My brother's friends

Bunch Of Jerks

I stare dumbfounded at them. When I back to my sense, I fastly shut the door and make sure to lock it before storms to my bedroom to get my phone. DIEEE YOUU BROTHERR!!! "Oppa where are you? There are bunch of in front of our house." I ask while grit my teeth to avoid me from yell loudly. It's not like I don't have courage to yell at my brother but the story is my brother learns matirial art and when someone is messing with him, it just mean a wish to die early.

"Oh I'm near the park. I will arrive in 5 minutes. And the bunch of are my friends. Let them in first. Please be polite in front of them." When I hear the last sentences, I can feel my grib on the phone beome stronger than before. I just want to be like this Yah go back to your . And I just will tell my brother they has something important to do so they leave.

I know it's not a really conviece idea but I will do ANYTHING to make them don't step a foot in this house. Anyway how can I let bunch of erted guys who had saw me HALF into this house. I'm not a that will be like oh it's a pleasure you see me half . How about we do something more private, hmm.. handsome. Hell no I will do that. Think of it also want to make me puke!!! But I doesn't want to awake in white bed, a monitor beside me with a few broken ribs tomorrow. So without my will or with my will I have to let the kingkas come into this house. Hmm how sad my life. Someone please give me tissue, I want to cry!

Then, here I am in front of the door ready to let the kingkas in. Of course I change my cloth first. "Welcome, please make yourselves at home and I really sorry because of my impolite behaviour early." For the sake of your bones Ji eun. I thought in my mind. "It's okay gorgeous. You must be shock right to have twelve handsome guys especially me in front of your house. I understand. Nice to meet you, my name is Kai but only you can call me jagi". Someone call the doctor. Someone please give me a bucket to puke NOW!! He has a RELLY REALLY BIG MENTAL PROBLEM. Can I just punch his face. Kai extend his hand and not forget a wink too. "I'm sorry, I will not fall for your flirting skills. Just do it to the teacher or your fan instead. I just nod my head slightly doesn't bother to shake his hand. "I'm really sorry. My boyfriend doesn't let me touch another guys." Aha good reason Ji eun to not touch this cocky head hand.

"Ah... so you are L.joe hyung girlfriend?" Lay ask. Who want to date with that brother of mine but it's Lay who made the conclusion so it's better if I nod. At that time your eyes catch your brother figure, you quickly ask them "Anyway you guys want to get in or you want freeze to death." You ask in cheerful tone. Actually happy if they died. If they not exist in this world, it's mean bright day, bright mood, a peace and the most important I will not turn deaf. You move aside to let them in. You wait a moment for your brother." Oppa welcome home." You hug your brother whilst L.joe kiss your temple. 

"Where are my friends Ji eun?"

"In the living room maybe." You tilt your head, not sure where the EXO boys had went when you let them inside early. You and your brother get into the house and see all the boys has some chat among them. I better vanish myself quietly before anyone notices. Just when you about to claimb the stairs, you hears your brother yell "WHAT!? SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND! CHEON JI EUN WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU! COME HERE RIGHT NOW!" Ohh my brother can ba an opera. Anyway goodbye everyone, I will die today. If you want come to my funeral, I highly appreaciate it. Please tell all the jerks that I will haunt them to death. This is all theirs fault in the first place. I go to my brother with heavy step. 

When I arrives, I can see his face has turns really red." Care to explain what the things that my friend had tell me." I glare at them agryly. Because of them I'm in this kind of state. If I have power, I will make sure to burn them alive. I look at my brother and let out a sigh." I lie to them. I said oppa is my boyfriend." I said in a low tone. I think maybe I get slap or any punishment. I keep waiting and waiting but I never come so I courage myself to look up. Instead of angry face, I see an angle smile. Is that really a relieve for me to not have a boyfriend.

"I know with this face you can't get yourself A boyfriend." L.joe emphasize 'a' word. What the heck! My OWN BROTHER insult me. I know that my brother have an angle face but my face is not that ugly MY NOT SO ANGLE BROTHER. the jerks also laugh with this SO NOT JOKE.

"Anyway have you introduces yourself to them. If you are not please do it." Why would I follow your orders when just a moment ago you insult me and the bunch of s so ing laugh! "No! I don't want to." Then, I can feel my brother grib my head and force me to bow. "Introduces yourself now! or I don't know what will happen to your head." 

Okay the tone my brother use is like a murder wants to kill his prey. This is torture! Please someone save me. Readers please save me.. Just use teleport or what and come here save me. You will get to see EXO anyway so please come!!! I can feel my head want to explode.

"Okay, I will introduces myself just let my head go." Readers you don't want come to save me so sad...

"No! you have to introduce yourself while bow." I let out a loud sigh and began this introduces things." My name is Cheon Ji eun. It's not nice to meet you." I said in a cold tone. The heck I want to be polite to them when they not polite to me at school. Hey! I still remember the 'bump to angry bird' accident. They just judge book by it's cover.

"Do we has to introduce ourself too." Suho ask at L.joe

"You guys don't has too. I thinks my sister knows you guys pretty well because sh-." I immediately kick his legs. When he looks up at me and give me an angry looks, I make a signal for him does not tells them that I school in the same school as them." Because she my sister. I always introduces my friends to my sister." Good lie brother. This is the first time I love him so much. I don't want my cover to be blown yet. 

Now, I don't want to watch this bastards face any longer. I better face my death than do that. "So it's over, I will leave now." I imagine that I wanna do tonight. But it all shattered into pieces when my brother said. "Yah! how can you leave now. This so impolite behaviour of yours. You have to manner when my friends are around." The heck I want to take care of my behaviour around them when theirs own behaviour are like sh**

" But oppa, they are not even my friends. They are yours." Okay I know I sound rude but isn't guys don't like girls who don't respects her family and that's what I'm doing now. In my opinion, if I act like that, they will not come to this house anymore because of my rude behaviour. I'm clever right. "Yes they are my friends but they are OUR GUESS. so WATCH OUT YOUR MANNERS." I don't give any answer instead I take a sit at the corner of living room. I'm surrender.

While I space out, I get a weird feeling. It feels like someone burn a hole in me. I search for this mistery person and I discover it was the angry bird. I thinks maybe he just curious why I'm so rude to my brothers but no! The moment I look at Kris, his eyes shift between me and something at my back. I turn around and immediately know I die.

The thing that kris saw early was a picture of me wearing a big spectacles with my brother. Oh god, please don't let my cover be blown.




Hi... I'm very sorry for the late update because while I'm updating everything suddenly vanish. My story all of it. I don't know how much I curse when that happen. Anyway please comment and subscribe.

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Sungyeol101 #1
Waiting hehe
lovely516 #2
Waiting for the next update hehe
i think this might me be a good story. hwaiting~^^