The end of the beginning.

The Death of Me


Kim Junmyeon wiped corners of his lips with old, richly ornamented handkerchief and - of course firstly precisely folded - put it away for later washing. The girl of whom he fed on, had her eyes closed and head thrown back on the headboard. They were situated on narrow bed in the man's small apartment.

"My dear." The vampire said, trying to attract attention of the girl. When she looked at him with quite hazy expression, he continued. "I'm really thankful for this delicious meal. I'm not going to take your further time. You can go."

The girl - his neighbour Hyejeong - nodded slowly and smiled. Junmyeon being gentleman showed her to the door. When Hyejeong was outside, he leaned on the wall and closed his eyes. He was alone in his apartment, again. 

Junmyeon wasn't afraid the girl would go and tell everyone he's a vampire. About century or so ago, Hyejeong's descendant was saved along with his whole family from death by Junmyeon. Park Jihoon felt obligated to show his gratitude and to somehow repay the vampire, so he promised that his three next human generations will be paying off his debt by donating their blood for Junmyeon. The vampire couldn't oppose - to be honest it was very good opportunity for him.

But even with his donating friends, he was alone. In his life people always come, always leave. Nothing lasts forever except loneliness and hunger. The latter was a real trouble for Junmyeon. These days, modern vampires could just go to the hospital and hypnotize nurses to give them blood bags or just drink from animals to not harm any humans. But he was a different case. He was The First from The Six Born From Heavens. Junmyeon was made to feed only on warm, vital, human blood. He was meant to carry the gift to the kings, to make them stronger, greater but for its price of humans lives. There is nothing for free in this world. But when people thousands years ago found out about his power, they got scared. He was a monster for them, along with his five other brothers. People afraid for what's different and that's what they became. Monsters.

Junmyeon felt a little pang of pain in his heart at the thought about his past. Most people say 'It's already past, forget it and live what is today' but the vampire couldn't. His previous decisions, experiences, memories were like an anchor for him. They kept him sane. If he's not insane already, with all this loneliness.

Physically he was in a great condition, but emotionally he was a wreck.

Not wanting to stay in his apartment, Junmyeon took his jacket from hanger, grabbed the keys and went out.

It was already late afternoon, so a lot of people were in the streets, rushing God knows where. Junmyeon took his time and slowly went by the pavement. In the outside was still quite warm but Junmyeon in his layers of clothes wasn't a little fazed. He just... easily adapted to the surroundings.

The vampire was slowly strolling, looking at the buildings and people and comparing present life to the old version from a hundred years ago. And a lot changed, but some things stayed the same. 

When Junmyeon saw a tower of a church, he felt relieved. Faith was the one of the things that didn't changed through the years so he found ease in somehow familiar environment.

Junmyeon fastened his pace and entered anciently looking church. All the stereotypes about vampires - that they can't go to the church, are afraid of holy water, garlic, crosses, sun and more - were a bunch of nonsense. Long time ago Junmyeon even believed he was born from Heavens, but as time went by, people accused him of being subordinate of devil. Just because he was different from them. When he lived around humans with his true identify - they called him monster, when they thought he's dead - they called him a hero. Where is sense here?

Junmyeon noticed there was already The Lord's Prayer of an evening mass. He went to the nearest bench at the back and joined the pray. There didn't last a lot of mass, but he didn't mind. The man was listening attentively to the words of priest, even if he knew them by heart. When the priest dismissed people, Junmyeon sat down and waited until everyone will leave, while looking at people who passed next to him. He saw happy faces of whole families, longing gazes of older people and bored expressions of teens and kids. He was curious how their life looked like. They probably had a lot of problems, but surely they didn't feel need to sink their fangs to the person beside them, and his or her life-sustaining liquid. Most of them probably were happy, even with hardships in their life. Another difference between him and other people - they were happy, and Junmyeon was not.

When he was sure most of the people were outside, he slouched in his seat and hidden his face in hands.

One of the other things beside faith what didn't change through the years, was that most of the people do not appreciate what they have. When they have family, friends, home - everything yet not enough, they want more because they're greed. We're all greed. But they want to be perfect. Junmyeon doesn't need perfection though. Money, looks, social position, success - the vampire experienced all of this already. But the people lack one, the most important thing - time. When you rush with life and don't enjoy it, you don't live - you exist. Junmyeon on the other side, have all the world's time. Perks of being a vampire, huh? Not really. When you live so long, you know all of this doesn't matter. If someone asked Junmyeon, what really matters in life, he or she would be disappointed, because the vampire doesn't have idea. After living literally a thousand years! Memories? Love? Life itself? Junmyeon just knows... that he wants this to end. He doesn't want to live anymore. Everyone have to die at one point, and Junmyeon just doesn't have anything more than hunger anymore. He wishes he can finally see his beloved ones and there weren't a lot of them to be honest. The man could just tear out his heart with bare hands, but the thing is, he's afraid. He may be one of the bravest warriors, hero of many wars but since the day he saw how his wife died - his first most precious, loved Miyoung took the last breath and closed her eyes for good... He got terrified. When you're on battlefield and you kill people, you can shut your feelings down, but when it comes to someone so dear for you it's different. From the moment his beautiful Miyoung died in his own embrace, Junmyeon was wondering where she has gone. He hoped it was Heaven where she would be happy and the man thought the same with his every following lover. Junmyeon on the other hand was sure he will go to Hell after death, where all the condemned creatures like him gone. And that's what terrified him the most.

The man was so lost in his thoughts he didn't hear someone sneaking next to him, until the said someone cleared their throat.

Junmyeon quickly straightened his back and looked, a little startled, to his right. There stood a young girl who was looking at him without any expression on her face. Junmyeon frowned when the girl was just standing there, not saying anything only maintaining an eye-contact with the vampire.

"Yes? Can I help you with something, miss?" He asked politely.

"Yeah." She said. "Move."

Junmyeon looked at her baffled.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm sure you heard me for the first time. Move." She pointed with her finger somewhere beside Junmyeon. "There."

The man hesitantly moved and the girl sat in the safe distance from him. The vampire was looking at her curiously, but she was keeping her gaze straight ahead. Why did she sit beside him? What was the matter? There were a dozen of not occupied benches and yet she sat next to him. Thank God Junmyeon fed before and he wasn't hungry anymore. Starved vampire and young girl weren't a good combination.

"Uh..." The unfamiliar girl wriggled in her seat. "How are you?"

Junmyeon lifted his eyebrows surprised.

"I'm good, thank you. How are you?" He asked trying to sound more polite than surprised.

The girl frowned.

"I'm okay."

The next seconds were spent in silence, until curiosity got the best of the man.

"I'm not trying to sound rude, but why are you conversating with me?"

The girl finally looked at Junmyeon, again with poker face.

"You're speaking weirdly. Like an old man. And I came to you because you didn't look okay. You looked really, really lonely. The priest today said that we need to help people who that help need. So, uh." The girl scrunched her nose. "I want to accompany you for a while."

Junmyeon was at loss of words, but pondered over an offer.

"It's really kind of you. I think small talk won't hurt any of us, right?"

"Yeah." She curtly answered and they fell into silence.

Junmyeon waited for the girl to start the conversation but she was like an unmoving sculpture, barely even blinking.

"So..." He cleared his throat. The man asked the first thing in his mind. "Why are you here in church? Out of duty as a child of God?"

"I'm here out of duty as a child of my parents." The girl grimaced for a half of second. "I don't believe in God."

"You don't believe in God..." Junmyeon slowly said trying to process the new information. "And yet you listen to beliefs of God's emissary?"

The girl looked at him with something akin of challenge in her eyes.

"He's a wise man. He thinks God exists - I do not. It doesn't change my perception how I see him as a human."

Junmyeon nodded a little impressed.

"You're really mature and wise yourself."

"I know. A lot of people tell me that. And that I'm very philosophical."

Junmyeon wasn't sure if the girl is shyly modest or slightly narcissistic. She was like a riddle, which the vampire did not found solution to yet. 

"So what do you believe in?" He asked and the girl looked lost in her thoughts again.

"I believe..." She said slowly. "In justice."

"Oh, so you want to be a police officer or a judge?" Junmyeon asked to let the conversation flow. The girl blinked at him.

"No. I would like to be someone greater than that. Someone who would teach others that everyone have rights to live as long as he or she is good."

"Sometimes it depends on which side you stand." Junmyeon softly said.


"You see, you think that someone is bad, because he for example stole money from some prestigious bank. He's a bad person, right?" When the girl nodded, Junmyeon continued. "But what if he stole money from some billionaire to feed his wife and kids? He does it to survive. It's not entirely bad thing." 

"So what, if someone , murders and steals he's not bad?"

"For you he's bad. But for him he's not."

"It makes no sense for me." The girl frowned and Junmyeon smiled.

"Someday it will."

"And what do you believe in?" She asked almost curiously.

"Freedom." The man didn't even hesitated with his answer. Sadly, in this world he can't be truly free. 

The girl didn't have time to say anything else, because Junmyeon heard footsteps nearing them and seconds later, lean, old man was standing beside them.  

"Excuse me, but I need to close the door."

"Of course, we will go now." The vampire said and looked expectantly at the girl. After seeing look on the Junmyeon's face, she stood and went to the exit. The vampire bid the man goodbye, bowed and followed after the girl. Surprisingly, she was waiting outside and when Junmyeon looked at her, she came next to him.

"You have to go?" She asked.

"Yes, I think it's time for me to come back. It's getting late, don't you have to go home too?" 

"Yeah, probably." She shrugged.

"Then do you need me to accompany you to your house or nearest bus stop?" Junmyeon asked politely.

"I can manage, but thank you." The girl bored her brown eyes into him.

For some seconds they were just looking at each other. When Junmyeon had that girl ahead of him, he felt a soft tug in his heart. The one when you see a cute baby or small kitten and your tenderness is growing in your chest, making you warm.

"It was nice to meet you." The vampire softly smiled. "And I hope we can meet again."

"Likewise." With her poker face the man wasn't sure she spoke true. "And by the way I'm Sunhee."

"I'm Kim Junmyeon." The man introduced himself and bowed. The girl nodded and the wind made her short hair cover her face.

"I'm leaving. Bye." She turned around and slowly went away.

"Goodbye Sunhee." The vampire smiled.

Junmyeon haven't felt that good in a long time. She was interesting and the vampire really hoped they would meet again. And because of her, his pain was a little more bearable.




When Junmyeon said he hopes to meet Sunhee again, he wasn't expecting they would meet not even a week later. 

It was Friday night. Junmyeon had a problem with falling asleep - something that happened quite frequently these days - so he decided to take a stroll. Most of the nearest streets were already known to the vampire so he went a little further than usually. Almost at the second end of the town, Junmyeon was breathing a warm, a little polluted air. It was so beautiful - even after a long time, the night sky was simply amazing. There weren't seen any stars because of a lot of the towns' lights but full moon was shining highly in the sky, lightning deserted streets along with lampposts.

Junmyeon then entered a particular street that made him want turn around and go away. It was industrial area, full of shops, drunk people and loud clubs. Surprisingly the vampire went ahead not minding anything nor anyone. Not like it can disturb his night anyway.

He was almost halfway through the street, when a familiar voice caught his attention.

"Go away you ." A female voice slurred. The vampire stopped in his track and looked around, trying to find Sunhee.

"You were grinding on me half the night, you think you can stand me now?" Quite pissed, male voice asked and Junmyeon finally found them. They were near some club from which could be heard muffled music. Sunhee was barely standing on her legs, leaning on a wall, bend in half and beside her was some really lean and tall guy who looked actually sober.

Sunhee finally managed to straighten herself and looked at the guy with her poker face.

" you."

The guy looked even more pissed right now, but Junmyeon was already not even half the way to them.

"Yo, Tao!" Someone yelled from the entrance of the club. "Leave that chick and come drink with us!"

The guy named Tao hesitated for a second and ruffled his hair. 

"I will be back in a minute!" He yelled to his friend and came nearer to the girl.

"Damn it. Come on, I will send you home. What was your name again?" Tao asked and was met with the girl's ice glare.

"Sunhee." Junmyeon said catching attention of the two. "Are you all right?"

"Yup. As okay, as a... Amoeba." The girl giggled. "Amoeeeeba." Sunhee laughed so much, that she lost her balance and almost came crashing with pavement, but in last moment she caught Junmyeon's outstretched hand and steadied herself.

But the vampire was positively surprised. It was the first time he saw Sunhee's smile or heard her laugh.

"Sorry, I'm drunk." Her poker face was on again and Junmyeon felt himself disappointed. 

"It's okay." The vampire then looked at Tao. "Thank you for... uh, taking care of her." 

Junmyeon was really glad the man beside him wasn't some erted and didn't take advantage of his friend.

"You know him?" The guy asked Sunhee and the girl nodded. "Then I'll go back. Nice to... meet you. Yeah."

Junmyeon bowed a little and helped to steady Sunhee with a hand on her shoulder. When they were alone, he turned to the girl. 

"Where do you live? I will help you get there."

The girl rested her cheek on Junmyeon's shoulder and was becoming more limp with every second. The vampire was calm though, because he could hear her steady breath and heartbeat, so he assumed she must have fallen asleep. Or lost consciousness. Junmyeon couldn't just leave her in the middle of the pavement so he tried to wake her, to no avail. He then decided to just call her relative. After finding Sunhee's phone in her purse, Junmyeon saw he needs a password to have an access. Not finding another idea, the vampire took the girl on his back and went back home.

The way to Junmyeon's apartment was quite peaceful. Only now and then Sunhee would mumble something about how amoebas don't have hearts, or snore softly. Cute. When Junmyeon finally entered his home, he was more than amused. He laid the girl on his narrow bed and stood beside her awkwardly.

Now what?

The girl was sleeping peacefully so Junmyeon went to Hyejeong. He didn't want to have a blood lust and accidentally attack Sunhee.

Junmyeon knocked on the door beside his and waited patiently. It was around midnight already but the vampire would rather have outraged neighbours than dead body in his apartment.

The door opened widely and Junmyeon was welcomed with the sight of half man. The vampire bowed.

"Hello. I'm really sorry to wake you up at this hour, but I need your wife's help."

The man tiredly nodded. "It's okay, Junmyeon. She will come in a minute. Do you want to come in?" 

"Thank you." The vampire smiled a little and after going inside, he closed the door.

"Sure, man." Minhwan yawned. "I'll call her now."

"Thank you." Junmyeon bowed even when the man was already turned around and on his way to his wife. Not even a minute later, tired Hyejeong went out of a room.

"Hello, my dear." Junmyeon bowed once again. The girl just nodded.

"Something happened? Or you're just hungry?" Hyejeong wiped her hands on a towel on her shoulder and Junmyeon could smell a strong scent of baby powder from her. She had an infant so the vampire wasn't surprised at all.

"If you're okay with it, I would like to take a bite."

"Of course." She smiled. "Come then."

They went to the kitchen and Hyejeong sat on a chair next to the table, opposite where Junmyeon plopped and outstretched her hand. The vampire softly took a hold of her arm and leaned forward. His sharp fangs cut the girl's skin just enough for blood to flow easily, and they become a normal size again. Junmyeon latched his lips on the wound and . Hot, iron liquid dripped on his tongue and he groaned quietly. Out of habit, his thumb soft skin on the girl's wrist. The vampire made sure to not drink too much, so not long after he the wound to heal it and detached himself. Hyejeong took her wrist and sighed. Raising a child surely took a toll on her. Almost most of the time she was tired and busy with her child, so Junmyeon taking her blood wasn't making her any good.

"You don't look good, my dear." The worried vampire noticed.

"It's just..." She sighed. "Having a child is much more difficult than I expected. Minhwan is trying to help me but he still needs to go to work every day, and I'm alone most of the time here, and Binnie is constantly sick and she cries all the time and I just..." She took a shaky breath and looked at the man with worry.

Junmyeon her head with affection. He was only watching from the side how Hyejeong was growing from the moment of her birth, so he surely couldn't experience it himself as a father, just a close family friend. As every vampire, he was sadly infertile.

"It's okay." He smiled. "Even if only dark clouds are around you now, in no time the sun will peek from behind them. You just need some time and patience."

Hyejeong lifted lightly one corner of her lips.

"I would like to help you somehow, though. Please, just tell me how."

Hyejeong made a surprised face.

"You already helped me enough! The money you lend us when Minhwan couldn't find a job and we were broke, your advises when I needed it the most. Your care and love. You already done more than I would ever repay you. You're practically my second dad." She smiled. "Besides, I'm the one who's to help you, not other way around."

Junmyeon nodded and thought about something.

"Actually, you can help me with something else than your blood. Can you please lend me some comfortable clothes of yours?"

Hyejeong looked at him surprised but didn't ask why does he needs them. She just nodded and went out of the kitchen. In the mean time, Junmyeon stood from his place and went to the cupboard from which he took out one mug. Then, he went to the fridge and after searching, took out a raspberry juice concentrate. He filled the cup with about one third of sweet drink mixed with water and pulled out his fangs. After making a small line on his wrist with tooth, the vampire filled the mug with his blood until it was half full. The moment he his wound, Hyejeong came back.

"Sorry it took me so long. I hope it will be good."  She gave him clothes and the vampire nodded.

"Thank you. I made you a drink, so try it." Junmyeon said and pointed at the cup. "You should have more energy after."

Hyejeong lifted the mug and took a sip. Her face scrunched into a frown.

"It's weird. The flavour I mean. So sweet. But have a little familiar taste. What's there?" She asked and Junmyeon didn't even hesitated with an answer.

"My blood."

The girl made a horrified face.

"What!?" She stuck her tongue out and looked like she would cry any minute now.

"I made it with a juice concentrate. It will help you with your health. That's how my blood works for humans. And it gets really addicting to normal people so I can't give it to you as frequently as I would like. The last time you drank it, was when you broke your nose. Do you remember? It was years ago when you fought with your sister and she accidentally hit you with her elbow. Your dad gave you my blood then."

Hyejeong made a surprised face but then she looked as if she remembered. 

"Oh... Thank you then. But I'm not sure..."

"You don't have to drink everything, maybe another sip or two. And the juice should cover a taste of my blood. Trust me, you will feel much better after." Junmyeon smiled and the girl nodded.

"Thank you."

"Anytime. I should be going then. I'm really grateful for your help. The clothes I will try to return as soon as possible." The vampire bowed.

"Take your time." Hyejeong showed him to the door. "And take care. Bye!"

Junmyeon bowed. "Goodbye."

When he entered his apartment though, he quickly covered his eyes and turned around.

"Miss Sunhee?" He asked uncertainly.

"Hmm?" She hummed and the man heard a rustling sound behind him.

"Why are you taking your dress off?" Seeing a drunk teenage girl sitting on his bed with her attire halfway of her body was really unexpected for the vampire.

"It's so hot here!" She whined and Junmyeon heard a soft thud - probably the dress hitting the floor.

He turned around and still with closed eyes, came nearer the girl by the sound of her heartbeat.

"I planned to give you these tomorrow, but I think you need them more now." Junmyeon offered her the clothes in his hands but she didn't take them.

"Noooo! It's too hot here! I don't want to." Her last sentence was muffled. The man assumed she covered herself with a duvet so he opened his eyes. It was a mistake. She was splayed out, with only her head under the pillow. Junmyeon couldn't stop himself and snickered, but quickly turned serious again. He took a pillow from her face and when she cracked open one of her eyes, he placed the clothes beside her.

It's not that the man was shy and couldn't look at women's body. It's just, he didn't see a need to stare at her skin, even if he was a man and some things are simply unstoppable for his gender. Besides, it would be so disrespectful.

"Please wear it. I will turn the fan on if the heat is unbearable for you."

She grumbled something under her breath but complied Junmyeon's request. At the same time, the vampire went to the fan and turned it on as he earlier said. When he was back to the girl, what took him not even a minute due to his really small apartment, she was already fast asleep wearing the shirt backwards and not fully pulled up sweatpants.

The man smiled a little. She was really adorable. But sadly reckless and irresponsible too. She wasn't in a state to comprehend what's around her so she could easily fall into a danger. And the vampire didn't even had a time to tell the girl to call her parents in case they'd be worried.

Junmyeon sighed and sat on the edge of his bed. He looked at Sunhee's a little pink, pretty face and brushed aside a strand of her short hair from her twitching nose. She looked so fragile, like any human being. When he leaned closer to her, he pondered over how similar she looked to... Who? It wasn't someone that important for him, but...

And then it fell on him.

It was about a whole millennium ago. His memory wasn't already so good, but he remembered it well. It was that man's daughter. Junmyeon was on his job-related journey to Guangzhou in China then. That's where he met his lover. Wu Yifan was a powerful man. He was a strategist, an educator and later became a Chancellor of Chinese empire. He also had a soft side as a poet. Who wouldn't fall for someone like him? Handsome, wise and romantic man? Junmyeon wished their love would be strong enough... but it wasn't. The man obviously couldn't leave his two wives and children along with his responsibilities as a Chancellor and live with Junmyeon in Korea who had his own duties. But the vampire understood. Besides, they spent a lot of lovely time together. Junmyeon knew the man loved him, and he too made sure to show him his feelings. Unfortunately, they had to part their ways. As he and his every other lover. The vampire remembered all of them well: his first wife Miyoung who died because of him who turned her into a vampire and cursed her with this poison; his second wife Han Seungyeon who had a happy life but died out of disease; his third lover Wu Yifan; and his last - Oh Sehun. There weren't a lot of them comparing to how long the vampire lived, but they were the persons who Junmyeon loved with all his might and would die for them.

The vampire looked at the girl with painful heart.

With the time being, on her pretty face wrinkles will show, her hair will become gray and her health will be much worse. She will grow old. Something Junmyeon can never experience. He will never spend all his live with one love, never have his kids - his own flesh and blood, watch them grow and become a grandfather. He can't because he's vampire - cursed monster who doesn't deserve happiness.

Junmyeon grabbed a pillow and blanket from his wardrobe, turned the lights off and went to sleep on the floor with heavy heart.




Junmyeon wasn't sure what awoke him - change in Sunhee's breathing indicating she wasn't sleeping anymore or sun shining on his lids. Whatever it was, made him stir and blink rapidly. He sat slowly and looked at the clock. They slept about seven hours so it was much more than his sleeping routine. The vampire looked to his left and saw the girl sitting with her closed eyes. He smiled a little and poked her arm with finger. She threw her head back and squinted at him.

"It's cold here." Was the first thing she croaked out. Then, the girl cleared , laid again and buried herself in duvet. "Turn the fan off!"

Amused, Junmyeon stood from his place and complied her request. 

"Good morning to you too." The man smiled at her but she only groaned and her left side so she was facing a beige wall. "You should immediately contact your parents, they're probably really worried you hasn't come back to your house yet."

The girl hummed and Junmyeon went to his kitchen area. When he was taking the ingredients for breakfast out, the vampire saw from the corner of his eye Sunhee on her phone. Satisfied, he started making rice.

"I'm really curious about something." Junmyeon said while rinsing the rice and looked up.

"Ask." The girl hugged closely pillow to her chest. She was now observing the working man.

"It's only our second encounter and yet you look really comfortable around me. Why is that?"

"I trust you." She said bluntly. Junmyeon froze for a moment in one place.

"But why?"

Sunhee sighed.

"You helped me yesterday. This guy could do anything to me but you showed in time. Besides, you're quite cool. And if you try something funny, I have two bare hands and lamp beside me."

Junmyeon smiled a little. She was a little warrior, huh?

"I won't. And he didn't look like he would do anything to you though. He even wanted to send you home."

"What if when we would be in a taxi, he would decide to take advantage of me? You never know." She said without any fear that it could have happened to her.

"And what if I wouldn't show up?" Junmyeon asked, while still working on rice. Sunhee looked at him seriously.

"I would kick his balls and run."

The vampire snickered and covered his mouth. 

"Good idea."

Sunhee's corner of lips twitched.

"So. Tell me something about you. What do you do?" 

"I'm a... history teacher." Junmyeon said hesitantly. He didn't lie, in one point of his life he really was. About ten years ago. Now he just... floated between life and dream.

"I like history. Tell me something interesting, what any other teacher doesn't know." 

It was actually easy. Junmyeon pondered a little over what part should he tell.

"Do you know Kim Suro?" The man looked briefly at Sunhee only to see her frowning face.

"A little." She looked expectantly at Junmyeon so he started his story.

"He was a great being. Kim Suro was from the highest aristocracy but was quite a modest man I can say." The vampire looked at the girl playfully and came back to preparing food. "He was a founder of today Kim clan and was born from egg descended from the sky. He was an amazing warrior and even more amazing husband." The man nodded and thought about what to tell more.

"It's boring. I wanted something interesting." The girl said with displeasure. 

"All right. So from my resources, I found that his true name was Kim Suho." Junmyeon smiled and nodded when the girl asked 'The Guardian?'.

"Some legends say he wasn't a human, but..." The man stopped for a moment to build a tension, looked straight at Sunhee and whispered loud enough for her to hear. "A vampire." 

The girl scoffed and Junmyeon continued to make a breakfast.

"It's what I've heard. How would you explain he died when he was almost one hundred sixty old?" 

"I don't know. But you must like him a lot. The way you talk about him is really interesting." Sunhee noticed.

"Really?" Junmyeon murmured surprised. 

"Yeah." She agreed. "And now that you said about him, I think I've read about him. Wait. It was... Didn't his wife died at some similar age too?" Junmyeon stopped his every movement, including breathing. "She was Heo Hwang... Something."

"Hwang Miyoung." Junmyeon gulped and continued with work.

"No, I'm sure her surname was Heo." Sunhee insisted.

"Her name changed through the years along with Suho's. But I can assure you, she was one of the bravest, wisest and most beautiful woman in whole Korea." Junmyeon said with so much determination, that made Sunhee speechless. "People were wrong about her and judged her based on rumors that she was related to devil. They were merciless and they impaled her. Suho was too late to save her. She died in his embrace. The people were previously after him and tried to kill him for the same reason. It was his fault she died. So haven't found another way, and because of Miyoung's death, he committed a suicide. That's what the books doesn't teach you." Junmyeon finished. 

He cleared his throat and looked at the girl. She was laying in fetal position, hugging to her chest white pillow with her expressionless face again.

"Hmm. Okay. Tell me more."

And so, Junmyeon was telling more interesting stories of his and his brothers lives for next hour when he was preparing breakfast and even when they were eating the food.

"Whoa, I never knew history could be that interesting." Sunhee said between chewing. "And the way you speak is like you experienced it, with all those details and such. No wonder you're a teacher. If all the professors were like you, I would be first in my school rank. Not kidding."

Junmyeon finished his food and smiled.

"I'm happy then, that you enjoyed my lecture. Eat a lot." The vampire pointed at the pot on the middle of the table and stood from the floor in order to put his dishes to sink.

"Junmyeon." Sunhee said and the said man hummed. "I want ice cream. Let's go for ice cream."

The vampire looked at the clock. "It's not even nine in the morning. Isn't it a bit too early?" He asked and stood beside kitchen counter, observing the girl.

"It's never too early for ice cream! Come oooon." She whined and laid her head and arms on a small table so she almost had her hair in the bowl. When did she become that cute?

"Your parents-"

"Stop with my parents." Sunhee cut him and straightened herself. "I'm twenty so I can take care of myself, without telling my mom every five seconds where I am, with who I am and what I am doing. Besides, they're always busy and simply don't care."

Junmyeon blinked at her.

"My apologies then. I think we could go out for a dessert if you want that much." The girl's face lightened up in second. She's such a kid for mere thing. "But do you plan to go in this backward shirt or you will wear your dress again?"

The girl looked at herself and opened in shock.




They've met a lot of times afterwards and their interactions got even better. The vampire finally had someone to lean on, to tell all his emotions without being judged and Junmyeon learned that the girl look cold only on first impression. If someone gets to know her better, he would know she's actually cute and she builds an ice facade only for strangers. That's why she was now strolling beside the vampire with small smile on her face.

"It's a beautiful night today, don't you think miss?" Junmyeon asked, looking at the dark sky and busy streets around them.

"I don't find anything beautiful in here." Sunhee said, not even looking around herself.

Junmyeon clucked his tongue.

"You should more appreciate what's around you."

"I do appreciate but I don't think it matters." She rolled her eyes.

"And so what does matter to you?" Junmyeon curiously asked.

"Hmm." The girl hummed. "Feelings, I guess? I would like to express myself better but I know that I'm like that stone. But I try."

"Why do you try though?" The vampire wanted her to continue.

"People say that if I'm happy I should show it, if I'm in love I should show it too. Some say I'm egoistic because I don't show empathy. They want me to be like them. So I think, I'm trying to be like everyone." Sunhee folded her hands on chest.

"I don't find anything wrong with you, though. Being a little different is a good thing. It's the way how you are – quite mysterious I would say. And I bet you would be great in poker." The vampire nodded, agreeing with his own words.

The girl snickered.

"I guess." She shrugged. "But what matters to you?"

"I... don't know." Junmyeon frowned.

"It's okay." She patted him on the shoulder. "Just find your own definition. Maybe family? Do you even have family?"

Junmyeon smiled fondly. "Yes. My two brothers will even meet with me tomorrow. Their names are Kyungsoo and Chanyeol. The other two are in China so they won't be here. They go by the names Yixing and Han. The last one - Minseok - is sadly in Heaven already but all the five were my strength through the years." Junmyeon looked at Sunhee and she had a little smile on her face.

"I can see that you really love them." The vampire couldn't disagree. "But back to the topic, when you decide to what's matter for you then let it be. Family? Company? Affiliation? It can be more than one thing. Just thing about what's now and here."

Junmyeon nodded and turned left to the street leading to the park the man liked to spent a lot of time.

"I will think about it." He murmured and slowed his pace.

Something wasn't right.

Sunhee had to see alarmed face of the man, because she went slower too and came nearer him.

"Something happened?" She asked, keeping her gaze ahead.

"I'm not sure." The vampire frowned. He had a bad feeling.

Junmyeon tried to see someone ahead and behind of them, but the street was empty. He then took a deep breath and listened more careful. That's when he heard it. 

The man stood in place and grabbed Sunhee's arm. She looked at him with lifted eyebrows.

"What's happening?" She asked, but someone replied before Junmyeon.

"Finally we meet." The male voice said. From the alleys ahead and behind the two, went out people cutting off a way to escape. That's what Junmyeon heard.

Heartbeats. A lot of them.

It was so silent, the man could clearly hear two men's steps. They slowly walked nearer the vampire and the girl than the rest who stopped at the exits of the street. Junmyeon took a step forward, so he was standing side by side with Sunhee.

"Who are you?" Junmyeon asked when the two strangers were about five meters ahead of him. They were wearing all black clothes with guns and knives in straps around their chests and waists. Hunters. One of them was about fifty, he had wrinkles, some strands of gray in his black hair and serious, handsome face. The second one was younger, maybe about twenty, had high cheekbones and cat like eyes. The vampire felt his female friend went rigid beside him. He thought she's obviously scared. 

"Father?" She asked and Junmyeon looked at her surprised. The girl was looking at the older man with confused face. 

"Come here, child." He said and frowned deeply when his daughter didn't move, only grabbed vampire's arm.

"Wait, what are you doing here. What it all means?" She pointed with her chin at people behind her father.

"Don't question me and move away from that filthy creature." He spat with so much venom Junmyeon's heart ached. It was always the same. No matter time, no matter place, he's always the same being - the monster. Something that deserves only a death. Is a little acceptance too much for this world? 

"What do you mean, father?" She asked cautiously. The girl was wise and her parent being a hunter, Sunhee probably already knew the answer.

"Don't play stupid, girl. He's a vampire." The old man said with disgust. 

The girl shook her head. "You're wrong. Junmyeon's not a vampire." She insisted. 

"He is. And won't you come on your own!?" The hunter shouted. When his daughter only grabbed Junmyeon stronger, he nodded at the man beside him. "Bring her over, Jongdae."

The young hunter quickly came ahead and tried to pry the girl over. 

"No! off!" She tried to fight the man, but he was obviously much stronger and so he easily grabbed her hands and immobilized her while covering . Junmyeon could only stood frozen and look how Sunhee's body is being dragged to her father. Even after receiving a glare from the old man, she didn't stop struggling against the hold. 

"Don't be so mad, child. It's because of you we know about him. If you just didn't come to him in church that day, he would still live. Good job then." He said, making his daughter's eyes almost pop out. 

"And you." This time the man looked at Junmyeon. He took out a gun and aimed it at nervous vampire, making Sunhee struggle even more. "Will die."

And he shot.

Junmyeon could easily dodge it, but he didn't.

Everything was dead silent around him. He stood frozen in his place and shocked looked at his chest, where the bullet landed. His mind was blank. He took a step back, then second. Lifted his right hand and tried to touch the wound. It hurt. More than from normal bullet wound. It hurt so badly, the man lost all the strength in legs and fell back. The vampire hit the cold pavement and could only think 'finally'. He felt scared and relieved at the same time. In that moment, he heard his name being called. His real name. 

"Suho." So familiar voice said. Junmyeon turned right and saw his two brothers jumping from tall building, all mighty and proud. Chanyeol, known as 'Bright world' with as red, furious face as his hair was standing beside Kyungsoo, better known as 'Domo' or 'Jumong' who looked like he wanted kill every present person here. 

The pain in his chest was only growing and spreading. Junmyeon felt how hot blood was seeping through his clothes and to the concrete. It was clear shot, straight to the heart.

Then, a loud cry cut the night, including the old hunter's 'no!'. In seconds, crying Sunhee was beside the wounded man, along with his brothers.

"No, please, don't die. I'm so sorry." Sunhee touched Junmyeon's cold cheek, but in a second, she was lifted and held by Chanyeol.

"One wrong move and she will die." The read head's low voice boomed through the street, making everyone excluding his brothers, frightened. In the same time, Kyungsoo knelt and smiled softly at Junmyeon. He lightly hugged his brother to his chest and started threading fingers through the Suho's hair. The pain now was so great, tears flowed down Junmyeon's pale cheeks.

"I...I'm..." He tried to say something, but every movement including speaking made him suffer even more. His sight slowly became blurry. Sunhee seeing his state started uncontrollably sobbing and was on verge of hysteria. She was blaming herself so much.

"Shh, just sleep." Kyungsoo whispered. "You will meet our family now. Minseok and Miyoung. That's what you wanted for a long time now, right?" Junmyeon nodded weakly, making his brother smile painfully. "We will meet you soon too." He added softly and brushed his full lips on brother's forehead. Junmyeon smiled at Chanyeol who looked at him with tears in his eyes, then at Sunhee who was hiccuping and had a panicked face and lastly at silently crying Kyungsoo.

"Goodbye, brother." Chanyeol whispered and first tears fell down his cheeks.

"Goodbye, Great Kim Suho. You will never be forgotten, brother." Kyungsoo choked out through clenched throat.

Suho's eyes closed, pain slowly substituted. Kim Junmyeon felt calmness hugging his body's every cell. He took his last, ragged breath. Fear and relief went away.

Kim Suho died.



Aaaand thank you!
I hope you enjoyed it (⌒‿⌒) if you did, it would be cool if you commentsubscribe and/or upvote(◕‿◕)♡

Now excuse me, I'm gonna go to the corner and cry my brain out, 'cuz I killed Suho. 。゚(。ノωヽ。)゚。
Bye. ヾ(・|

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370 streak #1
Chapter 1: Omg what a beautiful story ❤ a little sad but so amazing with soul.
Chapter 1: ㅠ.ㅠ
He's been wanting to die.. :(
spaghetti_soda #3
Chapter 2: I want a sequel. It's a great story by the way. I love it (although I don't like the cliffhanger hehe) ^.^
minyoungunnie #4
Chapter 1: What... O_O
Chapter 2: Omgggghgh i need sequel pleaseeee
nabilee #6
Chapter 2: Sequeeeel pleaaaseee.....
Sunshinekiss88 #7
Chapter 2: Yessss Sequellll plzzzz!!!
Chapter 2: EEEPPPP yes please! I love this story, and I would definitely be delighted if you're going to write a sequel <3
Chapter 1: Andwae!!! Suho can't die!