After Number 7


He has been in the Agency since he was fourteen and until two years ago when all the when downhill and he was forced to retire while he was still alive so he knew that the two boys that joined his new dance class were more than just plain, ordinary teenagers. Since nobody bothered him in the last year he thought Jin finally got the memo that he was out of the Agency once and for all. In retrospective he should have known that his former job was not the kind you could quit that easily ... especially with the circumstances that made him leave...especially now that Jin was oficially in charge with nobody else to stop him or even tone his actions down.

" Teacher, I don't think I understood how to execute all those movements properly. Can you demonstrate them once again, please ? " the shorter amongst the new comers asked when the class was finished and all the other students were leaving.

" Cut the crap. I know who you are. Go back to Jin and tell him to go himself. I am retired ." he said in a low and harsh tone , surprising the young agents.

Really , it was stupid of Jin to send such newbies to him. What message did he try to convey ? That the Agency lost its all those two years ago ? If that was the case, then it served him right. He should have listened to him when he told him not to take that mission... that it was too dangerous even for people like them. Also, it's not like it was easy for him to leave . Quite the contrary, it torn him apart. Even two years later his heart was made of shattered pieces. He lost his all due to a wrong decision he tried so hard to avoid .... and Jin even dared to send those kids after him.

" He knew you would say this and he told us that he had no choice but to ask you to come to him once again. "

" Or else what ? He can't take anything from me to coerce me into listening to his orders. "

" It's about Number 7 . " the younger looking out of the two said and he felt anger rising inside him . "

 " What the do you know about Number 7 ? I am ing retired ! Go back from where you came from or so help me god I am going to kill you both with my bare hands, skin you, cut you into pieces and feed you to rats. " he said enraged. After all, he was always a tad bit too sensitive than what it was deemed proper for a man like him when it came to Number 7. 

" I , we, don't know anything about who he is , sir. It's just that one day Jin came to us and told us to fetch you. He said you are going to be hard to convince but that you will come to us if we told you about Number 7 " the shorter of the boys stared to say only to get harsly intrerupted by him .

" And why should I care about Number 7. He is a more than capable agent and, above all he had made his choice. I am in no relation with him so I am not obligated to listen to Jin's bull whatsoever.

" Sir, Jin wanted you to know that Number 7 was compromised. " the younger boy said and it made his blood run cold and dread crawl up his spine.

" This is impossible. You either lying or hide something from me. "

" He only told us it something related to the ZICO affair. But we really don't know what that is . After all, you know the Agency's policy . "

" Speak little, know less . " Of course he knew that damned policy since he was the one that came up with it in the first place. " We are taking my car. Come kids . "

He never thought he will ever go back to that place. There were too many lies and conspiracies there ... too much betrayal and hurt for him to handle with an entierly sane mind .

The building was more or less just like he remembered it. After all, even though two years meant a lot of time in that world some things were ment to stay the way they were for as much as it was possible.

" Why don't you and RM go after Number 7 ? You know I am done with this . " was the first thing he said when he entered Jin's office .

" Yet you still came . " answered the other looking smug, like he was sure that he will came and thell him those things. " You know why RM can't go ... and you also know why I have to stay here. I run this thing. All of the others depend of me . "

" Egoistic bastard ! Why should I care ? Why don't you send any of the other agents ? I have not relation with Number 7. We both made our decision clear two years ago. "

" So you will simply let him die ."

After Jin's word's a tense silence enveloped the office . Jin and him were having an eye contact battle while the two kids that aacompanied him to the Agency looked dumbfounded and the pink haired male who was sitting next to Jin's desk tried to understand what was going down and what was he supposed to do.

" Why wouldn't I ? I have seen many people die ... most of them by my hand. Why should I risk my life and save Number 7 ? "

" Look at me, Hope. Look right into my eyes and tell me you can continue living your life knowing you were the one who let him die ... the one who signed his death sentence. " he said sounding sure of himself. And of course, why would't he ? After all, they both knew from square one that Hope's tough act was just a facade. The decision has been made when he odered the kids to go fetch him.

" Just so you know, I hate you. "




At first, when Jin made him and Jeongkook get in Hoseok's life and then fetch him he thought he was kidding. The guy looked nothing like and ex top agent: he talked too loudly, acted too goofy and careless . That was why he was shell shocked when he came to Jeongkook and him telling them that he knew who they were. He was scary and menacing and Jimin thought he shouldn't have been scared of him since he , too , was an acomplished agent, even though he was part of the Agency for only an year.

He was even more surprised when he saw the always happy dance teacher loading the back of his car and his backpack with various weapons, from guns to knives and even vials filled with what he presumed was poison.

" I heard that you and the other two kids are coming with me on this mission. It's stupid and if you do any mistake I will not hesitate to pull a bullet right trough that pretty head of yours."

" Hope, it's okay. He is still alive. We are going to find him and take him back . " V said and Jimin thought that, for the supposed planning expert of their team, he was dumber than he should have been . "

" I just want it all to be over. I just want to get back to my dance studio and teach the kids . I want to forget it all . But you know how Nakta is. It won't be easy to get him out. "

" I never said it will be easy. I said we can make it."

" How is he so chill about you when all he does is threathen us ? " him and Jeongkook asked V when Hope went to talk with Jin about the last details concerning the mission.

" I would have been shocked if he treated me the way he treats you two. After all, I am Number 7's brother. I am the only one who knows how much Hope had to put up with. "

" What do you mean ? "

" Well I know this is going to defy the Agency's policy but , since we are going to be team mates, I think you two have the right to know how we all got in this situation. Two years ago the Agency was nothing like it is now. It woked under the direct orders of the government, doing the dirty job that had to be done. There were just as many agents as there are now but there were seven that were truly handling how the Agency worked. They were so good at what they were doing that people barely knew their code names, let alone their real names. Since everything around them was such a secret the others agents and clients usually adressed them using number. So , as you may have guessed already, my brother was on that team: he was Number seven. Two years ago, they received a special mission. I don't know what it was about but I know that some of the seven didn't agree to it. They even went as far as saying that it could put in danger not only their lives but also the Agency itself. They still went with it though and what they found out ... they shouldn't have known it. They knew too much so they had to be eliminated. At that point two or three of the members fiercely argued that they should abort the mission and make themselves low until it was relatively safe for them to get back to work again. The rest didn't agree to it. Number 2 argued that they should go on and fully uncover the secret. The rest agreed with him. Number 5 went undercover but he was compromised, he tried to seek help and make them get him out ... but it was to late. Via the life footage they had from the surveilance cameras, they saw him get shot. Number 4 , who didn't agree with the mission in the first place accused Number 2 of the tragedy. He wanted him to pay. He wanted to get revange. I don't know what happened at this point but , after all of this, Number 4 was killed, Number 6 went rogue and the team divided. "

The boys were stuned into silence for a few seconds, until another voice started talking. They lookled towards the source of the sound only to see Hope there, his face expresionless:

" Well, since V was so nice and started to tell you you weren't supposed to know... let me at least enlighten you by telling you the full story. We started as a small agency. We were supposaed to only spy and report. Then it went to the murders and then to something more. As the one who had been a part of this whole thing for the longest time I told them there will come a moment when the government will start taking us down because we know too much. I warned them that we should stop engaging in certain missions and advised them to always be ready to flee. They told me that I was paranoid, crazy even. Then project ZICO came and I told them from the start it was only a trap made to eliminate us. It was painfully obvious... and Kidoh and Nakta saw it too . We wanted to not engage but Jin managed to convince the rest to accept the mission. We sent Jenissi since he was the only one who hadn't worked with any of the other ones implicated in that mission. Useless to say he was caught and killed in that hotel room, Kidoh's name being the last thing he was able to scream. Kidoh went, of course, nuts and blamed Jin for convincing the others to take on the mission. He wanted revange. He wanted Jin to hurt as much as he , himself , did and this is why he tried to kill Namjoon. Of course, things didn't work as he wanted them. Jin found out about the plot and killed Kidoh before he even got the chance to lay a hand on Namjoon. This is where hell officially let loose. With Jenissi and Kidoh dead, Nakta went rogue and promissed to get revenge. He was our Number 6, one of the best of us , so of course neither Jin nor Namjoon managed to track him. Deeming the chaos of the situation in his advantage, Jin took the reigns of the Agency with Namjoon as his right hand. Seeing what happened and considering that the death of my close friends and team mates were enough I was finally able to do the thing I wanted to do the most for a long time already, I quit. I knew Nakta was never going to come after me since I never agreed with the ZICO mission in the first place so , knowing I was as safe as a man like me could be I tried to convince Suga to also join me. Not only he refused me, he also called me a ing traitor. The last thing he said before we separated was that he hates my guts, that he wished he never met me. And look at us now. He got caught by Nakta and I most probably have to go and kill one of my former friends and team mates just to save his sorry . "





" You see Yoongi, I am quite sorry about this. I really don't want to kill you or anything. I mean I really do find you pretty dumb but not enough to actually make me activley try to assasinate you or anything. I am after Namjoon . I will just keep you until either him or Jin come . "

" Well then you are in the wrong because neither of them will come after me . " Yoongi managed to say.

All in all, the famous Number 7 considered himself quite stupid. With the knowledge of the ZICO project he should have been able to identify a trap mission. Useless to say he fell for it. And this exactly why he found himself captured by Nakta's men, penumonia killing his lungs and blood spilling from his right shoulder where he has been shot trying to run away. His vison was already kind of foggy due to blood loss and he knew he was going to experience a paniful death since nobody was going to come and save him . He didn't want to die but that didn't mean he was afraid of the prospects of not seeing another day. His only regret was not listening to Hoseok and, even more than this, ending all that was between them with harsh words. The venom filled " Forget me by yourself , Number 1, or I migh make you forget me with a bullet right between your eyes " still haunted him at night. After all, Hoseok had been right all along and the only thing he had tried to do was to keep them, to keep him, alive and safe.

" Well that's too bad. It looks like you are going to die here, then. But worry not ! In the name of our long friendship I will give you a proper burrial and not let you be eaten by stray dogs. But , since there is nothing for us to do but talk, I have a question : What does it feel like to lose both Hoseok and your life just because you were stubborn and refused to listen to him ? You know, for the first year after he left the Agency I kept an eye on him just to make sure he is a man of his words. He really tied all the conections. He opened a nice dance studio, bough an apartment near it and even made some friends along the way. He really is happy. How does it feel knowing that you ruined your only chance at happines ? No ! No ! Let me rephrase it ! How does it feel knowing you are replaceble ? You kept serving Jin's ideals thinking he would never find another one like you. But guess what ? You are going to die and your brother or one of his team mates is going to take your place. You tought that by threathening Hoseok you are going to make him stay . But he left you behind and made himself a better life. You are disposable, Yoongi. You are not necessary . "

His words stung Yoongi more than his wounds because he knew there was truth behind them. He ruined all of his life by himself, without needing anyone else's help. He was lost in his thoughs and regrets but he wasn't lost enough to miss the sound of the door opening .

Could it be true ? Did Jin really sent somebody to save him ? He only hopped he didn't send his brother for he couldn't deal with the idea of dying in front of Taehyung's eyes or , even worse, seeing the younger dying.

" Nakta, let Yoongi go. You don't really need him . I won't do anything to you. I won't hinder you from your quest to get your revenge on Jin ... just let me take him and save him . "

That voice was all too familiar to him and he was sure he finally lost his mind. There was no possible way in this entire world for Hoseok to come after him. Not when he wronged him that much. Not when he tried so hard to sever all his conections with his past.

" Hoseok ? Fancy seeing you here ! I have to admit that I didn't expect you to come . I mean, I expected Jin to try and persuade you into taking part in this mission. After all, he is such a ... he wouldn't to a thing that could endanger him or Namjoon ... but I didn't expect you to actually answer his call and come after Yoongi . Despite all that happend ... you really are a fool . You are no different form Kidoh, are you now ? Aishh the forever wild and unpredictable Number 1 . What are you going to do now ? Kill me ? Because I won't go down without a fight . Are you capable of comiting a murder due to the ZICO mission, something you never believed in ? "

" That is were you are wrong, Nakta . I know how much it hurts . Jenissi and Kidoh were my friends and I always tried to avoid somethig happening to them. I hurt so much when they died that I couldn't even do this job anymore. But the ZICO mission is long over . It was finished those two years ago . There is no need for any other murder to happen because of it . I would never kill you because of it . Never . But I would kill you without hesitation to save Yoongi. So let me take him now . I give you my word . I won't stop you from going after Jin and Namjoon, even though I firmly believe all of this has to stop because it is killing all of us . "

" Hobi ... " Yoongi's voice was week and raspy ... and he still couldn't believe that Hoseok really came after him.

" It's okay, Yoongi. I am here. I am going to take you out . " he said and his voice was soft and mellow just like he remembered it even though he had a gun pointed towards Nakta's head."

Probably that was the moment Yoongi hated himself the most. The moment when he realized he let go of and hurt the only person that was capable of stepping over his every belief and feeling just to save him .

" You love him just as much as Kidoh loved Jenissi, don't you Hoseok ? Oh, that kind of love that kills you with every breath. I respect that, but it doesn't mean that I can't let him go without a fight . "

Yoongi closed his eyes because he knew, he just knew that someone was going to die in that god forsaken place . A shout, screams of pain, gunshots and then everything faded into black.



" I can't believe you went to rescue him all alone . You could have died. Both of you could have died . "

" Yes, but that didn't mean I could allow myself to sacrifice any more people due to the ZICO mission, something that shouldn't have happened. "

" What happened to Nakta ? "

" The mission is now officially closed. He will never bother the Agency once again . "

" Did you klill him ? "

" I did not. I would never kill another man for that god damned mission ... especially if said man was a friend and former team mate . "

" Then what happened to him . "

" Let's just say I wasn't the only retired Agency member. "

Yoongi opened his eyes and was immediately attacked by such a blinding white light that he couldn't help but groan in pain and close them once again . 

" You are awake ? "

He opened his eyes once again, slowly this time as to be able to adapt to the light , and the first thing that he was able to see, was Hoseok's face, lines of worry and lack of sleep , marking heavily the underside of his eyes. There were bandages covering his torso and Yoongi instantly knew the other had been shot while he went to rescure him.

" Ho ? "

" Right here . How are you feeling ? "

" Everything hurts .

" Of course it does. You have been shot and let to bleed yourself to death . "

" You came after me . "

" Of course I did . How could I have not ? "

 " But I wronged you so much . I should have listened to you . I should have never said those words to you . "

" But how could I have fallen for you so hard, love you so much, if you weren't my stubborn little Yoongi . "

He couldn't help but laugh at this, even if that action made him cringe and whimper in pain .

" What will happen right now ... with us ? Will you go away once again ? "

" I have never went away , have I ? "


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Chapter 1: Ahhh I'd love to see a prequel or sequel, this its fricking greatt!! I love this story!!
Makino1910 #2
Chapter 1: Wow ! I was so surprised seeing Kidoh, Jenissi and Nakta in your story ! I love his idea as much as I love ToppDogg !!
Hyukjae4everyword #4
Chapter 1: Well this was a wild ride hahaha I loved it so much! My vote is on both prequel and sequel or more of prequels and more of sequels? There's a lot of material for a good story there... Anyway thank you for writing! The plot was nice and it was easy to read.
lilyrasy #5
Please write a prequel n sequel with a in it.. Hehehe (give a cute wink)
lilyrasy #6
I have a bit hard time to understand this ff but I really love the ending, the ending was cute tho.. I know it hard to write an action story, very good work author-nim .. Keep it up *give a thumb up*