Chapter 7 - Injury

Friend Request -KaiSoo

Kyungsoo's P.O.V:

Three weeks of this holiday have already gone by even though it feels like it has only been a day.

You know how I said that this holiday was going to be extremely boring, well I take that back. It's been the complete opposite of that and I couldn't ask for anything different.

Kai and I have been skyping every day since last week, our longest skype call is about six hours. For six hours we just sat there and talked, I didn't leave my room for pretty much the whole day but it was worth it. We only broke up the skype call because Chanyeol dragged me away from the laptop in order to force me to eat as I hadn't done so all day.

Sometimes it's hard for us to skype due to time zone differences. We get a small window of time during his mornings as it's evening here. Often he'll be the one to wake up during the earlier ours of the morning just to speak to me.

Anyway, today is different from all of those other days. Today there is no Jongin. He's away for the next two days due to a dance competition he has gone to with his dance group, and so here I sit in mind numbing boredom.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun are in the lounge, yelling at each other as they play on the Xbox, they are way too competitive when it comes to video games, I just hope that this time Chanyeol doesn't throw the controller out of rage and break it like he did the last time.

I would go and join them, but we only have the two controllers and they're having enough fun on their own, they don't need me around at the moment.

It's oddly quiet without my phone lighting up and making the comforting 'ding' sound to notify me of messages from Kai. I miss that sound already and he has only been gone for a couple of hours, there is no way I am going to manage two days.

But why am I being like this?

It's like my damn life depends on receiving a message from him. I must seem desperate for attention or something, which I'm not it just seems like it?

I am snapped out of my thoughts as I hear Chanyeol calling me from where he sits in the lounge

"Ey D.O! Are you going to come out of there before Christmas or no?" I rolled his eyes at his question, deciding not to answer and just pretend as if I didn't hear him.

The sound of footsteps are then heard before they stop right outside of my door, both of them stand outside knocking on the closed wooden door to my bedroom.

"Hey come on, you've got to come out at some point. What's gotten into you today?" Chanyeol's voice is slightly muffled by the door, which is also locked. If it wasn't they would have come in by now.

"Channie, Kai had a dance competition this weekend, he's probably in there missing him like a lovesick school girl~"

"I AM NOT A LOVESICK SCHOOL GIRL!" They both laugh at my response as I proceed to burry my head under the pillows of my bed.

I. Am. Not. Lovesick. I don't love Kim Jongin, he's just a good friend that's been able to make me happier than ever during these last few weeks.

I like him...a lot. But it's not love.

"Kyungsoo, you can't stay locked up, dreaming of him all weekend. At least come out to eat, yeah?" Chanyeol speaks up due to the fact that Baekhyun is still in fits of giggles over my earlier reply.

I sigh as I drag myself out of bed, quickly fixing my hair before going over to the door, unlocking and then opening it. They both stand there with these grins on their faces as if they know all. It's the type of face your friends would pull if your crush walked by...I hate that look.

"Come on Mr.Lovesick I'll pay for lunch." Chanyeol says as he puts an arm around Baekhyun's waist and proceeds to walk towards the door to grab their shoes.

"Don't call me that!" I half say half shout before following the two idiots towards the door.


Believe it or not, I actually managed to have a good time with them in the end. We went to this little restaurant in the town before going down to an arcade where we stayed until closing time.

My mind was distracted from Kai for the duration of time that we were out, but every time I was alone or wasn't doing anything, my mind would always end back on him.

We're now back in my, if I can even call it my own any more, apartment just sitting about in the lounge watching some rubbish 'reality' TV show. We all seem to be absorbed in it, even though we all agreed how crap these type of shows were. I think we are all just too tired to really find anything good to watch.

I'm dragged out of focusing on the TV screen by the vibration of my phone in my back pocket. I knew it wasn't Kai, as if it was it would have made a sound. I thought about just ignoring it but looking at whatever it was would give me something else to do.

I touch the home screen button to turn my phone on, it was a Facebook notification which is weird since I never get those unless they are from Kai.

-Oh Sehun has sent you a friend request-
                  2 Mutual friends
                -Confirm/Not now-

Oh Sehun? I've never heard of or met that person before. I click onto his profile, which shows me that he is friends with both Kai and Chanyeol.

"Hey Chanyeol?" I turn to the taller male, gaining his attention before carrying on. "Who's Oh Sehun?"

"Sehun? I used to go to dance with him, I believe that he goes to the same studio that Kai now goes to. Why do you ask?"

"No reason really, he's just sent me a friend request is all." He nods before turning his attention back to the screen in front of him.

I decide to accept the request, since they both know them and accepting a friend request from a stranger seemed to go well last time.

I then place my phone on the coffee table that sits to the left of me, thinking I wouldn't need it again for a while.

Within ten minutes the screen lights up again, Facebook messenger open and showing me I have a new message.

I pick it up and slide my finger across the screen to unlock it. The message is from Oh Sehun. Why would he be messaging me, plus if he goes to Kai's dance studio shouldn't he be at the competition right now?

Oh Sehun: Hey you're the Do Kyungsoo that knows Kai right?

Do Kyungsoo: Yeah that's me why do you ask?

Oh Sehun: Well, during practise earlier Kai fell off stage and broke his ankle in two places. He told me to let you know.

He did what now!? Also why would he need to tell me that so soon, couldn't it have waited until he could tell me himself. I guess it was nice of him to let me know though.

Do Kyungsoo: Okay, thanks for letting me know. Tell him that I hope that he is alright.

Oh Sehun: You can tell him yourself. Due to complications with his Visa and paperwork the hospitals over here are refusing to treat him. Technically he is being deported back to Korea.

He's being what now?

Do Kyungsoo: Wait really?

Oh Sehun: Yup. An air ambulance is going to come and pick him up before taking him over there since he won't be able to fly on an aeroplane with the current state of his ankle. I'll be flying over with him to make sure that everything will be sorted out.

Do Kyungsoo: Wow okay. Do you know which hospital they are going to take him to?

Oh Sehun: The Asan Medical Center in Seoul.

Oh Sehun: The air ambulance is here so I have to go, once of us will message you when we get there.

Do Kyungsoo: Okay?

Was this really happening. Seoul just so happens to be the city that we live in, in fact that medical center is only about ten minutes away from here. I could walk there if I wanted to.

I just sat there in silence for a few moments staring at the phone screen, out of all the ways we could have met in person I never thought this would be the way it would come around.

"Hey D.O what's wrong you've been staring at your phone for about ten minutes now." Baekhyun waves his hand in front of his face as he talks to me, trying to snap me out of a dazed state.

"It's Kai. He's broken his ankle by falling off stage an-"

"He fell off stage?!" Chanyeol pipes up, sniggering slightly at the thought of Kai just falling of of the stage.

"Yes he fell off the stage. But there are problems with paper work and his Visa, so they're refusing to treat him over in England."

"Seriously? So what are they going to do just leave him with a broken ankle or what?" Chanyeol turns off the TV as Baekhyun speaks, purely so that we can all hear each other a lot easier without the shouting of some random girl on the TV.

"Of course not! They're flying him over here to get treated."

"Over here? As in Korea?"

I rolled my eyes at the stupid questions that my hyungs seemed to be full of today "No Chanyeol, over here as in America...of course over here as in Korea!"

He's coming over to Korea and we'll be able to meet...granted he'll have a broken ankle and won't be able to do much and may leave back to the UK after but still.

Is it bad that I am happy he broke his ankle now?


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Taekookislove #1
Chapter 46: I've been waiting so long for an update... *cries* Please update soon when you can!<3
OMG, I WANT MORE, the plot was so cute.
ryannpeterson #3
Chapter 45: can you update please.. (attempts aegyo for author-nim)
thebiggestnuestfan #4
Chapter 45: no more updates? :(
Kyungsoo1969 #5
Chapter 45: Found this amazing fix three days ago. Im hooked but please for the love of god No Kaisoo angst. Real life is too much angst at times and kaisoo fics are my meds! Xx
thebiggestnuestfan #6
Chapter 45: SO CUTE. good luck with school btw :)
Nicole121314 #7
Chapter 44: After that - angst is on the way hakzzz9
TheMoniMonster #8
Chapter 44: *glares at Jongin* >.> Still waiting for that explanation, boy.
thebiggestnuestfan #9