Chapter 1


Grey fog swirls through the sky as he blows hot air onto freezing cold hands, rubbing them together vigorously in a desperate attempt to create enough friction so that they’d warm up a bit more, before quickly shoving them into his coat pockets and letting out a shaky sigh. He breathes deep, in and out, in and out, inhaling frosty air and exhaling more foggy breath.


The streets were surprisingly less crowded than he would’ve thought, almost empty in comparison to the usual bustling Seoul sidewalks. Illuminated by warm yellow street lights that reflected off of puddles on the ground, he took small, quick steps to get back to the pleasant warmth of his blankets and heater in his now-too-big apartment that was initially for two.


Frowning at the thought, he quickly slipped on his headphones to make the rest of his walk home less boring, letting his thoughts be taken over by smooth beats and heavy bass drum, rapping under his breathe to the lyrics of the song. Glancing at an eye-catching display through a facial products store his stroll slowly came to a stop as he stared at the pretty face on the large poster. He squints, trying to make sure that it really was him.


Kim Seokjin.


He was the same, of course he was. They’d only broken up 3 months ago, which wasn’t really a lot of time to change, in his opinion. Jin still had the same cute nose, the same pink, plump lips, the same clear, pale skin, the same fluffy brown hair. Kim Seokjin still had the same pretty face that he had 3 months ago, and Namjoon found his heart hurting the same way it had 3 months ago as well.


Snapping his head back to the front, he set off on a fast pace again. But store after store, building after building, he saw the same pretty face and fluffy hair that he still loved. He could imagine the sounds of his laughs, how they still sounded perfect no matter how squeaky they were, and how his broad shoulders always shook in absolute joy, a cute crooked- hand making it’s way up to cover pretty stretched lips and straight white teeth.


Pathetic, a little voice in his head told him. 3 months later and you still can’t get over him.


Yeah, it was pretty pathetic, now that he thought about it.


He thought back to the time when they broke up, Jin complaining about how he always spent too much time at the studio and not enough with his boyfriend of 3 years, and how Namjoon just snapped and it turned into a full-blown argument. One that ended with Jin grabbing all of his things and slamming the front door shut, the sleeve of his sweater rubbing furiously at his eyes and shoulders trembling with sobs as Namjoon didn’t do anything to stop him, standing by as he watched his now model ex-boyfriend leave.


And then he thought about how they met, back when they were young and not dating yet in the sweltering summer of Namjoon and Jin’s last year of highschool. Namjoon had been bumped up a year, being exceptionally intelligent, and Jin had been held back as he spent too much time away from school to take care of his sickly mother.


Jin was just as beautiful back then, his features younger and rounder, less mature but still beautiful, his hair dyed a deep maroon, shoulders just a bit more narrow. He was shyer, too, feet drawn in a pigeon-toed position as his fingers fumbled with the uniform buttons.


Namjoon swears as rain starts to pour heavily from the sky, pulling him back to reality.


“,” he curses under his breathe, hands flying out of his pockets to clutch at his coat and try to pull it closer to himself, small steps slowly turning into long strides as he rushes back to his apartment, head looking down as to not to get his face too wet, but soon the heavy rain drenches him anyways, and he shivers in his boots as he picks up the pace, rain getting into his eyes and obscuring his vision.


He collides with another body, stumbling as he looks up to quickly apologise.


“God, sorry-”


His breath hitches and his eyes widen as he looks up to face Kim Seokjin once again and god those cameras didn’t do him any justice, his completely dry and fluffy light brown hair a big contrast against Namjoon’s wetted down pink hair, and Namjoon tried to get a good look at him through wet eyelashes and a constant assault of rain.


“Jin,” he breathed, a hand pushing back his hair as he stared in awe at the pretty man.


Jin blinked. “Namjoon.”


It was silent again after that, but none of them made any move to leave.


Jin looked up at his hair. “You’re hair’s still pink,” he commented, averting his eyes to a nearby streetlamp, fingers fidgeting with the sleeve of his grey turtleneck.


The drenched man coughed awkwardly. “Yeah,” he replied, and he looked up at the sky as the rain stopped abruptly. “I haven’t had time to dye it.”


“Oh, you wanted to dye it back?” Jin questioned, eyes snapping back to Namjoon’s hair, “I thought it looked good.”


Namjoon swallowed. “Yeah,” he replied again stupidly, and coughed to cover it up. “A lot of people did.” He lifted up an arm, a soggy sleeve dragging down, dripping at the end. His shirt clung uncomfortably to his skin, and his legs were kind of itchy now. “I - uh, have to go. I’m kind of drenched right now, so…” He moved to leave, taking small, awkward steps around the handsome man.


A loud “wait!” stopped Namjoon in his tracks, and he looked back at the broad-shouldered man whose face was red, a hand covering his mouth in embarrassment. “Um, I mean, my apartment is closer, in case your hair wasn’t the only thing that changed. You can come over maybe. To borrow a towel.” and then his face went even redder. “You don’t have to, though, I know it may seem a bit weird and awkward-”


Namjoon smiled cutting Jin off. “Yeah, no, I’d love that a lot.”


Jin’s worried face slowly etched into a coy smile, and Namjoon was 100% sure that he’d seen nothing prettier than him, pink lips and gentle blush, eyes brighter than the gentle glow of the street lamps. He twirled the pink umbrella above him.


“Let’s go, then.”

thanks for reading!!
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Cilla_04 #1
Chapter 1: Omg this is so beautiful!!
11 streak #2
Chapter 1: Waaaaa~ This was an awesome read, mah Namjin feels tho
BubbleSnake #3
Chapter 1: It's beautiful.... Hey, can I translate it in French ? Please !!!!
Kimbapheaven #4
Chapter 1: