First And Only Chapter

No One Said Parenting Was Easy

No one ever told Namjoon that being a father was going to be hard and stressful. His mom always told him he would meet someone he really liked, get married and have children. It was the basis to an ideal family. Of course, back then his mother thought he would marry a nice girl, but in the end that didn't turn out to be the case. He wasn't married yet, though it sure seemed like it with the nagging boyfriend and insane children, but he did have the basis of an ideal family.


Sometimes Namjoon wished that his mom and dad would have told him how hard it would be to share your life with a partner and raise children. He wished they would have explained that with your partner you had to be loving, caring, understanding, and have great communication. When it came to the children, that he needed to be loving and patient but most important of all, he needed to be firm and strong. He tried everyday, he really did, but sometimes the stress of it became too much and Namjoon needed someone to talk to.


He needed someone that would listen to his issues and give him advice. He thought his parents would be the perfect people to ask, but after thinking about it, Namjoon didn't want to bother them with his problems. In the end his parents would just tell him, “Honey, you're not married and those kids you talk about aren't even yours! They're your group mates and around the same age as you!”


Yeah, right. Namjoon and Seokjin had been raising these boys for years now. They had three beautiful sons. Their oldest was Jimin, who was really kind, got good grades in school but happened to be quite timid. He had a friend that always hung around with him by the name of Hoseok. Hoseok is one of the weirdest kids Namjoon and Seokjin had ever met, but he brought out a different side of their oldest so the two parents didn't mind Hoseok hanging around. Jin had mentioned something about Hoseok possibly being Jimin's boyfriend but honestly that day Namjoon had not paid much attention seeing as how Jin was wet and only covered up by a towel.


Their second son Taehyung was an unusual kid. He loved to eat and one time Namjoon caught him taking an entire slice of three layer cake and stuffing it all right in his mouth. If Taehyung wasn't eating, he would usually be sitting in front of the TV watching cartoons or sitting in front of his computer illegally downloading the latest episode of his favorite anime. There was a time when he started playing with scissors for some reason and went crying to Jin about how he had cut his own hair. Odd things like this is why both parents usually had to keep an eye on him at times.


The youngest of the three, Jungkook, is the baby. He is the most adorable guy Namjoon's mom has ever met. Namjoon's dad said Jungkook is the prettiest guy he had ever met. Namjoon and Jin loved Jungkook because he was the baby and needed to be protected and guided so he wouldn't lose his innocence. Namjoon had heard his baby Jungkook one day talk about Sugar and he wasn't sure why his son was talking about the sweet substance. Jimin had said that Sugar might be a little to old for Jungkook and this confused Namjoon because old sugar was still good right? Right.


Namjoon's boyfriend was just the ideal partner for the young rapper. Seokjin was older than him, but Namjoon didn't care for once. He always told himself when he was younger that he would always be the oldest in the relationship, but when Jin crossed his path with that gorgeous face and tall lean body, Namjoon's pants got really tight. He remembered Jin blushing hard and saying something about Namjoon needing to keep his flashlight elsewhere but his pocket.


Out of the two, Jin was the mom. He took care of the kids the same way Namjoon's mom had done to him when he was little. When it came to the rules in the house, they were to be followed by everyone because Jin liked to run a tight ship. Namjoon was worse than the kids when it came to doing his chores so this is when Jin would nag and nag. It annoyed him yes, but in the end he knew his boyfriend was right.


Since his parents would be of no use when it came to talking about his stress with his home life, Namjoon turned to the internet for help. After searching around on different sites, Namjoon finally stumbled on a forum where people talked and sought advice about the exact issues he was having. Of course, without an account Namjoon couldn't read the posts but the name of the forum was what drew him to it.


“y, Free, and Absolutely NOT Single. A forum to discuss everything from your significant other to your baby mama drama problems.”


Namjoon quickly signed up, confirmed his email, and started looking through all the different sections in the forum. The main discussion board was about all kind of relationship problems but there also was other sections in the forum that kept it interesting. Namjoon decided that before getting into the more serious issues he would try out something a little more fun within the forums. He stumbled upon a topic titled “Your Partner and You. 11 Questions About Your Relationship.”


The person who started this topic went by the name of “Heenim” and whoever they were, Namjoon wasn't sure if they were male or female, they had a lot of posts and seemed to be well respected by the members of the forum. Namjoon read over Heenim's post with their replies about the relationship they had with their partner. Others members had commented with their opinions and others had posted their own version of the exercise.


Answering the questions seemed like a lot of fun and people were commenting how they had learned new things from just answering. It gave them a different perspective of their relationship and that inspired Namjoon to answer the question's himself. He copied and pasted the questions in the reply box and quickly began typing away to answer them.



February 26, 2016 8:39PM


  • Who is the most affectionate? I am. I like to pop up behind him and hug and kiss him. Anything that annoys him because I know he really likes it and just doesn't want to admit it.


  • Big spoon/Little spoon? I'm the big spoon. I just love holding onto him and having him pressed against my chest. My babe enjoys it too.


  • Most common argument? The house chores. My boyfriend goes into omma mode and has to constantly yell and nag at me to take the trash out, cut the yard, and help with the kids. I tend to feed the kids unhealthy snacks and sodas when I watch them; I also let them play video games all day and my boyfriend makes me sleep on the couch for it. I don't like that, but then again I can't cook so how am I supposed to feed them something healthy lol.


  • Favorite non-ual activity? Shopping, going out on dates when we get the chance, and attending the functions at school for the kids.


  • Who is most likely to carry the other? Despite my babe's protests, I love to scoop him up bridal style :D


  • Nicknames? I always call him “babe” and he doesn't really have a nickname for me. He does tend to yell out my full name out though, and when he does, I know it's not for anything good >_<


  • Who worries the most? My boyfriend does. His omma and husband instincts kick in all the time.


  • Who tops? I top. I just love to have him writhing underneath me. >:D


  • Who initiates kisses? I do, definitely. I'm always attempting to land one on him when I get the chance. He likes it even though it annoys him too. There are times though when he will catch me in a kiss when I least expect it, and to be honest, I tend to giggle like a school girl because of it.


  • Who wakes up first? My boyfriend does. He has to make sure everyone is ready to go in the morning and I sleep like a rock. There isn’t a day that goes by that he isn’t waking me up in the morning.


  • Who said I love you first? I said it first. I just fell madly for him and couldn’t help myself around him. I said it rather early but my boyfriend did not. I know he felt bad that he couldn't return such big words at the time, but I assured him that it was fine. Eventually he did say it and I was the happiest man on earth.


I just love my baby mama hahaha XD



Answering the questions helped Namjoon remember so many different things that made his relationship with Seokjin special. The last question in particular brought him so many memories of the day he confessed his love for the older man. It was one of the best days of his life and even now he wouldn't trade that experience for anything in the world. At that moment Namjoon had not cared whether Jin loved him yet or not, he was just happy to finally be able to reveal his true feelings.


Namjoon waited a few minutes on people to reply and leave feedback. It didn't take long for him to receive positive comments about his answers and this made him giddy. He waited a few more minutes but before he could even realize it, Namjoon had passed out on the desk with the computer still on and his account logged into the forum.


A puddle of drool formed around Namjoon's mouth as he slept on the desk with his mouth open. About an hour had passed since he had dosed off into dreamland, and the screen saver with the word “Namjin” floated around the dark background. Jin opened the door to his shared room with Namjoon and smiled at the sight of this boyfriend asleep on the desk. The older boy have been filming a variety show and luckily for him, they finished early, so Jin was happy to be back home.


Jin walked over to the desk and simply looked down at his boyfriend with a smile on his face. The older boy then noticed that his boyfriend had left the computer on so he moved his arm over Namjoon to move the mouse around. The forum that Namjoon had joined earlier was still on the screen and it caught Jin's eye as he skimmed through it.


“Oh, what is this?” He asked himself as he read through Namjoon's post. “This was posted by Rapmon1294...”


Jin's eyes finally caught the last line of the post, “I just love my baby mama hahaha XD”.


“Baby mama?” Jin wondered while mouthing the words. Who was Namjoon talking about exactly because as far as Jin knew, he was the only baby mama his boyfriend had. But the feeling there could be someone else wouldn't leave the older boy's mind.


What if some hussy from another group was trying to steal his man? Oh hell naw! Kim Seokjin would never allow some tramp to steal his man. He would confront Namjoon right now. “KIM NAMJOON!!!”


The sudden loud voice screaming his name startled Namjoon from his slumber and the younger boy shot his eyes open and pulled his head up so fast he caught a whiplash. His right hand, that at one point was resting on the computer mouse and had eventually moved to the stack of paper next to the monitor, sent all the paper flying everywhere. Namjoon looked around the room wide eyed, the paper falling around him, unaware of what was happening until his eyes landed on his boyfriend.


Namjoon gave Jin a curious poker face look and the older boy pointed at his boyfriend. “WHO'S THIS BABY MAMA YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT? AND CLEAN UP ALL THIS PAPER!!!!”


“You're my baby mama of course babe.” Namjoon offered Jin a grin and a thumbs up.


Jin's jaw dropped but he managed to cover his reaction with his hands. A frown then formed on the older boy's handsome face and he launched himself at his boyfriend, wrapping his hands around Namjoon's neck. “I BETTER BE BECAUSE IF YOU HAVE A SIDE I WILL KILL YOU AND HIM!”


Namjoon tried pulling Jin's hands away from his neck but the older boy was incredibly strong. “I're”


Tears started rolling down the younger boy's face from the pressure Jin was applying to his neck. Finally realizing that he was over reacting, Jin pulled away and simply gasped at his actions. Namjoon choked as he brought air back into his lungs but he recuperated quickly and simply rubbed his neck. He looked up at Jin who was still standing up with a shocked look on his face and Namjoon his lips and arched an eyebrow.


The rapper just couldn't resist the look on his boyfriend's face. Jin is so freaking cute! The older boy turned around to take a seat on their bed but he tripped over his own feet and landed on all fours. Namjoon brought a finger to his mouth and gently bit down on it while grinning deviously. The sight of Jin on all fours excited Namjoon like nothing else ever could.


He winked at Jin's little bubble and Namjoon practically leaped from the computer chair like Scar did to Simba in the Lion King and landed right on Jin's back. Namjoon his hips forward as his arms wrapped around Jin's waist and his lips on the older boy's neck.


Jin's eyes widened at the sudden hardening length in his boyfriend's pants and how it was starting to poke his rear. “Namjoon! What are you-”


“Shhh babe! Let me show you why you're my baby mama.” Namjoon cooed and continued to and nip at Jin's neck. The older boy tried to suppress a moan but failed as it escaped his lips.


The last thing Jin remembered was being thrown on the bed and seeing stars from the moments of ecstasy that followed. When Jin woke up later on that night, he was still sweating a bit from Namjoon's body heat that enveloped him. They were both still and their bodies were pressed closely together.


Jin smiled as he looked at the sleeping face of his handsome boyfriend. He leaned in and captured Namjoon's lips in a kiss even though the younger boy was asleep. Jin moved closer to Namjoon and closed his eyes to dose off again. His chance to fall asleep again never came as he heard what sounded like moans coming from one of the other rooms in the house.


Jin pulled himself away from Namjoon and the sudden movement woke up the younger boy. He tried to ask Jin what was going on, but Jin shushed him and asked him to get dressed. While putting their underwear back on, both men heard the moans Jin had heard just minutes ago. Both ran out of their room and headed towards the bedroom that the moans were coming from.


Jin grabbed the handle of the door and turned it to open it wide, and what was happening in this room made both parents jaws drop. A pale was bouncing up and down on another body and lustful moans escaped both boys lips as they continued to engage in their naughty romp.


The green hair of the boy on top of the younger one brought Namjoon back to the conversations he had heard Jungkook having with Jimin. He now understood and for the very first time in their relationship, Namjoon went into omma mode. “SUUUUUUGGGGGGGAAAAAAAA!!!!!!”

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Chapter 1: lmaooo that was so cool
please can u make a sequel ! i wanna know more about hopemin and yoonkook pleaaase
(also i love to see namjoon head over heels for jin he's way too cute)
Chapter 1: *Dies* I'm dead...ROFLMAO loved it.
Chapter 1: Ahahah this was just amazing xD
RannieShim #4
Chapter 1: this's just so funny and hillarious omg I'm laughing so hard right now hahahahahahaha
the ending's so perfect XD
can I request a SugaKookie sequel plssss I want to know how they dated :">

thank you for the fic ^^ keep going author-nim ^^
BrandNew #5
Chapter 1: this is hillarious XD and who's yoongi with? jungkook?
Chapter 1: this is too funny! XD i love it
Chapter 1: Damn it Jen xD that ending though. I laughed when I realised you were writing out or gif conversation lol good times!