
My superhero

Jungkook opens the door of the practice room with more force than intended, but he’s worried to death, so even if the door slams against the wall quite harsh, sounding as if it were going to break, he can be forgiven, he’s on a mission.

The two occupants of the room jump in surprise at the noise, and turn their heads in time to see Jungkook standing at the door, black hair disheveled under his black beanie, eyes big like and owl and breathing hard through chapped lips.

The younger of the three gulps nervously from his position at the door when the other two stare dumbfounded at him.

“Jungkookie?” breaks the silence Jimin’s soft voice. Jungkook studies him from the door and his eyebrows furrow instantly at the sight of his boyfriend clutching at his ankle. “What are you doing here?”

“Well-“ Jungkook voices comes out rough since his throat is dry, so he clears it a couple of times and keeps on talking. “-you told me you sprained your ankle, so here I am.”

“You didn’t have to come all the way here, Hoseok-hyung-“

“Well, I’m here now.” interrupts Jungkook, frown deepening as his eyes take in that there are a bunch long fingers that belong to another male touching his boyfriend’s leg. He knows there was no need for him to come over, Jimin probably just texted him so Jungkook knew about it, but knowing his boyfriend was hurt made him rush his way to the practice room instantly, homework to be damned.

Jimin liked to spend hours here, mastering his moves until his body couldn’t bare anymore the pain of sore muscles, and Jungkook was used to that perfectionist trait of him; that determined attitude of working hard for his dreams was one of the things that made Jungkook fell in love with Jimin, but the older tended to push himself over the limit more times that Jungkook could count on his two hands and feet and todays’ injury was proof of that.

Jungkook closes the door, more gently now that he’s calmed down a bit, and approaches the two sitting males. 

“Does it hurt too much?” asks Jungkook crouching next to Jimin’s outstretched leg, eyeing the red and swollen ankle. Hoseok moves away his hand when the youngest gives him the stink-eye.

Jungkook doesn’t consider himself being one extremely possessive nor jealous person, he had never reasons to be that kind of boyfriend before, but with Jimin is different. Everyone seems to be fond of the other male and want to be close to him; no that Jungkook blames them, Jimin is such a nice and warm creature it would be weird for someone to hate him, and that’s why sometimes he feels threatened, afraid someone better than him will appear and steal Jimin away from him.

“I’m okay, it’s just a bit swollen…” says Jimin with a broken voice. “the problem is I don’t think I will be up for the competition coming up this Sunday…”

“It’s okay Jiminnie.” says Hoseok, his hand reaching up to pat reassuringly the other dancer’s knee with a big smile.

Hoseok is handsome, thinks Jungkook, with his long but perfectly balanced face, his warm eyes, his wide and warm smile and that body that drives everyone crazy. He’s quite popular, being the main dancer and choreographer of their uni’s dance team, and Jungkook finds himself thinking more than once that Hoseok could be that one that could steal Jimin away from him; they just fit together so well.

“You should go home and put that leg on rest, don’t force yourself.” keeps talking Hoseok with a gentle voice. Jungkook sees Jimin relax a bit, give a little smile that Jungkook wants to keep all for himself but he knows he can’t do that, because Jimin is always gifting smiles to the world.

Hoseok moves the hand on Jimin’s knee down and rests his huge palm against the meet of the other dancer’s shin while the other grabs the injured ankle. Unnecessary touch, if you ask Jungkook.

“Right, let’s go home and put some ice to that ankle.” says Jungkook glaring at Hoseok, who stares at him with a questioning gaze, feigning innocence. But Jungkook knows better; he knows Hoseok has been trying to hit on Jimin for a long time, always trying to be alone with the younger asking him to stay late for practice knowing Jimin would never say no to keep on dancing for hours;  that’s why Jungkook has tried to leave his boyfriend alone with the other as less as possible, occupying Jimin’s free time  with impromptu studying dates or going out for coffee.

Jimin tries to stand up, wincing when he moves his foot the wrong way and a sharp sting goes up his leg. Jungkook moves faster than Hoseok this time, and catches his boyfriend by the waist to pull him up. Jimin is tinny, adorable height difference that the black haired boy loves to about, so it doesn’t take much effort for him to hold Jimin securely against his body.

Hoseok gives Jimin his bag, sending the shorter male a warm smile but a pissed-off stare at the taller one for appearing out of nowhere, gesture that makes Jungkook internally dance in joy.

Jimin tries walking, but the moment he puts a bit of pressure on his bad foot pain shakes up his whole leg. He winces again, digging his fingers painfully on Junkook’s shoulder, who supports him by the waist with a firm grip.

“Maybe you shouldn’t walk.” says Jungkook, giving his boyfriend a worried stare.

Jimin lets out a shaky sigh, obviously in pain, and nods slowly with a sad pout, and Jungkook wishes he could just hold Jimin in his arms forever and erase all his pain for the rest of his life.

“I will carry you.” says Jungkook firmly, and before Jimin can even think of arguing back to that with his usual “no Jungkook, I’m too fat for you to carry me” Jungkook passes Jimin’s arms across his shoulders and squats down enough to grab the back of Jimin’s thighs and lift him up. Jimin lets out a grunt of surprise, not expecting Jungkook to move so fast and perch him on his back, and instinctively wraps his arms around the taller’s neck, clutching to him like a koala perched on a tall tree.

“Okay, let’s go.” 

Jungkook doesn’t let Hoseok and Jimin to say farewell to each other and goes to the door with a couple of long strides and leaves a bewildered Hoseok standing there like an idiot, expression Jungkook would gladly laugh at in another situation in which his boyfriend wasn’t suffering so much. But he saves the image on his brain for later.

After fifteen minutes of silent walk Jimin rests his chin on Jungkook shoulder and heaves out a deep breath.

“My apartment is too far away.” says Jimin softly, warm breath caressing the soft skin of Jungkook’s neck. “we can haul a taxi or something, I’m too heavy for you to carry me all the way there…”

“Nonsense,” Jungkook stops for a second to readjust a bit Jimin’s weight on his back and then carries on walking. “It’s not that far, besides, you are too tinny to weight anything.

Jungkook expects, and laughs at the hit on his arm after his teasing words, typical reaction he gets every time he mentions the older’s height.

Jimin pouts, not that Jungkook can see it but he knows Jimin like the back of his hand, so can picture those beautiful lips puckered out in angry pout that doesn’t do much to help Jimin look actually his age.

Jungkook feels Jimin’s arms on his neck tighten their hold and hide his face on the crook of his neck.

“I’m a klutz.” spats Jimin angrily on his shoulder. His voice sounded creaky, on the verge of tears, and Jungkook knows that Jimin will be crying his eyes out the whole weekend for missing such important competition.

“Don’t say that.” Jungkook says softly, thinking how to make Jimin feel better; words have never been his forte. “Accidents happen, this was just a bit of bad luck, don’t be so hard on yourself hyung.”

“But we’ve worked so hard for this and-“

“There will be more competitions.” cuts Jungkook, feeling his throat constrict at Jimin’s sad tone. “You will have more opportunities to win, hyung, let others get a prize from time to time.”

Jimin chuckles, tightening even more his arms around the younger before leaving a soft peck at the base of his neck. Jungkook allows himself to smirk in satisfaction for making Jimin laugh a bit.

“Besides, that way we can spend more time together until you get better.” points out Jungkook, finally seeing Jimin’s apartment building. “I’m gonna give you massages, and cook for you. We can also watch that show you like so much that I never want to-“

Dancing with the stars?!“ 

Jungkook hums in response and Jimin laughs in disbelieve.

“Wow, you are spoiling me too much.” Jimin smiles, craning his head to the side to try to see Jungkook’s face.

“Well, aren’t I supposed to do that? I’m your boyfriend.” Jungkook looks at him from the corner of his eye, smile spreading on his lips at the sight of Jimin’s beautiful smile.

“You can’t backtrack now.” says Jimin, fishing out his keys from the pocket of the bag he’s carrying on his shoulders and handing it to Jungkook’s hand. For a second, Jimin marvels at the fact that Jungkook is holding him without much effort with one hand while using the other to open the door, but then remembers that Jungkook has always been strong and tough; like a superhero.

“I won’t, I promise.” says Jungkook determined. “I’m gonna spoil you so much this weekend. I will take good care of you.”

You always do.” says Jimin softly, and presses another kiss on his neck. “I love you, Jungkookie.”

Jungkook smiles wide, his nose scrunching up adorably and eyes crinkling in happiness.

“I love you too, Jiminnie-hyung.”









A/N: This was requested by  just_trashxx, who asked for jealous kookie and some fluff ^^ hope you like this!! Also, have fun on your trip and go and come back safe.

I have another request on my drafts I'm working on; to the person who requested it, if you are reading this, don't think I forgot about you it's just that it's turning out longer than I expected... I will try to finish it soon ^^

On another note, today has been tragic in the world, I hope that wherever you are you are safe, take care people♡
And, as always, you can find me on Tumblr


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Chapter 1: OMG, it was sooo sweet ¡^¡
I think I fell in love <3
Great job done here ~
Omgawd this is sooooo cute like asddhdhfjfkfkfll ❤
raebmonster #3
Chapter 1: i might get diabetes from this ㅠㅠ THIS IS SO CUTE ISTG AJAHAGWHEVEG <33
Poke38 #4
Chapter 1: This is so cute I'm dying g
minahbaby #5
Chapter 1: Idek what to say anymore xD this was just so good and so fluffy and so adorable and so amazingly written and it just made me smile and made my morning like 14689843 times better ^^ i'm so happy that you're writing here again!!
taeismybae #6
Chapter 1: Ohgosh this was p.e.r.f.e.c.t. TT__TT I can imagine Jungkook being jealous like this and taking care of Jimin and askdkdk all the FLUFF it's so sweet. ;3;

"Jungkook smiles wide, his nose scrunching up adorably and eyes crinkling in happiness." - THIS PART WAS JUST OOOGOGFKDKDLKS I can totally imagine Jungkook's wide bunny smile!! ;o; <3

This was amazing, it totally brightened up my morning :-3 Thank you for writing it!
wonwoojpeg #7
Chapter 1: WAY TOO CUTE!!! :D
Chapter 1: Yeah superhero.. Jungkook is Iron man after all (=´∀`)