Chapter 3

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Somewhere in Europe

“Are you sure with your decision? Putting them together in same place?”

A man faces a woman in front of him as he asks the question to her. Worry expression flashes on his face. But the woman remains quiet and sips her coffee carefully before answering the question.

“Will you stop asking same questions after this? I’ve told you, they will be fine. I already think about the consequences.”

But the answer seems unable to ease the uneasiness on that man. He taps his fingers to the table nervously. “But—what if they fail? Again? We put someone’s life at stake here. Do you realize that?”

“They wont fail this time. Well- If they fail, we have to say goodbye again.” The woman smirks at the man.

“You are such a heartless !” The man gets up and leaves the woman alone in the café.

After the man leaves her, she takes off her glasses, massage the bridge of her nose. She lets out deep sighs as she stares into the window. She wont let them fail.

They are my last chance and… last hope. I will do anything for them to prevent failure.


South Korea

Today, for the first time in her life, Jane wakes up at 5 AM even before the alarm goes off. Or you can say that she is awake all night. She couldn’t get herself to sleep. Not that she is afraid of these people, she is just confused about what is she doing here. She hurries herself to shower and changes into her training suit. Jane puts her long brown hair into ponytail so it wont bother her. She walks downstairs, to the dining room. Master Wang, Jungkook and other guy she doesn’t know already there. Jane takes a chair across Jungkook.

“Good morning. I’m sorry if I’m late.” She bows her head a little.

Master Wang waves dismissively at her. “It’s okay. We just got here anyway.”

The guy who sits beside Jungkook gives her a polite smile, meanwhile Jungkook just ignores her and focuses to bread in front of him.

Rude, as usual. Jane scowls at Jungkook. But then she ignores him back and focuses to her breakfast.

Master Wang clears his throat to get her attention. “Jane, just like I told you yesterday. Your instructor is Jungkook. But today I will be your instructor because Jungkook and Taehyung have some errands to do. Are you okay with that?”

Oh my god--- not with Jungkook? YES! Jane grins sheepishly. “Of course.”

“Alright. Finish your breakfast and we meet in back yard in 30 minutes.”

Jane nods enthusiastically and sticks her tongue out childishly at Jungkook who’s busy chewing his breakfast.

He stops chewing immediately and glares coldly at her. Before he can do something more at her, Taehyung pulls him

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