Little Miss Oblivious

Hands Like Magnet

Little Miss Oblivious

Yoona is Obvious, and Seohyun is Oblivious; It’s a Frustrating  Mix





See, the thing with not knowing what to do with your feelings is that you end up grimacing, frowning, or downright cursing your crush’s existence under your breath. And Yoona, most of the time, fails to do the latter under her breath so she just straight up curses the dimple when Seohyun smiles, or the brightness of her eyes, or her general existence. Really, it’s a wonder how Yoona has managed to survive the past 25 years of her life.

Yoona still talks to Jessica sometimes. After all, she was a big part of her life, growing up, and she has no intention to let go of her past any time soon (Jessica, while thankful that Yoona still loves her, thinks that the girl should move on).

Today, they are meeting in a hole-in-the-wall cafe. (Appearances to keep up and all.) It took a lot of convincing on Yoona’s part, but Jessica has always had a soft spot for the doe-eyed girl.

They’re talking about nothing and everything: about their plans, about the members, about what they ate for breakfast, the latest scoop about Jessica and her rumoured boy-toy, and they’re having so much fun until—

What the hell.

“... So how are you and Seohyun?”

Once again, with feeling: what the actual hell.

Yoona groans, which elicits a laugh from her friend. She scowls, which is kind of her default expression whenever someone brings up Seohyun in a conversation or if the girl herself is present, and now Jessica is tearing up because actress extraordinaire Yoona Im can’t keep her feelings to herself to save her own life.

Once upon a time Jessica would have been jealous, but today Yoona is a friend and a sister and her baby. She needs to be protected at all costs and she takes another sip of her tea, thinking Seohyun a lucky girl.


Really, the only thing Yoona got out of her conversation with Jessica is that Jessica is the worst person to ask for advice. But also no one else knows her predicament so she’s kind of stuck with the person who doesn’t wake up at a reasonable hour if it can be helped. And her advice: “Get some alone time to figure out your feelings and see where you want to go from there, and if not... Yoona, dear, it’s not the end of the world,” which probably isn’t the worst advice. Well. One obstacle at a time, Yoona thinks.



Yoona goes to see Yuri that night because she doesn’t think anyone else would understand. Yuri only smiles, and says in that dorky way that only Kwon Yuri can achieve, “Go ask Taeyeon. You know she and Tiffany are dating, right? I mean... I can’t help you if you like girls... because I don’t really like girls that way...”

“Not even Jessica?”

“... no... I mean, there was that one time we had in the bathroom and once in someone’s closet, but that hardly constitutes a relationship... I mean... no?”

And as it turns out, Yuri isn’t the best person to ask for advice. Like, at all.



When Yoona talks to Taeyeon, the leader holds her hand. Which is kind of comforting, if it isn’t sweaty.

“So what did you want to talk about with your big ol’ sister? Yoona, I know you’ve had the hardest time what with Jessica leaving and all, and you know that we’re all here for you, right?”

Yoona looks sideways and then catches Taeyeon’s gaze as if that would help anything. “Yeah, I know that; I’m here for some good ol’ uality crisis advice,” she says, faux-cheerfully. Her hand is drenched and right now she isn’t even sure if it’s from her own sweat or Taeyeon’s. Which, either way, ew.

“Oh. Did Yuri send you? I swear to god, Tiffany and I are just good friends. That girl needs hobbies. Because Tiffany and I are not dating. I repeat, not dating.”

Yoona’s more confused than ever now, and considers calling Jessica but it’s about 8 in the evening and she’s pretty sure the older girl is sleeping by now.

So she spends some alone time in her room.



Yoona walks out of her door to the sight of Seohyun laughing at something on her phone. Her world slows down to a grinding halt and all Yoona can see is Seohyun, lighting up her life. She laughs in that way only Seohyun can; covers with one hand like someone is going to laugh at her if she doesn’t do it. She’s happy in the way only Seohyun can: back straight with confidence and eyes bright, shoulders free of any weight. And by god it’s the prettiest sight Yoona has ever laid her eyes on. Which is when Seohyun notices her presence.

“Hi,” she says.

“Nope,” Yoona whispers, “nope, nope, nope...” and retreats into her room, this time definitely calling Jessica.



“Yes, yes, I swear Yuri talked about you. You know, you two should meet, discuss things. And Jessica, don’t you have a boy-toy?”

Yoona laughs. This talk is going nowhere.


6. See, Yoona is just about as subtle as a brick wall. And alas, Seohyun is probably the slowest person on the planet when it comes to romantic advances. Or maybe she knows, and just prefers not to bring it up in conversation.

So when Yoona approaches Seohyun the next day, eyes downcast, cheeks red, Seohyun doesn’t say anything. Yoona offers to make a healthy sandwich, which is probably a red flag for something going on in her head, but Seohyun is silent still.

“Can you pass me that mayo, please?” Yoona asks, and her breath hitches when their hands touch. And the whole dorm wakes up when she drops it to the floor. Two seconds later, everyone is at the scene and she still hasn’t moved. All she can hear is Seohyun fussing over her, asking her over and over again if she’s okay, which she is, really; just a case of love drunk... not that she will say that out loud.



That afternoon, Yoona is watching one of those dramas that don’t have any cohesive plots (she just likes to look at the people) when Seohyun walks into the living room, casually sliding into the seat next to her.

“Did you want to talk about this morning?” Seohyun asks, tentative.

Yoona sighs. The “god damn your whole existence” is threatening to escape her lips, but she manages to hold herself back. She smiles instead, staying silent, because any noise would give away her whole story. How she thinks Seohyun is beautiful, and smart, and so so so very precious to her.

From the kitchen, Hyoyeon is telling Sooyoung: “We’ve got to do something about those two.”



The next week, everyone is surprised to see Jessica in the living room with none of her outerwear taken off. “I shouldn’t be long here,” she says, with a sharp edge to her tone. No one knows what to say to that.

Yoona asks her what she’s doing here and she says that Sooyoung had asked her to come, wherever the motherlover is.

“She’s at that nearby restaurant? With Sunny and Hyoyeon?” Yoona says, even though it comes out more as a question or two.

“I see.” Jessica gets up to leave but stops in her tracks when a certain Kwon Yuri steps into the dorm; her own actions halted when she sees Jessica.

“Hey,” the both say at the same time, and Yoona can see a hint of a smile starting to form on Jessica’s lips.

“Yoona, go talk to Seohyun. She’s probably the only person who can help you with your problem. Really, I don’t know why you bothered to go to Yuri or Taeyoen.”

“How’d you know I went to them?”

“Oh, hon, please.” As Jessica walks past Yuri, she grabs hold of the latter’s arm, taking her outside. Whatever happens next is never disclosed to Yoona.

(Apparently now they’re friends with benefits? Which Yoona totally understands, but those two need to get their together and sort through the messy feelings.)(And so, Yoona concludes, the both of them are definitely not qualified to give relationship advice.)



The next time Yoona and Seohyun are alone, it’s almost twelve a.m. in Korea. Which means Seohyun is slightly cranky because now her sleeping schedule is messed up and god knows what else.

But they’re on a plane, en route to some place whose name they can’t pronounce, and Yoona doesn’t care. After all, living with seven other people doesn’t give her much time alone with the girl and now is her chance, damn it. Nothing can ruin it (like those moans coming from Yuri’s room the last time Yoona thought she was alone at last with Seohyun).

“Hey, so, I need to talk to you about something,” Yoona says, threading her fingers through Seohyun’s. It comes to her naturally, these days, acts of affection when it comes to Seohyun. It probably has to do with her finally facing her feelings and letting them punch her in the gut whenever she catches herself realising that damn, Seohyun is so pretty.

“Go on.”

“I don’t know if you’ve noticed but... I kind of have feelings for you? I mean, obviously I love you but this is the... romantic kind of love where I want to kiss you and cuddle you to sleep? If that creeps you out I totally get it and I won’t bother you about it but I just had to get it out of my chest you know?” Yoona is totally horrified when Seohyun doesn’t respond with anything but the furrow of her eyebrows. “Oh god I shouldn’t have said anything about it oh god kill me now...”

She pulls her away from Seohyun’s grip now, and looks out of the window of the plane. If only she could jump out right this second.

“Yoona... Yoona, please look at me,” she says, and Yoona does, but her eyes are looking everywhere, anywhere but Seohyun. Just. The horror is still there. She wants to get out, like, right now.

“Is this why you dropped the mayo jar the other day?”

Yoona can only nod. Her eyes are on the ceiling now. “We can take it slow, can’t we? Do you want to be my girlfriend?”

Well. Seohyun might not be the most observant, but she sure is knows what she wants.




(word count: about 1500)

God, this was a nightmare to edit. shoutout to aff user wheenie bc if u weren't on aff I not have posted this show of a one-shot

Hi guys!!! it's been two years and??? wow so many things have ... in 7 hours I'm sitting for my last AS paper like... I'm all grown up now guys what the heck

I finally found the motivation to write fan fiction wowowow (this is mostly bc I wanted practice for my English language subject for creative writing? hah) also guess what! I'm updating from my phone so let me know if something looks off, yeah? or better yet, if one of you wants to buy me a laptop, I will accept said laptop with open arms hahahah

fun fact: I had this plot bunny back in 2012 and started writing it. this morning I found said unfinished writing and re-wrote this from scratch. it's now about 1 a.m. in Brunei; I hope you're having a good time wherever you are! 😚

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Thank you!
ing hell y'all this was such an adventure. too bad life happened


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_A1233 #1
Author-nim, please enable this story’s Offline mode. Please please. Thank you.
I like your oneshots awesome
Apollo13 #3
Sorry for not commenting this story before, but your one-shots in here are just amazing. Wishing you'll continue this when you're not too busy with work/school. YulSic is love :))
i'll wait for your update author ssi... :)
feed us some fluffy moments of yulsic kkk
yul21sic22 #5
Oh god, it's been a long time since I read this.. My yulsic feels are coming back ㅠㅠ
Chapter 34: I kinda dont get how Taeyeon saw her future self but I enjoyed reading this~ Haha! A part two will be nice but then SooSun is okay too :)
Babyemma #7
Chapter 33: Thanks author-nim these two beautiful Soosun chapter :)
Hope you do more!
RunningTRussia #8
Chapter 33: i fell in love with YoonHyun even more here <3
still the rest of the couples are same as lovely and fascinating here.
thanks for this!!! *-*
hoping everything is going smoothly with that 'math girl' =)