

“Alright, kids. Are you ready to go?” Amber asked the twins as she was setting the twins’ bags at the back of the car. The twins nodded their head as they rub their eyes with the back of their hands. Amber shook her head and walked towards them. She bent down on their level and patted them on their heads. “Aigoo.. Still sleepy, little ones?”

“Yes, baba.” Mia said, nodding her head and hugging the llama by the neck.

Amber let a small ‘oof’ and smiled at her little princess. She rubbed her back and gestured for Lucius to come and hug her.

At the same time, Soojung came out of their house, she was done preparing for work, and saw them. “Amber, let’s— What’s going on?” she asked that made Amber look up to her. Soojung saw that the kids were asleep on each shoulder and shook her head with a smile on her lips. She rubbed the back of the twins to wake them up. Instead of waking up, the twins tightened their hug around Amber’s neck.

Soojung frown and crossed her arms. The llama sighed and moved to the side to give her queen a kiss. “Don’t be mad now, love. They are still getting used to walking up early. We’ve been spoiling them for almost a year now.” Amber said that made Soojung nod with a sigh. Amber was right, the twins are in their care for 10 months now. It’s surprising how the time passed by, their lives were changed when the twins came into their life.

The two made their way to their car. Amber gently placed the two down on the back and put their seat belts on while Soojung fix her hair on her compact mirror as she sits prettily on the passenger’s. After making sure the kids are properly secure, Amber gets inside and started the car.

They silently travel the streets, Amber stealing glances at Soojung and the twins. They arrived at the place, both of them get out of the car and Soojung wakes the twins up while Amber gets their bags at the back. “Lucius, Mia, wake up now. We’re here,” she tapped them on their shoulders.

Mia was the first one to stir. The little girl rubbed her eyes, taking a glance around her surrounding and sighed. She’s been loathing for this day to come. “Do we have to, Eomma?” she asked as she put her pink princess backpack, she stared at the building sign with brooding eyes.

Beside her, Lucius wakes up and saw her sister’s expression. He pressed his lips in a thin line, almost saying something when Amber handed him his Spiderman backpack, then stepping out of the car.

Soojung looked at the little one confused. Mia has always been the one excited about going here every day. “Looks like the tides have turned,” Amber joked behind Soojung. She scowled at the llama who puts her hands up in surrender

“Is something wrong, baby girl?” she asked Mia, she crouched down to their level and placed a hand on the little girl’s shoulder.

Little Mia shook her head and stepped out of the car. “Just feeling lazy, Eomma.” She smiled to her mother, trying to hide the fact that something is really wrong.

The llama immediately noticed this and looked at the little boy beside her. Lucius felt someone’s looking at him, scans the area, seeing that no one is there beside them made him look up. He saw his baba looking at him with a knowing expression and he shook his head.

Amber narrowed her eyes at Lucius in suspicion but was stopped when a bubbly melodic voice shouted at them. Lucius hid behind Amber’s legs while Mia smiled. Amber and Soojung looked up and saw two women walking towards them. “Amber! Soojung!”

The two smiled at the new comers and bowed. “Good morning, Yongsun-unnie and Byul.” Amber greeted the two who returned the bow.

Yongsun was grinning from ear to ear, whereas Byulyi gave them a brief smile then held the older girl’s dress as the said girl talking to the other adults with a fast pace. Knowing Yongsun, she’ll try to give her favorite twins a big powerful bear hug. “Calm down now, Yongsun-unnie. Look,” Byulyi pointed to Lucius, who seem scared of their arrival. “You made Lucius scared…again.”

Seeing this, Yongsun gasped and crouched. “Aigoo. I’m sorry, Lucius. Come here and give unnie a hug~” she spread her arms so wide expecting Lucius to give him a hug. When he didn’t, Yongsun stood up, pouted and looked at Byulyi.

Byulyi patted her head that made Amber chuckle. “You guys are really cute, why don’t you guys date already?” she commented, making the two women’s cheek flushed.

Soojung slapped Amber’s arm for making the atmosphere weird. Amber mumbled a ‘what’ as she her arm. She cleared and shook her head. Amber’s really stupid. She gave their two friends a brief apologetic smile then bent to give the twins each kiss on their cheeks. “Alright now, kids. Go to Teacher Yongsun and Teacher Byulyi. Behave and take care, okay?”

“Ne, Eomma,” said the two. The twins give their parents a hug.

Amber remembering what they were talking about earlier, she whispered to Lucius that they will talk later at home. She released the twins. Mia briskly walked towards Yongsun while Lucius cautiously and carefully walked towards Byulyi.

Yongsun flashed another bright smile that could make everyone’s eyes squint. She was holding Mia’s shoulder as the little girl smiled at her parents. “Don’t worry, guys. We’ll take care of them,”

“And I’ll take care of this crazy unnie,” Byulyi added with a cheeky grin.

“Yah!” the older girl slapped her head, her cheeks staining with red hue. “Shut up, pabo.” Upon hearing what she said, she immediately covered with her hands. She glared at Byulyi, who’s trying her best to stifle her laugh and kicked her in the foot.

The llama burst out laughing at Yongsun’s expression, she looked like a little girl caught red handed. “Soojung-ah, they’re so cute! I remember the old times~” she whispered to her fiancée beside her, nudging her slightly. Soojung pinched her. “Ouch! Ouch! What was that for?”

“Because you’re stupid!” she hissed and then turned back to the two teachers in front of them. “Anyway, we got to go now! Kids behave, okay?” the twins nodded. “Bye, Yongsun-unnie and Byul-unnie.” she waved and turned around, pulling Amber with her before her stupid llama mouth say something stupid again.

After going inside their car and securing themselves, they both waved at the twins and their friends goodbye then took off.

“Now, my favorite twins in the world who I adore so so so so so so so so so so much~ Let’s get you two inside while we wait for the others,” said Yongsun and held Mia’s hand. They went inside the building while Byul and Lucius in their tails.

Inside, the twins took a seat side by side while the two older women told them to wait there and went out to welcome the new arrivals, just like the usual. Lucius turned to his sister and saw the she’s staring at the ceiling fan. The little boy nudged his sister shoulder to get her attention but no avail, because his sister is in her own world.

“Mia.” he called but his sister never turn to him. “Mia.” he tried again, this time a bit louder to snap his sister in her thoughts. Again, his sister was still in her world. Being a little boy with zero patience, Lucius decided to shout at his sister. “Yah! Mia!”

The little girl jumped and almost fell in her seat. She turned to her twin and glared at him but the boy didn’t back down and glared at his sister too.

“What was that for?” little Mia hissed, crossing her arms still glaring daggers at her twin brother.

“I was calling you for two hundred times but you weren’t listening!” little Lucius didn’t back down and whisper-yelled at her sister, crossing his arms too.

Mia huffed and scoffed. “Whatever, what do you need anyway?” she asked her brother.

The boy let his hands fall on the side of his chair and move his chair closer to his sister. “Why didn’t you tell Eomma about ‘that’?”

Her eyebrows furrowed. She doesn’t want to let her parents know about ‘that’ thing, she doesn’t want to bother them. “For what?”

“Well… They are our parents, they should know,” Lucius stated as a matter of fact. To be honest, he’s worried about his sister, despite every fight over their toys and the attention of their parents, she’s still his sister and they have been through a lot.

“I know, Lu. But I don’t want to worry them and you shouldn’t too, I can handle this.” Mia smiled to her brother and patted his head.

Lucius frowned and grabbed his sister’s hand. “But I don’t want you to be alone in this! You’re my twin sister and we should be helping each other!” he argued, squeezing his sister’s hand.

She sighed in defeat, grunting when she agreed. “Fine! I’m gonna tell them when we get home!” Her brother smiled showing his dimple in his left cheek. “Are you happy now?” she questioned, resting her head on her hand that propped on her desk.

Her brother nodded happily and drew his chair away from hers. At the same time, Yongsun and Byulyi came back with six kids in tow. Yongsun waved at the twins that they returned with a shy wave.

“Go take your seats now,” Byulyi instructed the kids.

The kids took the seats they wanted. When the kids are settled, Yongsun smiled and clapped her hands. “Alright, kiddos, let’s start.” Yongsun started telling the instructions carefully while Byulyi distributed bond paper and crayons to the kids with a smile on her face. “Just remember draw the things you like in that paper, you will explain why you like them later, alright?”


The twins moved their seats closer to each other and share their thoughts. It was such a nice sight to see. Yongsun couldn’t control herself, she went to Byulyi that’s crouched and helping a kid with her activity.

“Byul! Byul!” she called while pulling her blue shirt.

Byulyi looked up and smiled to Yongsun. “Yeah, unnie?”

Yongsun didn’t say anything but pointed to the twins, Byulyi followed the direction and saw little Mia and little Lucius helping each other with their papers. Byulyi’s smiled couldnh’t be more broad when she turned to Yongsun.

“They’re so cute, Byulyi~ I want my kids to be like that too!” she whispered, making sure the kids don’t hear her.

Byulyi excused herself to the kid, wiped her pants as she stand up. “Unnie, you say that to every kid,” the two walked in front to not disturb the kids with their work. They sat on their seats and watch the kids talking and exchanging colors to one another.

Yongsun pouted. “Yah, at least support me in what I want,”

Byulyi grabbed Yongsun’s face with one hand, Yongsun’s lips was still formed in a pout. She leaned closer to her and stared at Yongsun’s eyes and glanced down to her lips before looking back at Yongsun. “You know I’d always support you in everything, unnie.”

Yongsun’s cheeks flushed with that. “R-really?” The younger one grinned and nodded. “Always.”


“Because I like you,” Yongsun already know this but hearing this from Byulyi still makes her tingly. The two stared at each other and forgot where they were.

“Teacher! Teacher!” a kid shouted, making the two jumped away from each other with reddened cheeks. The two teachers look at the kid, Byulyi being the first one to recover smiled at the little boy and asked him what’s wrong. “Nothing, teacher! All of us are done with our activity!” the boy said gleefully, showing his paper.

Byul clapped, making Yongsun snapped out of her trance. “Alright, kids. Who wants to go next?” asked the young teacher. By the end of that question, the room was filled with kids shouting and yelling for Byul’s attention.

“Me! Me!”

“No! Me! Teacher! Pick me!”

 “Teacher Byul! Pick me!”

The young teacher tried to calm everybody down but it was futile, some of the kids were screaming at each other, fighting who goes first. Byul scratched her nape and turned to Yongsun. Yongsun laughed at Byul’s struggles.

Yongsun stood up and walked to Byulyi’s side, bumping her shoulder to hers. “Aigoo… Byulyi having trouble I see?” she pinched Byul’s cheek and turned to the rowdy kids.

She positioned both of her hands on , like what you do when you shout, and Yongsun shouted. “Everybody calm down!”

The kids shut up and pay attention to the teachers in front of them. Yongsun smiled and turned to her co-teacher that has agape, looking lost. “Close your mouth, Byul-ah. There’s drool and you’re attracting flies,” she joked, closing Byulyi’s mouth for her. Byul playfully glared at Yongsun but wiped . She can never be too sure.

“Okay, kids. No need to fight who’s going to go first. How about this? After I said ‘Go’ the one who is going to yell her or his name first will be the one going to go first and that person could pick who is going next and so on. Me and teacher Byul will be the judge okay?”


“Okay, get ready kids and…. Go!” the kids started yelling their names and Yongsun turned to Byulyi. Byulyi leaned over to Yongsun to tell her who she thinks who yelled their names first. Yongsun nodded and turned back to the children that are waiting patiently. “Okay, Yuji will go first. Come forward and tell us what you drew, Yuji.”

“Yey!” a short-haired girl jumped off of her seat and skipped happily to the front. She fixed her blue sky shirt and showed her work with two hands. The room got filled with ‘ooh’s and ‘aah’s from the kids. “Hi, I’m Yuji! And these are my drawing. They are the things I like. If you can see here on the left, I drew my favorite stuffy, his name is Cuddle Wuddle.” A few chuckles from the boys was heard but instantly turned down when Yongsun glared at them. Yuji continued with a smile on her lips. “I like him because he helps me sleeps at night. And on the right is the girl I like, I consider her as my friend, Mia!”

Mia got surprised. She only talked to the short-haired girl probably once? The little girl can’t even remember their interaction. She honestly didn’t expect someone to draw her in their paper. “I know it’s only been a week or two but I like you already, so you’re my friend now.”

Lucius subtly nudged Mia on the side. “Didn’t know you were friendly, sis.” he joked, earning a small pinch on his leg. He pouted and rubbed the area. His sister is like her mom, both aggressive.

“And on the middle are my parents! Oka-san and Otou-san! I like them because they take care of me and loving me and making sure I eat food so I won’t die. That’s all!” the short-haired girl smiled at the other kids and bowed, ending her presentation.

“Thank you, Yuji for that wonderful presentation. Now, who are you going to pick, Yuji?” Byulyi asked the kid. She picked the boy sitting at the back and made her way to her seat.

The boy that got picked stood up and walked to the front as he held his paper. He looked at Mia, that made Mia shift her seat, before showing his work. “Hello, name’s Jumong but I know you guys know that. Here’s my drawing.” he showed his drawings. “I only like two things, my dog and Mia. I like Jjamppong, my dog, because he’s my first friend. And Mia Liu, I like her because she’s my crush. That’s all. I pick Suga.”

Jumong bowed and rushed to his seat, not waiting for the other kids’ reaction. He didn’t want to know and he doesn’t care. On the other hand, little Mia was blushing so hard. The little girl didn’t expect to be called twice. She held on her skirt tightly and had her head bowed. Lucius took her sister’s hand and rubbed the back of her hand, calming his sister down.

Yongsun cleared when the room’s atmosphere became down after Jumong’s presentation. She clapped her hands, getting the kids’ attention. “Alright. That was interesting, Jumong. Thank you. Now, Suga come up and show us yours~” Yongsun cheerfully said.

The kids continued presenting their works, earning a few laugh, getting ‘aww’s and ‘ooh’s from the reasons why they like their stuff from other kids. It was now the twin’s turn, they have decided to present theirs with both of them side by side.

“Teachers, why are they presenting their work at the same time?” asked one kid.

But before the teachers can answer, Mia answered. “Because we’re twins and we both like the same thing.” The kid was about to ask a question again when Mia glared at him making him shut his mouth close and nodded. Lucius could only watch and chuckle inside him. His sister is so scary like their mother. “Hi, I’m Mia and this is my twin brother Lucius. As you know, we are twins.”

Lucius waved his hand and continued. “Me and my sister loves our Baba and Eomma, they are the best parents we could ever have.” he said, pointing to the stick figures of Soojung and Amber holding hands. The twins stood side by side, connecting their papers as they hold them closer. The stick figure of Soojung was on Lucius’ paper and Amber’s stick figure was on Mia’s paper.

“Lucius likes games, especially Pokémon, his favorite Pokémon is Eevee.” Mia pointed to the stick figures of Lucius and Amber holding a pokéball with game consoles around them.

Yongsun nudged Byulyi, refraining herself to squeal. She really loves how the twins present each other’s likes to the other kids. The older teacher almost cried when the twins continued.

“And Mia likes to sleep and have ‘mom and daughter bonding time’ with Eomma,” the little boy pointed to a sleeping stick figures of Mia and Soojung in a bed with zzz on the top of their heads.

The twins ended their presentation with a bow and both walked to their seats. Byulyi and Yongsun thanked them and told the kids to clean their tables and help them return the stuff in their designated rack and after that, they can have their lunch.

It is now their lunch time and the twins are eating with each other. They weren’t used to interacting with other kids. They got used of being ignored or getting bullied in the orphanage so they’re scared to interact with others.

“Hi! Can I sit with you, guys?” a voice from their side said. The twins looked up and saw the Yuji girl holding her orange juice and sandwich with each hand.

Mia and Lucius looked at each other, asking each other telepathically if they will let the girl sit with them. Not waiting for their answer, Yuji took a chair from an unoccupied seat and positioned it in front of Mia. Mia raised her eyebrows while Lucius only smirked. He likes the girl’s guts.

“Mia Liu, can I sit with you?” another voice said, doing the same thing as Yuji. He placed his chair in Mia’s side. Lucius looked at his sister’s expression and it was not good. If only they were in an anime, he could see Mia’s veins popping on the side of her forehead. She was throwing daggers at the two kids in her side.

Lucius looked at his table and his sister’s table. He pouted. “So, no one wants to sit with me?” the boy joked, chuckling to himself.

Hearing that, Mia turned to her brother. “Well, if you want them to sit with you, we can change sits.” she said and stood up, pulling her brother up. Little Mia forced her brother to sit with the two kids. The two was about to stand up but stopped when Mia spoke again. “If you two dare to move your butts from that side, I will get mad. And you won’t like it.”

The two gulped and sat again, too scared to make the little girl angry. Lucius shook his head at his sister. She’s basically the Soojung 2.0.


The time passed by and it was time to go home. The twins are now sitting at a bench with Yongsun and Byulyi. They were the last one to go home because of their parents’ schedule. The twins didn’t mind though.

Finally, Soojung and Amber arrived, the kids got up and ran towards their parents’ car excitedly. Yongsun and Byulyi running behind them.

“Eomma! Baba!” the couple crouched down and welcomed their tackle. “We missed you so much!” Lucius exclaimed.

Soojung chuckled, kissing her kids’ head. “Did you two have fun though?” the twins broke the hug and looked at each other.

“Um… Yes, baba! We did…” Mia answered and mumbled. “…except for the two annoying kids were being annoying…”

“What did you say, princess?” Amber asked Mia but the little girl quickly shook her head.

“Nothing, baba!” Mia glanced at Lucius then looked down on the pavement.

The llama noticed something is up again but didn’t say anything. “Alright then,” Amber and Soojung stood up to thank the two teachers and bid them goodbye.

The whole drive on their way home consisted of Amber kept glancing at the twins that were whispering to each other God knows what and Soojung sleeping on the passenger’s. Once they were home, the twins ran off to their house, leaving Amber to wake up Soojung alone.

The llama sighed and woke Soojung up. When the love of her life woke up, she immediately told her what’s bothering her since this morning.

“Soojung-ah, do you think the twins are hiding things from us?” she asked as they walked up their porch.

Soojung turned her head to Amber. “Why do say that? What do you mean?”

Amber sighed again for the nth time, remembering what happened this morning and the time they picked the twins at the daycare. They entered the house and figured the twins went to their room. The two went up to their room to change their clothes while they talk. “The twins have been jumpy ever since we dropped them off, especially Mia.”

The younger girl gestured for the llama to continue as she s Amber’s white shirt. “Remember when you asked Mia if something is bothering her? Well, I think something is really bothering her, I don’t know, I just feel like it. And when we picked them up and I asked them if they had fun, Mia mumbled something that I didn’t catch.” Amber sighed. “Am I thinking about this too much or what?”

Soojung looked up to her fiancée and held Amber’s face. “No, you’re not. You’re just worried about our twins, it’s normal for parents to be worried.” she smiled and kissed the llama on the lips. “If there is something bothering them, let’s just wait for them to open up.”

Amber frowned. “What if they don’t want to open up?”

Soojung chuckled and massaged the llama’s frowning eyebrows. “Then let’s asked them about it, but for now, let’s just wait for them. Let’s give them time.”

“How much time though? Don’t you see Soojung? It’s affecting them!” Amber grumbled, gesturing at the door. “I can’t just watch and wait!”

“Okay, Amber… You have to chill first. You won’t get anywhere if you’re getting angry like that.” Soojung karate chopped the llama on the forehead. She slid her hands down inside Amber’s shirt to take it off and unbuckled her belt.

Amber stopped Soojung’s hands from opening her jeans. “Soojung we have no time for this. Our kids are having problems that they’re not telling us…”

Her fiancée raised and an eyebrow before she realized what the llama meant. Soojung immediately blushed. “Stupid, I know that. I’m just taking your clothes off so you chill the hell out. You ert.”

“Right… I’m just wo—” Amber got interrupted by two gentle knocks. The llama looked at her fiancée.

“See. Told you so~” Soojung teased while Amber huffed then went to open the door. Meanwhile, Soojung took a seat on their bed while she waits for her twins to enter.

The twins stood side by side as they glanced up to their baba. They have been talking in their room planning on how to open up the subject about Mia’s ‘troubles’ because they noticed how their baba glanced at them in the car.

Amber gestured for the twins to enter and sit on their bed.

“Baba… Eomma…” Mia started.

“Yes?” their parents answered the same time. Amber’s getting eager to know what’s bothering her princess while Soojung’s getting anxious what it will be.

“There are these two classmates of ours in the daycare—” Mia got interrupted by her baba, who stood up and was thrashing her arms around.

“What?! They’re bullying you?! No no no no no! No one, I mean, NO ONE can bully my babies!” Amber took out her phone, ready to contact Yongsun and Byulyi about the subject but was stopped when a hand was placed on top of hers.

She looked at her fiancée, seeing the cold poker face of Soojung. Amber gulped and cleared . “What did I say about chilling the f out?”

“Yes, yes. I forgot. I’m sorry,” Amber turned to her little princess that was shocked from her outburst. She bent down and apologized to her little Mia and told the girl to continue.

“They’re not bullying us, baba.” Mia looked at her twin brother for support and the boy nodded his head, urging his sister to keep going. The little girl sighed. “One boy in our class told the class that I’m his crush. It happened when we were presenting our art activity. He drew me and his dog and said that he only likes two things; it was me and his dog. He likes me because I’m his crush.”

Both of their parents’ mouth formed an ‘O’ and looked at each other. Soojung was hiding her smile while Amber shook her head.

“Then the other one is a girl, she said she likes me even though we only talked once? I can’t remember,” Mia continued.

Soojung sat down and embraced Mia. “Aww~ our little girl is already having admirers. That just mean you got Eomma’s charms~” she can’t believe that her baby is having admirers. She was internally squealing inside because of what she heard

“Yah, Soojung-ah!” Amber straightened herself up and chided her that earned a scowl from the younger girl. She turned to her little princess. “Now, Mia. You have to be careful around those two classmates of yours. I don’t care if they’re girl or a boy. I don’t want you getting hurt because Baba will— Ouch! What was that for?” Soojung kicked Amber before the llama says anything that will scar their twins.

“What your baba trying to say is, go and enjoy your childhood, you too baby Lucius. Is there someone crushing on you too?”

Lucius shook his head so fast. “No, eomma!”

Soojung chuckled at his little boy’s cuteness. She patted his head. “Well, if someone’s got a crush on my little prince just tell it to eomma okay?” Lucius nodded his head and hugged his eomma.

“Yah! Soojung! Don’t feed my babies that kind of advice! They’re only kids!” A fuming llama barked. Amber had her nostrils flared up and her eyes were big. It looked like the llama could kill anyone right now.

Her fiancée just rolled her eyes at her. “That’s the point, llama. They’re kids. They’re supposed to experience things like this. You’re overreacting as if you didn’t experience a crush when we were kids,” Amber blushed at that, a small flashback of her and Soojung’s childhood. “See, now shut up and hug us!”

Amber pouted but didn’t try to refute. She sat on the bed, behind Soojung and embraced her family in a big hug.

“But seriously, though. I’m going to—” Soojung interrupted her again this time with a kiss. “Yah! Why do you keep on interrupting me?”

“Because you’re so noisy and annoying. I told you to shut up, didn’t I?” Soojung glared at her and she immediately shut up. “Now, that’s more I like it.”


So, I am back from the dead. I lost my underwear(s) in Hell so I have to go back and retrieve them. No, actually I was kind of 'busy' meaning I was finishing and beating a game. Anyway, highway, subway, I hope you like this update though~ Ciao~

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I don't know if you guys will see this. But I might not be able to update this coming week(s), personal matters that I need to figure out. I just need some time


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2074 streak #1
Chapter 3: Aww this is really cute it should be updated more
Chapter 5: :(( please update your story author-sshi... ???
Chapter 5: Author please update more soon please! please!
Omg, I'm going crazy over this! You should come back as soon as possible author! ^^
tackzy #5
Chapter 5: Are you? XD Well anyway its actually a pretty awesome fics! Yeah i love it! Congrats! (^O^)
loismalit #6
Chapter 5: Soojung is so playful to her fiancée hahaha please update soon author-nim :)
sefexclusibo #7
Chapter 5: Tricky Soojung, haha
Julianeee #8
Chapter 5: Can't wait for the next chapter :)
Chapter 5: Damn can't imagine Krystal, Ellin and Hyuna interaction! That would be bomb!:D It seem so impossible hahaha can you make one? I wanna see one even if its just here, just a fiction.:))