Vanilla Orange, I miss you

Your Love is Vanilla Orange
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A wonderful orange scent filled the kitchen at the back of a small pastry shop in Seoul. It was barely 7 am in the morning, the weather of spring was a bit chilly, but that's not the reason for Junmyeon to not awake at 5 in the morning, took a warm shower, wearing a comfortable pale blue shirt with blue denim he's preparing his chef clothes, while sipping his honey lemon tea.

Junmyeon carefully laid the vanilla sponge cake on a silvery tray, then he took the orange flavor cream from the bowl and gently spread the thick layers in the sponge soft cake. He add another sponge cake at the top, and started to poured a good amount of vanilla cream and again spread it all over the cake. He was applying the cream slowly, making it soft and smooth coating the cake that it looks like snow field. Vanilla Orange, Junmyeon named it. A cake to remember a memory, he added.

Junmyeon’s dream to become a pastry chef had been on his mind since he was at junior high school. Junmyeon was very obsessed with dessert, cake and everything sweets. “There is always a place for dessert on your belly” is his favorite sentence, because he knows, whatever he baked will have a place in the hearts of his customers.

Junmyeon was not aware of the presence of other staff arrived at his small kitchen. He was really passionate to make a wonderful vanilla layers on his cake.

"Morning Hyung," Baekhyun, Junmyeon assistant, who helped him create many delicious cake sauces with light and great taste greeted.

Baekhyun sighed and tossed one almond that landed right on Junmyeon’s head.

"Whaat the ! Byun Baekhyun !, "

Junmyeon almost threw the plastic cream on his hand right to Baekhyun’s face.

"You're too serious Hyung, come on, this is seven in the morning, at least you should have breakfast before baking. You made me feel so guilty by coming at this hour," Baekhyun grumbling, he already wore his chef clothes, and went to the sink to wash his hand. The younger man then carried a basket of strawberries, since today he would make a classic strawberry shortcake which was fairly popular at Junmyeon’s store.

Junmyeon  who already made two cakes, a tray of brownies and a vanilla orange cake that morning, he did not realize it was 7. He left at 5:30 am this morning, and arrived 10 minutes later, Junmyeon’s house is behind his pastry shop actually, he needs less than 10 minutes, 15 minutes if he decided to walk like princess to arrived at his shop. A home that’s he claimed as small as his shop. Inside his house he had one bedroom which he paints in pastel color, because the color is nice he thought, one living room that he joined with a kitchen, a guest bathroom just to the left of the entrance and a private bathroom on his bedroom.

Junmyeon live alone, that sometimes during a tiring day, he often daydreaming when he came home from the bakery. He aware there was an empty space in his heart that made him uncomfortable, especially when he recalls memories he wanted to forget. “This feels like in that cheesy Saturday drama” he thought.

But sometimes when he was excited, he often created new menu, like when he had this feeling to cut a coconut in half, and filled it with orange-flavored ice cream, he cut some fresh fruit and chunks of almonds, and voila! It’s on his menu the next day.

"You make Vanilla Orange again? But it's Thursday,, hyung? " Baekhyun asked while he cut the strawberries. He has worked nearly two years with Junmyeon that he knew, Junmyeon always stick with the menu list, and Vanilla Orange cake was only happen in Wednesday.

"It's Thursday? Not Wednesday? "Junmyeon stopped his movement, how come he forget the day?

"I know you're old hyung, but really, did you not see the calendar on your phone?" Baekhyun laughed, munching two strawberries into his mouth. Enjoyment of became Junmyeon’s assistant, Baekhyun can eat whatever he wants, without need to worry Junmyeon would fire him like the chef he worked before.

"What should I do with this cake?" Junmyeon turned to Baekhyun, worried this would make the menu list screwed.

Baekhyun looked at him disbelief. "You can simply put in on display, hyung. Come on it won’t hurt anyone to put the cake on display, I know you think about the menu list right?”

"But the star of Thursday is your chocolate pudding," Junmyeon let out his desperate sigh.

"God, hyung, I don’t mind, seriously, it's not sins anyway, and FYI this is your shop, you can do anything with the menu," Baekhyun stop chewing the strawberries and added
"'Go finish your cake,”


"Excuse me, do you have vanilla cake with orange flavor on it? I bought it here yesterday,and it taste wonderful,"

A man in a black suit covered with dark blue long coat standing in front of Jongin’s counter. Jongin was one of Junmyeon’s staff, he’s  ‘the  frontline’ and cashier at Junmyeon’s shop. He’s actually a room designer, he works at the shop as a part timer, and change shift every 3 or 4 days with Minseok. Jongin was a handsome and wonderful man, and Junmyeon fall to his character on the first five minutes interview. Besides, Baekhyun keep nagging Junmyeon to accept Jongin right away, which was not common, since Baekhyun has this trust issue with people.

"Uh,,,sorry Sir, but we only have Vanilla Orange on Wednesday, today our main menu is Chocolate Pudding, do you want to try?" Jongin offer another option at a handsome man with a sharp nose and thin seductive pink lips.


"Ah, actually, I just want the Vanilla cake, are you sure you did not make any today?"
Jongin stared at him while furrowed his eyebrows.

"Umm..okay, I'll ask the chef for a moment, you can sit at th

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Chapter 1: This is sooo sweet.. can u write another seho please ^^ *grinning widely* or or maybe kaiho ?? Seho is my top otp and u've wrote a really great fluffy seho just the way i like to see them.. hahaha.. thanks authornim daebak
Chapter 1: I love Baek here! *titters*
Aircond #3
Love your story~
Good job author nim :)