Chapter One

Bucket Full Of Lies

It was a cold and quiet winter night but Jinju didn't really care that much. She had waited outside of YG Entertainment for Bobby so they could hang out. They were busy with their own stuff that they barely had any time to spend with each other. Jinju had the family business and Bobby with his group but that didn't bother them at all. It had only been three days since they seen each other and she did have her brother to help her keep an eye on him for reasons she would never tell anyone, not even her own best friend. She hummed quietly as she waited impatiently for the group to come out of the large, somewhat modern looking building and peaked inside and smiled widley. She managed to finally see the group walk out and decided to lean against the cold brick wall as they loudly walked out of the building. "Bobby oppa! It's been a while." Jinju chuckled softly and hugged him from behind and looked over towards B.I with a cheeky grin. "I missed you Jinju. I'm so sorry about that." He gently placed his hands on top of Jinju's arm and quickly looked at the groups black van then at s with a worrying look upon his face. "Oppa. Do you have something to do right now? I don't want to keep you from your busy schedule." She grinned slightly abd tilted her head. "We have like one more thing before we are done with our schedule tonight." Bobby grinned as well and turned to give Jinju a long kiss before removing her arms and stepping backwards a bit. "Oh okay. I will wait for you at the dorm then. Please be safe." Jinju gently patted Bobby's arm and began walking towards and dark blue Hyundai that her brother had let her use whenever she needed it and wondered why nothing was going the way she had planned for the night with Bobby.

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