Chapter 1

afternoon nap time

i wrote this bc jimin is an angel even while he sleeps




Jungkook’s face was flushed deep red, down to his neck and he felt the need to fan his face when it got just a bit too hot. He stared at his small, sleeping hyung, lips puffy and chubby cheeks just asking to be pinched and he almost squealed at the adorable sight, butterflies fluttering in his chest at every glance he took at the adorable face.


Jimin was silent as he slept, cuddled on top of Jungkook, face nestled into his chest and arms wrapped around his waist. One of Jungkook’s own arms was draped protectively across his back, pulling the warmth closer despite how he was already burning inside. It was like holding a baby, Jungkook figured, the same warm feeling that you get when holding Jimin. Except you couldn’t kiss babies as much (or cop a feel) without consequences, so he was glad that he had a Jimin and not a baby. He didn’t even really like kids, to be honest, no matter how much his hyungs told him that he was one.


Jimin’s cap was askew from atop his head, so the maknae plucked it off and set it beside the couch and onto the armrest behind him, running a hand through his hyung’s brown locks. Jimin stirred, mumbling just a bit and Jungkook froze, not wanting to have woken up his hyung.


“Jungkookie?” his sleepy boyfriend (he still got giddy over that, about calling Jimin his boyfriend) questioned, voice slurred with tiredness as he rubbed a hand across weary eyes. He pulled his head up from the younger boy’s chest and blinked at him, eyes squinting as he tried to adjust his vision. “What is it?”


The maknae bit his lip to prevent himself from squealing at his cute, adorable boyfriend, and instead leaned forward to press a kiss against the smaller boy’s forehead, brushing away soft bangs again and softly pushing his head back down onto his chest. “Nothing, hyung. Go back to sleep.”


Nodding sleepily, Jimin yawned cutely and nuzzled his face back into Jungkook’s chest, humming in contentment. “M’kay,” he quickly replied, already slowly drifting back to sleep with the help of Jungkook’s warmth. “I love you.”


The younger smiled softly, loving the way his hyung was just the perfect size, how he could wrap his arms around him and it’d just fit so right, like he was made to be in his arms, cuddling him and napping on a nice afternoon, a perfect break from all the busy idol schedules and training. “I love you too, hyung.”


Jungkook yawned, kissing the top of Jimin’s head one more before getting even more comfortable and slipping his eyes shut, slowly falling asleep to the soothing sound of Jimin’s breathing, to the soft tickle of his hair against his neck and to the warm, fluttery feeling in his stomach.




thanks for reading! sorry it's so short i, i could've made it longer but i wanted to write this. i might write a longer version, however.

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Chapter 1: My mom asked me if im going insane smilling widely at my phone screen...ahaha..these fic really too much fluffinesssss...sooo cute i told ya (´ ▽`).。o♡
Chapter 1: I just died a sec ago
I loveeeeee story with 100% cuteness and fluffness. I swear too much sweetness here ㅋㅋㅋ
lonerforever #3
Chapter 1: OMG I can get diabetes from this <3
raebmonster #4
Chapter 1: OMG THIS IS JUST PURE TEETH-ROTTING FLUFF <3 i'm so jealous huhu i can never write super fluffy cute sweet fluff ㅠㅠ
Chapter 1: This is pure fluff and adorableness and sweetness! Love this! Thanks you~~
minahbaby #6
Chapter 1: This is too cute and so well written omg ^^
luvarin #7
Chapter 1: Aww.. can i hope for a longer version tho.. so cute!! :)