
The Moment

- - TheMoment






Baekhyun’s not feeling so good.


He hadn’t been for the past few days. He head migraine all the time and feel like puking everything as soon as he wakes up. He doesn’t want to admit it but he knows he’s also losing weight. The trousers he perfectly wore a month ago were now pooling loosely on his hips.


He sighs as he washes his mouth after vomiting everything he had last night, which was nothing.


He hates to admit it, he’s not only feeling the physical pain, but his heart hurts too. And it’s all because of his boyfriend, Park Chanyeol.


He and Chanyeol had been together for 5 years, 5 wonderful years if he could say it. They were highschool sweetheart turned lovers and Baekhyun loves the other deeply.


He can’t do anything without Chanyeol and so does the other male.


At least that’s what he thinks.


Because lately Chanyeol had been going out with his friends more than he had been with Baekhyun. He still does all the sweet gestures but he talks lesser now. He leaves the house earlier and came home late. They see each other lesser now and during the weekend when they weren’t working, Chanyeol was out with his friends.


Baekhyun doesn’t want to control Chanyeol’s life, he knows Chanyeol’s free to go out with whoever he wants, and he has trust in Chanyeol. He knows Chanyeol won’t disappoint him. Right?


He looks at his reflection on the mirror before washing his face. He’s feeling extra tired today it’s only in the morning. He’s starting to loose appetite but still his vomiting won’t stop. He went to the doctor a couple of days ago and was sure he didn’t have any food poisoning. Base on the doctor, he was perfectly fine.


He went out of the wash room and changes his clothes. Chanyeol was long gone. He hates is but he’s starting to grow accustomed to Chanyeol missing in the early morning. He doesn’t want to be accustomed to it. He miss waking up next to his lover, he miss hearing Chanyeol’s raspy voice as soon as he wakes up.


He decided to go for another doctor today. Maybe they’ll give better medicine because the medicine he received wasn’t working, in fact he felt worse. His migraine usually lessens after some times but today it doesn’t seem like it’s going to go away soon.


He had tried calling for Chanyeol but he was probably busy or he didn’t hear his phone. He’s out with his friend again.


Baekhyun was wobbling his way towards the door and was about to open the door when it suddenly opens. He wants to look at the person but his vision starts to blur and suddenly darkness comes to him.


Chanyeol was excited. He had been planning for this to be perfect. He knows that he’s been neglecting Baekhyun but he promise he’ll make it up as soon as Baekhyun says “Yes”.


Baekhyun was everything that he ever wanted and he wants to seal their relationship. He wants Baekhyun to be with him forever, not that Baekhyun will leave him, he knows this fact, and he just wants to be the legal spouse of the other male.


He had been busy arranging all the preparation from the proposal to the bug day. For he knows it’s going to happen as soon as Baekhyun accepts him.


In fact, this whole idea was Baekhyun’s. The smaller male had told Chanyeol of how he wants his proposal scenario to happen and he wants his wedding to happen one week after the proposal because he knows he and Chanyeol are soulmates.


Chanyeol smiles remembering those words, he won’t deny it. They are soulmates. Baekhyun was his. And he was Baekhyun’s.


It was a Saturday and it’s been two weeks since he left Baekhyun earlier in the morning because of his surprise. It wasn’t easy for him to leave the smaller male every morning, he just wants to keep holding Baekhyun close to him but he knows Baekhyun will be happy as soon as he sees his surprise.


Today however he had been feeling restless. As soon as he woke up, he find Baekhyun snuggling closer towards him but there’s something he can’t put on when he looks at the smaller male’s face. He almost wants to cancel his plan for today but he can’t, today’s the day. Today is the day he’s going to go down on one knee and say the magic word. Today’s the day he’s going to make Baekhyun officially his.


With a kiss on the smaller male’s forehead, he quietly made his way off the bed and prepare for the day to come. It was still too early, only 6 in the morning, but his plan will start at 9, when he knows Baekhyun had already woke up.


It’s 8:30 and the restless feeling still won’t go away. He was about to leave and return to their shared apartment but Kyungsoo had stop him, saying that he’s the one who’s supposed to go and get Baekhyun. And telling Chanyeol to stick with the plan.


The taller male reluctantly nodded his head. He was excited, nervous, but for whatever reason he doesn’t know why, he’s worried. For what? He doesn’t know.


Kyungsoo was smiling all the way towards Chanyeol’s and Baekhyun’s apartment. He was happy for the both of them. He had known Chanyeol and Baekhyun since they were in their high school and truthfully speaking, Kyungsoo saw this coming. He knows one day Chanyeol’s going to take his best friend away from him.


He chuckled, he had taken Baekhyun away from Kyungsoo on the first day they met. He and Baekhyun was childhood friend. They knows each other too well and Kyungsoo know that Baekhyun had fallen in love with Chanyeol that one time when Chanyeol helped him to get the book from the tallest shelf in the school library.


The book that Baekhyun still kept with him. Though he had to pay for it because the book belongs to the library but Baekhyun being Baekhyun, decides to steal it because it had sentimental values to him.


He went out of the car after parking and made his way to the all too familiar apartment. He was so thrilled. Baekhyun’s happiness was his happiness and finally Baekhyun’s going to know what he feels when Jongin proposed to him two years ago.


Baekhyun was there at all time during the preparation of his wedding and now he’s going to do the same to him. He can already imagine Baekhyun blinding smile, and he knows Chanyeol’s going to keep that smile on his best friend’s face.


He was already in front of the door and took out the house key given by Chanyeol earlier. He struggles with the key for a few second before successfully opening the door.


He saw Baekhyun and was about to greet him when the male suddenly collapse on the floor. His head falling down hard onto the cemented floor.


Kyungsoo widen hi eyes before screaming Baekhyun’s name, going towards the other male.


“Baekhyun–ah, Baek? Come on, wake up!” He said, tapping on his cheeks softly. He was panicking, Baekhyun doesn’t look good.


In fact he looks like he just ate a huge pile of spoilt cheese. He put touch Baekhyun’s head and went even more panicked when he felt something wet on the other’s head.


He raises his and gasps. It was blood.


He pulled out his phone and quickly called for Chanyeol but was not answered. He called for his husband instead for he knows Jongin was with Chanyeol.


“Hye baby, you on your way?”


“Jonginnie, c–come here please.” He said between his tears.


“Baby what’s wrong?” He could hear the worry in his husband’s voice, then some rustling and Chanyeol’s voice at the back asking what’s wrong.


“B–Baekhyun, he–he collapse. H–help me.” His tears were coming down like waterfall. He doesn’t want to think negatively but he can’t help it, looking at Baekhyun’s state right now just makes him vulnerable.


“Okay baby, stop crying okay? We’re coming.” He heard Jongin said, he nodded his head and hung up.


“Baek, please wake up. Please.” He pleaded, kissing the other male’s forehead.


“What’s wrong?” Chanyeol asked as soon as Jongin hung up.


“We gotta go Yeol, Baekhyun, he collapsed.” Jongin said.


“What?!” Both male quickly made their way towards Chanyeol’s car and left the venue. As soon as they get in Chanyeol took out his phone form the compartment and cursed.


“! He called me! And I left my phone here! Damn!”


“Calm down Yeol, it’s going to be alright.” Jongin said trying to ease Chanyeol’s worries. Chanyeol was driving in a crazy phase and it scared Jongin a bit. “Yeol, seriously, don’t drive too fast! You can’t risk anything happing to you too.” He said again.


“Damn it! I should’ve answered my phone, I shouldn’t have left it Jong! God Baek, please be okay.” Chanyeol was already holding in his tears but he knows he can’t. He hopes Baekhyun is okay. He need Baekhyun to be okay, Baekhyun’s about to walk down the aisle and he’s supposed to be smiling right now.


With Chanyeol driving, it wasn’t long before they arrive towards Chanyeol and Baekhyun’s apartment. They could hear Kyungsoo cries from hallway as soon as they get off the elevators and Chanyeol made a run to it.


“Baek!” He shouted when he came into the view of Baekhyun lying unconscious and Kyungsoo holding him delicately but tightly, crying.


“Chanyeol–ah..” Kyungsoo whispered. Jongin quickly pulled the smaller male into his embrace, kissing his temple, trying to ease him. Chanyeol kneeled down and take Baekhyun into his arm.


“Baek? Baby? Wake up please.” He said then notices the blood on the floor.


“We need to go to the hospital now.” Jongin said when he also notices the blood on the floor and also on his husbands’ hand and shirt. Kyungsoo still crying in his chest.


Chanyeol was quick to pick the unconscious body and soon they were back at Chanyeol’s car with Jongin driving and Kyungsoo beside him. Chanyeol holding onto Baekhyun and whispering words in hope to wake him up.


30 minutes later they were already outside of the emergency room. Baekhyun was wheeled in to the emergency once they get into the hospital and they still didn’t know what happened to Baekhyun.


“He was fine before.” Chanyeol keep on mumbling. Kyungsoo was holding onto Jongin tightly while Jongin was keeping him in his embrace, running his fingers on Kyungsoo’s soft hair and kissing his temple from time to time.


“He’s going to be fine Yeol.” Jongin said. Chanyeol had been mumbling all these times and it worries him. Chanyeol was a mess and so was his little husband.


“I should’ve notice when he wasn’t okay, but I didn’t. I was too busy with–with this! ! How am I supposed to marry him when I can’t even take care of him?! I–I. . .God Jongin! Why?” He hadn’t spent time with his lover in two weeks but he thought that Baekhyun was alright. He looks fine and there’s nothing wrong with him.


But then again, he hadn’t spent time with Baekhyun for 2 weeks, he hadn’t had any real conversation with Baekhyun for 2 weeks, afraid that he’ll spill his surprise and he doesn’t want that to happen.


“Stop it Yeol, don’t think like that. Baekhyun need to right now, so you need to stay strong. Please Yeol, don’t do this. He needs you.” Jongin said putting his free hand on Chanyeol’s shoulder. Squeezing it to give him so encouragement with Kyungsoo had already fallen asleep in his arms.


Another hour went by and the light to the emergency room went out. Chanyeol was quick on his feet as soon as the doctor went out.


“Doctor, how’s Baekhyun?” He asked.


“And you are?”


“I’m his lover.” He replied. The doctor nodded and took off the glove and the face mask.


“We found something on his stomach,” the doctor begins and Chanyeol was listening attentively. Jongin and Kyungsoo was also standing up listening to the doctor. “It was a small lump but we’ve successfully remove it.”


Chanyeol who was holding his breath let out a loud sigh. “Thank God!”


“But he had a mild concussion from the hit on his head. He’s stable now but we don’t know when he’s going to wake up.” Almost as soon as he’s relief Chanyeol was once again taken down byt the statement.


“Ar–are you saying he’s in a coma right now?” He asked and the doctor nodded his head.


“Can we see him right now?” Jongin asked when he knows that Chanyeol and Kyungsoo won’t be able to say anything after hearing the news.


“Yes, he’s been transferred to the ward and you can ask the nurse his room number.” The doctor reply and Jongin thank him before the doctor left.


“Yeol, come on.” Jongin said dragging the male and his husband towards the nurse’s counter to ask for Baekhyun’s room number.


“Hey Baek.” Chanyeol said as soon as he gets inside the room and putting down the flower, replacing the old ones before taking a seat beside the bed.


“Sorry I’m late today.” He said taking Baekhyun’s hand into his and kissing the palm of it. “I went to get you flowers, the one here’s not so fresh anymore.” He added, taking a few strand of hairs on Baekhyun’s forehead.


“Did Kyungsoo treat you well today? He misses you so much you know.” He sigh. “I miss you so much Baek, please wake up already.” A single tear made its way down his cheek. “I know it’s only been a week but I really do miss you baby, so, please. Please wake up now. I– The house seems empty now that you’re not there.”


Baekhyun hadn’t wake up for a week. The hit on his head was harder than they expected it to be but the doctors said that he’s going to wake up eventually, they just don’t know when. They also said that the lump in his stomach was completely gone and the scar on his head is fading already. All they need to do is waits for Baekhyun to wake up.


“Did you know I was going to propose to you that day?” He asked after he wiped his tear away. “I made a perfect plan, I infact today’s supposed to be the day we’re getting married.” But upon saying that his tears starts to pool again. “I’m sorry I didn’t spent much time with you baby, I just want to make it a memorable moment for you. I know how much you wanted a perfect proposal and wedding.”


He was sniffling as the time and it was getting harder for him to talk. He needed Baekhyun in his life. Baekhyun had his heart and he needed his heart with him, always.


It was already 9, Jongin and Kyungsoo as well as Baekhyun and his parents all had come. Again Chanyeol insisted he’ll stay with Baekhyun for the night, like any other night before. For the first few nights Chanyeol slept on the chair beside Baekhyun’s but he change to sleep next to Baekhyun, on the bed too. He’ll hold onto Baekhyun tightly and left butterfly kisses on every inch of Baekhyun’s face before falling asleep.


Chanyeol was deep in his sleep when he felt somebody touching his face. The touch was feathery, soft and gentle. If he didn’t wake up he won’t even know someone’s touching him.


“Baek?” He softly said, opening his eyes. The name just came out from his mouth as he’s the only person that came into his mind.


“Channie.” Was the reply and he widen his eyes, meeting with another pair of beautiful, adoring eyes that he loves so much.


“Oh god Baek! You’re awake!” The taller male exclaimed, cupping the former’s cheeks. Baekhyun nodded his head, smiling slightly.


The first thing the notice as soon as he woke up was the weight on top of him. He took some time to open his eyes but when he does, he was met with a dimmed room. He looks to his right and found an IV and he instantly knows that he’s at the hospital.


He changed his gaze and to no surprise, it was Chanyeol sleeping beside him. ‘How long had I been out?’ He asked to himself. He felt no physical pain but he’s quiet exhausted, he slowly closes his eyes again.


He opens his eyes again and the view doesn’t change, he feels better than when he first woke up but his throat feels dry. Baekhyun wanted to take the water for himself but with the way Chanyeol wraps his arms around him, he knows that it’s impossible to do it so he slowly raises his hand and touches Chanyeol’s face in order to wake him up. It didn’t took too long to wake the other up as his eyes starts to flutter open and when he heard his name being called by his lover he smiles.


“Channie.” He replied back though his throat hurt.


“Baek! I miss you baby! God! You scared me! Please don’t do this to me again, I can’t lose you baby, you mean the world to me. Gosh I’m sorry Baek, I’m so sorry.” Chanyeol said kissing Baekhyun’s face with tears running down his cheeks.


Baekhyun chuckled and wipes the tears away before he shook his head. Chanyeol seems to get the message as a smile made its way on his face.


“Do you want anything?” He asked, resting his forehead against Baekhyun and the both of them looking at each other. Baekhyun mouthed water and Chanyeol was quick on his feet to get the water on the counter next to him.


He helped raising Baekhyun’s bed and made him comfortable before helping him to the drink.


“I’m going to call the doctor okay?” Chanyeol said and Baekhyun nodded his head.


Chanyeol was standing at the corner of the room as he watches the doctor examining his small lover.


“Do you feel tired?” The doctor asked and Baekhyun shook his head.


“I woke up earlier feeling tired so I sleep again, now I’m feeling good.” Baekhyun answered, the doctor nodded his head and the nurse standing behind him keeps on writing on Baekhyun’s report.


“Alright, seems like you’re alright now. But I need to keep you here two more days before leaving, okay?” The doctor was looking at both Chanyeol and Baekhyun and Chanyeol nodded his head.


Baekhyun pouted and was about to say something when Chanyeol cut him. “I’ll make sure he’ll stay here until he’s all better doctor.” The taller said.


“But I wanna go home.” Baekhyun whine.


“No Baek, we’re going home once you alright.” Chanyeol replied, walking towards Baekhyun and sitting on the bed, taking Baekhyun’s hand into his.


“But I am alright already.”


“Yes you are Baekhyun–ssi, but I need to keep track of your health for the next two days before you can leave.” The doctor said smiling softly. “I’ll come again tomorrow morning for you check up, good night.” Then both the doctor and the nurse were gone.


Chanyeol smiles then lay Baekhyun down on the bed.


“Okay baby, you need to rest now.” Chanyeol said kissing Baekhyun’s forehead.


“But I’m not tired.” Baekhyun whine again, still with the pout on his face.


“Baek, it’s 3 in the morning, you need to sleep.” Chanyeol said again, but Baekhyun shook his head, his arms on his chest.




Chanyeol chuckled, he really miss Baekhyun’s cute little tantrum. He should’ve known, Baekhyun’s a stubborn puppy. “Alright, so what do you want to do?” He asked.


Baekhyun looks at him and Chanyeol nearly squeal just by looking at the other’s adorable face. ‘I am so whipped.’


“We can talk, I miss talking to you.” Baekhyun said after a few moment of just staring at each other. Chanyeol smiles and make himself comfortable beside Baekhyun, resuming their position on the bed of him hugging Baekhyun close to him.


“Alright, we can talk.” Chanyeol said.


“You know, during all those time I was. . . asleep, I keep hearing voices.” Baekhyun started, drawing imaginary patterns on Chanyeol’s chest.


“Oh yeah? Who’s voices?” Chanyeol asked as he caresses Baekhyun’s cheeks.


“Yours, Kyungsoo, Jongin, umma, appa, everybody.” Baekhyun replied. “But I met Baekbeom–hyung.” Chanyeol looks at his lover. Baekhyun had never mentioned his older brother after his death.


“He said I need to wake up.” Baekhyun’s eyes were sad but no tears were seen. “We talked, he said he missed me, umma and appa. He kept telling me to wake up. I’m thankful I followed his advice, or I wouldn’t see you again.” The smaller smiles as he looks up towards Chanyeol.


“Well then I should thank him too.” Chanyeol said kissing the tip of Baekhyun’s cute button nose that he loves so much. “You should.” Baekhyun replied.


“I also heard something.” Chanyeol raised his eyebrow. “You were proposing to me.” At this Chanyeol widen his eyes.


“Y–you heard?” Baekhyun nodded his head.


“I’m sorry we couldn’t get married today.” Baekhyun said. Chanyeol gaped and shook his head.


“No, no baby. It’s okay, I’m just glad you’re okay now. We can get married anytime baby, as long as you’re there.” Chanyeol said kissing Baekhyun’s lips softly. Baekhyun smile into the lips and kisses the taller male back.


“I love you Channie.” Baekhyun said after they let go of each other’s lips.


“I love you to baby, so much.” 

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panikorea #1
Chapter 1: so much in a little chapter and it was good..i liked it
Chapter 1: omg like itttt! anyway can you make the prequel? i mean...i'm so curious with the detail of their first meet and being lover >///< huhuhu~
zoZanazoZane #3
like it!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: thanks god it's a happy ending ><
so they're going to married soon XD