
Triangle Love
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After the tender yet wordless bath, the girls had went out, and treated themselves to a spot of fine dining. It was their last night of the vacation, and the beach provided the perfect environment. The beach at night was perfect. The burning sun lit up the dark sky with a beautiful mixture of orange and purple, and the cool night wind, together with soft crashing sounds of the ocean, set the perfect dining setting. Candles on the table illuminated their faces, bringing a warm atmosphere.

At despite that, despite all of that, Seolhyun's mood hadn't changed.  She wasn't exactly mad, but she definetly was quiet. She kept a lost expression on her face, and she barely spoke. And even when she did, it was because Hyejeong talked to her in to first place, and her replies were curt and short. After a whole dinner of trying, Hyejeong had gotten tired. She had absolutely no idea what was happening with her girlfriend, and her caring heart was starting to turn into an annoyed one. She had asked multiple times if Seolhyun was alright, but the reply that came was either 'i'm fine' or 'i'm just tired'. That was clearly not the case, but Hyejeong was powerless to change anything.

After the dinner, Hyejeong had hauled Seolhyun back to their room, and did her best to drill the best the truth out of her.


'Hyejeong... i'm fine...'

'You're clearly not fine.'

'I'm just tired. We had a hectic day.'

'We're on vacation.'

'I can't be tired on vacation?'


'Hyejeong, do you love me?'

Hyejeong stared at Seolhyun blankly. Seolhyun had hit her out of the blue, and she was stunned by the question.

'....wait what?'

'You're stuttering Hyejeong.'


'You can't answer me?' Seolhyun challenged.

'No. You just hit me all of a sudden...'

'So you can't answer?' Seolhyun was biting down. Hard.

'I love you very much Seolhyun.' Hyejeong answered firmly.

'You love me... only me?'



This time, the response was wavy.


'Alright... then can you tell me where you got that bracelet you're wearing?'

'Seolhyun, i've been over this a hundred times with you. It's from a fanmeet from HK, this girl gave it to me...'


'Ye-yes...' Hyejeong replied with her head down.

At this point, Seolhyun had had enough. Her girlfriend had been digging into her all dinner, but when she dug back Hyejeong's responses were wavy and unsure. The only thing she wanted to do know... was to forget everything, and rest.

'Hyejeong, i'm your girlfriend right?'


'Can you do me a favour?'


'I'm really tired... can you go to sleep with me?'

'Why would I stop you from sleeping...'

'Hold me extra tight tonight.. okay?'

'I... anything for you.'

As Hyejeong walked to the bed, Seolhyun turned around, and switched the air conditioner on to full blast.

'Whoa Seolhyun it's chilly...'

'This is exactly the temperature I want.'


The two clambered in the bed, but as Hyejeong went to circle Seolhyun, she was pushed away again.

'Seolhyun what do you want-'

'One more favour unnie...?'

'Sure Seolhyun.'

'Strip for me.'



'Well at least something normal came out of you.'

The two girls tossed their clothes carelessly on the floor, and almost immediately the cold wind got to them. The blanket was thick but not really thick enough. Clearly another source of heat was required. Hyejeong quickly wrapped herself around Seolhyun, being the bigger spoon. Her front was at Seolhyun's back, and her arms wrapped around Seolhyun's chest, holding her close, keeping her warm.

And just like that, the two girls were as close as mother nature allowed them to be. Seolhyun could feel the contours of Hyejeong's back, and everytime she felt Hyejeong's chest sticking into her back she blushed uncontrollably. It was as if two cushions were rubbing up against her back. Hyejeong's long and priceless legs were wrapped around hers, their skin touching, in close proximity. Skin was against skin, and even the slightest of moments set fire to her heart. But most alluring of all was Hyejeong's mouth. She had nuzzled in the crook of Seolhyun's neck, and from time to time she would blow a kiss or two. And with her soft and steady breath on Seolhyun's neck, she was where she loved it the most.

Seolhyun smiled. She was sure, when all else changed, at least this wouldn't.

She reached back behind her to grab Hyejeong's arm to pull it tighter around her, just like she used to.


But what greeted her sight, stopped her heart from beating. It was a cold-hearted spear to her warm heart.


On Hyejeong's arm, was that same elaborate bracelet.


She had said 'everything', and yet Hyejeong had kept the bracelet.


What did this mean?


Then a voice behind mumbled something.






'Hhmm... Jackson....'




' up...uhu...'


Hyejeong... what the hell are you saying...


And the damn bracelet...


I know who gave you that, trust me, I really do......


You're mumbling his name in your sleep...


Even when we're together, a remainder of him is still here...


Like a dark spirt, lurking...


Behind us


Around us


Between us


Shin Hyejeong


Who am I to you?


Am I still...


Your only one?


Or have you faded away...


To the other side of the Triangle?


And with tears screaming to come out of her eyes, Seolhyun cried herself to sleep, in the chilly warmth of Hyejeong. 



 The next morning when Seolhyun woke up, her eyes wer

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Chapter 23: Continue pleaseeeee
cupcaketree123 #2
Chapter 23: Please continued writing this story. It's too good just to leave it like that.
But you should also rest and focus on studying. So until then, just take your time. We can wait. But please do continue authornim. I love this story so much :)
jaydee407 #3
Chapter 13: I ship Jackseol so ing haaard. Love it.
loopie #4
Chapter 23: Please continue writing! Your writing is really good and your stories are gold! Take a break if you are tired I will wait for you to return! Or maybe you can write oneshots since they tend to take less time and we won't be left with a cliffhanger(just a suggestion).

Merry Christmas author-shi! I will wait for your return:)
Chapter 23: Hahahha the excitement of the mysterious update is real!!! Can't wait for your next update soon author!!!
19 streak #6
Chapter 23: Ghost updates are real for this fanfic killin my excitement every time
Chapter 23: >Sees update
>Checks excitedly
>Not actually an update
>Cries in a corner

Seriously though take your time :) Write when you've finally got a break, I'll wait for it that's for sure. Hwaiting~
Chapter 23: Focus on your schoolwork first, I can wait~ Thank you for updating us. Merry Christmas to you, Ian!
Author-ssi where have you gone?