Chapter 1

You Make My Heart Go

Oh Sehun was in college, a student with average grades and amazing skills in sport. He has dark hair to match up with his dark eyes and an attitude that shut down even the sassiest of girls. The boy was easy to please, but not easy to impress. That was essentially Oh Sehun.

"I'm not going to let you cheat this time, Baekhyun hyung," Sehun said in a monotonous tone as he ignored the elder's pleading whines. "Pleeeaasee, Sehun-ah, I'm going to fail this ing biology test if you don't," Baekhyun hit his head against his book and groaned. "I sometimes hate sharing an apartment with you," Sehun said as he turned his head towards the door when there was a knock. The younger of the two escaped out into the front hall from his room and opened the door, only to find no one was there. "ing ," Sehun muttered before almost slamming the door shut, his action stopped abruptly by a small mew at his feet.

There sat a small ragdoll kitten in a small box to compliment it, collar wrapped around its neck and note shoved into the back of it. Sehun pulled out the piece of paper, his fingers grazing across the small kitten's ears as he unfolded the note.

'Dear Sehun,

Please take care of him, I know you like cute things even if you don't say it or express it. ;)'

"Creepy motherer knows all about me," Sehun grumbled for a second before shoving the note in his back pocket and picking the little fluffball up, its body going limp in his grasp. He held it to his chest and kicked the box back inside, shutting the door and padding up the stairs and back into his room where Baekhyun literally looked like some caveman hanging onto something to get a look at Sehun's work. ", the you doing?"

On cue, Baekhyun fell to the ground and groaned in pain, holding his head in his hands. Sehun set the kitten down and closed his door, watching as the little feline made his way over to Baekhyun and began his hand. "EW WHAT THE ARE YOU ME??" Baekhyun swatted away the kitten and opened his eyes, immediately regretting hitting it because now the little kitten was crying.

"Awh, no, shhhh, don't cry, shhh, I'm sorry," Baekhyun whispered soft things to the crying feline and gently the fur on top of his head, his little ears fitting nicely into the slots between his fingers. Sehun admitted that the feline was in fact adorable. "Wait, where the did you get a cat from???" Baekhun looked up at Sehun with bewilderment sparking in his eyes. "I just opened the front door and he was sitting in a ing box at my feet," the younger of the two sat down on the floor with his legs crossed and the kitten immediately strode over and curled itself up into Sehun's lap, its body going limp again.

"Why does it do that?" Baekhyun asked as he poked its nose once and pet it again. "I think this breed is a ragdoll breed," Sehun pulled out his phone and looked up the breed to show it to Baekhyun. "Yeah I think it is a ragdoll breed." Baekhyun nodded his head and began to behind its ears. "Boy or a girl?" "I'm pretty sure it's a boy, judging from what the note that came with him said."

The little kitten yawned and snuggled further into Sehun's lap.

"Help, I've fallen and I can't get up," Baekhyun made the joke and fell backwards onto the floor. "You're a ing idiot," Sehun noted as he the little feline's extremely soft fur, listening to his little purrs. "He really likes you," Baekhyun noted as he smiled down at the kitten, "what are you going to name him?"

Sehun actually thought for a moment, his eyes transfixed on the kitten's piercing blue ones and it's stark white fur with little patches of black on his ears, nose, paws and his tail. "Luhan. I'll name him Luhan," the kitten seemed to understand what he was saying and stood up on his hind legs, front paws on Sehun's chest and tongue lapping at his neck happily. "I think he likes the name," Baekhyun chuckled as he the fur on Luhan's back.

"No sherlock," Sehun muttered as he just let small little Luhan do his thing around the bedroom. He jumped on the bed, he jumped on the bedside table, he jumped and hid under all of Sehun's discarded shirts and jeans and jackets. The feline eventually returned to Sehun with something in his mouth, it was a pen and scrap piece of paper he must have found somewhere. The small feline set down the things and padded over to Baekhyun and placed his paws on his cheeks, pawing at them and looking at Sehun then the piece of paper and pen.

"He must want our names," Sehun spoke as he scribbled down Baekhyun's name as clearly as he could without ripping the paper on the carpet. "Why would he want our names?" Baekhyun asked as he watched the kitten look at Sehun scribbling down his name with the blue pen. Luhan then looked up at Sehun with expecting eyes. "Sehun..." the younger murmured as he scribbled down his own name.

Luhan looked at the paper and his tail flicked, "He must want to know in case someone shouts our name and he thinks we're in trouble." "That's cute." the two completely abandoned the thought of studying because who could when you have a precious little ragdoll kitten named Luhan to play with? Sehun walked downstairs and picked up a random box that was big enough to fit him in and he placed it down on the side of his bed that didn't have a bedside table, grabbing a random fluffy coat from his closet and shoving it in there before going to pick Luhan and the piece of paper up and placing them gently in the box so Luhan was comfy and he could look at the actually quite neat handwriting of Sehun's.

"You're so adorable," Sehun murmured comfortingly and Luhan's fur again, a small smile playing at his soft lips.

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