001 } final.

You & I [oneshot]

Hyemi leaned towards the magical sleeping boy as she listens to the clock goes 'tick-tock-tick-tock'. "Your name will be Byunghun.." she murmured under her breath. "And my name is Kim Hyemi." Hyemi has been talking to the sleeping boy since she was young, not knowing what will happen when she becomes twenty. Since young, Hyemi has always been wondering when will this boy would wake up. She tried many things like, poking, talking to it, etc. 

Whispering secrets while looking at a watch. My heart's desperate story, it's okay to harm my form. The more you demand, I like it. Say my name.

"I'll be right back," Hyemi said as she poked Byunghun's cheeks as she picked up a bag of money and was headed to the train station. I hope you remember my name. Hyemi happily walked to the train station as she greeted everybody who works at the station. She then boarded the Magical Train that will take her to Henesys Street where she buys her tools for her inventions. 

When she arrived at Henesys Street, she found herself attracted to a book which says 'Myths about the Fantasy Train' What's this? she thought for a second before browsing the book. "Excuse me, what is this about?" she smiled as she asked the salesperson. "This book is about the Fantasy Train, the train that will bring you to the future. In this book, you will find pictures about the Fantasy Train." Hyemi's mouth was open, surprised with what she just heard. "Hmmm... I shouldn't tell you more. How about you buy this book? No... give it to you?" The salesperson handed the book over to Hyemi.

"Ani... I have to pay for it.." Hyemi insisted of paying when the salesperson shook her head. "No... I'm going to give it to you for free. You are such a nice girl, of course I would just give it to you." "B-But-" Hyemi was cut off when the salesperson insisted she get the book for free. Hyemi gave up on insisting, thus she got it for free. 

While walking through the markets of Henesys Streets, Hyemi began to wonder, is this Fantasy Train true? Hyemi then entered to the store where she buys her tools. "Annyeong." Hyemi broke into a smile as she greeted the shop owner. "Ah, Hyemi-ah.. what would you like to buy today?" the uncle asked her as she glanced at the clock. "That.." she pointed to one of the tools that is needed to make a clock. "You're making a clock?" the uncle asked, Hyemi nodded. Hyemi fumbled with the coins as she laid the right amount on the counter before saying goodbye to the uncle. 

Hyemi rushed to the train station and boarded the Magical Train just in time. Hyemi looked out of the window to see a view of the ocean- something that she hasn't been seeing. All this while when Hyemi was on board this train to Henesys Street, she would be thinking about Byunghun or would be sleeping. But this time, she was able to see the long stretch of the ocean. 

Hyemi ran out of the station and ran as fast as she could to read the book she got earlier to the workshop. It's been a long time since Hyemi got some inspirations for her inventions. Usually, she would be making clocks everyday, but this time... something new.

I'm scared that my heart would be revealed through the gaps between my fingers. It's too much for my heart, I'm sad. Wait a little longer and wait for me. You and I, it can't be yet. I want to pester the clock more but, in the future in which, you are present.

She opened the book as she sees small, little words beyond her eyes. "The Fantasy Train is where it'll take you to a place where no humans could go- the future." Hyemi's eyes widened by the thought of going to the future. Though she's a genius, she has never come across this before. Hyemi then took up the challenge to build this 'Fantasy Train' of her own, instead of going there.

Hyemi yearned to speed up the process of ageing so she could be an adult and the boy would wake up, so she worked for days and days and days building the Fantasy Train, she worked to fast and she realized that the Fantasy Train was complete. Hyemi walked over to the nightstand which was beside the bed where Byunghun was sleeping and gave a light peck on the cheek. 

"My name is Kim Hyemi... by the time you wake up, I hope you remember it." She murmured.

Hyemi gave a little wave to Byunghun who was still sleeping on the bed, not moving a single bit. She walked over to the Fantasy Train she made and entered it. She gave a deep breath as she handled the gears. The gear on her right hand was the gear that will get the train running. She slowly put the gear in placed as the train's machine lights flashed on. The light blinded her so she shut her eyes. tightly 

I'll be an adult in a blink of an eye. You'll probably recognise me, you'll probably remember me, that peculiar child from before.

When the right-hand clock struck midnight, the clock rang its' bell. That mysterious yet magical boy finally opened his eyes as he sat up. He used his right arm to cover both his eyes from the blinding light to see a used Fantasy Train. His eyes widened to see someone inside the Fantasy Train. Hyemi gave a little smile as Byunghun finds her vanishing. Before he could say anything, she was left with nothing.


3 months later.

Byunghun was out shopping for a tool he needed for his latest invention. He came across a shop, and entered it. He finds himself staring at a girl with two-pony tails, her eyes shining with a parrot on her right shoulder. "Hello, can I have one of that?" Byunghun pointed to a tool that is a shaped of a lion. "Here," the girl placed the 'lion' inside of a bag and handed it to him.

Byunghun was happy, as the tool was rare. He waved goodbye, and walked out of the store. He then remembered someone who looks exactly like the girl from the store. He stopped, and looked back. The girl gave a small smile. 

He entered the same shop again and was shocked.

"Kim.... Kim Hyemi?"

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Aww thankyouhh (; you've been an awesome friend and dongsaeng too.