I Hate Him

Our Escape (Monsta X FanFic)

" YOU, CHANGKYUN!" I screamed into the night air, my head to the dark blue abyss that was the sky. I hate him. So ing much. An unbelievable, no, an indescribable amount.

I should have trusted my first instincts. When I initially met Changkyun, the word that popped into my head was 'player'. And I was wrong to fall for his stupid mind games, and words, and charms, and looks, and kindness. His fake kindness.

After I stomped around the streets, jumping in puddles, drinking, creating havoc, and the usual, I snatched my phone out of my pocket. I left a 'heartfelt' message for Changkyun, in which the only thing I remember was using all the swear words in my vocabulary to try and hurt him. I found that leaving drunk voicemails was great for stress relief, even though I might regret it later.

Then I scrolled through my contacts a second time and dialled Tem's number. I knew she would hear me out, she might even let me stay the night at hers since I'm not on particularly good terms with my landlord after I 'forgot' to pay her rent last month. "Heeyyy, Temmie?" I called.

"Huh? Jisung, are you drunk? What happened? I thought you were with Changkyun tonight?" She questioned me.

"Aishh, don't you understand the past tense? I was with Changkyun," I said bitterly.

"Oh Jisung... I'm sorry,"

"For who, me or the bullter?" I scoffed.

"Don't you start, I've had enough to deal with today, especially with my brother," Tem muttered.

"Tem, Jooheon's always getting into trouble! And hey! You're meant to listen to my problems, not the other way round!," I  whined, almost tripping over a curb. I dropped my phone in a puddle on the side of the road due to my clumsiness.

"Ah, .." I huffed. Now I had no phone.

"GREAT. GO AHEAD AND MAKE ME PHONE-LESS, WORLD. IT'S NOT LIKE I'M BROKE," I yelled down the empty street. Now I looked like a complete idiot.

Ashamed, I put my hand to my forehead, which was beginning to throb, and stumbled along to my apartment. I couldn't bombard Tem without her permission. She sounded pretty upset anyway, and I'm sure I'd just make it ten times worse.

I walked into the apartment block, and thank god it was empty here too. The last thing I wanted was my neighbours and landlord to see me drunk. I kicked off my shoes because they were hurting my feet, picked them up lazily, and went upstairs. Of course I stubbed my toe on the last step, and fell forward onto my face.

I groaned and was in the middle of standing up, when someone pinned me back down on the floor. I flailed around and kicked wherever I could reach until I heard a grunt. I quickly stood up and turned around. My vision was spinning a little, but it wasn't too bad.

"I thought you said you could take care of it, you idiot!"

"Well, she's stronger than she looks, man," The guy huffed.

I shook away my dizziness, and backed up to my door, feeling a rush of relief when I heard the click of it being unlocked. I squeezed through and closed the door, along with my eyes. That was weird.

I snapped open my eyes when I heard shuffling and crunching noises coming from the kitchen. I peered around the corner and saw someone eating cereal.

"Who are you?" I frowned.

"Oh, hi. Sorry, I just really fancied some cereal," He chuckled lightly, ignoring my question.

"Err, could you... you know... get the out of my apartment?" I said sternly. How'd he even get in here?

"Haha, ha, ha...umm, I'm Shownu,"

I face-palmed. This guy had obviously been getting his chemical on. I sighed and walked towards him cautiously. "Okay, Shownu," I stood behind him, placing one hand comfortingly on his shoulder. "You see the door over there?"

Shownu hummed and nodded.

"Go through it," I said.

He tilted his head to one side, and stood up. He dropped his spoon on the floor, leaving some milk and pieces of cereal on the floor. I bit back my words of anger. I couldn't ruin my chances of getting rid of this lunatic. I continued guiding him towards the exit.

Shownu looked back at me before opening the door. I gave him an encouraging smile and a nod. As he was turning to face the door again, I frowned at the smirk on his face. Something was up.

He finally opened the door, and I stumbled backwards at the sight of two people carrying a bloody mess of a body. "Oh, ," I gasped, and backed up to where I knew my baseball bat was.

"Just help us help him, okay?" One of them huffed.

I clutched the baseball bat in my right hand behind my back. Shownu glanced at me, and I knew he saw it, but he did nothing. He turned away. I took the opportunity, and swung at the closest one, right in the back of his head. I couldn't understand why Shownu didn't stop me. Were these his friends or not?

He slumped to the ground, and I retreated again, but felt more confident with the bat. The guy I had struck down was holding half of the body, which also hit the ground. Another lifted the mess up, and placed him on my sofa. I heard a small whimper from someone still stood in the open doorway.

"You !" I got yelled at.

"Kihyun... don't do something stupid," Kihyun was scolded and held back immediately. The guy holding him at a safe distance turned to me. "Look kid, we just want to save our friend. Do you want to save someone's life, or end it? Help us," He was trying to convince me. Shownu scoffed from the corner at his desperate plea.

I bit the inside of my cheek, and lowered the bat. "When he's okay, you all leave. Got it?" I said.

"Deal," They nodded.

"First aid kit's in the bathroom cupboard. Left hand side," I sighed. I grabbed a tea towel from the kitchen counter, and sat down on the sofa. I scanned for where the source of the blood was. I placed it over his shoulder, applying pressure, trying to ignore the fact that it looked exactly like a gunshot wound. "What happened to him?" I asked, looking at Shownu, who was leaning against a wall.

He didn't even spare a glance at me, but smiled before speaking. "Ahh, Hyungwon... I don't know the details, but you should ask Minhyuk over there, he knows all about guns,"

I saw one of them tense up.

"Shut it, Shownu. You're the traitor who ditched us to save his own ing skin," Kihyun snapped, comforting who I assumed was Minhyuk. He looked incredibly nervous.

A first aid kit was thrown down next to me. My eyes widened. "I don't know what to do!" I exclaimed.

"Ughh, it's like you've never been shot before, kid," He groaned.

"First of all, don't call me a kid. And funnily enough, no! I haven't been shot - ever!" I said. He rolled his eyes and took out bandages and disinfectant. Luckily this guy had passed out, so he wouldn't be in pain, apart from when he wakes up.

"I'm Wonho by the way," He struck up a conversation while wrapping fabric around Hyungwon's shoulder.

"Jisung," I replied bluntly.

I wanted as little to do with these people as possible. 

I hope you like this new character! I know Jisung is more of a male name, but I liked it, so I've given it to a female :)



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Chapter 27: Both versions are so sweet and it's so nice to read both because we get to see how everyone sort of picks up the pieces of what's happened.

On the other hand, I rather like the Stay version more maybe cause I'm not a student anymore? Their frown up selves are so nice to see, like a little family that may not be made of blood, but bond together over fate.

I do miss Changkyun though, he was such a great character and it was horrible that his arc ended the way it did. But at least Jisung still has the others and that's the most important thing.
musicfreak201407 #2
Chapter 27: The "stay" version is really amazing too, you have such a good imagination *^* However, I can't help but prefer the "leave" version, because I feel such a pang at my heart when I realise that "he" is missing and that "he" is really dead :'''(
I'm gonna miss this story soooo much, I really loved it a LOT !!!!!
Good luck with your other stories to come authornim and great job~~~~
musicfreak201407 #3
Chapter 26: The "leave" version is really satisfying even though they're injured and all^^ And to hell with Boyoung !!!!!! XD
Chapter 24: It's going to end? So soon? T^T I feel bittersweet.... I rather enjoyed looking forward to your updates...it's so enjoyable and I live for the interactions Jisung has with the members... This one was sort of a mostly happy resolution and I already read the other one and Jisung is convicted?? ;_; POOR BBY SHE'S BEEN SO HURT BY EVERYTHING AND NOT GETTING CHANGKYUN OMFG
musicfreak201407 #5
Chapter 25: Again I read both versions, and DAMN your writing keeps getting better and better I think^^ I can't wait to read the last chapter, but seriously, I'm going to miss this fic :')
Great job again authornim~~~
Chapter 23: OH MY GOD I'M-



//subtly whispers "But he had to die so our heroes can live."

musicfreak201407 #7
Chapter 22: I meant the other way around, it was the leave ver that I read, I was confused sorry^^
musicfreak201407 #8
Chapter 22: Soooooo, I ended up reading the stay ver, I don't know if I should read the leave one as well XD In any case, I really found this chapter interesting and I loved it once again^^

*raises hands to sky* ASDFGHJKL MY SHIPPPPP

My poor baby Changkyun; I like how he has a really sweet personality that doesn't want any conflict...he does things in defense, not offense and it shows he doesn't want this as much as the next person.

That last author note made me crack up. Cause it's kind of like the two different versions of the MX albums, and I couldn't contain myself haha. //lowkey gonna read both versions.