
Cafe Cutie

"Do Kyungsoo, let go of the phone."

"Kim Minseok, stop telling me what to do."

"I'm your hyung. You should respect your elder's wishes."

"You and I both know that I couldn't care less about you being older than me." 

And Minseok knows from past experiences that Kyungsoo really doesn't care. He treats him more like a little brother than a respectable, older man that can handle his own.

"Can you please listen to me this one time?"

"I already told you, Min. Now, stop fighting me, and let go."

"Time out. Why are you two fighting over Minseok hyung's phone?" Jongin, the boyfriend of the fun-sized demon currently wrestling with him, asks curiously from his spot on the floor.

"Because this wuss is too afraid to call his schoolboy crush and won't shut up about him. If calling him means he'll quit talking about the deer with a staring problem, then I'm going to do it whether he likes it or not."

"The deer with a staring problem?" his sweetheart of a friend and boss, Yixing, questions with an almost clueless expression.

Joonmyeon's giddy smile and annoying giggle is confusing poor Yixing more, and Minseok tries his best not to ever-so-subtly kick him in the side.

"The deer is the hunky CEO that's clearly interested in Minseok, only we don’t actually know his name because this idiot was too awestruck to even ask.”

"I was not awestruck. And besides, I don’t recall him asking for my name either!" Minseok retorts.

"You know, lying isn't healthy."

"Neither is being an , but you're still kicking."

"So you did lie?"

"Can you not twist my words around? I didn’t say that at all."

"Can you remove your grubby little fingers? I kind of have a call to make."

"Yeah, no, Kyungsoo. Kudos to you for trying though."

Kyungsoo releases a frustrated sigh.

He doesn’t have any particular ill intentions. He honestly just wants to hook Minseok up with someone he can actually be happy with. Yes, he and the others are always there for him, but they can’t be there every second of the day. He admits that he’s set the man up for a few sour relationships in the past, and he wants to make up for it, too; but he also wants to give Mineok the push he needs. He’s been nothing but a hermit for the last few months, if not few years, and it’s time he start communicating with actual people and not the pesky little puppy, Jojo, that hates Kyungsoo as much as he hates it (yes, he’s fighting with a puppy; sue him). 

So when he bites the man's hand to get him to let go of the cellular device, he's doing it for the greater good. Really. No harm intended.

With nonexistent agility and master dodging skills, he manages to find the contact of the unknown man, unsurprisingly labeled "deer", and hit the green phone icon beside the name even with Minseok’s grabby, violent hands flying wherever they can reach.

"There. It’s currently dialing your boo, so stop hitting me and answer when he picks up. You’re welcome, by the way.”

Minseok can only stare at Kyungsoo with his mouth agape in disbelief. He didn't think that he'd actually do it -- then again, this was Kyungsoo he was talking about. He lived by no one’s rules but his own and was basically fearless when it came to facing the wrath of others.

Sometimes, he believed he really was just a fun-sized demon readily available terrorize him for a good laugh. 

"Have you officially lost your mind?"

"It’s been missing for a while now. I've put up posters everywhere, and I still can't find it. Maybe it just ran away from me. What do you think?"

"Kyungsoo, I’m being serious here."

"Listen, Minseok, contrary to popular belief, I didn't do it to be spiteful. I did it because it’s time to stop sulking all alone in this tiny apartment. I understand that you’ve been hurt; I completely get it. But you can’t just hide for the rest of your life. This guy could be the nicest man you’ll ever meet, and here you are trying to ignore him and push him away already. Jojo and the rest of us can’t be the only ones you lean on. Besides, Min, the dude sounds like a keeper. What person do you know willingly volunteers to take on a job on top of being some hotshot office worker?”

Minseok would like to say he didn’t get a bit misty-eyed at Kyungsoo’s wake-up call, but sad to say, he did, because he knows how right he is. He’s shut himself off from the outside world, apart from going to the café of course, for far too long. He’s been letting a few boo-boos from the pass infringe upon his life, and it made him more of an unsociable hermit than he already was. It really is about time he stopped.

And all he had to do to break he chain was invite the guy over to the cafe. It shouldn't have been such a big deal to him considering he's done it before when Yixing couldn’t, yet it was proving to be one of the most difficult things he's had to do in a long time. Why did Kyungsoo make him do this again?

"-ello? Is this a prank phone call or something because I don't have time for this," he hears a familiar voice say through the phone's speaker.

At the sound of the slightly fustrated tone, he momentarily panics and tosses the device to Kyungsoo.

"What the hell? You answer it. I'm not going to do this for you, Min. You've got to do it yourself," the younger man says, tossing the phone back to him.

"Please, Kyung? Just say you answered the phone for me. I can take it from there."

Kyungsoo mulls over the offer before giving in and completing his part of the deal.

"I'm sorry about that. My friend had to go save dinner and tossed the phone to me for the time being."

"Ah, it's okay; life happens. But who is this? I’m afraid I don't recognize the number."

"This is one of the employees of the cafe you offered to work for. The one you gave your number to -- his name is Minseok -- wanted to talk over work days and hours, since you are doing this voluntarily.”

"That's right. He said he'd give me a call in a few hours about a work schedule or something, though it's been more than just a few hours."

It's a sad but true fact that Minseok hadn't talked to the man in about three days. In his defence, Minseok had genually expected him to say no, not take him seriously. He could joke around with a passing customer any day, but working alongside him, of all people? And communicating on an almost daily basis with someone outside of his usual friend group? That was testing his bounderies. 

"He must have a good reason for waiting so long, I hope,” Kyungsoo pauses to shoot him a glare that makes him shiver before he says, “It looks like he's come back from being a hero. I'll pass the phone over to him so you two can discuss what needs to be discussed."

Minseok takes the device after being on the receiving end of Kyungsoo's famous and unbelievably terrifying smacks, one that leaves his ears ringing after his hands disconnects with the back of his skull, when he tried to run away.

"H-hello?" he says and slightly cringes at his stutter.

"Hello? Is this the man I accidentally called a rodent?"

"That would indeed be me."

"I'm still really sorry about that. I honestly didn't realize what I was saying until it was too late. I guess my filter decided to take a long hike that day.”

"I told you that it wasn't a problem. It was an odd compliment, but it was sweet nonetheless."

"Glad to know you don't think I'm a complete idiot like my friends do. So what days shall I be in your company at the cafe?"

"Well, that mostly depends on what your schedule allows."

"You don't have to worry about that. It can be as clear or as full as I want it to be. Just go ahead and lay as much work as you want. I'm ready to get out of the office."

He breaks away from the phone to mouth a few options to his fellow employee and boss. The latter simply gives him a look that spells ‘I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about’, while Kyungsoo holds up a series of fingers, a code they had come up with in high school.

"Our busiest days are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, but if you can’t make any of those, just let me know, and I’ll figure something else out. We don't want to overwork you when you're working for free and have your own job to attend to."

"It’s fine, Minseok. If I can’t work a day, I'll be sure to-. Yah!"

Minseok’s fawning over hearing his name is cut short by the abrupt scream from the other line. He can hear Kyungsoo, Jongin, and Suho snickering at him from the couch, but ignores it in favor of questioning the other. Only, he doesn’t get a single syllable pass his lips before an unfamiliar voice is ranting in his ear.

"Nice to meet you, Minseok. At least, I’m hoping it’s Minseok. I'm Tao, Luhan's PA. Don’t worry; I’m not his boyfriend or anything. He’s too uptight for my taste. Maybe the café will help loosen him up some? Nah. Staring at you would probably help, but it’s not like he doesn’t already do that. Did you know he drags my all the way there just so he can check you out through the window? I hope I didn’t just make him seem like a . But seriously. His fanboying is annoying, and if I have to hear him squeal about your cheeks again, there might be no more Luhan -”

"Tao, you're rambling again."

"Right. My point. What was my point again? Oh, right. Look, I don’t know you at all, but please help him de-stress. He’s lonely, even though he won’t admit it, and could use another friend. And please don’t be afraid to work him. Kris and I have everything covered at the office. Just keep him for all I care. I don’t think anyone will even no-. Luhan! Back the hell up! I will not hesitate to punch you in the throat if you pinch me one more damn time, and you know it! Just sit down and chill out for a second.”

"I'll ‘chill out’ when you give me back my phone. Don't forget that I'm your boss. I can fire you as quickly as I hired you."

"For one, you did not hire me; your father did. And secondly, you know you wouldn’t fire me, Luhan. I'd quit before you could do that."

"Kris, please control your boyfriend."

"Have you met him? I’d rather not deal with a pissed martial artist. You control him.”  

"What kind of lover are you?"

"One that doesn't want to die young."

"Why am I even friends with you guys?"

"Because you love us, and we're the only friends you have."

"Then I really need to find new friends that won't torture me every chance they get."

"It's not torture. It's just a unique display of affection."

"Affection my . It's torture."

"Whatever floats your boat, Luhan."

"I don't mean to interupt, but who are Luhan and Kris?"

The voice goes silent for a second, almost as if in shock, before he speaks again. “You don’t know who Luhan even is. Wow. I would understand not knowing Kris, but Luhan? You met him at the café three days ago. Did that idiot not give you his name? Luhan! Did you not even tell Minseok your name?” more silence. “Well, I’ve got an idiot to beat up, so I’ll contact you whenever, Minseok. Do expect to see him spick and span on Wednesday morning!”

The call drops seconds later, leaving a bewildered Minseok in its wake.

If this was what Luhan’s friends were like, he honestly couldn’t wait to learn more about the man himself, because it seemed as if they were in the same position in their respective groups. To others, Tao would be considered a rude, insensitive prick, but he just seems like another Kyungsoo, only mildly harsher and a tad worse. Kris is like their poor Jongin, who has to deal with the spitfire that is his boyfriend, though never hesitates to snuggle and show affection when the other is in a decent enough mood.

He was slightly afraid of what the outcome of this newly formed friendship would be, but now he’s excited for what it can be. He’s excited to meet Luhan again.

When Minseok plops onto the couch next to his bestie, he gives him a silent thank you, and makes sure to change the contact “deer” to Luhan




As soon as Tao hangs up the phone, he deposits the device onto the coffee table before promptly hitting Luhan upside the head.

"I try to help you out, and this is how you repay me?" his PA questions, a playful glare fixated on his form.

"The thing is, Tao, I didn't ask for your ‘help’," he retorts, combating the glare with one of his own.

"You'll thank me later."

"You mean when I'm still lonely in my office signing a bunch of paperwork?"

"Oh, come on, Luhan. Have some faith in your ailing love life. Even if it is almost nonexistent, it’s still deserves a little attention."

"You know the only love life I have is the one my father creates for me, Tao. I can’t even pick my own friends half the time, let alone date whomever I choose.”

The statement causes Tao’s face to scrunch in distaste. It’s a known fact that despite the man giving him his job, he hates Luhan’s father with a burning passion. He’s a sleazy old geezer that wants nothing but money and doesn’t care a about his only son. He’s the boss of Luhan’s life, and nothing goes if he doesn’t like it. His friends are fake and hand-picked, he isn’t allowed to date or marry anyone that wouldn’t benefit their company, he’s not allowed to travel without permission. And sad to say, his mother is no different; at least, his step-mother is the same. Honestly, it’s annoying, and he’s a bit surprised Luhan can go to the bathroom without one of his parents breathing down his neck.

It's a miracle that Tao even became his PA in the first place since the original CEO had a say in that, too, and the man is known for his high standards (not that Tao is cheap or anything; he just didn't know if blue hair would work in his favor). Just seeing the way Luhan was treated made him grateful for his father even if they hadn't exactly been as close the last couple of years ever since Tao took that brave step out of the closet.

He's pretty sure that screwing with Mr. Lu’s plans can end in him being jobless and unwanted for hire in both Korea and China (he’s got that many connections, unsurprisingly), but he wants to give his pretend brother a chance at having something normal, something Luhan wants.

"I refuse to let that greasy old man run your life. If I no longer have a job as your PA, then so be it. He may have control over you, but he can't control me no matter how hard he tries. You're basically my brother, Luhan, and no brother of mine is going to be trapped in a cage just because his parents are leeches with nothing better to do than flaunt their power and money."

There's a sniff, and they all know it's Luhan but choose to keep quiet about it.

"I think I remember why I'm friends with you now."

The younger man laughs and pulls his boss into a warm hug, Kris joining in on the action by wrapping his long arms around the two.

"Don't worry. We'll do whatever we can to keep your father away. You just enjoy your baozi boy," Kris mumbles, placing his chin on Tao's shoulder. 

"His name isn't baozi, it's Minseok. I thought we already went over this?"

"Says the one who refuses to change his contact from Baozi Barista. Don’t think I didn’t see that.” Tao butts in.

"You guys are the worst."

"Yeah, we love you, too, Han."


Hope you enjoyed ^^

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Chapter 3: Awwh~ this is soooo cute!!! >w<
I like all the characters here XD
Socially awkard Xiuhan omg
Thank you for writing! <3
Chapter 3: Welcome back, dear author! I'm really happy, that you decided to continue this story.... I always have a wonderful time, while reading it!
Chapter 3: I live for that cheesy over the shoulder last glance ending~
Chapter 2: Ah, so adorable! I nearly died from the cuteness <3
Chapter 2: Aaaaaaah.... sweet as candy.... I love it!
Chapter 1: Dear author! Please, serve the next chapter..... as soon as possible! Ceo Luhan working at a café with his Baozi? Too cute....
Chapter 1: This is good. XD I love awestruck Luhan
Coffee, by cute Baozi fascinated Luhan.... I need nothing else for a perfect day! So please go on, dear author!