
One of These Days


This was written in the spur of the moment hence the messy writing and lack of plot. Italics indicates the other person. Sorry for any mistakes. Enjoy reading


Two pairs of eyes fell into each other’s line of sight. The first pair mirrors a helpless look in it while the latter reflected the worry of its owner. The one with the helpless look in her eyes tried her futile attempt of steering her gaze away. However, that attempt was to no avail as the pair of eyes, which emitted strong looks of worry, kept reeling her in, similar to a fish caught in a net. Usually she would not have mind being caught up in that fiery gaze for it gave her a sense of security and strength but not now. Today, at this moment, she just wanted to evade it because she is tired. The memory of her mistake earlier still burns brightly in her memories with no sign of dimming or disappearing, the root to her helpless looks. The determination to look away dissipates just as quickly as her resolve to become less violent when teased by the younger ones. She could feel the other person keeping their gaze on her while extending a hand towards her head. Braving her heart for anything, she looked up only to see the hand retreating with a smile carved upon its owner’s face.


A look of confusion was projected on her face before realization sinks in. Maybe it is because of how used she is to being taken care of, her body already moving to the tune without her knowing it. She notices, too late that is (not that she is complaining) of her head tilting a little to allow those fingers (the fingers that ironically always seeks her own hand for reassurance) to remove the confetti from her hair. Their bodies were already in tune to one another. It is funny now that she thinks about it, that these happened during those seconds where she was preparing herself to confront the worried gaze. She managed a soft chuckle knowing the ridiculousness of the situation, especially on her part that is, and shove away those silly worries of thinking the person in front of her would do whatever it takes to ease her worry regarding her mistake earlier, prioritising her condition over their own.


She knew that her thoughts were just wishful thinking because whether she worries or not, it would not change the fact that that person would most probably go to great lengths to make her feel better anyway. This is because that is just how that person is. A selfless person who would do anything for the people that they care but that is always done at the expense of their own self. There were many instances where she wished for fairy tales to exist in real life, especially the story of the character she is portraying for their album so that she can tell the person in front of her that she is a very beautiful person, inside and out. The person in front of her seems to find it hard to see how she is reflected in people’s eyes, always denying or ignoring what people see in her. Therefore, as that person cannot see or accept how she is in others eyes, then she will gladly be the enchanted mirror that whispers and sings about her beauty. Like the bards that sing tales of heroes, she will sing the story of a person who could see deep into her eyes and yet fails to see what is reflected on it. In fact, she has been doing so every single night for the past few weeks, before the sleeps lulls them to their dreams.


Back to the present, the two of them were caught in their gazes though slightly interrupted by the ruckus of their friends jumping about to celebrate their win, a well-deserved win for those girls she values as much as her own members. She salutes their energy as they went on the show the same day that they landed back from their oversea schedule. Anyway, the two of them locked gazes for a second before the person in front of her moved closer towards her. As that person moves closer, she was overwhelmed by the person’s scent, a scent so familiar and therapeutic. It calmed her nerves right away. Any thoughts of her mistakes earlier that day began to disappear. It was still there in her memories but less haunting than before, unlike the incident of her first mistake months ago. That mistake lingered in her mind for quite a while that day even as the show ended and with her co-MC trying to help her feel less worried. It would have appeased her mind if the person in front of her were with her that day, giving the same comforting feeling that she is experiencing now. Well the past is in the past and she should just let it go. Oh wow, their concept is really affecting her thoughts right now.


She snapped back to the present when she felt the person’s touch grazing her hips softly. Those worried eyes got closer and closer until she felt soft patting on her derrière. Slightly dazed by the act, not that she was complaining by the way, her resolve of restraining herself from being in that person’s embrace until after the show has ended, falters as quick as her stamina is after performing just one of their songs. As the person in front of her stopped patting her backside, she immediately went for the kill. Her body leaned forward, she puts her arm around that person’s waist and that person immediately mimics her action.  She relishes herself in that person’s hold, a blissful feeling crawling up in her chest. As cliché as it is, at that definite moment, it really felt like they were the only ones around. Immersed in each other’s comforting embrace, she murmured her love’s name, Seungwan~ah. “Hmm unnie~”, Seungwan murmured. She shook her head slightly, and then mimics a cat rubbing softly on their master. Her words became unclear as her lips revel itself on Seungwan’s slightly exposed collarbone. Seungwan smiled at her beloved unnie’s action and just muttered comforting words to help her leader feel better.


“You did great unnie. Not everyone is perfect. No one is a robot. Besides, you seem to forget that your imperfections, I mean… our imperfections… were the ones that led us to one another. Don’t you think that it is more beautiful to achieve success with the seed of failure than to be sheltered by walls of achievement? Those who are used to falling many times will be able to withstand the hurt much easier than those who never fall. That mistake you did earlier is your battle scar unnie, and having that battle scar proves that you fought your own battle. You got hurt but you stand up again anyway. That is why you are my beloved lady of imperfections. You have scars to tell the tale of your battles and I’ll be around to tend those wounds whenever you need me to”. Joohyun could feel Seungwan’s hand rubbing circles on her back, a soothing touch that complements Seungwan’s comforting words with their bodies swaying from side to side. Joohyun lets out a soft sigh then muttered, “I wish you would listen to your own words as well. You need it as much as I do, Seungwan~ah”. Seungwan just hummed to Joohyun’s words, tightening her hold on Joohyun.


The two of them would have stayed immersed in each other’s embrace if Byulyi had not interrupted them. The two of them released their hold on one another and joined the others for the winning ceremony. Seungwan took hold of Joohyun’s hand, holding it tightly as they celebrated their friends’ win. Joohyun held it even tighter when she nearly slipped because of the confetti on the floor. As they enjoyed themselves with the others, Joohyun had this thought of knowing that Seungwan will always be there to kiss her worries away, whatever way it may be. However, at that moment, she was content with the tight hold of those familiar fingers wrapping against her own. 


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 1: Like it
Chapter 1: Short but still i love it
Thank you
Chapter 1: thanks for the supply of cheesiness!
1746 streak #4
Chapter 1: Oh my god. This is so short but- ah~ I love this so much! Thank you for sharing this!