Why her

Triangle Love
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What time is it...

And why is there something... my hair....

Lazily, Hyejeong fluttered open her eyes. 

Thin rays of sunlight pierced a pair of badly drawn curtains, revealing an unfamiliar environment to Hyejeong's eyes. A cozy living room with a surprising amount of sofa's and cushions, bathed in the warm care of the morning sun.

My pillow... why is my pillow so soft....

And how on earth is it that smooth...

'Morning, Hyejeong unnie.'

Hyejeong felt herself melt against the voice.

The person hadn't really said those words, but ratherly breathed them into the air. The sheer lightness and sweetness in the voice... it almost wanted to make Hyejeong feel cheerful. And with those three words, Hyejeong could already feel herself giving in and smiling.

'Good morning Sana,' Hyejeong breathed back.

Hyejeong arched her neck back, and saw Sana looking straight down on her, her hair.


It was one of those moments, where when you found someone so cute looking at you you had absolutely no idea what to do.

'Ah...unnie you look good......'


'Unnie......?' Sana said with concern written all over her face.

She reached down with one hand, and placed the flat of her palm on Hyejeong's forehead.

'You seem fine unni-Ah!'

Hyejeong had turned her head around, and given Sana a kiss on her palm.

'U-unnie!' Sana managed in a hushed tone.

'What?' Hyejeong replied. She was clearly amused.


'Why not?'


'It's what!?'


Hyejeong chuckled.

'Thank you for taking of me Sana. It really means a lot to me...'

'It's not like I needed you to thank me....... but anything for you Hyejeong unnie....'

Hyejeong sighed. She missed waking up to a beautiful girl.

'Sana, you were like this for the whole night? I slept on your lap for the whole night?'

'No silly! After you fell asleep on the couch I- ......'

'Went into your room?' Hyejeong questioned.

Sana nodded.

'Liar is written all over your face Sana.'

'No... look away hyunnie....'

'Sana. Are you really lying to me? To me?'

'Fine! I... slept beside you.'

'You slept on the same couch as me? This couch?'

Sana looked away. Nodded slowly.

She looked damn cute.

'On the first day we met?'

Sana froze for a moment.


'Wow Sana. That's pretty......'

'Unnie look! I just... didn'twanttowaketheothermembersanddisturbthem...... Unnie!'

At this point Hyejeong had burst out in silent laughter, rubbing her long hair on Sana's thighs.

'Stop it unnie it tickles..... ahh!'

Hyejeong chuckled. She was going to have some fun.

'If you woke up first why did you stay beside me then.'

'I woke up during the first alarm. You didn't have a pillow....... and you seemed so.... peaceful...'

Hyejeong blushed.

'In that case... I want to sleep for longer.' She groaned.

She turned her body and her head, deliberately rubbing against the smooth skin. She felt Sana squirm, but she didn't stop. Having her cheeks roam freely up and down the silk-like skin of Sana from Twice... it was such a rewarding experience.  She loved the feeling of the warm skin against her face.

'Unnie....umph..stay stil please! I can't tak-..... ah... oh...'

Hyejeong could feel Sana was starting to break, and that simple fact delighted her greatly. Sana was starting to become flustered, her breathing slowly increasing. She didn't stop, as she slowly pushed her cheeks further and further upwards, feeling more of Sana's contours-

'Unnie i'm getting hard...'

Hyejeong blinked. 

She shot up from the couch, sitting up, and looked at Sana, alarmed.


Sana nodded. She was clearly trying to hide her blush.

Hyejeong scoffed.

'You're a little weak Sana.'

'Hey! I don't do this sort of stuff you know!'

'Why not?' Hyejeong reacted almost immdiately. 'You're surrounded by eight beautiful girls twenty four-seven....'

'I know but... i'm saving myself...'

'Got someone in... mind?'

Sana traversed her gaze from the couch, straight into Hyejeong's eyes. She bit down on her lip.

Hyejeong found the perfect blend of blonde hair and hazel eyes staring right back at her.

Lust... as well as a desire for physical satisfaction showed on her face.

Her gaze pierced through the air.

The truth dawned on Hyejeong.


Don't do this to me...

I just met you....... but i'm not saying...

It's not possible....

Hyejeong decided she wouuldn't touch that topic. Not today.

She stretched her arms over head, and let out a morning groan. her arms were stiff, but it felt good to stretch them. She got up from the couch, and made her way to the doorway.

'Anyways.... thank you for the stay Sana.'

Sana smiled 'It's fine hyuunie.'

Hyejeong felt her heart wince.

Are you already falling for her? Already?

'How long... do we have before your members wake up...?'

Sana checked her phone.

'Not long...... Mina usually wakes up for exercise....'


'Do you need anything unnie? A shower, breakfast, pants, a top or...'

'Or what?'

'Nothing unnie.'

'Or what.'


'You want me to wear your underwear Sana?'

'WHAT!' Sana barely contained her voice. 'I never said that!'

'What are you going to do with them afterwards.......'


'I wonder...hmm...'

'Hyunnie... you're so mean sometimes....'

Hyejeong nearly spurted blood. Sana was hitting her with her puppy eyes again. And it was working.



Hyejeong turned back, and grasped Sana's small pair of hands in her hand, providing them with all the warmth she had.

'Thank you for letting me stay. I mean it.' She said tenderly.

This time it was Sana's turn to flutter. Hyejeong was standing with her back facing the sun, and with the rays hitting her from behind, it accented her marvelous brown hair, her beautiful face. Her slender cheekbones, her round cheeks. But more importantly, the subtle sparkle in her eyes.

'Pua...' Was all Sana managed.

Hyejeong chuckled.

'And drop the whole 'unnie' thing, alright? Just call me Hyejeong.'

Sana smiled.

'Sure.... Hyejeong...'

Hyejeong glanced at her own phone. Time was moving fast.

'Hyejeong... do you need me to.... take you back to your dorm? Since if anything happens...'

'I'll be fine Sana. I can take care of myself. Thanks for asking though...'

'You sure unnie? I mean.... I have the day off...'

'It's fine... Sana...'

'Really? Really really?'


'You sure?'

When are you going to stop...

Hyejeong sighed.

With a smile, she reached forwards, and wrapped her arms around Sana.

It was at that moment, Sana realised, why Hyejeong was the center of her group.

Ace of Angels huh...

I know why now...

Hyejeong was a tall female, and she was physically bigger than Sana, as well as taller. She dwarfed the girl a little. And in doing so, she was able to completely welcome Sana in her embrace. Her warm embrace. Her arms wrapped tightly around Sana, laying her palms gently on her back. Her chest was matched up firmly against the smaller girl, and Sana could feel everything. They were so physicaly close, Sana could feel the gentle rise and fall of Hyejeong's breathing, the soft yet alluring curves of her body.

But it wasn't just what she felt from the outside.

Something was happening to her. Inside.

The sheer warmth that Hyejeong gave off from her body. It warmed Sana's heart to the core. The way her long arms and tall body were able to completely encase her. It made her feel safe, protected. The pure fact of Hyejeong being there. Her aura. Her presence. It made Sana feel special, as if she was the only human being on the planet that mattered. Then there was her smell.

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Chapter 23: Continue pleaseeeee
cupcaketree123 #2
Chapter 23: Please continued writing this story. It's too good just to leave it like that.
But you should also rest and focus on studying. So until then, just take your time. We can wait. But please do continue authornim. I love this story so much :)
jaydee407 #3
Chapter 13: I ship Jackseol so ing haaard. Love it.
loopie #4
Chapter 23: Please continue writing! Your writing is really good and your stories are gold! Take a break if you are tired I will wait for you to return! Or maybe you can write oneshots since they tend to take less time and we won't be left with a cliffhanger(just a suggestion).

Merry Christmas author-shi! I will wait for your return:)
Chapter 23: Hahahha the excitement of the mysterious update is real!!! Can't wait for your next update soon author!!!
19 streak #6
Chapter 23: Ghost updates are real for this fanfic killin my excitement every time
Chapter 23: >Sees update
>Checks excitedly
>Not actually an update
>Cries in a corner

Seriously though take your time :) Write when you've finally got a break, I'll wait for it that's for sure. Hwaiting~
Chapter 23: Focus on your schoolwork first, I can wait~ Thank you for updating us. Merry Christmas to you, Ian!
Author-ssi where have you gone?