one shot: pinkie promise

pinkie promise

‘Bring your bikini, the one with polka dots ^^’

Amber read the text from Goldfish, her best friend Ailee. 

‘Are we swimming tonight?’ Amber texted back, wondering at the change of plans. 

‘It’s a surprise! ;p And don’t forget the bikini!!’ Ailee responded immediately, followed by a string of violent emojis: fire, ax, and gun. 

Amber groaned, trying to remember if she still had those tiny scraps of fabric (Ailee’s gift), worn only once when she had been too drunk to make good decisions. 

It was Ailee’s first night back from her American concert tour, and she had invited Amber for their traditional girls’-night-in: dancing to 90’s hits before settling down with a glass of cocktail and a box of puzzles. She hoped the bikini did not portend a disaster like the last time when Ailee had surprised her with a blind date. Amber shuddered, remembering how awkward that had been. Ailee was forever itching to play matchmaker, and it drove Amber crazy. She preferred getting to know someone as friends, first, then if the heart speaks…

Amber packed her overnight bag, not forgetting to include the Charmander onesie, and her comfy llama socks, also a gift from Ailee. She wavered between her one-piece swimsuit, worn with a pair of basketball shorts, and the flimsy excuse of swimwear two-piece, dug out from the bottom of the closet. But imagining the wrath of Goldfish that could be frightening — there may be bruises, and importantly, Ailee could hold a grudge until the end of time — Amber decided that humoring her would be for the best.



Amber walked into Ailee’s apartment, sipping on her boba tea. She was preparing to be startled out of her mind because Ailee was a prankster who loved to —

“Whoa!!” Something jumped out of the potted plants near the entrance and grabbed Amber’s shoulder, and she gave a little scream, only to see a Pikachu mask shaking with wild laughter — like a crazy, asthmatic hyena, Amber had the urge to yell, stomping her foot. 

Instead, Amber crossed her arms and gave a miffed snort — but really, who could stay annoyed when the prankster was rolling on the floor with laughter?

“Aimeeee~ you always do this! I refuse to hang out with you tonight,” Amber stuck out her lip and pretended to pout.

“Awww, is the llama face angwee with me?” Taking off her Pikachu mask — Amber actually wanted one now — Ailee linked her arms with Amber and started dragging her towards the living room occupied by suitcases and shopping bags. 

“Okay, but before you go back to your cave, I have to tell you what my surprise is.” Ailee was fairly jumping with excitement, and Amber smiled in spite of herself. “Okay, what is it, Goldfish? Tell me before you explode.”

“You are not going to believe this, I’ve got — did you bring your bikini?” Ailee paused suddenly, focusing on Amber with a completely serious face. Amber was tempted to lie, just to get back at her for scaring her, but thinking of the repercussions — possible beating, definite yelling, and being forced to wear Ailee’s own bikini — she answered simply, “Yeah.” 

“Good,” Ailee smiled with an approving nod and continued, “You know I told my manager that after the concert I need a break or else — well yesterday he shows up with these! Tickets to Jeju!!” Ailee was bouncing up and down, alternatively shimmying and dancing in her house slippers, a huge smile on her face. 

“Jeju?” Amber was surprised at the turn of events, and wondered if she could go on such short notice. 

“What is it? Come on, don’t tell me you are not excited! You’ve been in Korea 8 years, and you’ve stayed in Seoul for most of that time. It’ll be so much fun!” 

“I don’t know, Amy. Are we like flying there, and —“ Amber was running through the practical matters in her mind. 

“Don’t worry. All you have to do is bring your body, that’s it. You have your ID with you, right? That’s all you need. That and your bikini!”

“Why do I need a bikini?” Setting aside everything else — did she bring her toothbrush? how long were they staying? did she need to tell her manager first? — Amber was baffled by Ailee’s insistence on this one point.

“For the Jacuzzi, you ninny!”


Jeju smelled nice. It was a briny mixture of sea air and island greenery in one breath. Amber felt her lungs expanding, long accustomed to the smog and dust of the city. And the hotel suite booked by Ailee’s manager — he was being so nice that it was unreal — overlooked the beach with a private Jacuzzi in the balcony. 

They flung off their shoes and tried running across the wooden floors, taking pictures next to the little sea shells on the walls — Ailee with her pinup girl pose, and Amber pretending to the wall. The high ceiling had a mini chandelier so Amber began her best imitation of ballroom dancing on the tips of her toes, and Ailee joined in, spinning round and round while singing “Shall We Dance”. Really, it was a beautiful night. 

When they got tired from the singing and dancing, they lay on the bed next to each other, discussing what they should do next: puzzles or soak in the Jacuzzi. 

“Let’s do the Jacuzzi. It’s y time,” Ailee sat up and poked Amber who was ready to start dozing off, having depleted most of her energy dancing. 

“Come on, Amber. It’s just sitting there in the water. Really relaxing. Don’t be such a grandma.”

“Do I have to wear the bikini? I can just wear my tank top and shorts.”

“Nope. I’m wearing my bikini, you have to wear yours. It’s a rule.” Ailee got up and started rummaging through her luggage, looking for her bright red strapless bikini. 

“I’m ordering us sangria — mmm — blood orange and pear sound good?” Ailee was dialing room service while taking off her shorts. But Amber was on her belly, ready to fall asleep. Plane rides always made her sleepy, and the bed was really very comfortable, the sheets smelled fresh —

“Ta-da! I’m ready! Come on Berber, get your swimsuit on. Sangria is here!” When Amber didn’t get up immediately, Ailee started beating a steady rhythm on her back, singing “I’ll Never Stop” by N sync. 

“Okay, okay, I’m up, Goldfish, I’m changing now.” Amber rubbed her eyes and rolled out of bed, dragging herself to her suitcase to reluctantly pull out her bikini. 

“But I’m gonna wear my shirt over it!” Amber yelled from the bathroom where she was changing. 

“I better see your ies!” She heard Ailee shouting from the balcony. 

Okay, then. 

“Oh my God, look at your legs. You need to be half all the time, Amber.” Ailee was already soaking in the water, softly lit by the glow of candles surrounding the Jacuzzi. She sat with her arms spread confidently to either side, the sangria within easy reach. She handed a glass to Amber, who slipped into the hot water, groaning a little. Ailee watched her with glee, enjoying a rare view of Amber’s chest.

“Stop ogling me, ert,” Amber complained, eyeing Ailee’s more ample endowments with a pout.

“You always dress like a ninja, that’s why. Your s need vitamin D, too, you know?”

“It’s dark out here, Amy.” Amber was tempted to go back and wear a shirt, but really, she liked sitting in the water with her skin warming. She could feel her limbs growing heavy.  

“Look, the stars are out. We never see them in Seoul. It’s so beautiful here,” Ailee suggested wonderingly, looking up at the sky.

The night vista was stunning. City life was full of entertainment, but Amber did not know when she had last looked up at the sky to search for stars. The night was warm, the darkness velvety, and the faint breeze sweet with the ocean and summer flowers. Relaxing into the water, she felt a sense of satisfaction in being in that moment with her friend. 

Breaking the companionable silence, Amber turned to share her sense of contentment when she noticed a strain on Ailee’s face.

“Hey, what is it?” Amber scooted closer to Ailee, concerned. She grew worried when Ailee only shrugged, her expressive face clouded. 

“Did something happen in New York?”

“Same old. I ran into a few people I knew.” Ailee now sat slightly hunched in the water, looking down into the drink in her hands. Amber stayed quiet. 

“Tonight’s about having fun. I’d rather not talk about it.” Shaking her head, Ailee suddenly kicked her out her legs and splattered water on Amber, who sat up, spewing water out of . Holding her sangria high in one arm, Amber splashed Ailee violently with both feet — only to see Ailee coming at her, ready to dunk her in the hot water. Laughing, Amber begged for mercy and hugged Ailee, resting her head on the other’s shoulders. Ailee rolled her eyes and pushed her away, an answering smile breaking free. But Amber came back and wrapped herself around Ailee like a blanket, her head resting on the crook of the neck damp with water, wisps of hair curling. 

“Tell me what happened, please?” Strong Ailee who shone with self-assurance had a fragile heart. Amber wished she could guard it from injury and unhappiness. 

“Was it him? Did he come to the concert?” The ex-who-shall-be-cursed-and-erased-from-memory had briefly cast a shadow in Ailee’s life when she was younger. Ailee sighed, tracking lines on the water’s surface, glittering with the candle lights. 

“He tried to come backstage, asking for the managers. I never saw him, but one of the coordinators told me about it.” 

“, that’s stalking. What did the managers do?” 

Ailee shrugged, feeling exhausted from remembering the unpleasantness of the whole episode and the weight of their past history. 

“Asked him to leave. If I knew he was there, I would have punched him,” Amber believed her. Ailee packed a punch, and she could kick, too. 

“He didn’t deserve you, and I would have beat him up with you.” Playing with Ailee’s curls spooling gently in the water, Amber imagined herself hand in hand with Ailee, throwing a series of deadly punches: right hook body, left elbow hook, and a KO uppercut to the head while the blood exploded from his nose. Deeply satisfying. 

“Nobody deserves us,” Ailee sipped her drink and bumped her head affectionately against Amber’s. 

“Seriously, I think we’re better off dating each other. We take better care of each other than any guy would.” Ailee was joking, but this was actually true.

Amber laughed, and wrinkling her nose, she gave Ailee a squeeze with her arms around her shoulders. 

“Oh my gosh, would we like make out and stuff?”

“Uh — yeah!?” that was a given, “We would totally have hot .” Ailee was on a roll. 

“Hot ?” Amber said in a breathy voice, pretending to be shocked, one hand over . 

“Hot with…like forbidden toys?” Amber’s face was tinged red, either from the drinking or her runaway imagination, it was hard to tell. 

“Mmmm-hmmm, toys are definitely involved. I would tie you up, and blindfold you with a silk tie, and with the tip of my tongue —”

“Oh my God, Ailee, I think I’m getting ,” laughing, Amber pushed away from Ailee with a swish of the water and crossed her arms over her s. Ailee followed, and taking her arms, she pulled Amber to her and they swayed together in the water, giggling in the warmth and in each other’s embrace. When Ailee finally sat, she brought Amber astride her, arms draping languidly in the water, and her head resting lightly on her shoulder.  

“I would take good care of your heart, Goldfish,” Amber mumbled into the soft folds of Ailee’s skin.

“I know, Berber. And I would make sure you at least twice every night,” Amber breathed a laugh and returned, “The neighbors will complain from our screaming.”

“Nah-ah. I wouldn’t let you scream unless I gave permission. And only after I spanked you on your . You wouldn’t be able to sit the next day.”

“Hey Goldfish?” Amber leaned back, looking at her best friend with a grin, “Promise we’ll get married to each other?”

Without missing a beat, Ailee returned, “Llama, in ten years, if we are still single with stupid guys everywhere, we’re definitely getting married.”

“Pinkie promise?” Amber offered her pinkie, now wrinkled pink from the water.

“Pinkie promise.” Tossing her hair, Ailee hooked her own pinkie on Amber’s, her eyes half moon and twinkling from smiling.   

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Urghh! Another one please!