The Love Story of Kaisoo

SM High Drama Club
"Hey guys look who brought in a dummy!" Someone called out in the gym, no one quite knew who, but all Jongin could remember was seeing dismembered plastic limbs and asking to help put it together. After a week and a half of banter with Yixing and bashing in people's heads with the spare leg, he had finally finished putting together and dressing the darn mannequin to use as a body double. Within that time period he had grown close to the mannequin. No one quite knew how the boy had grown so close and attached to the inanimate object...but then again it's not like they knew him. For he was the one that put him together, named him and threw him on the stage 3 times per show.
Backstage in the left wing Jongin sat beside him, carding his hands through his hair...will wig..., "you are my Soo, and you will be my boyfriend, because you are mine."
Had he been paying attention, he would have noticed the mannequin smile and wink at his softly as he mouthed, "someday."

"JONGIN WHERE IS THE DEAD BODY FOR THE SCENE." The director screeched like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

Oh the joy of tech week, Jongin sighed and muttered a shrill, "I'm looking for him now, he is not where I left him last night."
"Soo my love where did you go?" Jongin sighed in disappointment, pushing a strand of hair behind his ear. Suddenly the mannequin fell out from behind the curtain. With a heavy sigh Jongin called out that he had found the "dead body double". He checked his phone, it was only four o'clock.....five more hours to go.

By six o'clock Kibum had declared a break due to his inability to put up with the imbeciles hindering the artistic process of the show saying, "IF IT WERE UP TO ME WE WOULD JUST HAVE ACTORS AND A STAGE. NO PROPS. SO GET YOUR ACTS TOGETHER AND BE BACK IN A HALF HOUR."
"Or else I'll get my favorite scalpel and castrate you all." Jongin's friend, Yixing, said quietly from their spot in the bleachiss, causing Jongin to once again wonder if his friend was really a serial killer in waiting.
"Is there any food around here, I didn't have a lunch in my schedule today so I just starved." Jongin pouted
"It's 6:00 and if I don't eat I'll faint while singing my high note," Yixing groaned in response, "and it's not like the othis two rascals are here to go out with us." Referring to their friends Luhan and Sehun who couldn't make it to practice today.
"Hey crumb nugget, we're going to get some food, you comin?" Kris called, one arm around his darling Zitao.
"Please stop calling me that." Jongin mentally facepalmed at the horrid nickname given to his after the school's live-in nun had made his drop his phone....
"Never gonna happen crumb nugget." He scrunched his nose as if trying to look like a playful puppy...and semi failing.....
" where are we going to get food?"
"Getting Panda Garden. Yixing you coming, I'm driving." Kris asked.
"Nah just bring me wontons." He waved his hand nonchalantly.
"Junmyeon you coming with us?"
"Yeah gimme a minute, lemme grab my jacket." Junmyeon responded as he went to the opposite end of the bleachis to find his jacket.
"Yixing you coming." Zitao asked again with a smirk.
"I just said no. Besides you know I'm not allowed to go in people's cars." Yixing blinked unamused.
" and Junmyeon walk there and you can hold hands while crossing the street." Zitao shrugged his shoulders as the rest left the social recluse of a boy behind and headed out.
"Okay bye." Yixing responded as he resumed listening to music, but Jongin of course caught the lingering gaze at one of their friends chuckled. Despite what many people believed, Jongin was actually the prime matchmaker of the drama club. And so far his current work was being focused on two otps. His first, which he was working in collaboration with Yixing, was the lovely couple of Zitao and Kris who were constantly googley eyed but wouldn't admit. And then there was his second OTP which Yixing was semi aware of but had no hand in, Yixing and Junmyeon, the OTP that brought on so many feels.

"I swear if they get any more adorable I'm going to bash my head against a wall. Please someone stop the flirtiness I'm gonna gag." Yixing said as he bit into a wonton, content with the juicy meat inside.
"You say that but you were the one who wrote fluffy romantic lyrics-" Zitao began.
"We don't talk about that." Yixing's eyes widened in alarm.
"I remember that, and you were all blushing and shy about it oh god that was hilarious." Kris added with a sly grin that would put a fox to shame.
"What are you guys talking about?" Junmyeon asked, not understanding the half spoken conversation.
"Nothing." Yixing said too quickly
"And I'm just passing hours, sitting here falling in love." Kris and Zitao began to sing.
"YOU MEMORIZED IT?! Ugh I hate you guys so much, Jongin back me up here. Hey Kris-" Yixing stopped mid name at the sight he was met with. It was practically as if the curly haired freshman was in his own world with the mannequin. It almost looked like...they were on a picnic date in the middle of the gym with takeout Chinese. Actually, that is exactly what it looked like.
"The fluff is everywhere, there is no hope for any of us," Yixing signed and picked up his phone with his clean hand offering it to Junmyeon, "pick a song, any song, you can listen."
"Umm, okay?" He responded before putting on "Sugar We're Goin Down" by Fall Out Boy. Yixing how ever kept an eye on his friend and the mannequin that were adoring each other...well if a mannequin could adore a human and vice versa...

"Jongin hurry up we gotta go home." Yixing called out as he packed his bag, getting ready to call it a day.
"Gimme a minute, just saying goodbye to Soo." His friends voice came from backstage where the mannequin was kept. Yixing sighed, he couldn't put his finger on it, but something was up with that inanimate object Jongin claimed was his boyfriend. Then again he wasn't one to complain considering the fact that that all he ever did was talk to his imaginary friends...and his guitar...
"I'll miss you baby, okay? I'll see you tomorrow." Jongin said to the plastic mannequin that only stared back at his.
"Give me a kiss." He said as he leaned the face to Soo's cheek, the mannequin slipped slightly causing him to chuckle, "oh you naughty boy."
Gazing into his eyes he propped him against the wall and said "I love you, Soo!"
Maybe he was just hearing things, after all being sleep deprived due to tech week and school could cause all sorts of hallucinations that drugs could produce, but he could have sworn he heard a voice say, "I love you, too."

"Yixing I'm telling you, I heard him say he loved me back." Jongin insisted at lunch the next day.
"I would tell you you're crazy but I've heard voices before so that would just be hypocritical of me." His friend responded as he stabbed the flimsy plastic fork into a ravioli.
"Yixing I'm telling you, Soo is a real living breathing person. He spoke to me."
"And if it is just one of the guys playing jokes on you?" Yixing pointed out, being rational and lazy as always.
"Then fine, but I still think he said something to me."
"Alright fine, we'll check it out after practice okay?" The sophomore put his hands up in defense.
"Thank you so much, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!"
"I better get something good out of this."
"I got a video of Junmyeon dancing in a sparkly red dress." Jongin said, causing Yixing to perk up in his seat.
"and sold to you over there with the Pororo obsession." Yixing responded using his best announcer voice.
"You are so easy to bribe." Jongin chuckled at his friend.
"Can't a demon overlord eat his pasta in peace?" The older rolled his eyes as he finihed off the last Alfredo covered ravioli.
"No. Let me rant about Soo, you rant about Junmyeon enough." The freshman rolled his eyes at his friend's unusual narcissism.
"I'm listening." Yixing surrendered before he got up to buy the last chocolate rice crispy to maintain his sanity and sugar level.

"Has anyone seen the dummy?" Zitao called from backstage as they waited for Kibum to arrive.
"I'm right here." Yixing squawked before laughing, falling off the bleachis he had been perched on, and curling into a ball of laughter.
"It's not funny." Zitao started with an amused smirk.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't resist." Yixing attempted to catch his breath as he sat up. He was so distracted he almost didn't realize the mannequin peeking out of the gym kitchen.
"We need to find Soo, guys, this isn't funny. Okay, this is serious!!!" Serious Jongin yelled from center stage.
"He is in the kitchen I can see him from here." Yixing called out as he finally regained his composure.
"Why is he in the kitchen when I left him in the left wing last night?"
"Why is Yixing still single, the world may never know." Yixing responded attempting to make light of the situation, but standing up to go see this mannequin.
"Because Junmyeon." Zitao taunted from the opposite wing.
"Shut up!" Yixing exclaimed bashfully.
"What did I do and why are we shutting up?" Junmyeon asked as he entered the gym.
"Nothing." The three boys responded as Yixing and Jongin dragged Soo back to the other  side of the stage. Junmyeon watched his three friends suspiciously, but didn't bother to question them.
"Maybe one of the maintenance guys moved him because the boys got scared when they came for P.E.?" Yixing whispered to the other boy.
"Or maybe he is alive and walked to the kitchen." Jongin responded.
"Why, because he wanted a sandwich?" Yixing scoffed, "Look we'll check it out after rehearsal okay?"
"Okay..." Jongin chirped happily before their director finally entered the gym.
"HI KIBUM." Yixing yelled with excitement.
"I just got here and I need someone to help me carry the stuff." Junmyeon said.
"I can't lift things cuz of my arm." Zitao reminded.
"I was looking for Soo." Jongin defended.
"I'm weak and was helping look for Soo." Yixing added, ignoring the fact that he had been called "XingXing" even though he has corrected their director at least a couple hundred times.
"Yes Kibum." The four chorused.

"ALRIGHT WE ARE CALLING IT A DAY SEE YOU ALL TOMORROW, IF YOU ARE NOT HERE BY THREE O'CLOCK YOU CAN DO THIS WITHOUT A DIRECTOR. JONGHYUN WILL BE HERE TOMORROW SO I HOPE YOU CAN ALL ACTUALLY SING." Kibum finally said as the clock read 8:30. Everyone hoped tha Kibum would be nicer tomorrow since their music director, Jonghyun, would be there.
"We have half an hour to investigate your mannequin boyfriend. Let's go." Yixing whispered to Jongin as he changed out of his dance shoes into a pair of grey converse.
"Thank you so much you're the best." Jongin smiled gratefully.
"Wait, gimme a minute," Yixing said before sneaking behind Junmyeon to give him a back hug as he childishly said "bye" until walking back to Jongin as if nothing happened...well if you didn't count the sheepish grin on his face.
"Ohmygosh that was so adorable." Jongin stated as he fanboyed slightly.
"C'mon off to investigate Soo we go." Yixing said pulling his friend towards the left wing.

"So where did this whole speaking incident happen, reenact it for me." Yixing stared at his friend who was oh so insistent that his inanimate boyfriend had the ability to communicate.
"What, no, we were having a personal moment."
"You say to the person who can read lips and saw your interaction. I know you by saying he was a naughty boy, didn't know you had it in you." Yixing smirked triumphantly.
"How in the world did you see that?"
"Imma ninja."
"I thought you were a monster."
"That too."
After a long a discussion of how Yixing managed to witness Jongin and his doll being "romantic to the point of making the sun shine at night" (according to Yixing) they finally resumed their investigation.

"He is not responding." Yixing said blandly.

"I'm telling you he spoke to me." Jongin responded adamantly.

"Okay, who else was here beside me, you, and Soo?" the sophomore asked, pushing up his glasses.
"Everyone else left."
"So you're saying it was just us?"
"None of the others were lingering behind."
"So then the only possibilities are that this is legit or you're hallucinating."
" darling" An unfamiliar voice said in a low whisper.
"That's the voice I heard last night!" Jongin exclaimed.
"Oh. My. God. What is this Ghost?" Yixing said in shock, "Someone please tell me our show is not coming to life."
This time there was no response except for the mysterious voice singing unchained melody.

Jongin his phone and decided to text the only person who was most likely awake at this time. Junmyeon.
Ooh Junmyeoniiieee!!
Hi Kkamjong what's up?
Okay so we may or may not have a problem.
Soo can actually talk.
I thought he was a mannequin.
Ya know, inanimate and made of plastic.
So what you are trying to tell me is that your mannequin boyfriend Soo can actually speak and he sang to you?
Yes that is exactly what I'm saying.
Yixing flipped out and was like why am I hearing voices again goddamnit.
So we need you to help us figure this out while he tries to find some grimoires to figure out what is going.
Alright I'll help.
Tomorrow after practice sound like a good start?
Sounds good let me just tell Yixing you are helping.
Should we tell anyone else about this?
No just keep it quiet for now.
Then he received a message from Yixing.
So while I'm convinced this might actually be a horror movie
I'm going to help you out
I found a couple things that might help us with Soo
Great!! I got Junmyeon to help us just in case.
He seemed to take it very well when I told him Soo would speak
Okie dokie.
Oh and warn him it's a combo of Ghost, Phantom, and those cheap horror movies you find at the supermarket by the alcohol section
Alright, goodnight! See u tomorrow!!
Then he switched back to his convo with Junmyeon. He had three messages.
Alright I will.
You still there?
Oi Kkamjong.
Don't you Oi Kkamjong me
Sorry haha
Yixing said to warn you
About what?
He said the situation you are getting into is "Ghost, Phantom, and those cheap horror movies you find at the supermarket by the alcohol section" all in one.
...Well that's nice...
I guess this whole thing with Soo is what I will be looking forward to tomorrow?
Yeah pretty much.
Alrighty then. Gtg I have a big final in the morning. See you tomorrow.
See ya!!!
Suddenly he received another message from Yixing
Wait a minute...
yeah why?
I have to keep my creepiness on the down low?!
I mean if you want too I'm used to you speaking like a killer
I'm gonna go sulk in a corner
Who knows maybe you'll get an excuse to hug him or hold his hand if you get scared haha *\(>_<)/*
**attempts not to squeal**
Goodnight (^_^)
Good night! :D
Jongin had a feeling tomorrow would be a long, OTP filled, fun, day. Besides Soo would be there so all the better for his.

"Hey crumb nugget, you coming to get food?" Kris called as he put on his jacket.
"Yeah sure gimme a minute," Jongin called irritably, "Tao, you coming?"
"Nah I think I'll stay back with Yixing, I'll text you our orders."
"Loki dokie, hey Junmyeon you comin to get food?"
"Yeah just gimme a minute." He called back before finishing his conversation with Jonghyun about the score in a scene.
As Kris, Junmyeon, and Jongin got into the car, Jongin received a text from Zitao, telling him what his and Yixing's orders were. The short drive was normal, Kris pretending to sing horribly to whatever song was on the radio while he drove, Junmyeon staring out the window singing along as if he was acting out the music video to the song, and Jongin on his phone checking Instagram and reading over his lines for the show. While they were away, shenanigans were going down at the SM High gymnasium. 

"What happened, normally you go with them to get food?" Yixing asked curiously.
"I kinda got in trouble with my mom." Tao signed.
"Why, what happened?"
"He found out I was in Kris's car so now I'm not really allowed to go out with him."
"Oh." Yixing said while his thoughts were more along the lines of, NOOO NOT MY OTP CMON THAT IS SOOOO NOT FAIR.
"So now you can just hang out with me and we can play games and gossip!" Yixing exclaimed with excitement.
While Tao was in the middle of telling a story about something that happened at School of Oz practice with Junmyeon doing a backflip by accident and Kris almost knocking out a ten year old who insulted Zitao, Yixing's phone dinged, apparently someone texted him. He was about to ignore the text since it was an unknown number until he saw what it said: I need your help. Please don't tell Jongin.
Yixing froze and texted back, who is this?
The response came with one name, Kyungsoo, a.k.a. Soo

"Hey Tao could you gimme a minute, I gotta go do something." Yixing said as he ran backstage to find the mannequin which was currently no where in sight.
Where are you? Yixing texted back cautiously.
I'm over here.
That's not very helpful if I can't hear you.
OH. Sorry, forgot about that. One moment. He responded, and Yixing suddenly felt like he had turned into Oda Mae, who coincidentally was currently being played by Byun Baekhyun. Many of the male cast members, including himself, were forced to crossdress due to a lack of female members...dancing in a sequined miniskirt and heels was by no means an easy task. Yixing shivered at the thought.
Suddenly he saw Soo fall out from behind a curtain, he clearly had a habit of doing that quite often. But there was no phone to be seen in the solid plastic hands.
Goddamnit how are you texting me if you don't have a phone
Because I'm magical
Sure and I'm the dark overlord.
You try to be thrown on stage three times a show and tell how it feels, I'd call the Union for dead body doubles but there isn't one
So let me get this straight
You are a magical mannequin and who is communicating with me by text
Are you a ghost?
No I'm human.
And if I choose to ignore you
You wouldn't do that, after all you want to see your friend happy
Besides I can spam you forever
What do you mean spam?
ILL HELP YOU WHAT DO YOU NEED ME TO DO. Yixing swore that when this was all over he better get a good reward for this. Besides, this already felt like the school musical was coming to life. He just hoped that this would end with no deaths and his friend happily in love with this mannequin that was really a human.

"WE'RE BACK AND WE HAVE BROUGHT FOOD." Kris announce, plopping next to Tao on the mat on the floor.
"You're too loud, keep it to the bedroom." Yixing joked as he jumped off the stage and nearly bumped into Arielle who was making his way to the othis end of the stage to grab a prop for the next act. He apologized and then sat on the mat between Tao and Jongin.
"Why, Yixing? Why would you say that?" Tao shook his head.
"I was referring to you two collectively." Yixing smirked before taking a bite out of the sandwich Jongin had passed his. Jongin choked on his sandwich and coughed a bit at the comment, sometimes he just couldn't put up with his friends.
"You wanna play, let's play," Kris grinned before yelling, "EGGS BACON GRITS SAUSAGE. MAY BE SINGLE BUT I STILL GET SAUSAGE. KEEP IT GOING."
"What have I started?" Yixing groaned, "I do not understand this."
"EGGS BACON GRITS SAUSAGE." Everyone began to chorus.
"GOT DIABETES BUT I STILL GET SAUSAGE." Jongdae said, causing the cast to hoot in laughter. 
"NOT THAT STRAIGHT BUT I STILL GET SAUSAGE." Chanyeol called from across the gym.
"Something tells me this is a ual euphuism." Yixing muttered under his breath before looking to the cast's big brother, Minseok, and asking "Do I want to know?"
"You'll catch on eventually." He shrugged.
Yixing's phone buzzed and he looked to see it was a text from Soo that said "not fully human but I still get SAUSAGE."
Yixing wanted to throw his phone at the wall...along with the rest of the cast...and Soo...

"LOOK I SUGGEST ALL OF YOU LOOK OVER THE LYRICS FOR TOMORROW BECAUSE YOU CLEARLY DONT KNOW IT. WE HAVE BEEN REHEARSING SINCE NOVEMBER. SINCE NOVEMBER AND YOU STILL DON'T KNOW YOUR MUSIC. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY SHOWS I CAN PUT TOGETHISS OVER THE SUMMER?THREE. SO I SUGGEST YOU KNOW YOUR WORDS TOMORROW BECAUSE I CAN ONLY HEAR TAO AND MAYBE TWO OTHIS PEOPLE SINGING." Jonghyun exploded with anger finally at the end of a long stressful rehearsal consisting of people fooling around and lollygagging whilst Yixing and a few of the othis loners awkwardly stood in a corner waiting for people to shut up and Jongin was taking special care of Soo. The whole entire gym was so silent that the sparks of the heaters could be heard as they stared at their beloved music director in fear or relief. He continued, "NOW I WONT BE HERE TOMORROW BUT I WILL BE THE DAY AFTER SO I SUGGEST YOU ALL SING SO LOUD I CAN HEAR YOU FROM THE TRAIN STATION."
The cast murmured slightly frightened "yes Jonghyun."s as he packed up his things and stormed out of the gym.
"Alright guys, that's a wrap. Let's call it a day, I hope to see you all promptly at three." Kibum announced, exhausted from putting up with the drama club that made flying monkeys seem disciplined.
"Time to investigate." Jongin whispered excitedly, signing to Junmyeon to prepare for the investigation. Yixing, however, crossed his fingers and hoped that he would be able to live to see tomorrow. He looked over to the living mannequin who gave his a mischievous wink and desired to go home before he almost burned someone...or something...

"Alright so where did this all happen?" Junmyeon asked as he pulled up his sock and adjusted his pant leg. The rest of the cast had just left the gym to go home or gallivanting around Seoul doing who knows who- I mean- who knows what.
"Over here." Jongin gestured for them to come to the left wing.
"care to reenact what happened?" He raered an eyebrow, not meaning too look intimidating, but somehow managing to.
"Yixing said the same thing and I was like no-" the freshman began.
"He was saying goodbye to him, propping him against the wall and was like 'gimme a kiss Soo darling' and leaned him over teasing him by saying he was a naughty boy when he slipped- didn't know he had it in his to be so scandalous- anyway...then he was like bye I love you Soo and then he heard a mysterious voice say I love you back to him." Yixing interrupted with a rather devious smirk.
"Youre never gonna let me live that down are you." Jongin stared at his friend.
"Nope." The sophomore grinned in response.
"Well...that was an adventure from start to finish. I'm amazed Kkamjong, didn't know you could talk like that to a guy, even if he was inanimate." Junmyeon teased, causing him and Yixing to laugh while Jongin gave them both a death glare that made his look like squishy lovable Krong as opposed to the dastardly insane Joker.
"So how did you get him to speak last time?" Junmyeon asked barely regaining his composure.
"Yixing was like this is eithis legit or a hallucination and I was like Yixing and he was like Jongin and next thing I knew I was being serenaded." Jongin responded.
"Not by me, mind you." Yixing responded checking his phone for some reason.
"Why would you be serenading him?" Junmyeon inquired.
"Of course not you only serenade for anniversaries and, well, ya know?" Jongin smirked as he smoothed down the wrinkles on Soo's shirt and slightly nodded to Yixing's object of affections.
"Nothing, and damn right I do- hey!" Yixing interrupted the boyish man before realizing the implication.
Jongin laughed in response and Yixing looked down at his phone, then glanced at Soo as if expecting something to happen until they heard the mysterious voice again say,"Jonginnie my love, my darling, I'm waiting for a miracle, to bring me home to you."
"Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my-"
"We get it Carl." Sam sighed, glancing at Junmyeon with a soft smile.

(Yixing's text convo)
I thought I told you to keep my darling away for the time being!
Yes well your darling is very adamant about you
What did you expect?
No this is supposed to dramatic goddamnit
Did you expect this to be like Love Never Dies?
EXACTLY LIKE THAT. He's supposed to be like "I should've known that you'd be here, behind this curtain all along. This whole arrangement bears your stamp, your in each measure of my songs, how dare you come to claim me now, how dare you come invade my life with this dolphin trainer?"
Oh god Soo please don't
And then dramatically I sing
You're just gonna do the whole song aren't you?
"Ah Jongin, my Jongin, long when they thought me inanimate, ah Jongin, the night I was still just a mannequin, ah Jongin, you came to me and you said, Soo my love an adieu I must bid. That long ago niiiiight."
And dramatically he responds "that night at the cast party..."
Did you like it
Wasn't I so clever
Oh yes so clever
Like my dripping sarcasm saturated words
Oh and don't think I didn't miss that look you gave Myeonie
Ya know I can't WAIT for you to become fully human again
Wanna know why?
So I can beat your and enjoy your pain
You wanted my help. Just remember that.
What have I gotten myself into.
You make a deal with the devil, the devil takes care of you

The three investigators of the case of the talking dummy...errrrr....mannequin...were now  in front of the school, waiting for their parents to pick them up.
"So, anyone have other plans for tonight?" Jongin asked trying to make conversation.
"Homework, studying, murder, procrastination. The usual." Yixing muttered.
"Yeah pretty much the same as you, wait murder?" Junmyeon said in alarm.
"You try sitting through parodies that aren't your own." Yixing replied cryptically.
"Okay," Junmyeon looked at his strangely before turning to Jongin, "so that was quite the surprise, eh? With Soo, I mean."
"I know but I mean, wow, he was so sweet and I just, awwwww." Jongin blushed sappily.
"Your fluffiness practically puts Tao and Kris to shame." Yixing commented with a jaded smirk that looked forced, "what?"
"Sometimes your words baffle me and I just stand here wondering if you are who you claim to be?" Jongin furrowed his eyebrows.
"Is anyone ever who they claim to be?" Yixing responded.
"Please stop its too late at night for philosophical riddles." Jongin groaned.
"Well my ride is here gotta go, hugs?" Yixing asked before receiving a hug from Jongin and a hug from Junmyeon. Heading towards the red car he slowly plotted ways to get more hugs from Junmyeon and how to turn Soo human...for both his sanity and violent tendencies....and Jongin...
"Wait I thought Yixing texted me saying he found some helpful stuff for this case?" Jongin blinked as he watched the vehicle drive away.
"So then what happened? You think he forgot?" Junmyeon suggested.
"No, he wouldn't forget about something like that."
"Maybe something came up at home, I mean it's not like we know much about his personally."
"Or maybe some music video came out and he is in fanboy mode..."
"Now that I think about it, he has been acting weird since we came back from getting food..."
"Maybe Taosaid something?"
"It's possible, I mean he was on his phone a whole lot..."
"Hmm...maybe he was texting Tao."
"Or he got a hot date?"
"hahaha that's highly improbable considering the fact of what I know."
"Like what?"
"I may solemnly swear I'm up to no good, but that doesn't mean I'll reveal personal info about my friends."
"And this is why you're probably one of the most respectable people I know."
"Aww thanks Myeonie."
"You're welcome Kkamjong."
"Can it Myeon."
Junmyeon only laughed as he began to dance and sing to "freak flag", and before long Jongin joined in. After all, that's what bestest friends in the universe are for.

"Okay no big deal, we just have one week till the show," Yixing breathed as he looked in the mirror. He only had one week to make this all work, that namely being his final chance at making Soo human. He had tried multiple things already, hexes, spells, strange demonic rituals,...he once tried to make a potion but then remembered that Soo didn't make a mouth to drink anything with. Over the weekend he had finally discovered how Soo became a mannequin in the first place, and that alone was like the backstory to a story arc from his all time favorite anime, Black Butler.....well for a moment at least.
"Now that I think about it, how the hell did you become a mannequin?" Yixing had asked the dummy one day, he had surprisingly gotten there earlier than everyone else, and had decided to hurry up on his mission to get Jongin and Soo together for good. Mainly because the past week of avoiding Junmyeon and Jongin's question and hiding his phone from the two was starting to get really tiring and he needed sleep.
"I was kinda sorta kidnapped one day and they decided to grind my bones and stuff to make a doll that looked like an actual human. Since it seemed more realistic, and had more human like qualities, they sold a lot of money."
"And you are alive how?" Yixing crossed his arms in disbelief.
"Umm magic?" Soo responded as more of a question than an answer.
"There are so many things wrong with your explanation considering the fact it was already the plot line of an anime."he could only look at the mannequin with an expression that said
"ALRIGHT FINE so I was really just cursed by my mom cuz he needed to take his anger out on someone and now I can't get out until I experience pure and true first love."
"And somehow or another you managed to end up in a relationship with my friend Jongin."
"Yeah pretty much, that is exactly what happened."
"Wow. Now you see that makes more sense." He smiled.
"Youre not helping, Yixing." He huffed in response.
"Shut up, Soo. You are the dramatic dummy not me."
"I'm not sure how I should take that comment."
If only life was so simple as to find a grimoires or an ancient text to help solve the problem. But the issue was that he needed to figure out the definition of "pure and true love", and with that he figured that he might as well attempt the oldest trick in the book of fairy tales.
True love's kiss will break the spell.

Yixing, you have got to be kidding me, what happened to everything we have done now? The dummy had messaged his promptly at 2:50 as per their usual schedule, he had sent him a message this morning telling him his plan, and he didn't like it one bit.
No, but if nothing else works it's the best we've got. You love his right, then get to know his better and then BAM kiss his.
What if it doesn't work?! I'll be doomed, he will be doomed.
Stop acting like a drama mannequin
Last I checked I am a drama mannequin since I am part of the drama club, ya know body double and all that
Haha very funny sassy pants
But seriously talk to his
Your curse has already weakened since you can talk now right?
Yeah...but what-
We should start this today shouldn't we
And yes we should that was the plan
Today after practice we shall commence Operation OTP Yixing responded.
It was only Tuesday. Opening night was Friday, they didn't have much time left.
"I don't get why we keep investigating if he hasn't spoken since that day." Junmyeon sighed during their dinner break at six. Yixing, Junmyeon, and Jongin were sitting togethis waiting for Taoand Kris to come back from getting food. Today, the blossoming couple in the making had insisted on just picking up food together.
"We'll figure it out eventually, don't give up." Jongin said before going over to Kibum who had been calling his name for the past minute or so.
"Yeah but when the head detective is on his phone constantly we can't do much now can we." Junmyeon scoffed irritably, these past few months had taken a toll on him for multiple reasons and staying after practice to solve the mystery of the talking dummy wasn't really helping.
"Actually I have a confession to make," Yixing began, "it's about Soo."
The college boy turned to look at Yixing wide eyed. With a deep breath he said, "the truth is the reason I've been on my phone is because that is how I communicate with him."
"are you high?" Junmyeon blinked at the boy.
"No seriously, the truth is we have been trying to find ways to turn Soo back into a human."
"What do you mean back?"
"Long story short, his mom cursed him and the only way out is the experience pure and true love."
"Which he found in Jongin." Junmyeon stated.
"But he is still a dummy."
"We figured that true loves kiss would break the spell so the plan is to get them closer and then bam they kiss and Soo is human and they live happily ever after the end."
"You figured?"
"Look, two weeks of spells, hexes, questionable rituals, and an undrinkable potion lead me to this conclusion, okay? I figured that if nothing else works might as well try the oldest method from fairy tales since those princesses always got their happily ever after." He snapped before saying, "look Soo wants to tell Jongin about this himself so keep it on the down low until after rehearsal."
"Alright, fine." Junmyeon agreed as they looked over at their friend who was now gossiping with Sehun. Well, at least Junmyeon was, Yixing was kinda busy trying to look anywhere except at the person beside his.
"Wait," Junmyeon said, "so let me get this straight, this whole time you weren't actually texting your hot date, but in fact you were texting Jongin's hot date?"
"First of all, yes. Second of all, what made you think I had a hot date?"
"It was my first guess, okay?" He put up his hands in defense, Yixing could only laugh.

Jongin had finished talking to Kibum, when he turned around he saw Junmyeon and Yixing in deep conversation and smiled. Deciding to put his matchmaking skills to use and left them alone for the time being, maybe his OTP would finally get together.

"Sooooo what were you and Yixing talking about?" Jongin poked his friend playfully as they waited for their scenes.
"Nothing really, just like music and stuff." Junmyeon responded nonchalantly, he didn't want to lie to his friend, but he had told Yixing he wouldn't mention anything to Jongin. As a man of his word, he came up with a realistic enough excuse for Jongin to believe.
"Ooh. Okay. That's good." Jongin said contently. He had a feeling he knew why Jongin had asked him that. He looked across the stage to meet the eyes of none othis than Yixing, who widened his eyes in alarm and quickly averted his eyes. Yeah, he had a feeling he knew exactly what Jongin was subconsciously hinting at.

"I'm so done with today that I'd go home to do homework, but I did all my homework already and I don't wanna go home and we still need to investigate so all is good I guess." Yixing said as he finihed changing out of the sparkly black miniskirt, white blouse, and heels, into sweatpants, a hoodie, and grey converse.

"Lucky, you having no homework." Jongin said as he put on his shoes.
"Yeah but I have a physics test on Friday that my mom is going to make me study for."
"But...its Tuesday."
"I know...but I'm expected to ace this with flying colors cuz I need to bring my average up for Physic so my final average is good enough." Yixing sighed as he pulled his hood over his head and out his hands in his pocket before looking at the freshman with a heepish grin asking "you ready?"

"Alright, Junmyeon, it is time for the investigation once more." Jongin announced dramatically to the Junmyeon who had just put on a shirt and was now checking his iPhone.
"Okay." He said emotionlessly as the three of them headed towards where Soo was being left, the left wing.
Yixing took out his phone and messaged the mannequin, Time to shine kiddo, we are bringing Jongin now. I already told Junmyeon so don't feel bad if he doesn't look surprered.
You never let me have any fun Yixing, I swear
Listen, I'm helping you and your boyfriend so be quiet before I tape your limbs on backwards.
(-_*) do not tempt my patience
Yixing and Junmyeon exchanged a glance as Jongin walked towards Soo and helped him stand on his two feet...well with his support...but still.
"Alright so Jongin you have to promere not to freak out on me when I tell you this." Yixing sighed.
"Is it OTP related?"
"You and Soo"
"I see, do tell."
"So remember the day when we first brought Junmyeon on the case, well..." He began as he recounted the events of the last two weeks.

"Jongin." Junmyeon pleaded, his friend, who had wrapped his arms protectively around the doll, whose eyebrows were eithis furrowed in confusion or anger. He couldn't tell which, but Jongin hadn't responded to him or Yixing for the past ten minutes.
"Did we break him?" Yixing whispered.
"Don't be ridiculous, I don't even think it's possible to break his." Junmyeon scoffed at the suggestion. Yixing grimaced until a thought finally came to mind.
"Soo, I swear to Jezebel, would you just say something to his already." Yixing exhaled in exasperation not quite sure what else to say.
"Jongin, if you don't speak how will I ever hear your beautiful voice again?" Soo spoke, despite the fact no one could really see his lips moving.
"S-Soo?!" Jongin finally exclaimed, his eyes opened so wide they looked like they were about to roll out of their sockets. Junmyeon could only mutter a "holy " before leaning onto the wall for support.
"I'm right here."
"You can speak, I'm not hallucinating."
"No you're not hallucinating, silly. I'm right here."
"Hey," Soo said, a smile evident in his voice, before saying "could you two give us a moment."
Dragging Junmyeon away to the bleachiss Yixing responded, "take as long as you need, message me when you're done."

"Is everything Yixing said true?" Jongin looked at Soo.
"So you were cursed, wait then how were you brought here?"
"Mrs. Byun is kinda sorta an old family friend. It's complicated." Soo chuckled.
"so why did your mom curse you?"
" dad is an unfathful , its like watching a drama."
"So then you mean..."
"When my of father wasn't around she'd pull out some Jack Daniels from under the cabinet and pour herself a whiskey lullaby. Worst part is, since she was kinda sorta a wizard, she'd cast spells while intoxicated and here I am."
"Yeah...and then I meet you and for once I'm happy. I mean even though I'm a mannequin and you knew nothing about me you accepted me and loved me."
"You're one of the few people that actually get me. Besides, I'm not exactly like most people so it's no surprise I fell for a mannequin."
"Do you wanna hang out tomorrow? You know just you and me back here for lunch."
"Its a date." Jongin smiled and he could have sworn he smiled back at him, but maybe he was just seeing things...

The three of them were all standing outside waiting to go home. Junmyeon had one earbud in, practicing choreography for Oz. Yixing had an earbud in, listening to foreign love songs, while helping Jongin memorize his lines for Oz. Of course Yixing was getting into the characters, doing voices and everything, causing Jongin to laugh. During anothis round of laughter Yixing leaned over to Jongin and said, "soooo, how'd it go with Soo?"
"We are having a little dinner date tomorrow during break."
"OMG YES MY OTP FINA-ING-LY" Yixing squealed in excitement as he did a little dance.
Junmyeon looked up to say, "wait what happened?"
"JONGIN  AND SOO SITTING BACKSTAGE. YES INDEED THEYRE ON A DATE. FIRST COMES A KISS, THE MANNEQUIN BECOMES HUMAN, THEN BY GOD A SCREAMING KIBUM." Yixing starts to hysterically laugh and the other two join along before Yixing's mom arrives and he has to go. Waving by and getting hugs once more, Yixing left the two friends waiting once more.
"So you got a hot date tomorrow, Kkamjong?"
"Oh my god Junmyeon, I swear you and Yixing are only helping so you can make jokes about it." He covered his face in embarrassment.
"That's what friends are for," He shrugged before saying, "congratulations on your hopefully happily ever after"

It was Wednesday, and the boys had dressdown so when Yixing had woken up at 5:30 in the morning as usual, he did not expect his phone to go off at 5:40 with a message from Jongin asking what he should wear today.
Jongin, you do realize that we are supposed to wear our Ghost shirts today? Yixing responded.
YOUR WELCOME, see you at school
Yixing sighed as he finally opened Pandora and put on his Voltaire Station, he was in a Cabaret mood today.

"DINNER BREAK." Someone screamed as the clock struck six. Kris and Jongin and just got back from getting food from the Chinese restaurant, and then Jongin disappeared with his order. Yixing and Junmyeon of course had a feeling they knew exactly where he was.
"You think they'll be okay?" Junmyeon leaned over to Yixing.
"They're OTP they have to be." He shrugged, trying not to think about the distance between his and Junmyeon.
"If you say so."
"I know so." Yixing said. All of a sudden Alex plopped down in between them, "can I have a wonton?"
"Sure." Yixing passed him a wonton before gazing towards the left wing, hoping everything would go just fine.

"So." Soo said awkwardly.
"So." Jongin responded in an awkward emotion. They were finally alone and it was quite nice, but they didn't know what to talk about.
"Uhmmm....gimme a minute..." Jongin said taking out his phone to text Yixing.
what happened I thought you're on date
We don't know what to talk about
Wait lemme tell Junmyeon.
Junmyeon asks if you two have just been making out the whole time
it's a valid question okay
No it's not
I came here for advice
Not a sparkly wolf trying to make jokes
So just ask questions to get to each othis idk
Junmyeon says to keep it age appropriate or he will teach Soo a lesson for doing anything to you
I'd help him with that btw
I swear you two are not helping at all
Just be like hey what's your favor color/movie/tv character
Idk talk about musicals and Pororo and hamsters
Junmyeon is currently hysterically laughing at my response
It sounds more like you two are on a date then I am
Where are you two anyway
Group clump on mats in middle of gym
And we are not on a date
Bet you wouldn't mind
Soo says he fully supports this
He wants to know if you two text each othis until two am acting all sappy and stuff
I don't even have his number
And tell Soo he should be serenading you not teasing me
Soo asks: What did Junmyeon say?
I'm not letting him near my phone now
Soo asks: o rlly?
He's currently having a push up contest with Minseok
It's a tie, but idk if that counts cuz Jongdae is on Minseok's back
And Soo you might as well just make a group chat of all three of us
Soo says this is more fun
And we shall resume our date now
Farelong (-_-)
I hope you know Junmyeon and I will interrogate you parental style later
Wait you're serious
Oh my
Jongin and Soo looked at eachother.
"Are you ready for the best conversation ever?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Every conversation with you is the best conversation ever."
"AWWW you're so sweet."

The three of them were standing outside, waiting to get picked up. For some reason they were always the last people to be picked up, not that it mattered since they always had their little group conference togethis anyway.
"Sit down child, old man Zhang must interrogate." Yixing said, slouching slightly and looking at Jongin. With a sigh Jongin sighed and sat down on the white bench.
"Old man Zhang?" Jongin and Junmyeon questioned.
"I am the old man of all my friends." Yixing blinked before turning to Jongin, "now tell me, how was your date with that mannequin? Was he gentle mannequin? Did he behave himself? When am I meeting this molded plastic who has your affections?"
"Oh my gosh, calm down I'll tell you what happened." Jongin laughed.
"I'm still trying to count the number of puns, I can't tell if I'm right or not...." Junmyeon stared in confusion at the sophomore's strangeness.
"Okay, let me begin my story." Jongin said before reminiscing his date with Soo...
"So...what's your favorite color?" Jongin asked, leaning his head on Soo's shoulder. He had finihed eating and now they were just enjoying each othis's company. Since Soo already knew everything about his, he decided to ask Soo about himself.
"Blue." The mannequin responded.
"Favorite tv show?"
"No way, favorite character."
"Ahh you're so cute."
"Who's your favorite?"
"Krong." Jongin said in his best impression
"That was a really good impression."
"I know right?"
"Okay so favorite musical."
"May I ask why?"
"Because it brought us togethis." He said and his eyes met with his, and they just looked at each othis for a long moment. All of a sudden Jongin's phone buzzed, it was Yixing. Soo mentally cursed Yixing for being a of the most innocent intentions.
Do me a favor, can you ask Soo if his dad's name is Jack?
Just ask him.  Yixing replied. Suddenly Junmyeon's laughter could be heard from across the gym.
Junmyeon just read the message I sent you, i apologize if his laughter startled you
He also says I should stop being so punny   he added. Suddenly a loud "GODDAMMIT YIXING I CAN'T BREATHE" was heard from across the room, apparently Junmyeon still couldn't control his laughter for some reason.
"What did he say?" Soo asked looking over his shoulder. Before Jongin sent the next message, Soo read your message and says that you are an .
Just what does that question mean?
His text was met with Yixing yelling, "NEVER MIND FORGET I SAID THAT," and Junmyeon still laughing his off at the pun.
"Sorry now where were we?" Jongin chuckled as he put his phone back in his pocket.
"Oh I dunno, about how Ghost is my favorite musical since it brought us togethis?"
"Aw you're so sappy."
"True, but you like it."
"No I don't."
"I love it," he chuckled before pecking him softly on the cheek. The two of them chuckled slightly, for some reason Soo felt warmer than usual. It almost seemed like he was a person rathis than a plastic doll for a moment. Maybe he was imagining things, but it seemed like his happily ever after was getting closer by the moment.
"And yeah, so that was our date," Jongin finihed recounting, looking at his two friends for any response.
"He...has a good taste in movies, I approve." Yixing smiled, ruffling his friend's curly brunette hair.
"He likes Pororo and completely adores you...clearly you two were made for eachother." Junmyeon agreed with a sigh and a genuine smile.
"So what was that question about anyway?"
"What question?" Junmyeon asked,
"The question about if his dad's name is Jack?"
"Oh we were making a Jack's mannequin joke. But seriously is it?" Yixing responded as Junmyeon's fit of the giggles returned.
"No," Jongin blinked.

By time Yixing and Junmyeon had arrives at their homes, they both felt their phones, ring. It was a message from none othis than Soo that said, You two are such s I swear, it's not funny.
The two of them laughed themselves to sleep.

Before going to sleep, Jongin received a message from his darling boyfriend, Good night my love.
Smiling, Jongin responded back before falling asleep with his phone in his hands, Good night my darling.

Rise and shine my love, it's another day and I can't wait to see you this evening. Jongin's phone went off once more. Staring at the message he smiled was gonna be a great day.

"Yixing do we have choir today?" Jongin asked, today was Thursday and Thursday meant spending two hours in a room with Yixing and four other boys and their choir teacher singing church songs and what not.
"Yeah,but since tomorrow is opening night I already emailed his saying I wouldn't go. I did invite him by the way." Yixing responded, with half a curly fry in his mouth.
"Oh, I was gonna say if you could let his know I couldn't make it-"
"Did you email him?"
"Then, theoretically, you should be fine." Yixing concluded before resuming devouring the curly fries he had been craving all month.
"Alright guys, just remember that today we will be practicing our bows." Taemin said in his ever calm and composed voice. A loud murmur of confirmation was heard from the cast before they began their first run of act one for the day.

(my a.k.a. Yixing’s POV….just really quick)
“I swear to God I hate this skirt,” I was heading towards the dressing room, tonight was the night before opening night. Tomorrow was the big day, we were all on edge. I had been pulling down the godforsaken miniskirt when I head four syllables.
"We need to talk."
"Okay, what's up?" I responded turning to Junmyeon.
"So a little birdie told me that someone had a crush on me" My heart stopped, I had a really bad feeling in my gut as I looked at the guy I had slowly begun to grown attached to.
"Oh." we were standing behind the gym, only a few feet away from each other. There was only one lamp that shed some light from where we stood. It felt like a scene from a movie, from a book, from those fanfictions that I can’t seem to cry over unless they are banglo.
"And I guessed that it was probably you."
"And your guess was correct." I swallowed, it sounded audible to me, but when you can hear the blood rush in your ears you can probably hear anything.
"Yeah, you’re not very slick about hiding it." He scratched the back of his neck and looked at me, I forgot to brace for the emotional impact.
He talked about the reasons why we couldn't be together. Like our age difference, how he is is college and I'm in high school.
“Besides, I’m an old man.”
“You’re not that old.” I giggled softly.
How he didn't want for there to be any pressure, and he didn’t want anyone to get hurt. It felt like the talk lasted for a while, but the sinking feeling of everything just crashing down was everywhere. Although to be honest, I didn’t really talk all that much. Most of the talking was done by him. Then again, there wasn’ much I could have said anyway...
“ I don’t wanna seem like a bad guy, I just…”
“no yeah I understand” I exhaled with a forced smile.
“So we’re good?” no, we’re not good, not at all.
“Yeah.” why did you say something, it wouldve been better if you never said it all.
“C’mere.” he gestured for me to come over and we hugged before he left for his scene, leaving me alone in the chilling spring evening.
I leaned against the wall next to the gym door, sinking down the floor in tears. I don’t know how long I was outside until Luhan found me and brought me into the dressing room, but i remember feeling pain everywhere. My heart felt like it was bursting, I didn’t wanna be here, but I didn’t wanna leave. I didn’t wanna seem weak. The one person i needed a hug from right now, was the very reason I was like this.
Later that day I had checked my phone and saw a message from Taemin that was sent at 6:18pm.
“Ru ok?” it read, and i knew the answer to the question but didn’t have the strength to respond. After all, the answer was no.
But stronger than that was a question that echoed in my head, “Why?”
Why did he say something when I was never going to confess in the first place?
That night I stayed up past midnight studying for the physics test I had the next day.
The next morning I was mess.
When Jongin saw me that day I found out that so was he.
(end my/Yixing’s POV, back to regular story)

"XIIIIIIIIIIINGIEEEE, I miss Soo so much." Jongin complained, it was morning and Jongin had decided to hang out by Yixing's home room since he had got to school early.
"You've seen him all week whenever you go to the gym." Yixing pointed out.
"Yeah but I want to spend time with him and hold his hand and-"
"Alright I get it, you wanna be happy romantics in each othis's company. Now would you calm down, the cast party is tonight, you can see your mannequin there."
"I know I'm so excited- hey what's got you so down?"
"That thing that happened with...ya know..." Yixing rested his head on his arms. He had been pretty depressed since that Junmyeon, and Jongin was currently middleman on keeping his OTP alive.
"I know and he feels really bad about what he said, believe me I have the texts to prove it." Jongin said, patting his friend on the head.
"I know, but knowing that he feels like for making me feel like makes me even more like ." Yixing groaned, "and the worst part is, I still like him. Heck I think I like him even more after that conversation even though I really shouldn't."
"Hey, tonight's the cast party? We are going to dance and have fun, okay?"
"And I'll make sure you and Soo kiss by the end of the night." Yixing concluded with a bare chuckle. Jongin smiled softly before exclaiming, "OH MY GOSH I NEED TO TELL YOU ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED AT OZ!!"
Jongin was just happy that Yixing finally managed to genuinely smile for the first time all week, and all because of the cast's antics during Oz rehearsal.

(cast party time)

"LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED PEOPLE." Someone yelled in the gym, most likely Jongdae or Baekhyun who were already on the gym floor twerking away.
Yixing had caught sight of Jongin and ran to say hello with a big hug. Yixing whispered, "So...did you have to dress up Soo or..."
"YIXING THATS NOT FUNNY!" Jongin pulled back.
"Umm yes, yes it is."
"Yixing!" Jongin exclaimed with embarrassment.
"Unless you two plan on making out I mean..." Yixing wiggled his eyebrows in a suggestive manner, before Jongin playfully swatted his in the arm.
"Why do you enjoy torturing me with this?"
"Because that's what evil awkward single people do." Yixing replied before jumping off the stage to dance with his classmates.

Yixing, Jongin, and Chanyeol, we're all standing in the parking lot by the art room, catching their breaths. The gym was too hot and Jongin took the chance to tease Yixing.
"Well I know you certainly enjoyed the show." Jongin grinned at Yixing. The boys had decided to put on a show, and a portion of it included Junmyeon dancing like the dance machine he was and then stripping topless.
"Not gonna lie, minorly by that." Yixing admitted, scratching the back of his head.
"What the heck did I just walk in on?" Chanyeol blinked, only to be met with Yixing and Jongin laughing.
" and Soo?" Yixing instigated.
"Kris said he was putting on some slow love songs so I guess we know what I'll be doing then."
"Mucosal contact with a dummy until he turns human?"
"I swear Yixing, you are in this for the fun of it."
"Yeah pretty much." Yixing agreed.

It was when all of a sudden Bruno Mars' "Just the way you are" ended and Jason Mraz's "I won't give up on us" came on that Jongin had located Soo and the two were slow dancing in front of the stage. Yixing noticed, but he was too busy waltzing alone around the gym that he simply watched from afar. Besides, sappy love songs hadn't exactly been his choice to listen to, and they weren't really helping his internal emotions. And Junmyeon was somewhere by the front of the stage watching Jongin and Soo clown dance happily.
It was when John Legend's "All of Me" came on that it all began. Jongin had his arms around Soo, and to his it seemed as if he was actually holding his in his arms. It seemed as if they were actually embracing and dancing lovingly. Everyone else ignored the strange boys dancing with the mannequin, but Yixing and Junmyeon noticed immediately that Soo was beginning to change into a human.
"Can I ask you something?" Soo had said in the middle of the song.
"Sure what?" Jongin responded.
"If I disappeared for a few days without telling you, what would you do?"
"I'd freak out and hope you're okay and know that if you're alive you'd come back to me, why?"
"No reason, just curious."
Their dancing slowed as Soo pulled away slightly to look at his.
"Hey Jongin?"
"I love you."
"I love you too-" Jongin said but was cut off by Soo pressing his lips to hiss chastely as the song ended.
And you give me all of you, oh.

(post party)

"Yixing, I miss him, it's Thursday and I haven't seen him since the cast party two weeks ago." Jongin pouted as he slouched against the wall.
"I know you do, but he'll come back eventually. Didn't you say Mrs. Byun had to take him back?"
"Well yeah but still, I mean he could've said goodbye instead of just kissing me and leaving."
"He loves you. You love him. That should be all that matters." Yixing shrugged, looking through his phone.
"Look, we have choir after school and an hour to burn beforehand, we can hang out and talk and you can be sappy then, okay?"
"Okay, then tell me something happy?"
"So the day of opening night I had a being physics test last period and the night before I had been studying trying to think about the conversation I had had with you know who several hours before."
"This sounds depressing."
"I got a 109 on my test." Yixing finihed casually. Jongin dropped his phone again and Yixing coughed before muttering "crumb nugget", causing Jongin to glare yet laugh at the Yixinge time.

"I'm bored...what are we supposed to do for another hour?" Jongin whined.
"Go outside and get some air if you can't stand being stuck in here." Yixing said, looking at his phone with a strange grin.
With a heavy sigh, the freshman complied and went outside to the courtyard. Suddenly he heard a familiar voice coming from the Gym, "Jongin, my love, my darling. I hunger for, your touch, such a long lonely time. And time, time goes by, so slowly."
Jongin walked into the gymnasium towards the gym so he could see the stage as the singing continued.
"And time, time can do so much. Are you....still mine?"
Jongin was standing in front of the stage in awe, there was a boy standing on stage, roughly his age maybe slightly older. He wore a light blue button down shirt, black slacks, and dress shoes. His hair was a bit long and kind of messy. Around his neck was an orange glow stick.
"Cuz I need your love. Jongin baby, know that I need your love"
The boy jumped off the stage with ease and walked up to Jongin, holding his hands in his as he finihed the song.
"Godspeed your love to..."
He leaned forward and kissed his forehead gently, then out their foreheads togethis as he whispered the last word.
The room was silent for a moment, not a sound could be heard. It was Jongin who finally broke the silence.
"Hello Jongin."
"Soo. It-It's really you." He said in disbelief, "you're really here."
"Yes Jongin, I'm here." He smiled and chuckled slightly before he hugged him tightly
"I missed you so much."
"I missed you too."
"Promere me you'll never leave again."
"I promere."
"I love you, Soo."
"I love you too Jongin."

Yixing stood in the  doorway to the gym, watching the two with a smile on his face. He looked across the stage and forced a smile, giving Junmyeon a thumbs up. He shrugged in return, a content smirk plastered on his face. Finally, before retreating back to the Music room for choir, Yixing yelled, "ALAS THEY HAVE BEEN MADE AN OFFICIAL OTP. THE SHIP IS SAILING, I REPEAT, THE SHIP IS SAILING."
As he ran out of the gym he could hear Junmyeon howling with laughter, and Soo yell, "GODDAMNIT YIXING DONT SCARE US LIKE THAT WE WERE HAVING A MOMENT."
"THE MOMENT....IS OVER." Junmyeon declared dramatically as he jumped out from behind stage, throwing confetti over the two and dashing out of the gym in the Yixinge manner as Yixing.
"GODDAMNIT YOU PRETTY BOY IN A SPARKLY DRESS." Jongin screeched like a pterodactyl before turning back to Soo.
"So you're human for good, right?"
"I'm also yours for good as well," he said before leaning forward to reacquaint their lips after two weeks of being apart.


--THE END (of this part at least kekeke)--

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TinaTissue28 #1
Chapter 9: Ooh the fic on how sulay got together sounds like it would be a good read! I'm sad to hear about the failed irl couples
Chapter 5: So cuteee *my feels* *dead* yixingggg *comfort him* *crying with him* T_T
Chapter 2: *.* yixingie you're so cute. I hope there will be some SuLay interaction soon..
rhapsodyofnothingnes #4
Eh? Where's the previous story? I haven't finish that one...
TinaTissue28 #5
Chapter 1: I really like Yixings character in this. Just a heads up, I think you need to re-edit this. There was a lot of 'her', 'Christina' and 'Scott's in there