Bobby and the Unicorn Missus

Bobby and the Unicorn Missus (taking requests!)

They sit side by side, laptops on their knees, frown upon their faces. They each had their own battle to struggle through. She had a whole term worth of readings to power through and he had a whole new set of lyrics to perfect by the night’s end. ( A/N I am so sick of it at this point though. And I’ve only barely started. )

Bobby ran his hands through his fluffy hair and down his face, rubbing his eyes, and simultaneously asking himself why’d he promise to deliver the song by tomorrow. He turns around and watches his friend skim through readings with the most annoyance he’d ever seen on her. Which includes all her encounters with idiotic men and all the times he tried to pull a cheesy line so she would help him out. He grins thinking about that one time he sprayed her hair all seven colours of the rainbow with JinHwan and when she woke up she asked with the stinkiest straight face ever “why?” 

The three of them and one of her high school classmates had pigged out on fried chicken and rammed through 3 games of monopoly. Food coma came knocking at the door. They gracefully answered. Bobby woke first from a game notification. He turned around and there she was, blanket barely even on her anymore, arms everywhere and basically being the most graceful toad she could be. JinHwan woke a little after and started taking blackmail pictures of the girls. He was having the time of his life putting moustache stickers on their photos when Bobby smirked. A short run down the street and seven cans of hair sprays later, she was as beautiful as a unicorn. The other female in the room woke long ago from the stench and was already creating the horn. Bobby stepped back to assess his creation and couldn’t help bursting into laughter, which woke the unicorn missus. Which gets us back to schedule, at stinky straight “Why?” Sensing the danger he was in he racked his brains for a better reason than “We though it’d be funny”. ‘And it was!’ he gave himself a mental pat in the back for a plan well-executed. He looked at her unimpressed face and the irony that was her hair and he burst out laughing. “Because you’re the rainbow of my life.”

That wasn’t the cheesiest he had gone. And to be fair, cheesy got him everywhere with the girl. Cheesy Bobby and Bad Joke Bobby. “Hey, lil Jay Jay, guess what?”

She turned around, gracing him with her bloodshot eyes and unwashed hair, “What, Bubs?”

“You’re the rainbow of my life.”

She threw her pillow at him as a big grin spread across her face. “Delete those already~~~” Bobby was rolling on the floor in laughter. 


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