Chapter 1: Unbelievable

Loving you is my only cure

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Chapter 1: Unbelievable

[Third Party]

It was a normal school day.

All of the students were released for lunch.

Sandra is a shy girl, eventhough she is the richest girl in school, she ain't the most popular.

She prefers to be alone most of the times. 

She has been bullied by her classmates because she believe in fairy tales, fairies, guardian angels and even unicorns.

She loves those stories because her grandmother once told her these adventurous stories when she was a little girl and she believes in them, eventhough she has not seen any, eye to eye yet. 

On the other hand, a boy named Kwon Jiyong was walking around the school, trying to find a spot to sleep. He always sleeps under the apple tree because it was the most comfortable to him.

He work almost every day in an ice cream shop to earn for school fees and expenses. 

"I love this apple one to disturb me..." He sat down and leaned the back of his head against the tree and yawned loudly with his nostrils widening as huge as they can.

'Basically google nose in the process'

Meanwhile...under on the roof of the school building.

"Hello! My name is Wishy and I am your fairy guardian..." The fairy dressed in pink leaves spoke out when Sandra was sitting in the roof top eating her lunch. "Hello Wishy!!! Wow i have a fairy guardian !?!" Sandra blinked and rubbed her eyes continuously but she was still happy to know that she has made a new friend.

"Your name is Sandra right?" Wishy asked and tried to shake Sandra's hand.

Sandra shook her hand and smiled saying, "What are you doing here on Earth?"

"Well, I have good news and bad news to tell." Sandra's face changed into a serious one. 

You see Sandra has always been interested in fairies and she does believe in them, that explains why she has a normal reaction other than the normal, "OMGAWD WHY ARE YOU IN PINK LEAVES!?!" I told you she is abit crazy. 

When she found out that her fairy guardian was wearing pink leaves, she just politely asked, "Hello! Do you need help?" 

"Well Sandra, I am here to tell you that something terrible is going to happen to you..." Wishy's eye brow furrowed and stared down below and looked at the boy who was leaning against a tree, dozing off. 

"What's going to happen to me Wishy?" Sandra looked down, afraid of what fate has in stored for her.

"10 stages...10 stages can save you but you can't do it alone." Wishy turned and smiled at her.

"Oh what 10 stages Wishy-shi?" Sandra eyed her curiously, wondering what she was talking about. 

"These 10 stages are to be performed with the one you love..." Wishy-shi looked at Sandra and smiled.

"Err...My parents?" Sandra looked at Wishy with her hands held together. 

"No Sandra-shi...a guy who you love...basically a husband...i think its called a husband..."

"What!?! but i am too young to have a husband...I am in school...Wishy-shi..."

"But fate says it will meet your husband soon...he is in this school."

"In this school?" Sandra stared at her fingers and smiled to herself. She has a husband and he is here.

"But how do i know who is he?" Sandra asked Wishy, "Well, curious aren't you..." sandra nodded her head.

"Well...hmm...from what i read in the book of Love...wait let me take it out." Wishy took out her gigantic book and placed it on Sandra's lap. 

"'s so thick..."

"Page 2508..."

Sandra flipped with all her strength and saw, 'How to find your Choosen love one..."

Sandra read out loud, "First, your love will make your heart flutters..."

Alright, that's not that bad. First a guy who makes her heart flutters but she can't even talk to a guy except her father, off course.

"Alright...that's the first sign..." Wishy smiled at her, pointing the second sign, "The second one is that I HAVE TO HIS NECK AND FIND OUT IF HE TASTE SWEET !?!" 

"Wishy-Shi! I can't do that..." Sandra pouts and figuring out how to a person she does not even know even though it might be her husband, but what chances can she get among thousands of boys in this school.


"Yes! You need to save yourself and his too...and the third sign is when he eats an apple and it turn green on the inside to you only...he is definetely it."

"Hmm...alright wishy-shi but it does not mean he is permanently my husband right?"

"Sandra-shi he will forever be your husband whether you like it or not...or i will say it yeobo..."

Sandra puffed some air out and just breathes in and out. Thinking how is she going to survived the whole thing with a guy she does not even know. 

"Hmm sandra...come here..."

"Yes Wishy-shi..."

"Why not you start with that boy under the tree...and here is your apple..." Wishy pointed directly to Kwon Jiyong was sleeping under the apple tree and winked at Sandra.

"NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW !?!" Sandra started to panic and prepared herself mentally.


Kwon Jiyong's POV

I was sleeping when i felt someone covering me from the sun. It was much cooler. I opened my eyes to see a pretty girl in front of me, she has naturally pink lips and pale skin with big deer eyes. 

"Annyeong Haseyo..." The girl waved to me.

"Annyeong Haseyo...." I looked at her as she approached me, sitting beside me. To be honest, she was not sitting beside me but like one metre away from me, hmm do i look scary to her?

"Hmm may I know your name?" She added and smiled at me, she looks rather shy.


"My name is Kwon Jiyong...How about you?" I smiled at her and looked at the distance she created.

"My name is Sandra...Nice to meet you..." She gave me her hand to shake it.

I shook it and looked at her, placed her other hand on her left side of her chest.

Sandra's POV

My heart has been fluttering ever since i got closer to him in terms of distance. 

When i got closer to him, my heart flutters even more, that explains why I have a one metre distance away from him.

"Hmm...Jiyong...can i do something for you..."

"And that is?" Jiyong eyed me curiously.

"Can i give you a massage?" I smiled at him, hoping he goes along with the plan.

"You are not one of those fan girls of mine right sandra-shi?" He was suspecting something was wrong.

"I guess not...I just saw you today..."

"Alright then..." I quickly ran behind him and massage him when i took the opportunity to quickly his neck without knowing.

I could his body stiffen, he turned around and said, "Is it raining?" 

"No's not raining..."

"But i felt something wet on my neck...DID YOU ME?" As he felt a wet tongue on his neck, him like a lollipop.

Jiyong stood up and walked away when Sandra chased after him.

"YOU FREAK OF NATURE..." He shouted at Sandra and continued running. 

When all of a sudden, 'BANG' A huge noise was heard. 

It was sandra, she was hit by a ball. Someone threw it at her direction and hit her back.

When Jiyong saw that she fell down, he turned back and ran towards her.

"Sandra...are you alright?" Sandra just whimpered in pain.

"YAHHHHHHHH! ARE YOU GUYS BLIND NOT TO SEE HER THERE!!!" Jiyong shouted at all the guys playing on the court.

"Who cares about her..." One of the guys rolled his eyes at Jiyong, when Jiyong ran up to the guy and grabbed him by the collar and was about to give him a piece of his mind with his fist.

"Jiyong...Jiyong...don't do it..." Jiyong turned to see Sandra looking at him, nervously, hoping he would not do anything stupid.

"Aish!!!!!! NO ONE HERE SHOULD EVER HURT HER IF NOT YOU WILL HAVE TO FACE ME!" Jiyong shouted and threw the ball far way from where the guy are as a revenge.

Jiyong grabbed her by the arms and pulled her away from everything.

As they sat on the staircase, "Sandra are you alright?"

"Yes...i am fine...i think..." Sandra's tears fell off one by one.

"Hey...why are you crying? Are you hurt?" Sandra shook her head and smiled at him, "This was the first time that anyone ever cared about me..."

Jiyong stared at her in awe. He thought sandra was one of those weird fangirl but she is just innocent and sincere about what people does for her. 

"Sandra...ouchhhh..." Jiyong was about to move when he felt a pain in his back.

"Sandra could you check my back..."

Sandra pulled up his shirt to see a big black mark on his back and told him what she saw but in the matter of fact that sandra's heart beat doubled it's speed when she looked at Jiyong's toned back.

"Sandra...if you don't mind...can i see your back..." Jiyong gulped as he saw her face blushed upon looking at his back. She nodded and Jiyong slowly pulled her shirt a little to see the same black mark on her back just like Jiyong's. Without Jiyong knowing, Sandra was blushing even more, upon feeling what Jiyong has done to her. She just allowed him to see her back just like that. So far she has the two signs ready, her heart was beat incredibly fast when she is around him and he tasted like a lollipop when she him sweetly. 

"What's going on? why is everything that is happening to you? Happening to me?" Jiyong asked out of the blue when Wishy came into the picture. 

"Because she is your wife..Jiyong...she is your wife..." Wishy gave a wicked smile and Jiyong just gave a shocked look, "SHE IS MY WIFE!?! WAIT WHAT!?! BUT WHO ARE YOU?"



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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 4: This is interesting, I wonder if they will defeat darkness.
mikkydragon #2
Chapter 4: update soon............
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 3: update soon..........