
Beauty In The Shadows

To win, one must be willing to sacrifice. It's an age old phrase his father taught him all those years ago, and it's a phrase that he continues to live by. Even as he hands over a check with far too many digits for his liking over to two measly low-class hunters, he does it with a sly grin. Money is money to him; it can be gained back with a little bit of work here and there. Who cares if they asked for a bit much this time around? He's one rung closer to being on top, and he won't let something as materialistic as money build a wall in his path. 

"You look as if you're not satisfied. Is the amount not to your liking? Would a larger amount fit your tastes better than the one on the table?" he says, his head cocking just enough to look intimidating. 

The sound of simultaneous gulps grates in his ears as the hunters gawk down at the thin sliver of paper and ink. It's almost laughable how astonished they are over something as simplistic as a bit of cash to shove into their wallets. To think that all it takes is a piece of paper to set someone free of his morals gives hope though. If it's so simple to make a person abandon what they spend all their life preaching, the ascendance to being feared shouldn't be nearly as hard as it's proving to be. 

"No, Mr. Park, this amount will be fine for the both of us," one of the two men, a certain Agent 79, answers with a hint of hesitation slipping into his tone.

"Great. Now how about you hand over what you promised me? I'm not one to throw around six digits for nothing." 

"Right, the package," he pauses momentarily to remove a bulging manilla folder from the inside of his jacket and slide it across the table. "Inside is everything we promised from pictures to profiles. Every note and last known location has been copied and put into this folder for your purposes as well." 

The receiver, Mr. Park, takes the thick manilla folder into his hands and undoes the bindings keeping it sealed. With a speedy peek at the contents, he's able to assess that every agreed upon piece of information is contained within the package, even little post-it notes the hunters must have snatched from the planning offices themselves. Having everything he needs to fling the one person above him below his feet makes him vibrate in content. He's so close! 

"Well, I think I can say both parties have gotten what they wanted. You're free to leave now. I'm assured you'll keep in touch if you stumble across any new information, correct?"

"As long as you keep us covered, Mr. Park, you'll get what you want." 

Both hunters bow in unison before rising steadily from their seats and walking through the cafe doors, caps pulled fa over their eyes to conceal their identities from any fellow agents. 

"Are you sure you should just let them go like that? You can't expect humans like them to keep a secret like this," Mr. Park's brute of a partner comments with a furrowed brow as he glares at the hunters rushing down the overcrowded sidewalks. 

"Trust me, Kangin. Let them be for now. If they ever become a nuisance, I wouldn't hesitate to point you in their direction."

Kangin sighs and pulls him into his side with an arm over his shoulder, coercing him into resting his head on a suit-covered shoulder. 

"I sincerely hope you know what you're doing this time. We don't need a repeat of the past."

"If you think I'm about to let myself succumb to the likes of a Wu for the second time, you are highly mistaken. They've beaten me too many times for a repeat of the past to slip right by. I vow right here, right now, that I am going to change history starting now, and I don't care if you're with me or not." 

Kangin simply sends his mate a worried glance as he watches the other man scowl. Sometimes he forget just how frightening he can be, almost to the point of sounding delusional. But what can he do? If he stands in the way, he'll be left, and he'd rather not be left by the one person who accepts him. 

"You're right, I guess. Who am I to tell you that you're risking so much for something so petty? It's your life. I shouldn't care about whether or not you lose it." 

"I don't have time for your bull in such a public place. If you want to argue again, you can do it at the estate. We can't have these sad excuses for humans find out about anything because of your stupidity." 

"Whatever. Let's just go then. I'm not in the mood to fight with you again, and this place is too overwhelming for my taste anyways." 

By the time the duo exits the cafe, which ends up being an hour later despite all protests, there's the outline of a plan set and ready to be finalized. All they need now are the pawns and the knights to make it one step closer. 

One step closer to capturing the king. 



A slightly chilly breeze lazily glides through the gardens, sweeping up leftover leaves and the fruit of a light snow in its wake. The wintry mix of winter-blooming camellias, flowering quince, and evergreen plants paints the bleak environment with a much needed splash of color and freshens it with their heavenly scents. From where Kris stands, he can see Baekhyun and Chanyeol trying to train a puppy, a Samoyed they adopted in place of a child, to lie down, though the ball of fluff zipping through the trodden grass shows that it's not going so well.  

Kris doesn't very much like days like this. While they're rare and few in number, there hasn't been a day in his life where itchans end is like its start. The last time a day was so calm, the last estate was ambushed by hunters hoping to catch them. The time before that, it had been the start of a war between vampire clans. 

The anxiousness he feels about what's in store for him puts him more than on edge and, consequently, adds to the weight already placed on him by everything else wrong with the world. 

"You, know, you look pretty constipated. Lighten up some, Kris. This is probably one of the most beautiful days we'll get for a long while," Kris hears Baekhyun shout when he wanders into Chanyeol and Baekhyun's vicinity.

"Is something stressing you out even more than you already are? I'm always here if you need help working something out," Chanyeol adds, his tone more serious than his companion's. 

"It's nothing, Yeol. I just don't feel right today." 

"Don't feel right? Do you need to feed? I can go grab a Chosen for you. Or would you like a glass instead? Yixing just gave up a fresh supply of blood bags a few days ago, so I can toss it in your favorite wine glass." 

"It's not my hunger that's bothering me. I'll be fine for another few days before I need to feed." 

"Then, what is it?"

Kris pauses to think of his response to the question. 

"Doesn't today seem a bit too calm to you?"

Judging by the look of understanding that replaces his confused expression, Chanyeol does indeed understand what Kris is trying to say, compared to Baekhyun who shoots him a wary look. 

"Huh, I guess I didn't notice how much calmer today is compared to others. I know it's odd for you, but just go about your day as you normally would. Who knows? This really could be an oddly peaceful day, and it'd if you wasted it worrying over nothing. Besides, if the others see you freaking out, they're going to freak out, too. Hysteric vampires are not fun vampires." 

Despite the calming words, Kris can't shake the feeling. Yes, it seems like he's overreacting for nothing, but nothing feels right. He can't bring himself the relax or wind down like they want him to when there's a sense of dread hanging over his head. Today is going to be as unsettling as it's relatives, but whether that's a fact or not he can't wrap his head around. 

But for the sake of not seeming like a prick for causing unease amongst the others because of his own stress, he pretends otherwise, that he completely agrees with Chanyeol and Baekhyun without a doubt. Chanyeol hadn't been wrong about hysteric vampires. 

"You're right. I'm overanalysing everything when I should be taking this time to relax. And I can't let any of the kids or members see me stressed or they'll be stressed, too. You know, Chanyeol, for someone so bright, I wonder how you got stuck with Baekhyun as a mate."  

The change in subject works all too smoothly as an offended Baekhyun marches up to the tall duo with a squirming, hyperactive puppy in his arms and a ferocious pout. 

"Stuck? What do you mean by stuck? We were meant to be together, you grumpy jerk. You should try spending time with yourself before you go around badmouthing me. I'm sure Tao is the one that's stuck, not Chanyeol." 

"I'm not badmouthing you, Baek."

"You implied it." 

"You're truly one of a kind." 

"What's that supposed to mean?" 

"You're pretty good at assuming things. I'm sure you'll have no problems figuring it out."  

"You know, you are really lucky you're my leader or I would shove my foot so far up your-" 


Baekhyun is interrupted mid sentence by a young boy, a Chosen Kris has grown to be fond of over the few months that he's been at the estate, named Chanhyuk. Said boy jogs up to their small, deformed triangle at a leisurely pace, his glasses askew on his face and his teeth as bright as the violet of Kris's eyes. 

"What is it, Chanhyuk? Did something happen?" he says when the short male finally reaches his side. 

"It's nothing serious. I thought you'd like to know that the car has been ready for you to take for a while now and that Suho wants to know when he can next speak to you about what he and Dr. Zhang discussed at their last meeting." 

The mention of the car reminds Kris of his and Tao's meet up at their regular cafe  i.e., the place they took refuge in after the incident in the alley. They've done this every other day of the week for just over two months now, and he's never been late or missed a single one, which is surprising considering he lives quite a ways away from the city. He doesn't want today to be the day he does either of those and quickly bids goodbye to the two beagles and Chanhyuk, leaving a message for the latter to pass on to Suho when he gets the chance. 

He arrives at the garage in record timing, only a minute shy of his usual departing time, and climbs into one the many cars occuppying the small storage space.

Even as he speeds down a deserted road minutes later with his favorite songs blasting from the radio and thoughts of Tao occupying his mind, he can't shake his sense of unease. He can only hope that it really is nothing to worry about, that Chanyeol is right and there's nothing to worry about.

But he knows that isn't true. 



For the first time in forever, Tao is amazingly early. 

It's not like it was really his choice, if he's honest. He was more or less kicked out of his own apartment by his own roommate, Luhan, and his and Sehun's awkward relationship. He should be used to the latter by now considering it's been almost three months, but the air is still stiff and full of unspoken words neither are willing to voice. The foremost causes are the two lovebirds that can't keep their cheesiness to a minimum, and he's tired of seeing them make out every time he steps out of his room. If he had to edure one more stuffy staring contest wih Sehun or listen to Luhan's giggles one more time, he might have absolutely lost it. 

Tao ends up placing his order for his usual latte and ham and cheese sandwich at the counter before wandering over and plopping down on the plush cushions of a lone, empty booth tucked into an equally as lone and empty corner. 

The booth, his and Kris' usual seats, is isolated, so much so that the only people who ever really notice them are themselves and the lady that blushes at Kris every time she brings their orders to the table. It's almost as if the area is encased within its own little bubble -- even though its probably Kris' resting face that scares everyone away -- so when a man he's never seen before takes a seat right across from him, he's beyond confused.

Honestly speaking, the man is relatively good looking if you ignore the creepy smile on his face; he would even go so far as to say that he's as handsome, as gorgeous, as Kris. His hair is almost the same stark white color of the snow dusting the ground outside, and his skin is a shade away from looking ghostly pale, making his garnet-colored irises and black pupils stand out the most amongst the features of his face. 

Tao wants to ask the man his name or maybe start a general conversation between strangers about nothing, but instead, he finds himself being lost in his eyes. His head feels like its floating, free of any thoughts he could possibly have. His body feels weak, as if he hasn't eaten in days, and the effects combined make him sleepy. He even feels himself drifting off until he hears a scoff come from the man. 

"This is almost too easy. Is this really the mate of the feared Wu? If he's taking in delicate little humans like this, there's no way he can't be knocked beneath our feet." 

Like a spell being lifted, Tao snaps out of whatever trance he's in. He turns his head away from the stranger for a moment. What is he talking about? Who is Wu, and what does Tao have to do with him and being "knocked beneath" people's feet?

Glancing back at his company, he tries to voice his questions outloud but finds that he can't. No matter how hard he tries to speak, he physically cannot get a sound past his lips, almost as if he's lost his voice entirely within the span of ten minutes. It's followed by the feeling of air being forced out of his lungs, and he finds himself gasping, hands on his neck as he wheezes for a breath. He doesn't know what it's like to choke, but he imagines it'd be just like this. 

And he's terrified

At some point amidst his awkward dolphin noises, the stranger speaks once more, the smile completely dropping from his face and his expression morphing into one that held nothing but twisted amusement. Along with the change comes his ability to breathe, Tao sputtering on the sudden rush of air into his oxygen-deprived lungs. How no one notices his loud hacks and heaving is a mystery.

"I'm disappointed. You're far more pathectic than I first thought you were for a clan leader's mate. To think I thought this job was going to be hard...I feel tricked. I didn't even try, and I managed to nearly compell you to sleep and choke you to death. Had not been ordered to keep you alive, I could have easily killed you and made it look like an accident." 

Tao is far past the point of being terrified.

He's petrified. 

"As weak as you are, you're kinda cute, and you're so easy to control that it's impressive. Maybe that's why Kris keeps you around still. Would he even care if you just disappeared seeing as he hasn't bothered to mate or Change you at all? I don't think I'd care all that much, really. You're just a measly human with nothing to his name. I doubt anyone would notice your absence, huh, ZiTao?" 

To be frank, Tao has absolutely no idea what the maniac in front of him is talking about, and he really doesn't even care. He doesn't know how much longer he can be forced to sit statue still in his seat, and he feels seconds away from plummeting himself into unconsciousness. He's so tired. Why is he tired? He hasn't done anything but choke and stare into red eyes; there was nothing to tire him out enough to warrant falling asleep in a cafe for no reason. 

It's right before his eyes completely shut and his mind blanks that his limp body is saved from falling out of the booth, a familiar smell he's come to love filling his senses and an angry grunt pounding in his ears. 

"Tao? Tao, it's me. I need you to open your eyes for me, okay? Tao, I need you to listen to me and open your eyes!" 

A snicker travels from across the table as Kris tries to frantically shake Tao awake, and an all too familiar voice sneers, "You haven't changed at all. I see you're playing the knight in shining armor for this human. Why'd you get such a weak mate?" 

"What the hell did you do to him, Eunhyuk? And in public? Are you insane?" 

Tao can't see it, but he can picture the creepy smile eating up most of Eunhyuk's face at Kris' words.

"I'm just following orders. If you have a problem with that, you know who to call."

"Bull. Stop speaking in riddles and give me an answer." 

"You're right. I came down to play with him a bit, give him a taste of what power can do, but then I saw how easy he was to control. I guess I got carried away with our game. I can't wait to take him back to the estate; we'll have such a field day." 

"The day you lay a finger on him will be the day I kill you all. That I can promise." 

"We'll see how true that promise is. Until that time comes, I'll be going. I'll give the boss your regards." 

"Tell him I said he's as bat crazy as he always was if he thinks he can beat me. He didn't before, and he won't now no matter how big his army of lunatics may be." 

"Will do. See you whenever, Mr. Wu. Have fun dealing with your little boy toy after he wakes up. At least, if he does indeed wake up." 

Before Eunhyuk can walk past the pair, he turns back, a sickening smirk plastered on his sickening countenance. 

"By the way, watch your back, and be careful about who you trust." 



Today had been entirely too calm. He knew it. He ing knew something was going to happen.

"Kris, none of this was your fault. It couldn't have been avoided, so stop beating yourself up," Kyungsoo says sternly, taking a sharp left on a narrow street. 

Kyungsoo took it upon himself to drive the entire way back to the estate after receiving a frantic call from Kris. It would be more than stupid to send Tao back to his apartment with just Sehun and a few doors to protect him from the maleficent vampires just waiting to him into Death's waiting arms, and Kris is damn sure not letting him walk into a trap. The estate is the safest place for Tao to be, so that's where he'll stay. 

"But it could have Kyungsoo. I could have stopped it. I could have stopped him," Kris responds, voice muffled by Tao's bed of hair. 

"How were you supposed to know Eunhyuk would be there? Or that Tao would be earlier than usual? The fact is that you didn't, Kris. You may be a leader, but you're not magic." 

He still can't help but think that Kyungsoo is so wrong about everything. If he would have done better, would have watched the time or driven faster, Tao would be perfectly fine with his pearly smile and infectious laugh. If he would have done better, Tao would not be lying in an unconscious heap on his lap in the back of his car. This is no one's fault but his. 

"Look, just make sure to call an emergency meeting with the others when we get there and explain the situation." 

"Should I wait for you before starting?" 

"Don't. I'm not leaving his side until he wakes up, and who knows when that'll be. Eunhyuk's compulsion is no joke on a vampire. It's undoubtedly a million times worse for humans. Besides, you've been there for every meeting ever held. I'm sure you could run it while I'm gone." 

"And the meeting with Junmyeon?" 

"Cancel it. Tell him I'll speak to him when I'm available." 

"Will do."

It's not long after the brief conversation ends that they pull into the garage. Kris wastes no time in dragging both Tao and himself out of the vehicle, holding the man to his chest as he goes through the maze of hallways to his room. Kyungsoo splits in the opposite direction, rushing off to complete his orders after Kris heads off to the east wing. 

It takes no time at all for Kris to barge through the doors of his quarters, placing Tao under the covers of his bed and calling for the two Chosen tasked with caring for his part of the estate. 

"You called?" Chanhyuk says as soon as he steps foot onto the plush carpet.

"Chanhyuk, I need you to find Yixing for me as soon as possible. If he's not at the estate, call him. Suhyun, there's a meeting I'm not able to attend. I want ou to sit in on it and report back to me about the discussions." 

The short, red-headed girl's face contorts into one full of shock at Kris's words.

"You want me sit in on a meeting? Are you sure? I've only been here for a few months, and I think there are much older Chosen better suited for a job like that." 

"I have faith in you. I don't care how new you are to this clan. You're still a member, and you're just as qualified as anyone else. If anyone asks why you're there, tell them to call me. I'll vouch for you."

"Yes, sir. I'll head to the conference room now so I can get in before it starts."  

"I'll head down, too to contact Lay and be back here in a few minutes!" 

With that, the siblings exit his room in a hurry, once again leaving him to swim in his own thoughts, most of them about the unconsious man lying in his bed.

Tao should have woken up by now or at least have shown signs of opening his eyes soon. The fact that he hasn't even twitched a muscle has Kris' anxiety levels rising and his panic increasing. Eunhyuk is a conniving little snake, and the list of tricks he can pull with that freaky ability of his is endless. He's seen Eunhyuk put people to sleep simply by just staring them in the eye, and he's seen him compell others to kill, whether it be themselves or another person. 

Kris will only know what Eunhyuk has done once Tao awakes from his sleep, but at this rate, who knows when that will be? All he can do for now is hope for the best, hope that Eunhyuk isn't as cruel as he seems.

But knowing that spawn of Medusa, things are going to get as complicated as complicated can be. 


This chapter is sooooo late (>.<) and I apologize for that. I had a bit of writer's block and I was kinda busy, but I finally wrote something. I don't know if it's good but I do hope you like it! I'll try to be better with updating!! ^^ please comment and tell me your opinions or ideas on what I can do to make in more enjoyable!! 

This is how I kinda imagined Eunhyk if you'd like a picture to reference: 


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ForkTheTroller #1
Chapter 6: The8 is adorable! What's with chinese martial artist being so cute but so deadly!
Gucci_Panda63 #2
Chapter 13: Please update soon, I am now attatched to your story!! My poor Gucci Panda!!!
Poopiewanderer #3
Omg was hunting for taoris fics and found this gem!!
Chapter 12: Oh god!! please no more torture for Taozi!!!! what the hell is kris doing?
good luck with next chapter, I'll be waiting for it <3
Chapter 12: Kris needs to save Tao like right noww!!! My poor baby T_T Can't wait for more!! ^^
Chapter 12: Someone get him out of there asap
Chapter 10: This is getting sooo good!! I can't wait for more! ^^ <3
Chapter 9: Oh I love Jongin joining especially with the cheerful personality <3
Ihope Kris rescue Tao soon, I don't like it when my Taozi is sad
good luck with next chapters ;)
Rukia_Uchiha #9
Chapter 7: Ok i just found this story and already love it (maybe because it has Exo and vampire au...) And im so excited for the next update pls update it soon! And im super curious of hoe will Kris react to this (freaking out) And....its still bothering me at that part when Henry thought Tao would be a nice mate to have......