
I'm Young
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   "SEUNGHOON COME ON! WE HAVE TO GET READY FOR OUR DATE WITH YURI AND JINWOO!" Mino yelled, earning a long sigh from Jinwoo, who was doing the dishes in the kitchen.

"AISH MINO, I'M SO EXCITED!" Seunghoon yelled back, following the other rapper down the hall and into their rooms. Jinwoo sighed again, putting the clean plate he had just washed and dried in the cabinet. He wiped his wet hands on a towel, jumping in shock when he felt arms wrap around his waist from behind.

    "Yah, why are you so pouty all of the sudden? I agreed to go on a date with you...so why are you upset all of the sudden?" Yuri asked. Jinwoo shivered at the feeling of her breath on his neck, making his neck hairs stand up. He gazed out the window above the sink, not wanting to answer her because he might sound a little bit immature. Yuri frowned, tightening her grip around Jinwoo's waist.

 "Did I do something?" She asked quietly. Jinwoo's eyes widened as he turned around in her arms,

    "N-no...It's not you. I just, just..." Jinwoo shut his mouth again, not knowing how to explain. Yuri's mouth tilted up into a small smirk,

"Is this about Mino and Seunghoon coming with us?" She asked softly.

   "Maybe..." Jinwoo muttered, looking away from her eyes. Yuri chuckled,

"Don't worry about them. I'm sure they will end up going off on their own eventually." Yuri said, kissing Jinwoo on the cheek before walking to the door way of the kitchen.

   "And Jinwoo," she called out, "I have no other clothes here. Can we stop by me and Yuki's apartment before we head out?" She asked. Jinwoo gave her a tiny nod, still blushing from the kiss she gave him, even if it wasn't on the lips.
Taehyun was woken from his nap on the living room chair when he heard what sounded like a herd of elephants run down the hallway.

   "Mino-ah, give me my snapback!" Seunghoon yelled, reaching up to try and grab his hat off of the younger's head.

"No!" Mino screamed quickly, ducking around Seunghoon's hand. Seunghoon tripped over his own feet due to how fast he was running and Mino quickly ran his way to the couch, landing straight on top of Yuki, who was sitting down scrolling through her phone.

   "Yah Pabo, get off me!" Yuki said, still in shock from the impact. Mino smiled at her before slowly rolling off the couch and into the floor, clutching Seunghoon's hat like he had just won a gold medal.

"Ouchyyyy~" Seunghoon whined like a little kid, gaining Yuki's attention. She stood up off the couch, walking over to him and sitting on the floor beside him.

     "What's wrong?" She asked the rapper.

"This idiot," he replied, pointing to Mino, "Took my hat that I was gonna wear today. He said he wanted to look good for Yuri. So he took my hat, and when I was chasing him to get it back, I tripped and twisted my ankle." He explained with a pained expression.

    "Do you think it's hurt really bad?" Yuki asked in a concerned tone.

"No," Seunghoon winced, "It's just a little twisted, thats all." Yuki stood back up, helping up the rapper.

   "Well you know what,Seunghoon?" She started, "You look better without that hat anyways." Seunghoon's face lit up and he hugged her.

"As for you." Yuki deadpanned, turning to Mino, who had a scared look on his face, "Stop being mean to your hyung!"

    "O-okay." Mino stuttered with wide eyes, due to the fact that Yuki looked really scary while pointing at him. Taehyun let out a snicker at Mino's shocked face. Everyone's attention was grabbed when Jinwoo and Yuri stepped into the room.

"Are we going out now?" Mino asked, jumping up out of the chair.

    "Yeah, but we have to go by my apartment so I can change before we actually go out and all." Yuri replied as Mino and Seunghoon joined her and Jinwoo at the door way.

"Yah, unnie can I come too. Just to the apartment I mean. I feel gross and need a shower." Yuki asked, wincing as she smelled her work shirt that still smelled like old Chinese food.

    "Why are you asking me? It's your home to." Yuri replied, earning an "Oh yeah." Look from the younger twin. Yuki stood up, giving Taehyun a glance,

"Do you want to come so you aren't sitting on the couch alone all day or...?" She asked the blonde. Taehyun looked surprised that she even thought about him and gave her a small nod, standing up off the chair. They all piled up at the front door, getting ready to leave.

   "Yah!" A voice was heard from the hallway,

"You guys...just leaving your poor old leader by himself for a whole day. How rude." Seungyoon sighed, playfully pouting.

   "O-oh, Seungyoon. Do you want to come?" Yuki asked, feeling guilty for forgetting about the leader. Seungyoon gave her a small chuckle,

"No, I'm just kidding. I was going to go to the studio to work on a few songs for the next album. So you guys go ahead. I'll see you later." Seungyoon said, waving them out the door. They all said their goodbyes and left the dorm, starting the long walk to the twin's apartment.
"Aish guys...You should've told us your place was this far away, we could've drove here." Mino whined.

    "Yeah, I'm sweating buckets out here, even thought it's the middle of winter!" Jinwoo cried out.

"Well m-maybe if you guys didn't have scarves and gloves and multiple layers of clothes on, you wouldn't be so h-hot." Yuki shivered, looking over at Taehyun who had a long sleeve sweater, a leather jacket, black skinny jeans, gloves, and a big scarf on. The twins hadn't come prepared for the cold weather since they didn't know they would be staying over night somewhere else.

   "Are you cold?" Taehyun asked in a small voice. Yuki turned to him nodding, hoping he would give her his scarf or something.

"Aish, you should've just told me you wanted me close to you." The blonde said in a cocky tone before wrapping an arm around Yuki's shoulder, pulling her close to his body. Her eyes widened,

   "Y-yah, let me go!" She yelled, trying to push him away, but he just wouldn't budge. Her efforts resulted in her letting out a big sigh of defeat, making Taehyun smirk, knowing he had won.

"Well..." She thought to herself, "He is pretty warm. Might as well take advantage of it." As they walked down the cold street, Yuki watched Jinwoo and Yuri, playfully pushing each other and joking around, occasionally being bothered by the two rappers that decided to tag along. She glanced up at Taehyun, trying to be discreet about it.

   "Aish..." She started in her head, tracing his sharp jaw line with her eyes, "Why is he so handsome?"

"You know, you don't have to stare..." Taehyun said with a huge smirk on his face. Yuki turned her gaze back to the ground, her cheeks turning a light pink.

     "I-I was not staring." She stuttered. Tae

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thanks for reading guys ^-^ Chapter five is finally upppp


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Chapter 6: Cute. -3-.
Chapter 5: I feel like I'm reading a teen love story, but it's so cute anyway! Besides, that's what the title is all about! fighting on this sotry! Update soon, no rush ;) *evil smirk*
Chapter 4: Boring? you have to be kidding me! This was so cute! This is perfect for me right now, since I'm reading it after writing Flight 4. Totally returned the smile on my face and I sure hope they didn't get the wrong idea of Yuki and Taehyun sharing the same bed xD Did you write the poem (I mean the song) or is it from somewhere else? It's really good *thumbs up*
Chapter 3: Waaah they're all just adorable freaks together xD Yuri and Yuki are twins? Kyaaaa I didn't catch that earlier, I'm so stupid xD I wonder how their *evil* plan will go. And jeez if I got any idol's number (preferably jeonghan's hahahah) on my hand I'd write on literally anything around me :DDD CUTE YUKIII <3
Chapter 2: How cuuuute! I see that this is their first meeting kekekeke and gosh who would ever cheat on freaking Nam Taehyun hahaha! She's Japanese wooot wooot I always have a thing for japanese people *blush* hahaha nice so far! I'll continue reading tomorrow ;)
Chapter 1: Awww poor Taehyun! And this is the first Winner story I'll ever read too haha!
Interesting foreword haha! I have a different bias in winner but Taehyun's cool too though so no probs! xD
Chapter 4: YAS BAE YAS
Chiah_aa #10
Chapter 3: More pleaaaseeeee!!