Act 5, Scene 3

The Anemone Of Love


Background Info:

Baekhyun and Hana agreed to meet by the cliff that was facing Seoul in order to get away together. But Kai heard of this and was determined to get back his gold bride and the fortune he was going to get from Hana's parents.


Act 5, Scene 3


    Kai enters with his servant, Taemin, chasing after Hana.



Taemin, go back to the house and make sure no one followed us. I can handle this by myself.


    Taemin reluctantly nods his head and heads back to the house without Kai.



(confronts Hana) Hana, let’s go home, love. Father and Mother are probably waiting for us to return. I know you may not love me now, but you will learn to soon after we are officially married.



Return with you? Never. I’d rather jump off this cliff alone. And I will never marry you. (she bares her fangs towards Kai)



(sees her fourth finger with a silver ring on it) Hana. (he snarls and his eyes flash a bright red color) Are you already married to that bastard? Is that why you refuse to marry me?


    Hana refuses to say anything, and stands still.

    Kai scoffs, takes it as a yes, and approaches to the spot in front of Hana.



Hana. (he says harshly to her) Let’s go now. (Hana flinches and shuts her eyes)



(to herself) Someone, save me from this obsessed person. Please, I beg of you.



(grabs Hana’s wrist and begins to drag her back home) Hurry up! You’re so slow. (Hana tries to bite Kai's wrist but decided against it, for she didnt want to taste his wretched blood)



Let go! You’re hurting me! My wrist is red now!


    Baekhyun enters with his servant, Minho.



Minho, stay here where the pathway signs are. And if they ask where I am, or where Kai and Hana are, reply that they are on the other road. If you don’t, I will make sure that that pretty head will be cut off after I find out what you did. (Minho nods and stands straight in front of the two signs)(to himself) Hmm, I’m pretty sure that they went this way, (he follows to where Hana and Kai might be)



Hana! Hurry. Walk faster. (he glares at her and pulls her harder while baring his fangs)



I don’t want to go! Let go of me! (she finally frees herself from his grip and runs back to the cliff area)



This girl! Ahhh, seriously! (he runs and tackles her to the ground) (Hana screams and Kai covers ) Shut up, everyone will find where we are.



I heard her! (he runs to where he heard the scream) They are definitely that way. (to himself) Kai, if you hurt Hana, you are so dead.



Someone! Help me! I don’t know this person! He’s threatening me!



Hana! (he growls at Kai) Let go of her! She doesn’t love you, just accept the fact. So let her go!



I see that you’re already married to her. (he glares at Baekhyun’s finger where the ring is at) I propose that we fight for her. If you win, I’ll let her go with you and never bother you two anymore. But if I win, you two will have to divorce and I will have her hand in marriage no matter what she says. The winner is the one who knocks out the other unconscious. So will you accept this challenge or will you cowardly walk away?



(he looks at Hana for approval, she shakes her head no, but Baekhyun decides) Alright, Kai. I accept your challenge however I have a certain condition. Hana must be safe before we start anything.



Of course, Baekhyun. She might become my wife. I don’t want a scar left on her beauty. It’s not going to look that good, now is it? (he smirks at Baekhyun).



(he growls at Kai) Only if you win this battle. Let's start this. (he jumps in front of Kai)



Don't worry about her if you lose. Her parents approve of me more than you. You're just one of those lowly dogs. An enemy is always an enemy. (he glares and smirks at Baekhyun) You're not fit for Hana, you can't support her because you are banished from Seoul. And I don't think that the Prince will approve of this. One of you will die, and since no one wants you, you'll die... by my hands.



I will never go with you. I'll die with him if I have to. If we can't be together. (a single tear falls out of her eyes and she wipes them away) I absolutely hate you Kai! Just go die!



See? Look what you did. You've made her cry. Now let's start shall we? (to Hana) You're going to sit still and watch. You're going to watch your beloved Bacon die. (he ties Hana's wrist onto the tree and tightens it so she can't get out)



It's Baekhyun, not bacon. (she scoffs and spits in Kai's face) You're the one who's low. You actually tied a girl to the tree against her will. That's the worst, you're the worst!



Ugh, you're one disgusting lady. But I will still marry you for your wealth. (he wipes the spit off of his face) You better stop it. (to Hana) You better shut that trap before your beloved Baekhyun dies in front of your eyes. If you obey, then I will have a little mercy on him, but if not then I will show no mercy and kill him on the spot. (he smirks and then smiles) So shut up, and watch.



Hurry up! You better not be doing anything bad to her. If you do, you're going to go to hell before you know it.



Calm down. I didn't do anything to your girl... who will become mine. (he fakes a smile and turns to fight with Baekhyun)



You little *****. (he changes into a wolf and charges at Kai)


Kai smirks but suddenly gets serious and also charges at Baekhyun.


The two of them fight, leaving Kai unconscious.


Baekhyun rushes over to Hana who was worrying and crying over Baekhyun.



Shh. It's okay now, I'm fine. We can go now. Let's go, love. (he unties Hana from the tree and hugs her tightly) Let's run away from here huh?



Yeah, let's go. I hate it here. But let me say something to him first.




Are you sure? We don't have that much time until someone comes and finds us. Hurry then, love. I will wait for you at the end of the road. (he ran down to the end of the road and waited there impatiently)



(she slowly walked to Kai and crouched down to him) How do you feel now? Do you know how much you hurt us? I hope you go to hell. (she walks away)



So are you done now? We're leaving first. (he turns his head but sees someone behind Hana and looks closer)(he sees Kai)


Kai smirks and charges the knife at Hana.


Baekhyun gasps, runs to her, turns Hana around and hugs her from the back.


Kai still charges forward not at Hana now, but rather at Baekhyun.


Kai plunges the knife into Baekhyun's lower back and pulls it back out, dropped it onto the ground, walked away smirking.


Baekhyun gasps and clutches onto Hana.


Hana realizes what just happened, carefully laid Baekhyun down on the ground, and picked up the bloody knife.



(to herself) You will die by my hands, Kai.


Hana charges at Kai's back and digs the knife into his heart from the back. And twists it with wrath at the idea of her lover dying because of this sick man.


She pulled out and threw it on the floor, watching Kai falls flat onto the ground, and dies.


After that, she rushes back to Baekhyun.



Baekhyun? Baby, wake up. Let's get you to a hospital fast. (she tries not to cry but the tears kept falling out anyways) You can't leave me here alone. It's all my fault. At least let me go with you. Don't leave me! My blood parents and your parents are going to kill me anyways, let me die with you.



Stop. Stop it. You need to live and find someone else. Although, I love you, I want you to be happy. (he coughs up blood but still smiles at her) You already avenged me, I'll be happy too, watching you from the Heavens. Love, run. Run away far from here and live your life happily.



But how can I be happy? You're my everything. You're my world. If my world is gone, where I would I go? Where would there be another place for me? I wouldn't want to go to another world anyway. (she begins crying a waterfall on his chest and he smiles at her)



I love you, always remember that. Forever and always. Don't cry for me. (he moves a couple strands of her hair behind her ear and kisses her temple) I'm not going to last long, I already know.



Don't go. (she sobs, looking at him in the eye) I can't do this without you. I'm going with you, and that's final. (she takes out the poison in her pocket and opens the top) Don't worry, I'm going with you. (she repeats, drinks the poison and throws away the empty bottle) (she coughs up blood but smiles at her beloved) I love you too. Let's go together. (she lays herself next to him)



I should've known, you were always a persistent one. (he laughs and puts his arm around her) I love you more. (he kisses her)


There and then, Baekhyun and Hana dies.


A tear falls from Hana’s eyes and a white anemone flower bloomed where it landed into the ground.


As it bloomed, some of Baekhyun’s blood gets on there and stained the white, making it turn red.


Minho wonders what was taking Baekhyun so long, so he goes and checks on what’s happening.



(to himself) What’s taking Baekhyun-nim so long? I must go check on my master.


Minho sees Baekhyun and Hana dead and gasps. He changed into a wolf and ran all the way to tell Jinhyuk, who wedded the two.


Minho exits.


Jinhyuk and Minho enters.



How did this happen? (he sees the anemone) Oh gosh! Aphrodite’s legend has come true! (he gets on his knees) When Aphrodite’s love died, she cried, and then her tears sprung up white anemones. Her lover’s blood stained the pure white flower, a dark and sad color of red. Poor Hana! She hasn’t been dead for long. (he checks Hana’s pulse) Baekhyun didn’t even get to complete his dream with her too. (he checks Baekhyun’s pulse) Nothing. They really died together. (he sighs and closes his eyes)


Although, they might not like it. We must inform their parents about the tragedy, right now. (he turns to Minho)



I’m on it. (to himself) Master, I will do my best to show you that I can do well. (he directs at his master, transforms into a wolf and runs to their houses)


Headmaster and his wife enters.



Is this my daughter? Why has she died? My poor daughter! Why must I lose my only daughter in the world? (sees Kai’s dead body far from the two) Kai must’ve been killed too. (he starts crying) I did wrong! I forced my daughter to marry someone whom she did not love. I’m sorry. Even though, it’s too late, I still apologize. Will you ever forgive me, my daughter?


Headmaster’s Wife

It’s not only your fault, honey. It’s also mine. I believed that she would learn how to love Kai after they got married. But I was wrong. I didn’t see that she loved someone else so dearly. Even though, her love was an enemy. She learned to love her enemy. I’ve lost my daughter, whom I loved. Why must death devour her? She should’ve been happy, and I should’ve given her that chance. (she breaks down into tears in front of her daughter)


Alpha, Prince, and Minho enters.



What is this I hear about my son? He loved this Oh Hana? (he falls down when he sees Baekhyun’s dead body) My son! How wrong is it that my own child went to his grave before his own father? This world is truly unfair. My wife died yesterday due to my son’s banishment from the city. And that has already given me pain. But today, my son died too? This is absolutely the worst of the worst.



This is a horrifying scene. I can’t stand to see them die together. That’s somewhat lovely, however it's also sad at the same time. I cannot express my sadness over the pain that both of them has gone through a lot, just to be together. But we need to figure out what exactly happened here. I think that the one who wedded them might know. (he looks over to Jinhyuk) I know that you're the one who wedded them. The Nurse already told me what you did. Besides, you're a witch so you should know.



Alright, it’s true. I’ve wedded them together. I’ve watched how they came about, how they were so in love, that they wanted to die together if they couldn’t be together. I know that they were planning to run away together after Baekhyun successfully saved Hana from Kai. I’ll tell you everything from the start, whether or not you will throw me in jail or not. Hana became Baekhyun’s wife after she met him at a party. They fell in love at first sight. It was doubt that fate brought them together and even took them away together. Hana cried so much that day, that Baekhyun got banished from the city by getting framed of killing their pack’s ex-alpha. Hana devised a plan to get away with Baekhyun after hearing that. She asked me to help and distract Kai, which I have terribly failed in doing. And she escaped but not for long, she was founded by Kai again. And she was abused, the red marks on her wrist says so. The mark in Baekhyun’s back was probably from Kai’s dagger, seeing that the wound is the same as Kai’s, when Hana stabbed him. Hana stabbed him in the heart from the back, seeing it as her chance to get revenge for Baekhyun and she did it to save herself from getting married to Kai. The two of these wrote these letters for you. (he hands each household a letter from their son or daughter) They put a lot of effort into telling how they feel and how they deeply loved you as parents. But I can’t believe after having them go through the hardship of loving another when their families are enemies is unforgivable. I don’t know how they were able to still love you after that, but they did it. I hope you two households will learn your lessons after experiencing losing your son and daughter.


Jinhyuk exits.



As your leader, and as a demon, I can’t help but feel disappointed in what you two households have done. I hope you two households have learned your lessons through losing your son and your daughter, so I hope I will no longer hear another dispute between the two. I will see you later for a meeting about this tragedy. (he forwards his words to the Headmaster and Alpha)


Prince flies away with his demon wings, exiting.



I am very sorry for your losses, Alpha. I hope this will never happen again. I am sorry that this dispute even happened. I was always against you, and never attended to my daughter’s needs and wants. But now I regret that and I hope we can make up after this.



I am also sorry for your loss as well. I will hold a proper funeral for the both of them. Everyone who attend, will mourn with us. I do hope that this dispute will be settled and that we will talk things over with each other instead of fighting.



Very well, we shall make a proper funeral for the both of them.


As the anemone closes its petals, the legend says that once it closes, it shows a sign that rain is coming.


And on the day of their funeral, the rain poured down on the people who went. The parents both decided to bury them by the cliff where they will always be free with the ocean below them.


And on that day, the people who attended the funeral, started telling others about the tragic story of Hana and Baekhyun. Many have recognized their love, and many has learned from the experience they heard.


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