The Choice is Yours

the longest distance


"Welcome to our club juniors! I am Kim Jin Ah and Iam your club president, today, we will...." we were greeted by a warm and friendly senior the moment we step into the club room. Honestly, this was not the club I wanted to join. I badly wanted to join the band, but I was not accepted into it. And so, here I am, in the photography club room. Photography club was the least wanted club in the school, often known as the club meant for people with no aims in club choices, with no talents. Well, I know photography requires skills, but it just doesn't appeal to many. 

  Actually, I have already prepared to fill up the club transfer form this week, if not the band, maybe the art club or something. Photography is really not my style. But I still listened to the introductions and all. Well, this club does feel warm and friendly, but it will not influence my choice of club. The President was talking about the club hierarchy when a tall guy dashed into the room. 

  "Sorry I came late!" Gosh his voice was romantically deep!

  "Vice-president! How can you be late on our newbies' first day? And by the way, kids, this is your vice-president, Park Chanyeol." The president said. 

  'Park Chanyeol? So that's his name, Chanyeol, he is two years older than me I see...' I thought looking at his name tag with his year stated under it.

  "SO YOU KIDS LIKE EXO AS WELL? HAHA I AM A HUGE FAN OF THEM!" This guy is a real happy virus, gosh, the smile on his face hasn't fade even a little bit since he came in. And he just talks with so much enthusiasm and caused us to completely drift off from our topic. And there he goes, bursting out in laughter again for like the eleventh time in a minute. Did he just had a sugar rush or what? Haha. Wait, why was I smiling? It was like the first time I smiled after knowing the results of club allocation. Dang it, it must be because of this dude here. 

  Before I realise, for the whole one hour I have been glancing at Chanyeol-ssi only. Even when the others are talking. The only two places I have been looking at was either down at the floor or at Chanyeol-ssi. He is really cute, omo...Wait, what? What are you thinking of, Hyerin? Get back to your senses!

  A few weeks passed. Me too have no idea why but I already forgotten about wanting to transfer club. The newbies batch got closer, my frieds in the club are really nice and I have already opened up to them. We are not really close to seniors though. in the photography club, we learn different stuffs according to our levels (years) and attends differnet classes from our seniors hence we does not interact much. In school, I often see Chanyeol sunbaenim during break times, but we only walked pass each other with me looking down and secretly peeking at him when he finally passed me while he... looks like, he doesn't, remember me... oh well. So let's just be it. 

  "Hyerin ah! Let's go to the cafeteria." My best friend Kim YooJung came rushing me. I queued up at the food station, It was then I saw Chanyeol sunbae again. Again, with lots of girls surrounding him. Honestly, I find it weird that he is always around girls, never with boys. He must have been a real player then, tsk. Or is he actually sissy? It just bothers me a lot when he is surrouded by girls like ugh. Forget it. (A/N: you are just jealous right) Well, I am.

  I don't bother hiding my feelings so, I am attracted to sunbae honestly. Seeing him just, makes my heart flutters, you know, probably what all of you called crush. But I never talked to him much. I heard of rumours about him having a girlfriend already, and I know that I have no chance so, better don't fall too deep... right?

  And with that, one year passed, nothing chaged, just him smiling at me occasionally during club activities and mostly acting like we do not know each other.

  But I was happy with that, really, because, I do not want to hurt myself. Hence, loving from a distance will be enough. We do not have to talk or make friends. Just seeing him and knowing of his existance, sometimes having him in my dreams, is enough. Until...

   It was after class and I went to the school garden with my camera to test it out when something caught my eye. I squatted down and focused my camera on the little puppy lying on the ground. I took a shot of it and it was beautiful. 

  "Little one, are you enjoying your nap?" I asked his white fur. But... it doesn't seem to be just sleeping? I gently lifted it up and realised that it was sick and unconsious. " Oh my god are you okay little one? Oh my god what should I do?" I flustered as I embraced the little puppy thinking of what to do now. 

  "Hyerin ah..." The familiar deep voice called my name from behind, causing me to jump and fall from the shock. Don't worry, the puppy wasn't hurt. Anyways, Chanyeol sunbaenim offered his hand to help me up.

  "The puppy, is sick right?" He said with that angelic smile of his."Let me try to treat him"

  I handed the puppy to him and watched him showing off his kind and warm side. That could totally melt every girl out there. Gosh, someone get me out of this sauna. 

  He cured the puppy in no time and instructed me to take care of him well.

  "but... but.. this puppy ain't mine, sunbaenim... what should I do with it? I... I just found it here" My eyes widened and stared blankly at him. 

  " Oh really? But it can't be left here alone. I can't take care of it for long as well. Ah Hyerin ah, why don't we look after it together? I am sure it will be fun and easier to manage with you around!" 

  "me?" DID HE JUST ASKED ME? TOGETHER? LIKE HIGHLIGHT IT, TOGETHER? HELL YEA. He seemed to think that I doesn't like the idea and gave me a pitiful look. That killed me, already.

  "Ah, no, no, yes. Uhm I mean yes I am willing to!" stupid Hyerin, don't stutter!

  "That's great" He plastered on a satisfied smile and looked in front. 

  We sat on the bench in the garden for about half an hour, often being silent and sometimes talkng about random stuffs. But the silence was not awkward at all. It was a comfortable one. One that makes you feel at ease.

  For the first time in forever, I talked to the sunbae I had only dared to look at from a distance, I still wonder, is this just a dream? You know, now I am really glad that I didn't fill up the transer form. It was the choice I made, which shorten the distance between the both of us...



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