This time it's the final i swear

lovesick, lovesick

i think some people wanted a continuation?? it took me a while to put together, but here you go! chapter 2! i hope you all like it!!


Min Yoongi was in love with Jung Hoseok.


Yoongi tries to love him. He really does.

That time when Yoongi stormed out in anger, back when Jimin first broke down in front of them, it was love.

Every time he woke up to Jimin in the morning, a smile on his face, it was love.

Every time Jimin tucked Yoongi in bed and he slept with sweet dreams, it was love.

Every time Yoongi made sure that Jimin ate properly, made sure that he loved himself, made sure that he was also loved, it was love.

It was all real, 100% genuine love. 

(He liked to tell himself that.)


He tucked Jimin into bed, kissing his forehead and rubbing his shoulders.

"Hyung," Jimin spoke up, rubbing at his droopy eyes. "Hyung, you should sleep."

Yoongi shook his head. "Jimin, I have work to do." he leaned to kiss the younger boy's forehead. "Go rest, babe."

Jimin didn't reply, eyes already shut and lulled to sleep by the sound of Yoongi's voice. After kissing his forehead again, Yoongi stepped out of the room, closing the door quietly behind him.

He trodded down the hallway into his work room, littered with trashed ideas and chip packets. Pulling out the spinny chair, he sat himself down and continued with his unfinished song, until a buzz in his pocket distracted him. He pulled it out and checked who it was.

Oh. Hoseok.

| from Horseok: hyung

| from Horseok: hyung guess what

| from Horseok: HYUNG

Sighing, his thumbs moved across the screen to tap out an answer.

| to Horseok: what

| from Horseok: i got a date ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ


| from Horseok: its the weird cute coffee kid, the one i told you about!!!

| from Horseok: aaaaaa hyung im so excited

| to Horseok: good for you, maybe now you'll finally get some

| to Horseok: now stop texting me i need to work

| from Horseok: mkay, night hyung~~~

Yoongi pocketed his phone with shaky hands and a sore throat. Maybe he should just go to sleep.


"Hyung," Jimin wheezed, eyes watering as he hunched over the bowl, threatening to spill out at any second. "Hyung, it still hurts."

Yoongi rubbed slow, smooth circles into his back, whispering in his ear and running fingers through his hair. "Shh, baby, it's okay. You know what the website said, right? The rest of the flower just needs to come out." 

The smaller boy nodded, wiping away his tears with the sleeves of Yoongi's sweater, trying to maintain his breathing so that it was steady.

Yoongi got up and Jimin whined, searching for the lost contact. "Stay right here, I'll get you some water," he said as he walked out, leaving the bathroom door wide open. He opened up the glasswear cupboard and retrieved Jimin's favourite mug (which was, strangely enough, Hello Kitty shaped) and filled it up with water from a left out jug on the kitchen island. He walked back to the bathroom, careful not to spill anything, and helped Jimin up to sit on the bathroom counter.

"Jimin," he whispered sweetly, bringing the mug up to his lips. Jimin shook his head furiously, and for the first time since Jimin started hacking Yoongi took a proper look at him - his eyes were red and puffy and his face was flushed, eyebrows furrowed in some emotion that Yoongi couldn't describe. Pressing a kiss to his cheek, he grazed his lips against his ear, whispering again. "Baby, you need to drink."

This time Jimin did, but only in small sips. Yoongi let him take his time, keeping the cup in place until the younger man shook his head again, and Yoongi placed the cup next to Jimin on the counter. Jimin slumped against him, his breathing better and Yoongi no longer felt his heart pounding. Plucking a tissue from the tissue box nearby, he wiped the brown haired boy's mouth, before pressing a kiss to it.

"Yoongi," he whined in a small voice, pushing him away with small hands. "Yoongi, it's dirty."

He simply chuckled, before kissing him again. "Baby, you're never too dirty."

And then his throat hurt.


The hacking never stopped and more and more petals came from Jimin's mouth, as well as Yoongi's.

"Hyung, hyung, why isn't it stopping? Why won't it stop?" Jimin blubbered, choking out the small petals of purple in his hands before throwing it in the bin, again and again. Yoongi didn't speak.

Jimin sobbed. "Please, Yoongi-hyung," he wailed, clutching at Yoongi's sleeves, and he didn't dare to move. The water in the cup he was holding was spilling out from the force of Jimin's grabs, and Yoongi only felt shame and guilt. 

"Please," he cried again, falling to his knees and now grabbing at Yoongi's legs so he bent down to hug him, "say something. Anything." Jimin pressed against him limply, crying into his shoulder, hot tears quickly dampening the fabric. He cried and cried and cried some more, like he'd been holding back this entire time and was letting it all out in one go. He probably was, Yoongi realised. "Why won't you just love me back?"

Yoongi stayed silent.


Yoongi stood outside of a hospital room, clutching a bouquet of whatever flowers the owner told him was suitable, and a big aluminum ballon with the words 'Get well soon!' printed out in big, bold, colourful writing. The rest were there, too, holding their own gifts.

Jungkook spoke up. "It's all your fault." he said. There was only a slight amount of venom in his words, but it was mostly truth. It didn't stop it from hurting, though.

"Jungkook," Jin scolded, slapping the hand of the younger boy. An awkward silence fell between the six.

Then, again. "But it is," he said. "he pretended to love Jimin-hyung this whole time, right? I know I'm not wrong, so why deny it?"

Hoseok shook his head, and Yoongi wanted to cry. "It's not his fault, Jungkookie."

The maknae sneered. "It is. It's all his ing fault, hyung. If it wasn't then we wouldn't be here, and Jimin-hyung wouldn't be in a ing hospital bed, now, wouldn't he? He deserves better, so much better than you." like me, he hinted, but those words were only left implied.

Yoongi stood up, dropping the bouquet. "Shut your ing mouth, Jungkook-"

"Guys," Jin spoke, motioning to the doctor that was waiting patiently. Yoongi grumbled and picked up the discarded flowers.

The doctor cleared . "Mr. Park is ready for visitors. I believe that," she did took a quick glance at them, "about two of you can come in at a time."

"I'll go," Jungkook and Yoongi spoke at the same time. They looked at eachother, then back at the doctor.

She nodded. "Very well then. Mr. Park will be seeing you now." she said, motioning to the doorway.

Jungkook strode infront of him, gently opening the door and letting both him and Yoongi in and shutting it with a quiet click. And there Jimin was, eyes tired and still smiling, even after all this time. Yoongi envied him.

"Jungkookie!" he said excitedly as he took a look at the maknae, and Yoongi's heart hurt when he saw Jungkook swell up with pride, a smug smirk on his lips and a gentle blush dusting his cheeks. "and hyung," Jimin mentioned as he saw Yoongi standing there awkwardly.

He placed his gifts on the table next to him, awkwardly shuffling closer to the bed. He gulped, looking straight at the tired boy.

"Jimin," he started, then grabbed his hand cautiously. "Jimin, I'm sorry-" 

Jimin placed a hand on top of Yoongi's, a gentler smile gracing his lips. "Don't be, hyung." he said, then took a glance at the gifts he brought him and chuckled. "Wow, flowers. You know a lot about flowers, too, don't you, hyung?" 

Jungkook looked confused. Yoongi wanted to die.


It didn't take long before Jimin could come home, and soon, they settled back into their usual routine. But it wasn't ever the same.

"Jimin," he said, breaking the comfortable silence in the dark of the bedroom.

Jimin's voice was quiet, slurred by tiredness. "Yeah, hyung?"

"I love you."

Silence. It was silent for a long while. Yoongi was getting worried.

"I love you too, hyung."




wow haha i realised that jimin says the word hyung twice in a row a lot. thanks for reading though!! i hope you enjoyed it.

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Chapter 2: Okay, okay, this is how I interpret it. Jimin loves Yoongi, and Yoongi loves Hoseok. So when Jimin realized everything, he started to puke out petals again and had to be hospitalized.

But at the end, it looks like Yoongi’s finally having feelings for him too. But to me it looked like Jimin had gone through that surgery so he basically doesn’t feel anything for Yoongi anymore.
So the tides have turned, omg :’)
Chapter 2: ooohh hanahaki! so like Jimin did the surgery right? so that must mean his feelings for Yoongi disappeared right? or am i wrong.. hmm :( because it seems like it.

great fic! my heart hurts like hell while reading this. good job!
Chapter 2: It seems to me that Yoongi got back to pretending but I think he will never get to love Jimin, isn't he? But I'm left confused why Jimin would continue to hurt himself like that instead of moving on, but I have a feeling that he realized he would never love anyone as much as he loves Yoongi. That's so sad to see, but I want Jimin to try to move on, even if it was painful. After some time, I believe he would be numbed from the pain.
rollingpie #4
Chapter 2: Dood i still dont understand :') pls explainnnnn i cant fall asleep not knowing wat is actually happening :')
Chapter 2: I'm confused .-.
mir2504 #6
Chapter 2: So did yoongi finally fall in love with jimin or not???
i got a bit confused like jungkook
plz explain
Totomatoes #7
Chapter 1: *SCREECHING*


Chapter 1: That should hurt like a ! After all, he was in love with Hoseok. Poor Jimin, what will he do now? I hope it's not something reckless.
kkktmr #9
Chapter 1: Wait wait wait........ I need to reread it again........
Chimslunatic #10
Chapter 1: author-nim pls continue... TT.TT