, actually," he answered then looked at me, right into my eyes.


"I like her, more than you can imagine," he stated.


Suddenly, I could feel a queasy feeling washed over me. I felt my heart ached.


I quickly averted my eyes to the window, looking at the busy streets outside. I spent the rest of our ride by thinking about how lucky that girl was.


I really envied her.



I lied on my bed, staring at the ceiling. It was already midnight, but I couldn't sleep at all. So, I ended up staring at the ceiling while thinking about Chanyeol, Chanyeol, and Chanyeol.


I also still remembered our second meeting, very clearly.


My mind then drifted to the day when we met for the second time.




April 10th 2014


I was peeping inside the Dance Room through the slightly opened door, only to see my crush, Oh Sehun, practicing. Oh Sehun was a first year student, while I was a second year student.


I was watching him dancing, when suddenly someone tapped my shoulder.


"Yah~ are you a stalker!?" He asked with a rather loud voice.


I hastily straightened up my body and cleared my throat, my head was lowered. Oops, I got caught... My cheeks felt really hot. I was totally embarrassed.


"I'm not a stalker! I was just-"


"Aah, you!" He suddenly exclaimed. I frowned, and then looked up, only to be met with a familiar face in front of me. I widened my eyes and pointed my finger to his face.


"Yah! You're the one who threw a soccer ball to my head!"


He smirked at me, and then cocked his head.


"What are you doing here, Miss?"


He then peeped inside the Dance Room through the slightly opened door. Afterwards, he looked at me again with a contented smile.


"Ah, it's Sehun."


He then knitted his brows. "Do you like Sehun?" He asked bluntly.


I was flabbergasted by his question. Nonetheless, I tried to look as casual as possible so he wouldn't be more suspicious.


"Sorry, Sir, it's none of your business. And, no, I don't like Sehun."


"You're just making the obvious getting more obvious," he stated, then chuckled. "You said it's none of my business, but you still answered the question."


I was totally dumbfounded. He had the point. I made the obvious getting more obvious. Why was I so dumb?


"Listen, I'm not a stalker and I don't like Sehun. Yeah, it's none of your business, but I still let you know the fact, so you won't misunderstand it. And do you know how annoying you were when you threw your soccer ball until it hit my head? You didn't even apologize to me-you laughed at me. And just now, you suddenly appeared out of nowhere, accusing me as a stalker. I'm not a stalker!"


Heck, I was rambling. Why couldn't my mouth act properly?


His lips were slightly ajar as he listened to my rambling (well, I wasn't even sure he listened to it because I was talking really fast and I guess he barely caught my words).


He stifled a laugh, and then looked at me with an amused look.


"Whoa, how can you talk so fast?"


"It's just because you really irk me off!" I cried.


I stomped my feet then stormed to the hallway, leaving that weird guy behind. Why was he acting so annoying?


Ah, anyway, who's his name?




Time flies really fast. It was Friday already; one day before White Day, one day before Chanyeol's confession.


I and Chanyeol were walking to the Chocolate Store near our School. Chanyeol said he wanted to buy a chocolate for 'that girl', and he asked me to accompany him. I agreed, even though I was so fed up with the thought of that confession. Well, I couldn't reject his ask because he was my friend after all. He needed my help, and I should help him-even though I couldn't deny the fact that I actually didn't want to help him.


"What do you think I should say to her?" Chanyeol asked me.


I wanted to answer, "You shouldn't say anything to her. Just forget about that girl and look at me," but I wasn't crazy enough to did that.


Anyway, if she was the one that Chanyeol chose, then I should try to respect his decision-even though it was hard. Ugh.


I put my hands inside my blazer's pockets. "Uh, just tell her that you love her, and ask her to be your girlfriend."


"That's all?" He asked.


"As long as you say it sincerely, it doesn't matter whether the words are long or not. You don't need a long and beautiful speech; all that you need is just sincerity. Just simple and sincere words are enough."


There was a pregnant pause before he nodded and mumbled quietly. "I see."


"Now, tell me who that girl is," I said with a rather demanding tone. He chuckled and looked at me. "Why are you so curious?"


"Of course because you're my friend!"


No, idiot. It's because I like you. Ugh. I was starting to think nonsense again. Maybe my brain was damaged because of the soccer ball accident. It was Chanyeol's fault, I guess.


"Right, you're my friend," he said, smiling.


"Tell meee~ tell me, tell me, tell meee!" I whimpered, and ended up singing the song Tell Me sung by Wonder Girls. Blame my stupidity.


Chanyeol chuckled again, and I could see him blushing. Wait, Chanyeol was blushing? Uh, he must really like that girl.


"It was..." He said, then stopped mid-sentence. I knew he did it purposely, just to make me grow even more curious.


"It was..." He said again with a playful tone.


"Oh, c'mon! Just tell me who-"


"Her name is Jinri."


There. Finally, he said it. He said her name.


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Chapter 1: reread.
ah this is so sweet
Ramasu #2
Chapter 1: This is really cute i like it
AeriTaengoo #3
Chapter 1: What the huhuhuhuhu so full of fluffiness in the end wae wae wae
FanOfDyo #4
Chapter 1: Cute cute cute cute kyaaaa~~~~~
eternityexo #6
Chapter 1: I am in love with the ending. It's such a cute story. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Lyciaange #8
Chapter 1: Woow!!!!! It's very very very a sweet fic ♥♥♥♥♥ *claps hands happily* *^O^*
Chapter 1: so frustratingly sweet ♡
Chapter 1: 찰했어요 authornim! Good job! It's very cute and sweet kkk