
Thank You, You're Just My Type

This is just an updated and edited version of the story. Nothing has changed much. 



"What?!" Hwasung whispers harshly. She rubs her bruising arm from her friend's repeated slapping.


"I can see them," Nayeon says creepily as she points to the iKON members walking out.


Hwasung just raises her eyebrow at her friend's equally creepy giggles and glances in the direction in which her friend pointed. Her face softens seeing the iKON members greet the eager fans that showed up very early.


"Yeah I see them, too," Hwasung says casually, shifting her weight and shoving her slightly shaken hands into her pockets.


Nayeon's eyebrows furrow a bit and she pokes Hwasung's arm. "You don't seem as excited as I am."


"Oh trust me," Hwasung swats Nayeon's hand away and a smirk begins to tug at the corners of her lips. "I am just as excited as you are, but unlike you, I am saving my energy for the actual concert…inside." Her gaze settles on iKON once again, quietly observing them. Well, that's until Bobby places his arm around Hanbin's shoulder, and Hwasung is tugging on Nayeon's arm, a squeal bubbling up in .


"I thought you said you were going to 'save you energy'," Nayeon replies sarcastically.


Hwasung doesn't say anything and instead grabs Nayeon's chin to turn it to see the Double B moment. As soon as Nayeon's eyes land on the scene, she fangirls just as much as Hwasung. But more verbally.


A couple moments pass and the two friends are taking deep breaths to try and calm their wildly erratic heartbeats. However, that plan soon fails as the line begins to move forward into the concert venue and they are squealing once again in excitement.


Nayeon and Hwasung pass through the building's doors and notice a long table with the iKON members greeting their fans as they come into the concert hall. Nayeon watches as swarms of girls, and some guys, crowd around each member, yet there are considerably less surrounding Bobby.


Even though he seems excited and happy that his fans are talking to him, Bobby can't help but take continuous glances to his fellow members interacting with their swarm of fans. A dejected look flashes across his face before being quickly replaced by a bunny-tooth smile.


Nayeon's heart clenches a little, having seen the sadden look on her favorite member, and decides to march straight up to Bobby to talk to him…dragging Hwasung along of course.


Hwasung struggles against Nayeon's tugging and she tries to get her to let go because frankly her best friend is so embarrassing sometimes. She can walk perfectly fine by herself without being dragged along. It's not like Hwasung would leave Nayeon to go someplace alone; they're best friends.


Bobby catches a glimpse of one fan tugging her friend along to the members' table, and he smiles a bit in amusement. Yet, his expression changes to one of surprise finding the two standing in front of him instead of going off to see one of his other bandmates.


As soon as both Nayeon and Hwasung make it in front of Bobby, Nayeon suddenly looses all courage to say anything to her favorite member. Despite feeling Hwasung nudging her in the side, she can't come up with anything to say. Nayeon looks to Hwasung for help, but all she gets in return is a pointed look to say something.


An expectant gaze falls on the two as Bobby takes the time to observe them.


The one who seems frozen in place has thick glasses framing her round eyes and ivory skin contrasting her dark chocolate hair that's swept into a loose ponytail. By the look of her shorts and t-shirt, she is very comfortable.


Bobby side glances to her friend who's the first girl's total opposite. With a small backpack on her shoulders, this girl has thin glasses framing her almond-shaped eyes, freckles littering her sun-kissed skin, and hair being swept into a side ponytail underneath a beanie. She's sporting a sleeveless shirt, showing off her toned arms, and skinny jeans.


Hwasung  nudges Nayeon again but this time a little forward, forcing her to talk to Bobby. She clears to gain Bobby's attention and waits for her friend to say something. A bright blush blossoms on Nayeon's face as Bobby's eyes land on her with a soft smile waiting on his lips.


"Um, hi Bobby," she says, giving a shy wave. Nayeon tries to meet his gaze but quickly lowers it, too embarrassed. "I-uh really want to saw how much of an amazing rapper you are. Ever since the WIN era, I was cheering you one and I was a GIANT Team B fan. But, um mostly because I was-um am your fan. And I've really been waiting for this concert to meet you and it's just an honor really and I really don't know what else to say…"


Bobby just stares at Nayeon, finding her rambling kind of cute. By now his smile has transformed into a grin, and Hwasung takes in the way he props up his elbow on the table to rest his chin on his hand. She knows it's not out of boredom, but of adoration. A smirk finds itself onto her lips once again as she settles a hand on her friend's shoulder, making Nayeon's rambling come to a stop.


"So Nayeon," she begins getting both hers and Bobby's attention. "Did you tell Bobby that he's on your 'dearly beloved list'? I might have missed it."


Her best friend just stares at her in disbelief with a deep blush coating her cheeks. She can't believe Hwasung put her on blast like that. Bobby on the other hand, tilts his head a bit in curiosity.


"What do you mean by 'dearly beloved list'?"


"Well you see Bob-" Nayeon slaps her hand to cover Hwasung's mouth, effectively stopping her from telling Bobby her most embarrassing secret.


"It's nothing Bobby," Nayeon says instead, trying to brush off the topic. She figures Bobby can feel the heat her face is emitting with how red it probably is. Now after seeing Nayeon react the way she did, Bobby's even more curious than before.


"Really, Nayeon. What's this 'list' you speak of?" Bobby probes, his eyes going wide and his bottom lip jutting out in a pout. He only ever does this if he really wants something.


Knowing this, Nayeon immediately gazes down to avoid the look Bobby is sending her. She doesn't have the voice to say anything, and instead removes her hand from Hwasung's mouth and elbows her to speak.


Hwasung quirks her eyebrow at the action and smirks in amusement at her friend's embarrassment. She turns to Bobby and the other meets her gaze. "As I was saying Bobby before I was rudely interrupted," she points her smirk at Nayeon to which she received Nayeon sticking her tongue out at her, earning a chuckle from Bobby. The sound has an instant effect on Nayeon, but Hwasung doesn't comment on it. "Nayeon's list is about gu-"


"Excuse me ladies and the few gentlemen," the overhead voice calls out. "Please make your way to your seats, the showcase will begin momentarily."


"Aw come on!" Bobby whines. He's really curious what this 'list' is all about. His sudden outburst catches the two friends off guard and they start giggling at the adorable idol.


"Bobby hyung!"


Out of nowhere, B.I. wraps his arm around Bobby's shoulder and turns to glance at the two fans in front of him. His eyes first go over to Nayeon who nods her head in a slight greeting, and then to Hwasung who stares back at him with widened eyes.


Bobby and Nayeon notice Hwasung's reaction to B.I.'s presence, and Bobby makes a mental note that the younger member is her bias; whereas an evil smirk spreads across Nayeon's face at this opportunity.


Payback time.


"Before we go," Nayeon starts, looking at B.I. Hwasung can tell that her friend was up to something, but she can't say anything as she continues. "Hwasung here is a HUGE fan of yours. She even named her Mickey Mouse Tsum Tsum after you."


Hwasungcan only watch as her friend takes off towards the seating hall without her, too stunned by what she said. She hesitantly takes a glance at B.I. and instantly blushes due to the look he gives her.


"Maybe I'll tell you about the list some other time," Hwasung rushes out and hurries after Nayeon, who is waiting a the doors leading to their seats with a smug look on her face. The thought of killing Nayeon appeals to Hwasung, but she brushes it aside and opts to shove her laughing friend into the direction of their seats.


"Who were they, Bobby hyung?" B.I. asks as he stares after the girl that just ran away.


"The one that just left is Hwasung, a fan of yours," Bobby laughs, seeing the other's unimpressed look that only tells him to continue. "And her friend, Nayeon, is a fan of mine." Bobby was shocked by the girl's sudden change in character, but he finds himself being more interested in her the more he thinks about it.


The way in which Bobby speaks of Nayeon holds a feeling similar to fondness in his voice and his gaze mirrors that as they watch the interaction of the two girls before they disappear through the doors. B.I. has never really seen his hyung look this way towards a girl, much less his own fan.


"Well, maybe you'll get to see Nayeon when we're on stage," the younger suggests.


"Yeah… maybe," a sigh escapes Bobby and B.I. takes that as his cue to lead his hyung towards the other members to get ready for the show.


Nayeon expects the shove she receives to which her laughter only amplifies. Her best friend rarely blushes, so it's only appropriate for Nayeon to milk any chance she gets. However, Hwasung doesn't feel the same way as she begins to smack Nayeon on the arm, not hard enough to hurt but enough to get her point across.


"Why did you say that to Hanbin?" Hwasung grits out between each smack.


"Because," Nayeon wheezes, taking a breath of air while holding Hwasung's hands to stop her from hitting her again. "You were going to reveal to Bobby, my own bias, what my 'dearly beloved list' was."


Hwasung's shoulders slump a little in defeat and sighs. "I guess you're right," she takes her hands out of Nayeon's grasp. "But why did you tell Hanbin about my Tsum Tsum of all things?"


"Ah," the smirk is back on Nayeon's face. "That's because I knew you were going to be most embarrassed over that than anything."


"I hate how well you know me."


"Well that's what best friends are for,"  the wicked grin Nayeon throws at Hwasung has the girl chuckling, but the smile on her lips stays even after calming down. The two friends make their way to their seats on the main floor and take their seats. Nayeon notices that they have really good seats because they can see the stage perfectly and there was a main aisle right in front of them.


Hwasung must have been thinking similar thoughts when she says, "Wouldn't it be awesome if the members came out and sang in the aisles?"


"It would be indeed. But, I highly doubt it."


Hwasung nods and slips her backpack off to take out their Konbats, handing Nayeon hers. She zips her bag back up and places it on the ground near her feet, out of the way of other fans. Moments later, the lights dim dramatically and the heavy base shakes the entire concert hall. The two girls bounce out of their seats, but it's not like they're the only ones. It seems like the entire crowd is moving to the surrounding beats.


The giant screen at the center stage suddenly flashes on and the music changes. Scenes and images of the iKON members begin to play, reminiscing the times of their pre-debut stages WIN and Mix & Match. Everyone's hearts go out to the members as the song "Wait For Me" fills the concert hall, bringing about a mixture of emotions from fans with some even beginning to cry.


Yet, as soon as the song fades along with its image, the next thing that plays almost immediately causes screams and hollers of excitement.


Nayeon and Hwasung join in, being encouraged to get more excited by hearing the other fans around them shout the countdown to when the showcase is about to begin. As the countdown ends, B.I.'s voice resonates with the opening of the song "Welcome Back" and the crowd goes wild.


Cheers and screams fill the next thirty or so minutes, making the whole experience go by in a blur for the two girls. Despite that though, Nayeon goes on a fangirl rampage hearing the beginning notes of the song "Born Hater" and seeing Epik High emerge on stage with B.I. and Bobby trailing behind.


Hwasung stares at her friend and shakes her head at the other's overexcitement seeing the legendary Epik High perform with her bias. She continues to cheer along to the songs "FLY" and "Don't Hate Me" that come afterward.



As Epik High rules the stage, iKON prepares for their next few songs with each member notably sensing that something's up with Bobby due to said male staring at nothing in particular. His curiosity getting the better of him, Jinhwan taps B.I.'s shoulder to ask him about Bobby's strange behavior.


B.I. shrugs a bit, casting a glance at Bobby who looks like he's in deep thought. "I don't know. Maybe it has to do with the two fans he talked to earlier today."


"What do you mean?" Jinhwan asks. B.I. recounts the moment with the two fans and how Bobby gave special look to the particular girl that was his fan. After a moment of listening to the other's explanation, a smile forms on Jinhwan's lips. He's about to go over to Bobby when he sees said male exhale deeply and lean his head back against the couch he's sitting on.


Jinhwan's smile doesn't falter as he makes his way over to Bobby and sits down next to the younger.


"So, what's this I hear about you gazing at one of your fans adoringly?"


Bobby's face instantly heats up at the mere implication of Nayeon and tries to shake it off. "It's nothing hyung."


"It's not just nothing Bobby. You stared at a girl, who's also your fan if I may add, with something akin to fondness and adoration for the first time since I met you," Jinhwan explains. After each of his words, Bobby's face gradually become warmer and it shows as a result of the blush sweeping across his face.


Jinhwan's smile only grows.


"So," Jinhwan draws out. "Do you like her Jiwon-ah?" Bobby ignores the nudge he receives and stares eyes wide at his hyung to which only Jinhwan laughs.


"Yah! Hanbin-ah! Bobby likes her!" B.I.'s face breaks out in a wide grin, but the shout draws the attention of the other members. Confusion clear as day on their faces.


"Who does Bobby like?" Yunhyeong asks.


"Yeah. Was it one of your fans Bobby hyung?" Donghyuk follows up.


Question after question keep falling out of the members mouths, not giving the embarrassed Bobby a chance to speak. Finally, after noticing Bobby not answering any of their questions, B.I. holds a hand up to silence everyone and the voices kind of fade out.


"Bobby hyung seems to like one of his fans. As the caring bandmates we are, we will find her for him," B.I. suggests, sending a playful wink to Bobby who just groans and causes the others to laugh. "She's a girl that's about Jinhwan hyung's height, maybe a little shorter. She wears thick glasses, has fair skin with dark hair in a ponytail. Oh and she's wearing shorts and a t-shirt," B.I. explains to which all the members take mental notes.


"Wait," Chanwoo interrupts. "How will we know if it's her? Half the girls here probably go by that description."


"Ah, she's with a friend," B.I. continues. "Her friend is taller than Jinhwan hyung," some of the members snicker at Jinhwan's constant comparison, but B.I. pays no mind. "She has thin glasses, nice tan skin with freckles on her face that turns a soft pink when embarrassed. She has a side ponytail with a beanie on, a sleeveless shirt that show she's fit, and skinny jeans that compliment her figure oh so well." The members stare at B.I. with knowing looks after he kind of went into a daze following his description of Hwasung.


"Well it seems Hanbin-ah has taken a liking to the friend of Bobby's crush," Junhoe points out.


Immediately B.I. snaps out of his thoughts about Hwasung and blushes similarly to Bobby. The members coo at the two members who are crushing on their fans.


"Hey guys. You got a minute to prepare yourselves for going on stage again," their manager reminds them.


"Got it, hyung," Jinhwan says. The rest of the members follow the eldest out the door and towards the stage to get into position after a brief greeting to Epik High.


"Don't forget that we have to find the two lovebirds their crushes," Jinhwan says which gains nods from the other members, not including B.I. or Bobby. Said males feel their nerves running on overdrive, but hearing their song "M.U.P." begin to play has made their nervousness fuel their determination.


The fans begin to relax and calm down when the songs "M.U.P." and "Airplane" play, their collective voices echoing throughout the concert hall.


However, this is only the calm before the storm. Their excitement is brought back in full throttle when the iKON members explain their next actions in which each member is going to bring one fan on the stage. After the promise of not hurting any fan, each member has their own camera ready to roam the aisles in search for their ideal types.


To make the scene complete, they sing "My Type".


"You’re my type,
you’re my type
Even if you don’t say anything, I have a feeling
From your head to your toes, everything."


The words roll right off of Bobby's tongue with practiced eased and his eyes wander around looking for Nayeon. But to make sure he's not too obvious, he takes out his camera and poses with some of the fans.


"You’re my type
When I look at you,
I want you so bad I go crazy
I think about you even right before I go to sleep pow."


B.I. copies Bobby's actions, but his eyes are searching for Hwasung.


Speaking of the two, they are singing along to the song, swaying a bit and cheering whenever the members interact with their fans. When it's time for iKON to pick their fans, everyone goes wild for wanting to be chosen.


"What are the chances that they pick us?" Hwasung leans into Nayeon so that her friend could hear her.


"I don't know. Probably very slim I guess. There are a lot of fans here after all."


Donghyuk is going down the main center aisle in search for a fan when he sees a girl that matches the description of B.I.'s crush. Quickly looking for another member, he makes his way over to Jinhwan and leans to whisper in his ear.


"I found them."


The fans scream at the closeness of the two, and Jinhwan's eyes widen before breaking out into a huge smile before gesturing for Donghyuk to lead the way.


They find the two girls talking to each other, but that doesn't stop Jinhwan from extending his hand out to Nayeon. "Excuse me, but would you mind coming with me?"


Nayeon's expression shows how surprised she is, yet the smile on Jinhwan's face doesn't falter. She absentmindedly takes hand, being ultimately swept away by the circumstances.


Hwasung feels a twinge of envy at her best friend being chosen, but that instantly changes when she notices Donghyuk holding his hand out towards her with a gentle smile on his lips. She returns the smile with one of her own and takes his hand.


Not being able to find any of the two girls, Bobby and B.I. decide to just choose two random fans that are near them and lead them to the center stage.


On the center stage is a circle of equally-spaced chairs and all the members bring their fans to sit down in one of the chairs. Donghyuk and Jinhwan use their bodies to block Nayeon and Hwasung as they lead them to the back chairs away from either Bobby or B.I.


Said males share of look of disappointment for not being able to find any of the two girls they wanted, but they quickly replace the look with ones of excitement seeing all the selected fans being seated. 


The platform that the seated fans are on jerks suddenly, beginning to rotate as Chanwoo's voice projects his part of the song in the concert hall while the other members of iKON start to dance in place. 


As he's dancing, Bobby is pleasantly surprised when he sees a familiar fan approaching him.




His part of the song comes at perfect timing because he dances a little more in front of Nayeon than he did with the other fans on stage, practically being face-to-face with her. He notices that she's seems less nervous than before, even relaxed enough to move along to Bobby's dance moves as she sat.


Bobby gives her an eye smile and sends her a wink that makes her blush a little before moving on to the next fan. However, he doesn't do anything special to them as he did with Nayeon.


B.I. recognizes Hwasung as soon as he sees her. As he begins to sing in front of her, her eyes shift downwards, finding her lap more interesting. When he sees this, he dances his way to come closer to her and lifts her chin so that she couldn't look away. Their eyes lock on each other and Hwasung feels her nerves melt away.


B.I. does his dance and is amused to see Hwasung dance a bit as well in her seat as she casts him a soft smile. A soft smile of his own settles on his lips and he gives her a small, but noticeable wink before moving on to the next fan.


Towards the end of the song, all the members go to the fans that they selected. Instead of going to either Nayeon or Hwasung, Donghyuk and Jinhwan go to meet the fans Bobby and B.I. had chosen, earning them knowing smiles and wide grins from the other members.


Both Bobby and B.I. are thankful for their members for giving them the opportunity to go to their awaited girls. Bobby goes into the middle of the circle and drapes his arms around Nayeon's shoulders from behind, swaying both of them to the music. Nayeon glances upwards at Bobby, returns the small smile that he's giving her and lets her hands cover Bobby's as they move along to the music.


B.I., on the other hand, makes his way over to Hwasung while singing:


"I really like you

Even when you yawn sometimes."


He wraps an arm around her and looks directly in her eyes, "It's my style."


The fans' screams get even louder.


"I really like you

Even when you yawn sometimes

It's my style."


At the end, B.I. surprises Hwasung by pulling her into a hug. But, in that moment, Hwasung whispers into her ear, "You've never seen me yawn." Hwasung's warm breath against the shell of his ear causes a slight shiver to run down his spine, making him want more.


"Then, when is it a good time to see you like that?" he whispers back. Hwasung pulls back with a deep blush and B.I. almost wants to coo at her for being so cute.


With the song coming to an official end, the members lead their selected fans back to the fans' seats, but Bobby stops them with him clearing his throat into his microphone.


"Um, actually. Before we lead the fans back to their seats, I would like to say something to this particular fan."


The squeeze on her shoulder grounds Nayeon as the entire concert hall goes silent and all eyes are on Bobby. He comes from behind her to stand in front of her instead. Holding out his hand, Nayeon accepts it and stands next to Bobby, never letting go of his hand.


"This girl right here is a fan of mine actually," he starts off, turning to gaze into her eyes before facing the crowd again. "You may not know this, but I was kind of envious of how many fans my other bandmates have. And it's not like I don't appreciate all of my fans, but I was just sad and lonely." The crowd of fans immediately begins to shout their love at Bobby, and he thanks all of them for that before he continues. "I felt that way, but then this girl made me forget about all of that. The way she started her rambling after approaching me with her friend over there," he indicates to waving Hwasung who's hugging B.I. " Was adorable and even though she didn't know it then, I appreciated it."


Nayeon couldn't form any words, but she hopes that her squeezes of Bobby's hand and her encouraging smile conveys her message enough.


"And I just want to say thank you to you," Bobby pulls Nayeon into a hug. The concert hall erupts in fans' screams and cheers as Bobby pulls Nayeon tighter against him. Leaning in her ear, he wants just Nayeon to hear his next words. "Actually, you're just my type."

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