Chapter 2


That night, Baekhyun is doing her homework when someone suddenly bursts into her bedroom. She jolts up while squealing and her pencil jumps out from her grasp when she feels someone is hugging her shoulder. She can feels his face beside her right cheek and glares instantly. Her brother is smiling innocently, like he did nothing wrong in the first place. He likes to sister. She just become cuter, like an angry puppy when she glares at someone.

"Don't tell me that you don't know how to knock the door", like usual, her diva side shows up.

"Good evening to you too, noona", he replies sarcastically.

"You'll never step into my room unless you have something to tell me, Kim Taehyung", like usual too, only his sister can read him easily. The way she looks at him while crossing her arm in front of her chest and gives a knowing look.

"Umma has something important to tell us. And I would like to remind you, once again that it's already dinner time", he's being honest because no one can lie to Byun Baekhyun. Well, at least it's him and her best friends. He takes the alarm clock and shows the exact time in front of her face. 8.45 pm. And he always reminds her sister about dinner time because her sister will not remember when she is studying or doing her homework.

Baekhyun is about to open when Taehyung cuts her before she could utter any words. "No excuses! I know, we all know that you're really love to study and want to finish your homework quickly but noona, seriously! Your health is important too. You need to EAT like right NOW! And don't tell me that you will go downstairs to eat dinner later because you're always skip dinner almost every night especially when the examination is nearby. You're coming with me, young lady!", Taehyung finishes his long lecture and drags along his sister. Baekhyun just can pouts behind him but he doesn't care a bit about it. He just worry and loves his sister too much. He swears that she mumbles behind him, "I'm not a young lady to you. I'm your sister". He smirks in silent. Baekhyun is just too adorable to be his big sister.

They eat the dinner silently when Baekhyun breaks the silent. "Umma, Taehyung told me that you have something important to tell us. What is it?", her mother looks at her innocently and frowns. Baekhyun glares at her brother at her side. Taehyung gives an expression, 'She told me that before the dinner. You know how forgotful she is even it's just a second ago'. Baekhyun nods as she's silently agree with him. Sometimes, she wonders how she can get the clever and smart children and become top student in the school while their mother is forgetful person. But they're being grateful that their mother don't forget to work and feed her children.

"We will go outstation for works. Japan, to be exact", their father is answering for their mother. Their mother is about to remember it when their father cuts it off. The mother of the two pouts her lips. Guess Baekhyun gets the cuteness from her mother. Her mother is already old to be cute but still cute. The two youngest look at their father curiously. He finishes his food inside his mouth and swallows it down before continues, "And it's tomorrow. But, someone will take care of you for about two weeks, maybe. Or maybe more since we have some problems that need to be settle immediately. That someone will come here tomorrow after both of you is already come back home", then his father continues to eat until he finishes his dinner and goes to his office room to finish his work before his children can whine about having babysitter because they're almost adult or something.

To your information, their parents are working for entertainment and fashion company. Their father is the director for entertainment section while their mother is director for fashion section. They're also wonder too how their mother can enter that section too. But then, they agree that her drawing and design is not a joke. She can take a higher position but she said that she's comfortable with her current position and she wants to spend some time with her family. How sweet and forgotful person she is. But at least she don't forget her promises and to feed her children.

There's must be some scandal issues of new artist. That's usual in the entertainment field. Then, her brother Kim Taehyung. It's supposed to be Byun since he lives with Byun family but actually Taehyung is her cousin. But, he has no family when his mother died after gave born to him and his father keep blaming on him for losing his mother. One night, when his father almost slapped him to his face when he was just an innocent 5 years old boy, Byun's family bursted into his house and defended him. Mrs. Byun took him out of the house almost immediately when Mr. Byun was taking all his belonging and brought him to this house. And that's how he was introduced to a girl who is 3 years older than him but looks younger than her real age. Not to mention that also reminds him of a cute and innocent puppy and a cute eye smile.

As they are growing up, people always mistaken them as a twin. They said that Taehyung's face is a 'copy and paste' of Baekhyun's face. But Baekhyun's face is innocent and cute, young and delicate while Taehyung's face is more matured and fierce. People will scare of him if they didn't know who exactly he is. People often said that Taehyung is Baekhyun's oppa while the real fact is the otherwise. They are inseparable since they always attended the same school since elementary school. Baekhyun is closer to Taehyung than to her real brother. Maybe because her real brother is 10 years gap from her age and he's already married and has a son. Baekhyun always share her secrets to Taehyung and vice versa. Which means about her crush too.


Tomorrow, when Baekhyun and Taehyung is already home, there's a sticky note on the door.

'We're sorry for leaving you guys because our flight is on 11.30am so we can't wait you guys. But your dinner is already on the table. You can reheat it in the microwave when you're already home. And your babysitter will come about 8pm. BEHAVE! And take care! Love XOXO Byun's parents ^^'.

They look at each other and look at the Taehyung's watch. It's already 5.30 pm which mean about 2 hours and 30 minutes. They share knowing looks and thought before opens the door and locks it when both of them already steps into the house.

The first thing they see when they step into the house is the prepared dinner on the table. "You should be thankful because I'm in good mood today. So, I'll reheat the foods and you take shower. But DON'T EAT until I walks downstairs. Or you knows what will happen", Taehyung pumps his hand into air and nods cutely. He doesn't really afraid of his noona's glare because it's too adorable. He rushes up to his room and quickly takes his towel and enters the bathroom to refresh himself. Meanwhile, Baekhyun is reheating all the foods and waits for 30 seconds for each type of dishes. After she finishes it, she arranges it on the table and goes upstairs to refresh herself too.

After Taehyung wears black t-shirt and white short and Baekhyun is wearing her pink pajama, both of them get out from their own rooms and goes downstairs. They sits on the table and eats all the foods on the table. ALL! Which means there's no excess foods. Plus they have big appetite. Food is everything to them. No matter what, they will eat it. "Ahh..I'm full. I'll wait in front of the TV. Wash all these dishes. I already reheated it just now so you need to repay back to me", Baekhyun smiles innocently and stands up like nothing wrong. She walks out from kitchen and Taehyung stares her in disbelief. He should catches it earlier why his sister wanted to reheat the foods in the first place.

So, he picks up all the bowls and plates and places it into the sink and washes it unwillingly. 10 minutes later, he enters the living room with a heavy pouts. Baekhyun is searching for the game that they want to play. "I know that you will have that on your ugly face so I already ordered two sets of chicken and pizza. You happy now?", she puts the dvd game into PS4 and gives the game console to her brother. Taehyung's eyes sparkling in a second and hugs her tightly, "Gomawo noona! You are the best!". "Don't want to ruin the moment but can we start play the game now before our babysitter arrive?", the game is Samurai Warrior 3.

While they're playing the game, someone rings the bell. They pause the game and Taehyung gets up to open the door which reveals the pizza guy. Taehyung takes the money on the TV drawer and pays him before thanks him and gives him a very big smile before close the door when the pizza guy steps away from the door. Then, they continue with their postponed game while eating the pizza and chicken. Time flies fast until they doesn't realize that the wall clock strikes 8. And the doorbell is ringing, followed by a few knocking on the door.

"Your turn, noona", Taehyung says it simply and pauses the game while eating another slice of pizza. Baekhyun rolls her eyes and gets up from the couch forcefully. She is walking to the door while eating the pizza. When she opens the door with a slice of pizza on , she gets a greatest shock on her life and shut the door immediately. She leans on the door as she can't believe her eyes. Taehyung walks to the door entrance to see what is happening. Baekhyun opens the door for the second time and she believes her eyes. She drops her eaten pizza and stares at the person behind the door.

Park Chanyeol.

hello everyone! this chapter is for u..sorry for the long chapter and grammar I explain a little bit about Byun's family and case that u don't know, Kim Taehyung is BTS V and we're having the same age, just he's younger than me by 5 not kidding when i said that both of them are twins...let me give u one of their selca...both of them have no different at all...

even V and BTS members admitted it..hahahahah...=DDD


p/s: don't forget to leave some comments to improve my writing...i'll appreciate it and reply it and thank u very much for everyone who read and subscribed my fanfics...*bows*



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Chapter 7: I think it's baekhyun , no i'm sure it's baekhyun...
Chapter 6: Now i'm 100 percent sure chanyeol is jealous of kyungsoo ..
Hahaha baekhyun here is just like me i'm very scared of Cockroach actually i'm pretty much scared of everything hehe :D:D
Chapter 5: So cuteee *i was grinning the whole time while reading*.. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
i wonder why chanyeol glared kyungsoo maybe he's jealous ..
Chapter 4: Thank you so much:):). Though i didn't expected this.
KIM ing HEE ing CHUL *excuse my profanities* you disgusting old bastard you lust for a young girl imma kill you right now.
Lay if i were you i would not only punch him till his face becomes flat i would castrate him also..
I hope suho will be ok. i hope she won't be traumatise because of that bastard
Chapter 3: Taehyung you sly devil huh... i like this chapter and i can hardly wait for the SuLay chapter :D:D:D..
Have a nice vacation hope you have a good time..
Chapter 2: I'm here for SuLay (there's gonna be sulay right?) but i love this story.. So i'm anticipating the next chapter.. Park chanyeol why is he knocking at her door??