Do not worry

Heal you

I found ourselves in a park after lunch. We sat on a bench after walking for a while and I knew I should've brought a cap to protect myself from the sun. My hair would look better too. But I freaking forgot. Fortunately, the place where we stopped to rest was behind trees, which means no sun. And fresh breeze. It was an amazing spring day in a Saturday afternoon. 

After looking away from the cherry blossoms around us, I noticed how Daehyun had slipped his arm behind me, over my shoulders. He was quite relaxed. I know that he'd do this kind of things and I could do it to him but... I knew I liked's different when it's him doing the move. I swear I did my best to not look tense as I felt his body close to mine. As he sighed, looking up at the white and blue sky, I was, in fact, with my eyes glued on him. He had such pretty facial features like his jaw and neck and lips...

"Did you like lunch?" Of course he had to turn his head to me in that moment, observing my face with his deep brown eyes. It was quite difficult to hide the fact that I was, once again, being gay. But don't worry, I'm a professional when it comes to playing it cool. I relaxed myself against the back of the bench, kind of leaning against him too, and looked to the ground in front of me. The perfect move. 

"Yep, it was pretty good, what do you think?"  

"I really liked it..." The little energy he had on his voice since it was morning disappeared. He frowned, looking away from me. "You know, we used to go there often..." 

Did he just say "we"? Oh, I knew right what it meant. He was back at thinking about his recent ex. Here we go again.

"Hey, cheer up bro. She didn't deserve you anyway..."

"Yes, yes, you're right" He quickly said, and then sighed, again. Sighing this much could only mean that he was still thinking about it and upset.

"Before we go home" I tried to change the theme. "can we go shopping? We need to buy some food"

I saw his expression light up, like he had the best idea ever. "Can I ask you something?"


"Can we buy...alchohol?" He whispered very close to my face with his little hopeful smirk stamped on his face. 

"Hell no, Jung Daehyun." I made such a shocked face, it was ridiculous (my shocked face paired with my probably red cheeks, what a beautiful match). He knew I didn't allow alchohol in our house. Why'd we need it? No way I was letting him drown his feelings with alchohol.

"Please, just for tonight~" He was begging to me with his puppy eyes and pouty lips. "I let you try it~"

"No, thank you for the offer."

He frowned, pouting again but this time he looked like a female middle schooler upset with their "oppa". I was silently judging him as he playfully hit my arm, whinning. I'm not going to say I didn't enjoy it (it was funny).

"Come on~ Don't be boring, Jaejae~" 

"I'm just looking after you" 

"Please~ Just one bottle?~" 

"What drink?" 

"You choose" 

Of course I'd choose what had less alchohol-

Wait, what am I saying?

I couldn't ever allow alchohol, it'd ruin him. Unless he took alchohol very lightly. I only saw him drunk once but I couldn't catch what his drunk profile was. Was he a flirty/ drunk? A sleepy drunk? A crying-after-2am drunk? A very happy drunk? I had no idea. I also never ever got drunk (nor laid, Im the most boring person I swear) so I couldn't tell what kind of drunk I was. 

I nodded and I could hear a small squeal coming from him as he hugged me. Geez, my mind was gay but this skinship stuff going on made us look like a couple.  


We finally got home. Going on our feet had its advantages but a lot of disadvantages. I was sweaty, my legs hurt, and I was carrying the bag that had the bottles. Yes, the bottles. He bought 2 bottles of vodka. Vodka. I cannot ing believe. It was too late when I wanted to stop him. "Never again" I told him. I could've broken them but it'd be a waste of money. The other drink he bought was Soju. No comments.

"Here, let me take the bags to the kitchen" He grabbed all of them and placed them on the kitchens floor. I walked to the bathroom as I took off my sweater and looked in the mirror. My hair was a mess, as I expected. I washed my face with fresh water, still pissed at Daehyun for buying alchohol. How could he? So much alchohol. Too much alchohol. I was not ready. I didn't want to be the same boring thing always.

"Youngjae!" His loud call startled me. I quickly dressed my sweater again and went to meet him in the living room. He looked very excited looking at the bottles. Was he thinking about drinking that at like 6pm? 

"Tonight's going to be amazing!" I had to admit, I was excited for it too. But not excited because I liked alchohol or I wanted to be a cool kid, but because it was going to be my first time and I was going to be with him if anything bad happened. Also, I wasn't planning to get drop dead drunk. So yeah, curious. (I mean, good bro get drunk together, right?)

After we had dinner, we locked ourselves on the basement, Daehyun coming quick down the stairs with the drinks on his arms and two shot cups (that I didn't ever notice we had them). He sat on the floor in front of the couch, carefully planting the bottles on the table.

I sunk myself on the couch, eyeing him from the corner of my eye. "No drinks until 11pm" I sounded like a grandmother, how was he still my friend? 

He got up and started to take off his pants all suddendly.

"Wow... slow down already..." Indeed, I was shocked. He looked at me and laughed. 

"I don't feel comfortable with pants on." 

"Yeah, I already noticed that..." 

He had nice legs, at least. And his boxers suited him well too... I'm not going into details now.

I had changed my jeans with sweatpants earlier, which were more comfortable for me. He sat next to me on the couch and we watched TV together, not exactly silent all the time. We were talking about clothing. Why did he suddendly on place his hand on my thigh? Did he even know how he made me feel only by looking at me? When was he going to stop being so... rude...

"So Youngjae..." He scratched the back of his head. "I don't really remember but have you ever, like... dated someone?" 




"No" That was my honest, quick response. I had no pride but also no shame. 

"You know, I should set you up with someone... one of my exes had a very cute friend, I think you'd like her."

Oh hell no, Daehyun. There's no ing way.

"What if" He gave me a sugestive look. "I set up a blind date for you?

"Daehyun, please no..."

"But have you ever crushed on someone?" 

I literally gave him a you must be ing with me look. If he only knew... (this question made me cross with him I cannot stress enough how angry I was inside)


He never really asked me about my love life. But now, he thought this time to be the perfect time to set me up with chicks that weren't my style. Right when I was building some confidence to-

"I know I make relationships seem hard... but they're actually good and you're almost always alone when I'm dating."

I sighed and tried to not meet his eyes as he told me these things but nodded to give him a small reply. I only turned my eyes to him when he gently patted my arm, with this small friendly smile. 

"Tell me a few things..." He wiggled around to sit in a position where he was facing me. Just saying that I honestly looked like a diva. My head was resting on my hand, with my elbow on the arm of the couch and legs crossed. I was hoping to look flawless as the TV illuminated my face. "Like, what's your ideal type?"

My ideal type was basically Jung Daehyun. Even if I tried to like other people, I couldn't freaking forget him. It was painful as hell because I never really got affection from anyone except my mom, of course. I didn't even have my first kiss. I was ing 20. While he had already lived a life. 

"My ideal type is... smart, but no more than me, hum... a friend I know well..." I was trying to be subjective, believe in me. "Aesthetics matter...and hum-"

"Ah! I have the perfect person for you!" (Of course you do! It's ing you! I'm angry)

"Oh, really? How are you sure of that?" 

"Just one more thing...Do boys too?" He looked a bit hesitating on asking me this. I knew he was okay with gayness and etc. And I hesitated as well, why not. I never talked to anyone about my romantic life or ual orientation. "I think I could set you up with another friend too"


Even if he was okay with it, I felt some weirdness in the air. I ed things up, didn't I? Damn, me and my gayness making things looks awkward since ever. 

"Oh..." He didn't look as suprised as he sounded. I felt like he wanted to say something more but we stayed in silence. 

I found like that silence was needed in that exact time. I also felt relieved. Did he find me weird now? I hoped he wouldn't ignore me or leave me.

"You know..." His voice interrupted my thoughts. "I... I also..."

He had a little smile on, that smile someone makes and it says i cannot believe I'm saying this

"I also... do... like boys..." 

I tried to not let my jaw drop. Suprisingly, my gay part was calling him and saying "yes be gay, join the force" but the other part didn't expect this confession, at all. He had always dated girls.

"I-I'm just...saying this so you don't feel alone..."


"Yes... do you think that my soulmate can be a guy?"

I bit my lip and waited to answer. This was going to look so cheesy, but I went for it. 

"I do."

Gosh, ain't I ridiculous? 

Hello guys!!!

Another chapter! 

Thank you guys for the support~I'm so sorry if this is so lame oh my *hides*


Also, do you like the cover of the fanfic? It's so cute I love it <3 

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This is too gooooddddd.. Please update soon.. Pretty please*puppy eyes*
Chapter 3: Urgh!!!!! Frustration is cleared in the air!!!!!!!!!/ damn you Daehyun
zZSleepyHead #3
Chapter 3: LOOOOOOOOLS please daehyun. You ain't this dumb cmon man. Cmon. Let's not lead him on. Cmon
mdvlrs #4
Chapter 3: wOW now i'm so excited!!!! tell me they'll have a drunk kiss please please please
Chapter 3: OMG i can't wait for the next chapter *-* good job author-nim and fighting :D
NaDaeHyun #7
Chapter 3: I'm so looking forward to the next chapter >__<
byrenni #8
Chapter 3: woah Dae's confessed tht he's bi, then Yjae you got more chance xD lol *sounds so gay* i found this word many times xD cute tho
Anyway, waitin' for the next chap authornim ^^
Chapter 2: Lol Youngjae is so confident of himself xD
I love how he describes Daehyun in his every thoughts . So cutee~ <3
zZSleepyHead #10
Chapter 2: CUTE. GET TOGETHER ALREADY. It's gonna be complicated isn't it?? ;-;