first & last


korean cable tv awards
they finally had an event
you've been waiting for this for weeks
you missed him so much
you actually wanted to go there to see him perform live
but you and him dating were still a hot topic
and, normally, most fans weren't very accepting
so you stayed at home
you got your artillary ready
laptop on for livestreaming
phone on for tweeting
you may be his girlfriend
but first and foremost
you're his fangirl
you're their fangirl
it started & you noticed something weird
there was something wrong with him
he was injured
everyone started panicking
and you did too
the fansites were saying that he injured his leg
you saw the members holding onto him like he's their grandpa who can't walk properly
your heart was breaking
why didn't he tell you?
you could've helped him in any way you could
you stopped streaming
you couldn't take it anymore
seeing him in pain was too much
seeing him limping like he was the most vulnerable person in the world was just too much for you to bear
he's infinite's leader
the person everyone leans on
the person who's still standing when everyone else already fell down
you turned everything off and logged out of twitter
and cried
you knew that it wasn't time for you to be weak but it felt so wrong
you felt useless what's the point of being his girlfriend if you can't do anything for him when he's injured
even worse, you didn't even know he was injured
you cried until no tears would fall
you cried until everything became dark & you fell asleep
waking up to the sound of your phone ringing continuously you looked at it
10 missed calls
2 messages
1 person
"honey~ did you watch us today?"
"honey~~ i bet you're sleeping, message me okay?"
you didn't want to reply but he would see that you already read the message
and being the petty person that he is
he wouldn't be glad if you didn't reply
"im already awake"
that was the most you could say without punching yourself 
"is everything okay?"
he replied in .00001 seconds
"yep. no need to worry."
you felt evil why are you the one being so cold when he was the one in need of someone to lean on
but you just wanted to make yourself suffer
you wanted to blame yourself for everything that happened to him
and you didn't feel like you deserved him at the moment
"honey, i know when you don't feel well, come on tell me what's going on :-)"
he always knew
he was the all-knowing one
you were the stupid one who knew nothing
"im useless to you. i didnt even know you were injured & i couldnt do anything to help you"
he didn't reply for 10 minutes
maybe he finally realized that you were useless and decided to end things with you
you thought
yep thats most probably what happened
until your phone rang
and his name was on the screen
and of course you answered
"honey open the door"
"what are you talking about?"
"honey open the front door im having a really hard time standing up yknow"
you rushed to the door
only to see him standing there
obviously having a hard time
"well, hi there my love"
he says with that beautiful smile you loved the most
you were in tears
you jumped onto him & hugged him like you haven't seen him for 10 years
he was in pain but still managed to hug you back for a while until he said that
you finally blurted out
"im sorry i cant be there for you. im sorry i cant help you. im sorry i wasnt there when you got injured"
you kept on crying
while still hugging him
and he just listened 
he stayed silent unlike the usual
he just listened
and patted your head like you were his long lost puppy
"honey. you know it's not your fault"
you looked up to him
"i wanted to keep this from you since i knew you would just blame yourself for not being able to help me"
he held up your chin so you'd have eye contact with him
"and, see, i was right"
he added while nuzzling your nose with his
"i'm going to be fine soon, okay? i'm supergyu!! there's nothing i can't overcome!"
he said as he hugged you tight
his smile was the best
his smile was the only smile that could light up your world
and yes he was your supergyu
"now if this drama session's over, help me go inside & bring these groceries in."
you can't help but giggle since these kind of comments, this is the real him
and what how did he know....
"yes, i know that you have nothing in your fridge so i took the liberty of getting you some thingsss that you like"
he said pointing at the grocery bags beside his feet
"but in return you have to massage me & be a good girl"
he said smirking
"yes, your highness"
you replied with a curtsey
you picked up 2 grocery bags
and he picked 1 for himself
as you helped him go in
"that's my girl"
he said as he placed his other hand on your shoulder
and planted a kiss on your cheek
and whispered
"you don't have to worry, i'll be fine soon, just trust me"
you looked at him
and you smiled at each other
yep, he was definitely going to be okay
how will he not be?
he was supergyu

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Chapter 1: its so true that being Sunggyu gf amd fangirl is not easy and its indeed frustrarting to see him injuried way before being told.. It surely makes the gf felt painful and guilty of not being 'there'..
but the sweet and SuperGYU will just be there....for , his fans, his gf.. he would always playnhis role and do his duties well. :)