Real Life In Pearliscent



The other members of Pearliscent went for their schedules except for Ki Ah and Yuni since she asked their manager to cancel Yuni’s a day and hers for 5 hours which Donghae, Eunhyuk, Yuri, Jiyong and Yumi also cancelled their schedules but only Eunhyuk cancel it a day.


Yuni: So weird. Why did we have a free day?

Ki Ah: Well, it’s about you.

Yuni: Me? Waeyo? *innocently*

Ki Ah: Yesterday?? Did you forgot?!

Yuni: Hmm.. *thinking* Ah! That incident. Don’t worry I have it all covered.

Ki Ah: Jeongmal?? Cause me and Donghae planned that your siblings will be here in… *watching the clock* in 1 hour. TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT IT.

Yuni: Are you kidding me?!! Why?? Gosh! I have to get showered!! *went to the shower and finished wearing a plain white top and covered it with a creamy knitted jacket and a cream shorts with a beanie on top of her head*

Ki Ah: Perfect! They’re here already.

Yuri, Jiyong, Yumi, Eunhyuk and Donghae were already there in the living room watching the TV. They saw Yuni and Yuri immediately hugged her.

Yuri: *hugged her tightly* Are you alright? Was it him again??

Yuni: I am fine and I don’t know yet.

Jiyong: if that guy ever come to you two*pointing to Yuni and Yumi* I’ll cut him till death. I never want to see him again. He betrayed us!

Yumi: I don’t understand why’d he had to this in the first place! He took care of us. He was our bestfriend!

Yuni: we were so close but it was all for my money. I knew there was something wrong with him.

The siblings kept picking on HIM while Eunhyuk, Donghae and Ki Ah were confused.

Ki Ah: Excuse me, but what are you guys talking about? And who is HIM/HE?

Yuni: Since you guys are like my own family then I should really tell you guys eventhough I at telling stories. Yuri unnie, Jiyong oppa would you mind?

Yuri&Jiyong: Sure, baby~

Yuri: Yuni and Yumi found a new bestfriend when she was studying in Korea Kent School. His name was Park Jaehyun. He took care of Yuni and Yumi like they were his sisters. Jaehyun was poor so he works part time job eventhough he was young. He liked Yuni the most since she always smiles. We were friends with each other for 7 years? I think it was seven years.

Jiyong: Then, last year we didn’t even notice that he was taking our money. Our DAD’s company’s money. When Yuni and Yumi found out that he was stealing our money, they were gonna report it to the police. They went to a shortcut and the shortcut must passed an alley. But Jaehyun’s friends caught them in the alley and kidnapped them.

Donghae: Wait, this was when Yumi was telling the story at Happy Together right?

Yumi: neh. But I changed it a bit so Yuni’s fans wouldn’t get worried that she was kidnapped by her own ex-bestfriend.

Eunhyuk: Why does he wants to kidnapped her? What has she done to him??

Yuni: I don’t really know what I did to him. I did what a bestfriend always do. Look after each other.

Yuri: Should we tell her, Jiyong-ah?

Jiyong: I think we should. Baby-ah, you remember the 5th time you broke your leg when you were cheerleading?

Yuni: Yeah. The surgery went perfectly okay because I was strong!

Yumi: Well, it was because of something else.

Yuni: What do you mean?

Yuri: It was the 5th TIME! That’s too much Yuni!! You could die!

Jiyong: *sigh* Appa ask the doctor to give you a serum that will help you to live maybe forever. You have a special blood in your body.

Yuri: I think Jaehyun heard us overtalking when he came to our home. That’s why he needed you TOO. He needs money AND you!

Jiyong: we need to get him before he gets you. Not just IN jail but KILL him.

Yuni: But he is my friend.

Yumi: Mianhe, Yuni. He is not your friend now. He is also not ours.

Yuri: But wait, he is rich already. He could have so many men now.

Jiyong: I’ll call Appa to get some special men to find him. Yuni, now you will have to becareful of your life now. Three to four guards will be with you everywhere you go. Eunhyuk-ah, please protect her.

Eunhyuk: I will, hyung.

Jiyong: Okay. Just please becareful. But whenever you guys are having a recording, make sure some guards will be around. Your bodyguard, whose his name again.. Kim Jaemin? Whoever his name is, will always be your bodyguard. He will give you some equiptments to you. We have to go now. Remember, baby!*walks out after he kissed Yuni’s forehead*

Yuri: We love you, Yuni. *hugging Yuni*

Yuni: I love you guys too. *Yuri walks out*

Yumi: Don’t worry, I’ll always be here*pointing to Yuni’s heart* Twins right? Just call me if you need me! Annyeong! *waves and walks out*

Yuni: That was some drama. It’s like too much for this. I have a special blood??

Ki Ah: Well, I have a schedule next 40 minutes and I don’t wanna be late. Annyeong! See you later, Yuni and be safe!! *walks out*

Donghae: Me too. Eunhyuk will be here with you. Annyeong! Be safe you guys! *walks out*

Yuni&Eunhyuk: We will! *shouted*

Yuni: Now, what to do?

Eunhyuk: Let’s just watch some TV. Now, I have an exciting mission to do!

Yuni: And what is that?

Eunhyuk: Protecting my baby~

Yuni: *chuckles* Okay, Anchovy oppa. *watches the TV*


Tell me should I do this or not? If you dont want to, I'll delete this and just continue to write for our shows. >.<

- Yuni<3

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