Part 1

Can You Hear Me?

It didn't take long to find this particular room. All the rooms were dark except this one that was dimly lit. Carefully, you wrap your fingers around the door knob and turn it as quietly as possible. The room was dark and the only sound that could be heard was an occasional click. It came from the back of the room: the clicks of a desktop mouse. You cautiously move towards the figure and knock on the surface of the wooden desk. Yoongi doesn't flinch nor does he look up. You didn't know if he even heard you so you knock harder. Still no response. Feeling a little annoyed now, you wave your hand in front of the computer monitor.

"Can you stop! I heard you the first the time!" Yoongi yells. Literally yells. He rips the headphones off his head and stares back at you with cold eyes. "I'm not blind or deaf. What the hell do you want?" He said in the same harsh tone. All words were lost. In that moment you didn't even know why you were there or why you had tried to get Yoongi's attention in the first place. His voice snapped you back to your senses.

"If you have no reason to be here, then get out. I'm already behind." Yoongi turns back to the monitor and puts his headphones back on as he replays the track he's working on, without the slightest hint of sympathy. For a minute you stand nailed to your spot. You just stare at Yoongi. He doesn't care that you're there. He doesn't care that he yelled at you and treated you so viciously. Yoongi just didn't care.

Knowing the best choice is to leave quietly, you do. You look at the backpack that you carry lifelessly in your right hand. Sighing heavily, you let it fall right by the door for whoever it may concern, even if Yoongi was not that person. Just as you set the bag down, a booming crash rang all about the studio. You flinch at the loud sound and feel your heart beat erratically in your chest. You watch as Yoongi continues the loud noise by shoving every thing on the surface of his desk (minus the computer monitor and hard drive) to the ground. He throws his headphones off, slamming them against the keyboard making you think he had broken it.

Yoongi hangs his head in his arms. His fingers grip the back of his head, furling and unfurling knots of his hair like he's going to rip it right out of his scalp. He growls in anger. "Frustration" doesn't even scratch the surface of what he feels.

Anger, fatigue, disappointment, and lastly, regret consumed him.

You had never seen him like this before. He was always so calm and collected. Even if he struggled with a song, he'd just sit in silence and stare at the screen until he came up with something. Sure it usually ended up with a sleepless night, but never a violent rage like what you just witnessed. Then again, you were never with Yoongi during these tough times. Like you said, it ended in a sleepless night. But for him, not you. What he was like while you frolicked in your dreamland was a mystery. But now you saw how far Yoongi's determination could take him-all the way to the brink of explosion.

It broke your heart. Every fiber of your being ached at the sight of him. You could cry.

Yoongi's breath was fast. It was the only sound in the studio now.

You approach Yoongi carefully. You don't want to spark another fit so you let your hand fall softly against Yoongi's shoulder. He shivers. Waiting for some sort of rejection you pause but keep your hand in place. Yoongi doesn't move, but tries to ease his breathing. Sensing safety, you put your other hand on his other shoulder and release the nervous breath you had been holding. Yoongi follows, sighing in a deep and unsourced frustration. Your chest tightens.

"Yoongi," you call his name softly. He doesn't say anything, instead you hear a sniff. His breathing is much shakier now. He was choking back tears.

"I just-" he starts but never finishes. His fingers curl open and closed again into his hair. You take one of his hands into your own. You intertwine your fingers one by with his, letting your fingers graze the surface of his skin oh-so-slightly in a continuous pattern. Yoongi willingly lets you do so and later clenches them. He lets out a broken cough, staring blankly at your hand.

"You don't have to tell me anything," you shush him. "But just tell me one thing,"

You release his fingers, grabbing the pair of headphones he had on the desk and align them back to his ears.
"What do you hear?" You ask. Yoongi says louder than necessary,
"If you're saying something, I can't hear you." You giggle. He didn't see what you were doing yet. You remove the headphones just a little to give him a space for sound to enter. You whisper softly behind him:
"Now what do you hear?" Yoongi sighs more calmly now as he understands. He whispers:

"Your voice."

Yoongi turns his chair to face you. He opens his eyes to see you put his headphones back around his neck. You smile, pleased with yourself. Yoongi pulls one of your hands and kisses the face of your palm, eyes fluttering closed for a second as he does so, then holds it to his face. You ask softly,

"Can you hear me?"

With a grin, Yoongi pulls you onto his lap, lightly bumping foreheads with you.








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