Tell myself enough

The boy who runs with wolves

There is a certain amount of things you start noticing when it comes to the supernatural world, especially when you are a human living amongst wolves.

Youngjae knew the guy was a wolf, from the first moment he laid eyes on him.

It wasn’t obvious, nothing a normal person would see. But then again Youngjae wasn’t, not anymore.

Not when he somehow managed to turn his home magical and coco into a two feet tall puppy.

He doesn’t technically know how his powers work they just do, offhandedly. And it is quite irritating hence his failed attempts at running away from the realm of madness and utter suffering (read, his crazy mother and the pack), but as it seems nature isn’t on his side because hot as werewolf guy is coming his way. , ,

“Need a hand?”


It’s fine. I’m fine… I mean I can manage.” Youngjae straitened his hold on his grocery bags, fled before the guy gets nearer.

Jackson is playing on his phone when he reaches the car, his hair is flying everywhere he can’t breathe and his eyes scream bloody murder.

“What the hell happened to you?” Jackson asks as he opens the car’s trunk.

“Trouble, trouble trouble trouble—“Youngjae rants hysterically.

“You didn’t do something stupid, did you?”

“I burned the whole clothes department.” He would’ve laughed at Jackson’s astonished “really?” and baffled expression if it weren’t for the fact that there is a new wolf in town, a wolf that is running around in marked territory.

“No, hyung.”

“What did you do, then?”

“Nothing,” handing Jackson the bags to place them in the trunk he says firmly. “But, I saw someone.  Pretty sure he is a werewolf.”

“And that’s a problem how?”Jackson seems lost. “You live with a pack of werewolves in a town filled with supernatural creatures and I don’t see how –“He cuts Jackson hastily “I mean an outsider.”

It takes 10 seconds of intense staring before Jackson falls into fits of laughter.


“Oh Youngjae,” Jackson wipes absent tears of his eyes hints of laughter still evidence in his voice. “If you would’ve just listened the other day we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now.”

Questions are at the tip of his tongue, the urge to ask them is so strong, but he had to stop himself because 1) he was fussing for nothing, if the way Jackson dropped the subject afterwards is anything to go by and 2) he is meant to isolate himself to regain a sense of sanity back. So he shuts himself up, climbs into Jackson’s beloved BMW and glares at the road ahead.

The drive was nothing but awkward Jackson trying to lighten the mood with little jokes even turning the radio on and waiting for Youngjae to start singing along like usual. He doesn’t. All he does is ignore the disappointed and hopeful stares Jackson gives him.

“He is practically pack,” Jackson says when he is about to leave the car. “You don’t have to worry.”

“I’m not – I’m not worried, I’m just…” he is just, what? Afraid, lost, confused, unsure of his whole being. He grew up with wolves and foxes, nymphs and fairies, warlocks and mages. He was the only human child back then and all he wanted to have is super powers, he spent his birthdays in the woods talking with the forest nymphs and asking for a little magic. They always laughed, their laughter would echo like a sweet melody in the whole preserve and one of them constantly told him with a lovely voice “Your powers will ignite like fireworks, you just have to wait.” Each year he waited, each year he cameback and their words were always the same. By his twelfth birthday he stopped wishing for ridiculous magical strength; that day he killed a birdie. By his eighteenth he wished for them to disappear; he almost murdered Bambam a week before.

“It’s okay.”  Jackson holds his hand and smiles reassuringly. In moments like these he is glad Jackson is the one by his side.  For some reason, only the other understands. Helping Youngjae find a home not too far away from town and the pack, coming once in a while to check on him no matter how many times he assures him that his well on his own, when in reality he isn’t, or spending a day running around town shopping for a month supply just like they were doing today.

“Thank you.” He smiles back.

After unloading their purchases Jackson heads home and he is left alone with Coco in a magical house. “We’re throwing a party tomorrow, for the new comer. You’re welcome to join.” Jackson’s words never leaving his mind.

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chillaxdiva #1
Chapter 1: the plot is highly interesting (captivating!) and it is also very broad in a sense that there are a lot of areas to play with and youngjae in the limelight~~~ finally!!! i'm really looking forward to character developments here :)

thanks very much! can't wait till your next update~
Chapter 1: this is soo interesting >.<

there are sure a lot of magical things in this storyy its fascinating :D

your idea is soo creative .. im impstiently waiting for the next chap .. hwaiting ^^