It does not envy, it does not dishonor others.

1 Corinthians - Love is...

It does not envy, it does not dishonor others.


I am currently catching up with a couple of friends at a small café downtown. It has been years since we have seen each other. As usual, it is quite unavoidable to not talk about our relationships.


“He actually bought us plane tickets to Maldives. Isn’t he the best!” she boasted


“That’s actually nothing compared to what my hubby got me. A pair of diamond earrings.” she said, showing off her dazzling new earrings.


I am genuinely happy for them both. My mind slowly drifted off to him. All the things he did for me. My friends noticed me zoning off and tried to getting my attention.


“How about you? What did your man got you?” the asked in unison


“A rose” I replied


“That’s it?” they questioned


I suddenly heard a beep coming from my cellphone. I then saw a message from him. There attached a photo of a single red rose, with caption saying “Here’s another one for you. Can’t wait to see you later. For now, enjoy your day out with your friends”. A smile the spread across my face. I then said..


“Quantity, quality or how costly it is doesn’t matter to me. He, himself, his love is enough”.


I then excused myself and head towards him, my home.


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EeteuksAngel #1
Chapter 5: Awwwh! I'm speechless right now. This one is just so sweet and endearing. Enough said. ^^
EeteuksAngel #2
Chapter 4: Very sweet (as always)! :)
EeteuksAngel #3
Chapter 3: Awhhh! This was so cute! And so perfect! *melts*
EeteuksAngel #4
Chapter 2: I liked this one a lot. It always bugs me when people brag about what their significant others get them. It always just feels like they are just looking at the material things and what they can get instead of their relationship with that person.. I really liked this, because I've always preferred the "simple" things. I'd rather receive a simple picture of a rose any day.^^ loved this!
EeteuksAngel #5
Chapter 1: Awwh. This was cute! ^_^