
You're Mine


Xiang Yu is at the store running with a cart. The funny thing is that, she was grabbing a lot of yarns because she loves to knit. It was the year of christmas. 
She was trying to find a color scarf to match her, beige turtle neck with her skinny jeans, and her hat that she repeately wear. 
AS she keeps on with her exciting, shopping time, she accidently bumped onto the stacks of toilet paper, then she slipts, and fell. She quickly stood up and shouted, "I am ok!" but really, no one cared.She puts them back together and walked away smiling. 
on the other hand, GUY1 walking with his black suit,toward the press conference with his dad to go comfirm that he will be replacing his dad while he is going to go take care of some business in Japan. After the conference, he walked to his new office, looking around and making sure there was so dust. All of a sudden, he heard, loud girls screaming from the outside window. He peaked and saw signs of hearts, words with love, and yes, he is annoyed. He quickly closed the shades. He then demand his new assistant, "Tell them to go away!"
Walking pass the loud crowd in front of the hotel entrance, out of curiosity Xiang Yu joined the crowd. She shouted, "whats going on?" No one payed attention. She continued to look at what everyone was looking at. Then guy 1 came out with lots of body guards. Then the crowd got louder. Then suddenly, she saw him, in her mind was "whoa~who is he?"
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