Closer You and I

Fallen Dreams and Broken Bonds(A Three Sided Love Story)

A few days after the events of last chapter.

Saturday Morning

Dylan wakes up due to his alarm.It was 8 AM,perfect time to wake up on a sunny Saturday morning.He had plans to go out with Moonbyul fro the weekend.
He was so energetic and excited,It was the first time this happened to him,there was never a time where he was this excited on a Saturday morning.
Dylan went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"You seem happy today?Did something happen?"Dylan's mom said while serving breakfast.

"Oh,I'm just going out with a friend."Dylan said then had a sip of hot choco.

"My,my,By any chance this friend of yours is a girl?"Dylan's mom asked.

"Uhhmm..Yes..Why?"Dylan said hesitantly.

"Gosh,My child growing so fast,Don't take it too far ok?"Dylan's mom said..

"M-M-Mom!It's nothing like that!We're just friends!"Dylan exclaimed.

"Ohhh,Come on,Don't be shy.."Dylan's mom kept on teasing him.

"Stop mom.I'm telling you,it's nothing like that."Dylan explained.

"Ok,Ok..Eat up,You have a day ahead of you.."Dylan's mom said.

"Oh and Mom,We're gonna use the House at Hakone mountain,we'll be staying there for the night."Dylan said.

"Yeah sure."Dylan's mom agreed.

Dylan ate his breakfast.Then he went upstairs to take a bath and got ready to go out.He wore a Polo shirt,Denim Jeans and a pair of sneakers.
He wore his special perfume which he only uses on special events.He went downstairs and said Goodbye to his mom since his dad was out for a 
business meeting.As he got out of the house,he met Yoona.

"Morning Yoona,what brings you here?"Dylan said.

"Uhh,Morning,I just want to tell you I got free tickets to the Akihabara Aquarium,So I thought you might want to come."Yoona asked Dylan.

"Thanks but  already had plans today,I'm going out with Moonbyul,Sorry maybe some other time."Dylan explained.

"Oh,ok..Well have a good day then."Yoona said trying to sound happy but deep inside she's hurting so much.

Dylan went off and texted Moonbyul.

"Hey,I'm off to the station,see you there"Dylan texted.

"I'm on my way to the station too,See you there!"Moonbyul replied.

Dylan continued to walk towards the station for about 10 minutes until he reached it.There,he saw Moonbyul waiting for him.Moonbyul was wearing a pink
dress and a blue hair-band.She was looking as beautiful as ever.Dylan waved at Moonbyul and ran towards her.

"Hey,What's up!Have you been waiting?"Dylan asked.

"No,No,I just got here too."Moonbyul said.

"Oh Great.Now shall we ride the train,the earlier the better."Dylan said.

"Yeah,Let's go."Moonbyul responded.

They went to the platform and waited for the train to come.When the train came,they went inside and find a cabin(You know those trains with
rooms in it,Yes,that's what they're riding.)There weren't a lot of people.

"Where are we going again?"Moonbyul asked

"To Hakone Mountains,my family has a vacation house there,so we'll spend a night there so we can watch the Stars and also the Auroras tonight."Dylan

"Oh,Ok...That's why you told me to bring extra clothes.Well this should be fun,Can't wait to see the night sky."Moonbyul exclaimed.

"It'll take about 4 hours before we get there so it'll be a long trip."Dylan said.

"That should be fine by me and also this cabin is spacious,it's like a mini room,like look,there's a table,a tv,a fridge,a double bed and a 
freakin toilet.."Moonbyul said.

"Well this is a VIP room,what do you expect."Dylan said.

"This is expensive as hell,you're rich aren't you"..Moonbyul said.

"Well not that rich to be honest,my dad just have a lot of business friends so we get a lot of discounts.."Dylan said.

They both settled in the room and watched TV..After a while Dylan went to the top bed to sleep.Moonbyul also slept at the bottom bed.

1 and a half hour passed,Dylan woke up,he looked at the bottom bed to see Moonbyul sleeping,but what caught his eye was Moonbyul's dress was 
climbing it's way up her body,only a few centimeters away before her will be seen.Dylan looked away immediately.

"DYLAN!DON'T THINK ABOUT ANYTHING INDECENT,BE A MAN,BE A FREAKIN MAN!"Dylan said in his mind.He then went back to sleep.

30 minutes later Moonbyul woke up.He climed unto top bed to see Dylan was still sleeping.Something came into Moonbyul's mind,she grabbed a feather
from her pillow and tickled Dylan's nose.Dylan slapped himseld accidentally and Moonbyul laughed so hard.Dylan was now awake.

"If you just saw your face.."Moonbyul said while laughing so hard

"Uhh,My face hurts.."Dylan said while massaging his face..

"Wakey Wakey!Well still an hour before we get there but hey,No time to waste,Lets watch TV."Moonbyul said.

"Ok,Ok.."Dylan said while climbing down the top bed.

They watched TV and Talked to each other to kill time.After a while,they've finally reached Hakone Mountain..

"We're here..But first let's go to the nearby  market to buy some supplies since we're staying here for a day."Dylan said.

"Yeah sure..Let's go!"Moonbyul said while grabbing Dylan's hand.

They walked towards the market then they bought some supplies and ingredients to last for a day.

"Hey Dylan look at me.."Moonbyul said while holding 2 carrots on her head.

"You look like a Devil!"Dylan exclaimed and laughed at Moonbyul's face.

"I know right!"..Moonbyul said,

"A beautiful devil.."Dylan whispered in the air..

"What did you say?"Moonbyul asked...

"Oh nothing....nothing.."Dylan said..

"Come on,let's go to the house,it's not very far away from here."Dylan said..

They both hiked for a short while then they reached a Villa which was the Vacation House.

"We're here.!"Dylan said.

"Wow,It's not so big but it looks great."Moonbyul said.

"Let's go inside."Dylan said.

They went inside and Moonbyul was surprised on how beautiful the interior of the house was.The furnitures was also great.Dylan went to the kitchen
to prepare lunch for the both of them.Dylan was surprisingly a good cook.He made Curry for the both of them..

"Here,eat up..It's my special Curry.."Dylan said..

"Wow,I didn't know you know how to cook.."Moonbyul said..

"Why does everyone say that..Doesn't mean I'm a boy doesn't mean I can't cook.."Dylan said.

"Ok..I'll have a taste.."Moonbyul said while eating a spoonful..

"So how is it?"Dylan asked..

"MMMM!It's so good!"Moonbyul said..

"Really!?"Dylan said..

"Yep!"Moonbyul said.

The both of them continued to eat..After that they washed the dishes and chilled at the living room.

Meanwhile...Yoona is at her room crying..

"Why?Why was I too slow?M-m-maybe if I-I told him earlier,Maybe I had chance that He might fall in love with me."Yoona said while crying..

A few hours later.Dinner time,Dylan was cooking chicken tonkatsu for him and Moonbyul.They ate dinner and after that they cleaned the kitchen.
Then they decided to take a bath at the hotspring at Dylan's backyard.There were 2 hotsprings,1 for the male and the other for the female,Both of
those were just beside each other and was split by a wooden fence.They went  to the bath and started talking to each other.

"Hey Moonbyul,we've just met for a couple of days so why'd you become close to me so fast.?"Dylan asked..

"Hmmm..I don't know,Maybe because of my intuition,It tells me that you're a really nice person..So yeah that's it.."Moonbyul said..

"Intuition huh..Well if it's a woman's intuition it shouldn't be underestimated,That's what I heard."Dylan said..

"Hell yeah,Our intuition is on point most of the time."Moonbyul said..

"Right..Oh The Auroras are here.."Dylan said..

"Wow!It's beautiful.."Moonbyul said..

The two of them kept on talking while looking at the Sky.After that,they went to bed and slept for the night.The next day,they went back home 
cause the weekend was almost at the end.They departed ways when they reached the Station at their city.That night,Dylan couldn't stop thinking
of Moonbyul,He looked at the picture on his phone,He thought of all the memories they shared during their short friendship.

End of Chapter 2

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