
Five Sentences of Love
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•Limping (ryeonggu09)

Yesung smirked to himself as he watched Ryeowook limping around the stage; a worried Kyuhyun behind him, oftenly offering his hand to the eternal maknae—to which Ryeowook would just respond with a deathly glare. It seemed like the two had too much fun last night, hence prompting Yesung's curiosity to spike up a notch as he asked Kyuhyun how last night had been once the smallest man of the group was out of sight.


"Oh, that... Ryeowook kept on writhing underneath me last night. I guess I had been to hard and rough on him. Now he's angry at me..."


And Yesung just laughed out loud with a blush as he patted Kyuhyun on the shoulder, whistling at how 'dominant' the evil maknae was, before he left the other; completely missing out on Kyuhyun's confused expression.


Ryeowook and Kyuhyun were just wrestling around for the remote control last night; what was Yesung talking about?


•Hug (shinee8, ryerye1)

Ryeowook loved warm hugs and cuddles—those made him sleepy and he loved to sleep.


Kyuhyun loved Ryeowook—the man would always make his heart beat faster and he loved hearing his heart beat loudly only for one man.


That was why, when Kyuhyun found Ryeowook swaying on his feet due to too much schedule and too less of rest, he immediately tugged and covered the older man with his strong and protective arms and towards his chest.


They were both doing each other a favor--after all, Ryeowook loved hugs and Kyuhyun loved Ryeowook.


But maybe this time, Kyuhyun could learn how to love warm hugs and cuddles and Ryeowook could learn how to love Kyuhyun too.


•Kiss (shinee8, ryerye1)

Kyuhyun was a heavy sleeper—Ryeowook would always be grateful for that fact.


The smaller man giggled to himself as he snuggled under the covers of Kyuhyun's bed; careful not to jostle the sleeping man in his slumber. And once he managed to fit his body between Kyuhyun's and the covers after some wiggling here and there, he then lowered his head near to the other's; his lips close to Kyuhyun's slightly parted ones.


Secret good morning kisses wouldn't hurt; after all, Ryeowook always did this every morning and Kyuhyun didn't have any idea because he was deep into sleep.


And Ryeowook just screamed in great surprise when Kyuhyun suddenly sat up and claimed his lips with a lazy smirk.


•Wink (shinee8)

Kyuhyun is worried for the fans—they are losing too much blood now and he's afraid that they'll have a multitude of fainted girls (and some boys too) at their concert.


The taller man gazes at the eternal maknae in front of him through the camera screen; wondering why Ryeowook has the habit of winking towards the fans and for the camera. He doesn't understand why Ryeowook can't see that his wink is too y, why Ryeowook can't see that his wink is making the fans faint due to too much fangasm.


Kyuhyun doesn''t understand why Ryeowook will just giggle when asked about his habit; he doesn't understand why the eternal maknae will just continue in making the fans feel dizzy with that flirty wink of his.


Most of all, Kyuhyun doesn't understand why he's getting dizzy; he doesn't understand why he feels like he's losing blood and is about to faint the more he stares at Ryeowook's winks.


•Song (shinee8)

The soft sound of humming mixed with gentle words wafts throughout the room as two figures cuddle with each other; the taller man cradling the smiling elder in his arms as he continues with his peaceful singing—If we can look at each other and love ea

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ryena87 #1
Chapter 8: Aww happy birthday dear.. Have a blast birthday ^^
And thanks for your hardworks kkk~

Have you write 'flower' before? May you write it?
Thankyou :*
Hanzo242 #2
Chapter 8: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Thank you for blessing the kyuwook community with your awesome works!! After knowing you are of legal age, I suddenly feel too young to be hre o.O

Anyways, I really liked Dance cos it was so sweet yet emotional. I liked the twist Ryeowook's disability added into their relationship. Poetry was funny too! Here are some prompts to inspire you: Seasons, Sleepless and Salt XD

Once again happy b'day :))) Hope ur bday is full of love, fun and all things good!
Chapter 8: HAPPY BIRTHDAY Chingu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope your day was spent surrounded with loved ones and good food!!! :D

As usual, your writing is fantastic! Poetry made me laugh out loud several times and Dance
was beautiful!
PS: "(Update: Kyuhyun helped me carry my books and notebooks; i need to ask him soon how many child he wants.)"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHa I love your lines so so so much....
Chapter 8: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! And welcome to the adult world...which isn't always as exciting as it sounds, trust me. I am totally missing KyuWook fics and drabbles, so I would be more than happy to throw some new words at you, but first let me thank you for writing drabbles for the others that I gave you. I loved them all, but I think I liked 'Midnight' best because of the romance/vulnerability. I also loved 'Dance' because it had a totally different dynamic to it with Ryeowook's disability and Kyuhyun urging him to step outside his comfort zone. And 'Devil' was just funny/naughty (but trust me, no one can be as evil as President Trump). The other one in the group that I really liked was 'Poetry' because it was funny.

Now for my new prompt words: piano, blush, rain...and wolf. =) I would be thrilled if you'd write a wolfau drabble. I dare you! (Only five sentences, you can totally swing it!) Thank you so much for updating!
Chapter 8: it's because you deserve the best as well :) yes!!!! you're finally legal hahaha xDDDD
and omg you updated this :0
I loved 'Dance' the most <3

I would request 'cosmic', 'terminal' and 'eternal sunshine' (yes, I have no shame, sorry :p)
lolapatola #6
Chapter 7: Bottle and shirt are so heartwarming and they are so complimentary of each other! You really have great ideas authornim!
And chemistry lol at that *two chapters ago kkkk. Love magic too a lot!
lolapatola #7
Chapter 6: Kyuhyun is so erted in that banana prompt and i like it lol you should make more drabbles like that hehe And i really like strawberry frish here its so cute! Thanms for the story authornim!
Chapter 7: Aww, thank you for updating, I'm liking all of these! The first ones until Blink were so sweet and cute, especially Notebook since I heard Ryeowook really did that with Kyuhyun's present kkk~ Then Blink made me so sad for both of them (ChoKyu you dumbdumb! >,<) and last... Both Sorcery and Magic are so funny XD Wait, does this mean that Kyuwook are a girl couple now? O.0 their hyungs are going to have a blast kkkk~

I would request "One", "Blonde" and "Poetry". Do what you want with them~ ^^
ying9202 #9
Chapter 7: *die from fluff and cuteness overload*
lol i like the last one

*And when Kyuhyun wakes up in the morning with a still-sleeping Ryeowook on top of him, he suddenly screams in great surprise because holy hell when did I have long hair and curves and holy are those s suddenly appearing on my chest?!*