no one can ever replace you

One Step Closer
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It's a busy day for Seok Jin after he got charge from hospital. He wiped his sweats in his forehead and let out a big sighs. "My life its like hell! I really need escape from this nightmare!" He sat on the fluffy sofa and lied his body gently.

"Excuse me Mr.Kim." Said his assistant Mr.Jung while bowed his head toward Jin. "What?" He simply answered. "You have two appointment after 3 minutes from now." Mr. Jung gulped as he saw SeokJin's face.

He knew that his boss exhausted and need some time to refresh himself. Unfortunately, Mr Jung couldn't do anything because he just can remind his boss if anything important in Jin's schedual. " I'm tired. Can't you just call it quits? I wanna go home, plus it almost ten o'clock." He tried to stand up and grab his jacket.

" I'm afraid you will miss this oppurturnity Mr Kim. She already here." Seok Jin peak at his window, he saw a woman waiting him outside his office. "Damn! Why now?" He lazily went out from his office and meet her. 'Just greet her and ask her if we can meet next time.. because I was tired and like I'm gonna die right now.' He thought as he led his way to her and greet her.

"I am sorry Mrs, unforturnately I am busy and I need go now. Can we arrange this meeting in the next day? Because I'm in rush now." He look at his watch, act like he really busy. What big fat liar he is. XD

"Oh! No.. I'm the one who should appologise. I know it's late but I really need to discuss this project. Can you give me just 10 minutes? ." She stood up and smiled at him.

'That smile.' He said loudly in his head.

"Narae?" She was shocked as she remember him. "Sleepy head?" He laughed. "You still call me that after you lost without any news?" He held her hand and pulled her body into his arms.

'If I could freeze this momment.. I really want to stay in your arms as long as I can.' She silently praying.



"Soo Young.. wakey wakey my panda." Jungkook whispered my ear and keep kiss my lips. "Stop it, Jungkook. I didn't brush my teeth." I pulled his face gently. "You know what... I feel so happy." He wrapped his hand to my body. He kissed my forehead.

"I love you."

My eyes shoot open and look at his face. This can't be my imagination, right? Am I take my medicine? I don't think I'm sick.

"Look at you, Panda. Your face is red as tomato." He kissed my nose. "Wh- what did you say?" He rised his eyebrow. "Your face is red." I shook my head. "Not that, I mean you.." he shut my mouth with his lips.

" I love you. I trully love you." He whispered loudly. His husky voice made my heart flutter.

"Hey.. why are you crying? Am I did something wrong?" He wiped my tears.

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Hi my dear suscribers! Thank you very much bcause you all still love this story. Even I rarely updating this fanfic. Stay tune because my story will end this year. I will make another story...and the main character have been decided. So see you for the next chapter.


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AileeAloya #1
Chapter 3: Hi, ur story is certainly interesting, but I wonder why u always tend to get the grammar weirdly such as : "Because I was saved you from your death last month. You found my body or tripped at my body to be exact. That man was me. But, the one who tried to kill us got in jail because blah blah blah. I don't want you know about it though."
What does it means exactly?, R u saying the girl save JK or that JK saves the girl?. There's always something with ur 'was' or simple past tense sentence structure. It's hard to decipher what u r talking about. I really hope u can correct those or work more on those sentences. ☺️
AurinKiss #3
Chapter 30: Woahhhhh
It's been a year and almost a half since I last read this.
Weirdly enough, I don't even remember it. Not for the second chapter. Sorry
HundredPains #4
Chapter 8: I kinda feel irritating when I noticed there's many words gone in this fanfic!! Argh!! So annoying ㅠ.ㅠ
I feel bad to my suscribers. I'm sure you all might feel clueless when you this fanfic. I will try to fix this issue as soon as possible.

Sincerely, HundredPains. :)
AssiraNKim #5
Chapter 28: I finally got it why she cant remember she ehem him that night lol haha
AurinKiss #6
Chapter 27: Okay..This is truly irk me to death right now.I'm 99% sure that this story ought an upvote from me BUT why the hell is this hard to upvote!? Like real. Who cares about using an email or not!?It's hard seriously!Nowadays,everything turn out to be harder..*sigh*
AeChaa #7
Chapter 26: Omo!! 0.0 !!

what happened to her?! Author-nim please update TT_TT....
I totally in love with your fanfic.
Aqua_Hunter #8
Chapter 25: They are the definition of relationship goals
atyaf12 #9
Chapter 20: Omg wtf was she drugged or something how come she out, and what the heck did jungkook do to her omg my thoughts are running wild. She still think he loves the panda girl, but dose he tho I don't know anymore, omg it's going to get hot what the heck is he going to do to her. And why isn't he giving the clock that Jin give him to give to her, is he jealous or something ;)

Hehehe thanks for the update ^.^
Can't wait for the next chapter
atyaf12 #10
Chapter 19: Omg I love this yaaaaas she is the little panda girl from his past right right? Omg I can't wait to see his reaction when he knows she is the little panda girl. She doesn't know it's her he is talking about right, did she lose her memories or something, she also feels a lot of pain cuz she thinks that jungkook doesn't like her poor her. I also feel sorry for Jin even tho he likes her he can't get her cuz she is jungkook wife.l keep wondering who this wOman is is she related to her , and who is 'he' the little panda girl said she has a brother and a grandmom so is the lady her grandmom and the 'he' her brother. Wooooow I really can't wait to see what going to happen next >.<
thanks a lot for the update ^.^