The Rendezvous

Divided and Conquered
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“There they are.” Jessica said to Yoona as she spotted a group of people at the borderline. The Unionites approached the Westerners with caution. In this day and age sneaking up on anyone armed got you killed in no time flat.

“…” Yoona muttered under her breathe as she saw a figure she knew all too well standing there with her arms crossed.

“Well look who it is…”

“Yuri.” Yoona greeted roughly as they finally reached the group.

“Yoona… please tell me you won’t be joining us.” Yuri said with a sneer.

“And deny myself the pleasure of dealing with your childishness. Now why would I do that…” Yoona said the last few words slowly and with so much sarcasm it made everyone around them uncomfortable. The Two commanders engaged in a glaring contest as the soldiers began to look at each other questioningly.

“Oookay… I don’t know what’s going on here but I’m gonna stop this… reunion?... before anyone gets hurt.” Tiffany came forward and stepped between Yoona and Yuri with a confused look on her face before she turned to the Unionites and said, “Hello everyone! It is a pleasure to be on this mission with all of you! My name is Tiffany, I’m a leo, and my preferred form of killing is to stomp on those little undead faces.”

Yuri shook her head slowly as Tiffany then went on to show her new “friends” her special steel lined combat boots.

Yoona took a deep breathe before addressing Yuri once more. “We shouldn’t lose any more day light. Let’s go.”

Yuri glared at her once more before giving her a quick nod. “I’ll take the back. You lead.”

The group began making their way to the northern borderline. There was light conversations between members. Mostly introduction and inquiries of what deal was with the two commanders, but Yoona tuned it all out and continued walking. Never looking back.

Jessica, who had been watching her the whole time finally went to walk by her side. She had thought to approach Yoona sooner but figured the girl needed a little time to cool off.

“Hey. You gonna tell me what’s up?”


“Yoona, as a person who has witnessed you punch a guy in the face when he insulted your axe, I am very weirded out that you didn’t even try to attack that commander of theirs when she disrespected you earlier.”

“I don’t care for any insults she throws my way… I’m being nice… like Sunny told us to be.” Jessica rolled her eyes at Yoona’s bull but remained quiet. She desperately wanted to know but she knew better than to push Yoona.

The group had finally reached the forest separating the North from the rest of the lands.

“Everyone be as quiet as possible. Stay together.” Yoona told the group as she began to lead them into the forest. She heard whispering behind her then she felt someone jog to her side.

“Im.” Yoona glanced to her left to see Yuri, who continued to speak, “You need to slow down. We’re all weighed down by all this supplies. If we continue at this pace we won’t make it very far.”

“I know. But I want us out of the forest as quickly as possible. According to the map there is supposed to be a small group

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otnine0922 #1
Chapter 4: Pls update soon...
Trackstar #2
Chapter 4: Mission may be important but bonds are much more important. Seeing how hurt Yuri is like only now she knows that she is meaningless to Yoona unless Yoona hides the real reason as to why she left. Yoona may be responsible as a commander but as a lover, she failed tremendously.
Chapter 3: Hmm...what I could say is Yoong might've done something that hurt Yuri unintentionally for a better good, and it severed the relationship between em really badly.

Lololol Sica is a cold monkey here huh? XD
Chapter 2: Awww you're back author! When will you update Strictly Yours? lol
Anyways back to this fic, it's obvious that something happened between yoonyul in the past and yuri is the one who got hurt.
Thanks for the update! Can't wait to read some yoonyul badass scenes.
Chapter 1: i love the concept of this fic! can't wait to see what happens with all the ships, esp JeTi - it's rare to see SNSDxSNSD fics lately cries. keep up the good work!
RavensHaven #6
Chapter 2: OH MY GOSH... I'm curious about what happened to them. But I hope it won't affect the way they will lead the team into safety. I'm beginning to have my interest back into Zombie fics, nice one :)
YoonYul have some remarkable past, it seems. Hmm...

Hopefully that won't get them and their team killed. As much as I want to see some bicker-ish moment of YoonYul, their survival is first priority!