Pictures of Dates


Pictures of Dates

“So you are you, you’re background is all you. Halmeoni is very quick in sensing lies, so whatever she ask about you, just say the truth. But whenever she ask about us, I’ll do the talking, alright.” JB held her hand as they stood in front of the restaurant.

“Wait the second!” Krystal pulled him away from the entrance. “You didn’t tell me we’re playing a couple!”

“Isn’t the connotation of bringing a girl to meet his grandmother kind of sets the situation obvious?” JB tried to pull her in again which she stopped him. “What did you have in mind when I said I need to bring a girl?”

“I dunno? A speech about how her grandson is not gay because his friend said so?” Krystal really thought that.

“I would have bring Jinyoungie with me if I just needed a friend.” JB rolled his eyes.

“What the hell are we telling her? That you and I magically fell in love?” Krystal snapped. “We don’t even get along on a normal basis!”

“I have my story set on the bus.” JB said. Krystal watched him. “Opposite attracts.”

“That’s it? You think your grandmother would buy that? Even a 5 years old can see through that lie!” Krystal really wants to back away.

“I’m good at it on the whim.” JB pulled her, successfully bringing her into the restaurant. “Just follow my lead.”

Krystal stared at JB’s back as he slowly led her into the restaurant. His hands are warm and it burns a bit on her skin. She never really notice how small her palms are compared to his. Now that she is watching his back, she noticed how broad his shoulders is and he slouches a bit when he walked. She realize he didn’t wear his helix piercings today. It is weird that she notices these small details that wouldn’t even run through her mind on a normal day.

This is not normal.

JB on the other hand kept breathing in and out. Every ‘date’ with his grandmother made him cautious since she has a very strong instinct. JB has his quick witted sense from his grandmother that is for sure. But his stories on how he sought after the girls and all those romantic actually worked. His grandmother loved those tales. She bought the lies. With the previous girls, they are pretty good in following his lead. Krystal on the other hand is on the run to put him in misery for most of the time.

He still wonders why he brings her at all. Jinyoungie’s suggestion feeds into desperation. He’s blaming Jinyoung for this.

He sees his grandmother who is very much like a lovable grandmother. She waved to him and he waved back. If anything he really does miss her.

“Ah, uri Jaebummie!” The old lady stood up and hugged her grandson. She looked behind him and sees Krystal who immediately bowed to her. “Oh, new one?”

“Ah yeah.” JB smiled nervously. “This is Jung Soojung.”

“Anyeohasseyo halmeoni.” Krystal bowed again. “It is very nice to meet you…” She looked up and the grandmother hugged her. JB is cautious. She never hugged the previous one.

“Omo you’re so pretty! Prettier than the last one!” She lets go of Krystal. “I am Yun Yuh Jung, Jaebummie’s grandmother from his mother’s side.” She looks at JB. “Seriously, my ugly grandson always know how to pick girls.”

“Ah, okay.” JB feels awkward. “Let’s just sit.” He pulled Krystal to sit next to him while he sits opposite of his grandmother. He took the menu and scanned it harder than he should. “Did you order?”

“Yes, the shrimp here is just lovely and I don’t know what you would want dear but Jaebummie really loves ramyun so I ordered three for us.” Yuh Jung takes her glasses on. “Oh and the meat here is nice so I am not sure if you wanted rice with it.”

“I’m fine with anything, really.” Krystal takes a deep breath.

They ordered and Yuh Jung likes to order a lot and JB bickers that his card won’t be able to pay for all of these but she ignored him.

“Well you sure look like you need food. You’re too skinny.” Yuh Jung looked at her grandson. Krystal smirks. He roams her house daily stuffing food. “And you should ask your boss for a raise so you could feed your girlfriend.”

Krystal thinks the situation is very odd itself since her father is exactly JB’s boss. She doesn’t know what to say when Yuh Jung clearly looks at her but JB suddenly looked up.

“Well, her dad is my boss.” His words shocked her. Is this the story he’s going with?

“Oh?” The elder woman looked at her.

“Yeah, abonim is actually Soojungie’s appa’s friend. We actually know each other since we were young and somehow…” He looks at Krystal, his acting face is up. “We just fell for each other.”

Instead of fluttering, Krystal really wanted to slap his face as he squeezed her hand. His fake expression is what makes him the most annoying person on earth. Because of it, her feelings to attack him just shot through the roof.

“How did it start?” JB sees his grandmother finally getting intrigued.

“I met him when I was 11.” Krystal cuts JB. “I would love to say he’s dashingly handsome, but he’s not really a friendly guy to begin with. I mean seriously, he smiles so little I thought he was going through some emo phase. Well, his empty helix rings could probably mean he’s getting better.” She’s attacking.

“Well, I saw her as this brat at first who wouldn’t stop yapping about something and I decided at the age of 12, she’s totally not my type.” JB smirks as Krystal glared at him. He wasn’t recreating anything on that. “But then in recent times, maybe there are more things on Soojung rather than her bossy, bratty, ing nature that you know, opposite attracts.” He tried to counter it back to the lovely story of how two people fell in love.

“Yes. He’s lovely. Even if he is sometimes forgetful to tell me things like suddenly introducing me to his grandmother…” Krystal slapped his hands away. “As his girlfriend.” Only both of them knew that it was directed to JB’s lack of explanation on these date.

“Sorry. But we are too busy that we are even meeting DBSK tomorrow.” JB nudged her legs which she nudged back. “Such a hard meeting to get for a Saturday.”

“Ah, yes. Changmin-ssi is just charming, isn’t he?” Krystal shot him a quick glare. “Such a gentleman. Would meet us on a Saturday.”

JB already sees his grandmother shaking her head. She knows. Of course she knows. Sure enough the forced smile and glares didn’t help make this relationship believable. But she was all smiles, somehow.

“Ah, Soojung-ssi, what kind of job you do?” Yuh Jung suddenly asked and Krystal looks up. She is a bit confused of her character here. JB on the other hand knows, the interrogation has started.

“I am a senior in high school.” Krystal said and she sees Yuh Jung is surprised.

“Still in school?” Yuh Jung said while looking at JB. JB just shrugged. “Okay.”

“I am also a model. That is a side job.”

“Ah, model.” Yuh Jung nodded. “That’s alright.” Yuh Jung smiled at her. “Modelling is good. You are pretty too.”

Krystal can see Yuh Jung is like every other person who sees modelling as a sad sappy jobs for pretty people who have no talent. Krystal almost want to shrink, she had that look from a lot of people. She does pose and paddle like a poodle so she can’t really do anything on the judgement people have on her. She might be overthinking since Yuh Jung is a very nice person and may not have any bad intention, but she had lived with that kind of judgement since she was 15, she can't help it.

JB silently watched the girl shrink in silence. This is something only he and the Jung's know. Krystal is actually a very fragile person when it comes to her job. She likes it but somehow she is someone who is very negative about it. JB had first thought it was the 'pretty girl syndrome' where she doesn't want people to see her as only a pretty girl but after awhile, it feels as if Krystal also shies away from the people complimenting her on anything. It is as if she had no confidence in herself even if she's doing the things that would make her the prettiest out of the bunch.

“She’s good at it.” JB suddenly said. “Not everyone can look good on camera. Even as a photographer I don’t have much power if the model can’t pose. It’s talent to be a model.”

“Do you tend to be a model for a career?” Yuh Jung asked and JB looked at his grandmother.

“Is that a problem?” JB asked.

“No, Jaebum-ah. I’m just asking if the girl has any future intention…”

“Halmeoni. You are meeting my girlfriend. We’re still young and exploring so please, just let all the exploring our future be ours. Don’t be sn…” JB sees Krystal suddenly pulled his hand, so he’d be quiet.

“Not really.” Krystal speaks up. He really needs to stop pushing his grandmother. Somehow his gesture made her feel comfortable to say this. “I wanted to do more with arts, like helping people showcase their talent, like how my father build up a gallery to have people come in and appreciate artists. Modelling is nice, I am fortunate to being able to do it but my goal is… It may sound weird but I wish to be like my father.”

This is the first time JB have heard her talking about her dreams. He always see her as the youngest Jung who is still in school and he knows she is more mature than her age, but he never thought she has that kind of thoughts, purely setting a dream to become their parent.

“Such a wonderful dream.” Yuh Jung smiled. The elder sees that Krystal is very kind even with her cold demeanor. What excites her is her grandson directing his concerns on the girl. He  never did that before. “Jaebum-ah, take a picture, it would last longer.” 

JB looked away and cleared his throat. “So, how was your salon appointment?” JB changed the subject.

“It was great. Soshim-ssi looked forward to meet you again. Instead of this meet and greet you can always accompany me.” Yuh Jung grandma kept looking at Krystal. “You can come and join too. Soshim makes an excellent hairdresser.”

JB sees his grandmother stopped pushing. She bought it.

“Ah, yes.” Krystal feels awkward now. The elder woman’s demeanor completely changed now. “Do you always go to Cheongdam to visit the hair shop?”

“Of course darling I live in Cheongdam.” The elder smiled brightly.

“Ah, I thought you lived in Ilsan.” Krystal said.

“My parents lived in Ilsan.” JB notified her. “Halmeoni however rejected living with them and chose a nursery home around here instead.” Somehow, because he is so used to be extra honest around the Jung’s, that one just slipped right out. He usually never opens his laundry for people to see.

“I am always a Cheongdam girl by heart. I met my late husband here and all my life, this is home.” She smiled and Krystal sees JB being silent. He can’t say anything about it. “Although the streets is a bit confusing nowadays. I’m still strong for an old lady, everyone is always very helpful.”

“Aren’t you lonely in the nursery home?” Krystal suddenly asked and JB looked at her. Obviously a grandmother would be very lonely in a nursery home. Sometimes it felt like they were being a bad family to her. Krystal sees JB’s stare and her hands went up. “Ah, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to probe.”

“Not at all, darling.” Yuh Jung smiled widely. “I am an old lady who has a lot of memories. I’ve been married to a lovely man, have the best love story anyone could have, raise our children together and see them get married, these memories keeps me company and living in the city of those memories keeps me company.” The elder lady smiled brightly and Krystal could see how positive she is. “But those ladies in the home, they are entertaining too. I made friends too.”

“Sounds like you had a blast in your life.” Krystal smiled.

Yuh Jung nodded. “I sure do.” The food came and Yuh Jung just simply feed both of them with it. She puts a lot of kimchi for JB and even if he reminded her again and again that he can eat fine by himself.

Krystal realized that despite the clear annoyance JB had whenever his grandmother probes or pushes too much, he is still very polite and even used clear formal etiquette with her. Unlike the happy naïve kid he is around her father, JB is pretty much a filial grandson. She remembered how he mentioned wanting to be like his grandmother and she does realized that Yun Yuh Jung is a nice and polite person just like he said.

“Soojung-ssi, please come by to the nursing home when you can. I’d love to hear more about you.” Yuh Jung waved to them as she entered the bus. “You, dear grandson.” Yuh Jung looked at JB. “You did good today.”

JB simply waved back. Seems like she believed their faux relationship.

“She’s so nice.” Krystal simply said as she looks around. “It’s already dark.”

“Ah.” JB cracks his neck after a long sore for a while. “Thanks anyway. You actually made her day.”

“I don’t get why you need to do all these things.” Krystal said. “You know telling her you’re not gay would be sufficient to prove that you’re not gay.”

“It’s not just for me.” JB said. “It’s for her. To keep her company after my grandfather passed away.” JB sighs and stretches his arms. 

“When did your grandfather passed away?” Krystal asked.

“Around high school. He’s an old man and his body couldn’t carry on.” JB hunched his back, a habit whenever he felt heavy. “Every third Friday evening, he would bring my grandmother to that restaurant and they would eat like pigs. He likes it there. When he passed away, she still went there every time and my mom asked me to accompany her. We banter a lot. That one horrible movie came out and it ended up with me promising to bring a girl with me to the next date, just to prove a point.”


“And it turns out, regardless of who the girl is, halmeoni likes love stories, she is a romantic.” JB laughed a bit. “As long as it’s not her own story, it makes her day. The more believable the story is, the more she forgets that she was supposed to be there with haraboji. It doesn’t matter who the girl is, what matters is the story for her.”

Krystal sees JB chuckling, as if something funny hits him.

“No matter how much she says that she’s happy living around here, she’s pretty lonely. Her life companion passed away, there is no way things such as memories is enough to make you not lonely. When my grandfather passed away, she has a really weird way of coping and somehow she’s very scared I’d die alone. Whenever I said that I am meeting someone, whenever I bring someone and a story to tell, I see her insecurities fade and she somehow forgets those loneliness.”

Krystal is always surprised when she sees JB in a new light. He’s always this annoying guy who roams around her but then he turns to be one of the serious ones, the one who is actually quiet, the one who doesn’t talk about himself much.

“But seriously, I went without a girl once and she swore by Jesus that I’m totally gay.” JB said and Krystal just had to laugh. “I hate that movie.”

His phone buzzed and he sees Jinyoung calling him. “Hyung! Where are you? Jackson is freaking out!”

“Aish.” He forgets. The showcase. “I’m right around the corner. Tell him to calm down.”

“I did and he said he’s bailing now.” Jinyoung panicked.

“Ugh. Stay there. I’ll be right there in a sec.” JB sighs and looks at Krystal. “Want to go watch an idol’s showcase?”

Krystal looks at him. Unknown to each of them, the date is far from over.

They made way to a big event arena outdoor and fan girls were everywhere. Krystal looks clueless as she had never been a fangirl herself. The overwhelming number of fans made it seem like a big concert. She sees people looking at her as she passed by, then realized they were all looking at JB.

“Who’s he?”

 “Yah, isn’t that Im Jaebum?”

“Such a good looking guy, he’d make a perfect idol.”

“He was a trainee but he dropped out.”

“Why he drop out?”

Of course, even a drop out trainee would have fans. Krystal could only chuckle, until the attention came to her.

“Who’s she?”

“Why is she with Jaebum?”

“She’s not even pretty.”

“Yah she’s that model in that magazine.”

“Probably a cheap magazine.”

Krystal never hated anyone more than she had hated this fan girls. They reminded her of Sulli. They are total strangers who only walked pass by but they dared to talk bad about her just because she walks behind their oppa.

Suddenly, JB took her hand, the second time today. He looks at her. “The crowd is rowdy. You might get lost.” He pulled her into the crowd and even she is literally squished between random strangers, all she could think of is his hand that gripped hers. He has a strong but careful grip. She sees the same back of his and it offers a newfound fondness.

“Yah!” JB suddenly shouted in the crowd. Krystal sees his familiar friend Jinyoung who is standing beside the stage. They finally got to him when JB lets go. Krystal ignored the lost feeling she had. “Where is the dumb punk?”

“Ah, he is backstage.” Jinyoung smiles nervously.

JB looked back at Krystal. His expression is dead serious. “Stay here with Jinyoung.” He left for the back stage.

“What is he doing?” Krystal asks.

“Probably beating the out of Jackson.” Jinyoung almost laughed. He suddenly realize that he’s speaking to the girl that he always see in the magazine. “Ah, anyeohaseyo. I am Park Jinyoung. We met before in your father’s gallery.”

“Ah yes. Jung Soojung.” Krystal bows to him. “We are the same age right?”

“Yeah!” Jinyoung smiles brightly. “I am a fan.”

“Ah yeah, thank you very much.” Krystal bows again. She gets awkward with new people and even if they had met before, she doesn’t say much to him before either.

“Ah, Soojung-ssi, are you a fan of Markson too?” Jinyoung asks.

“Eh, Markson?” Krystal have no idea what that means.

“This is the first showcase debut for Mark and Jackson. They are foreigner trainees in JYP. They don’t have their unit name yet, so for now fans just call them Markson.” Jinyoung explained. Krystal remembered that JB was a trainee in JYP too so he probably knew them from the company. “Jackson is totally freaking out right now and Mark hyung is kind of stressed too, Jaebum hyung is probably the next person after Mark hyung that can calm him down.”

Krystal looks inside and she sees JB gripping a guy’s neck from back, hitting his back constantly while saying things she couldn’t hear. Suddenly two guys ran towards Jinyoung.

“Aish, Jaebum hyung is really something else.” The smaller guy looked into the backstage area.

“Of course. He’s the only one who could actually make sense in unreal situations.” The taller guy says. He looks around and finally sees Krystal standing beside him. “Ah. You are…” He froze.

“Ah, model noona!” The other guy smiles widely. “Hello! I am Bambam, I am a Thai person. I am a fan! Your androgyny fashion shoot is amazing!”

“Ah, thank you. Jung Soojung.” She bows to him and sees the other guy still frozen. “Ah…”

“Yugyeomie really like you noona.” Bambam is off to be closer to Krystal. “He has a secret stash of women’s magazine of you.”

“Don’t air out other’s laundry!” Yugyeom pushes Bambam away. “You’re getting to close to noona.”

“No I’m not…” Bambam pushes Yugyeom back before his neck is pulled by JB.

“Cheeky punk.” JB states and Bambam grins, trying to retain laughter. JB looks at Yugyeom. “Yah, why are you two just here? Jackson is freaking out back there. He could use some pep talk.”

“We all know only you can calm him down.” Bambam says. “Hyung, why didn’t you say you are bringing Krystal noona here? I should have dressed better.”

JB sighs. His dongsaengs really needs a hit sometimes. He looks back at Krystal who is obviously awkward with everyone. “Soojungie. The weird Thai kid here is Bambam. The lanky guy is Kim Yugyeom.”

“Anyeohaseyo.” Yugyeom bows and Bambam just waves while smiling brightly.

“Jackson is better. He’ll be up on stage when it’s time.” JB turns around and pulls Krystal with him by the arm.

“Hyung, where are you going?” Bambam stops him. “We all get backstage passes. We can get noona one too.”

“Yah, don’t you know?” JB says as he pointed to the audience. “The best seat is right there. They wanted me to watch so I’m watching their performance, not their backs.” JB pulls Krystal with him and she obliged, following him through the crowd.

“Aish. I was hoping to spend more time with noona.” Yugyeom looked down.

“Yah, you can’t even look at her. Spend what time?” Bambam teased as the bantered with each other.

Jinyoung looked at where JB is heading and he just smiles. Hopefully his hyung is getting his life fixed.

JB on the other hand just sat there on a seat they found, grumpily stomping his feet. He is looking at the empty stage. The fans already cluttered and they were supposed to be out 10 minutes ago.

“What did you say to the guy?” Krystal looked at him. “Jackson. Or is it Mark?”

“Nothing. Just that his piece of ty mind should just erase all that negative clutter.” JB realized that his words confused Krystal. “Jackson, on the front he might look like the most confident guy you know. He kind of is, but somehow, everything good about him needs to be spelled to him.”

“He’s that vulnerable?” Krystal asks, honestly knowing how that feels.

“Nope, I think he just likes compliments.” Jinyoung jokingly adds as he sits next to Krystal. “Well, he is a bit vulnerable. When he entered the company, he knows no Korean but now he confidently just throw out everything, just because Jaebum hyung said to him that it would be a charm itself.”

“No, I didn’t say it was a charm. I said it’s fine to not know words.” JB looks away. “Yah, when is he coming out?”

“They are preparing back stage.” Jinyoung answered.

“Aish, I’m going to the bathroom.” JB said as he left his place.

“He probably is checking out Jackson. Jacksonie, he follows Jaebum hyung well since trainee days.” Jinyoung said. “He’s even the most heartbroken when JB left the company. He wanted for them to debut together, but hyung, he really didn’t feel like he can be a celebrity. He liked the quiet life. Outside of that, I always thought he could be a great leader if he intended to stay training.”

“Well, the Jaebum you know and the one I knew, seems pretty different.” Krystal honestly thought that. Because the JB she knew is almost comically bantering and the JB Jinyoung introduced is almost leader like.

“How is the JB you know?” Jinyoung asked.

“He’s obnoxious, he loves himself too much. I think he can be a celebrity just for that personality of obnoxious self loving.” Krystal spat it out. “He eats too much of our food really. Felt no shame for it.”

Jinyoung smiles. “Then you got to know the real Im Jaebum.”

“Do I?” Krystal wonders because it is in fact today that she discovers a lot of side to JB. “You seem to really know him though.”

“I have been with him the longest. At least in our small group.”

“You really like him, do you?” Krystal suddenly said which surprised him a bit. “You really sound like you really look up to him, like your friend Jackson did.” Krystal smiles to him.

Jinyoung suddenly blushes. It is not often he gets a conversation going with a girl, especially pretty girls. He couldn’t help his stammer. “Well, he is a precious hyung to me. We’ve been through a lot together and he’s been good to me.”

“Well, from what I see, you’ve been good to him too.” Krystal thought about it more. “It goes both ways you know.”

Jinyoung looks at her, surprised by her words. He never thought of himself as an entity whenever he talks about his hyung.

He sees JB coming back with a frown. “Yah, that kid is crazy. They changed choreography in the last minute.” JB sits back in his place, yet stomping his feet away.

“Yah, you’re crazy. Stop moving.” Krystal shoots him. JB stops moving immediately as he sighs. Jinyoung looks at Krystal to JB. They sync well.

The lights are dimmed and the crowds go wild. Two young men stands on the stage and the crowds cheered. It is the first time Krystal is watching an idol’s showcase and honestly, she is impressed by the duo’s creative dancing and martial art skills. The crowd cheered again and asked for an encore. Krystal looked at JB’s expression and she sees something new yet again. He is proud.

She realized, sometimes, it takes a person to walk down another’s road to understand his world. Krystal realized this today, JB is never number 1 in his own world. It is always other’s first. He knows what he wants but he is the type to gladly postpone if it means to cherish the other person. Her heart started beating. Which is where Krystal realized, she likes him.


“I told you so!” Jackson jumped up and down in front of JB. “Hyung I told you we’d do that somersault flawlessly!”

“It’s okay.” JB raises his shoulders.

“Miss Krystal, do you enjoy it?” Jackson ignored JB.

“You were really good. Both of you.” Krystal complimented and chuckled when Jackson raised his fist for victory. JB looks at her, it is really weird for him to have her around his friends and except for Yugyeom who is looking from far, the others are very much comfortable around her.

“Ready to go?” JB asks and Krystal slowly nods. JB looks at the others. “I’m sending her back. You guys, don’t do anything stupid.” He looks at Jinyoung who is surprisingly much more quiet than usual. “And you, I’ll meet you back home.”

“Ne, hyung.” Jinyoung smiles a bit. He sees Krystal waving at him and the others. He slowly waves back, right after he sees Krystal looking rather fondly towards JB. “Of course.” He smiles.

“Yah. Are they dating?” Jackson asked Jinyoung.

“No…” Yugyeom squirmed.

“From what I see, not really.” Jinyoung looks at the ground, somehow feeling this awful feeling. “Not yet anyway.” He needs to let go of that one second fleeting moment.


Krystal looks at JB’s back and somehow, it feels like she liked JB’s back. It is a mystery whenever you see someone’s back. It could be a stranger or a friend. JB’s back is familiar to her, comfortable. Krystal blocks every thoughts. She shouldn’t be thinking about somebody’s back.

“Sorry.” JB said.

“Huh, what?” Krystal looks up.

“You know, before today, I never knew you were that serious in taking in for your dad. I just thought you were just bored and well, wanted to torture me or make me be your slave or something.” JB said. Quite an imagination he has.

“Well, I don’t express myself well, so I guess it’s both our faults.” Krystal admitted and she sees JB stop his tracks. “Yah, why are you stopping?”

In front of them is a couple, walking down their way, laughing and smiling. Krystal noticed her immediately.

“Seungah seonsaeng.” She called. In Krystal’s eyes, that is her teacher. In JB’s eyes, just crumbles of lies.

Oh Seungah and her husband.

To Be Continued

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RosesyidaDEF7 #1
Chapter 9: I knew u two jb n krystal have the same feeling
Just u deny it
RosesyidaDEF7 #2
Chapter 9: Please jae you saw it urself
It's time to leave her
RosesyidaDEF7 #3
Chapter 8: Noted it jaeveom
RosesyidaDEF7 #4
Chapter 7: Hhahaaa kiyoooot
RosesyidaDEF7 #5
Chapter 6: This part omg seems to be in this era
Jb want be free
RosesyidaDEF7 #6
Chapter 6: Jaebeomaahhhhh please trying to look at krystal
Literally u love her
RosesyidaDEF7 #7
Chapter 5: This part looks so real huuuuhuuuuu. 😍🍃
RosesyidaDEF7 #8
Chapter 4: Literally great story.... revealing many aspect there
Please jb what u'v done are wrong, u can be better huhuuu
RosesyidaDEF7 #9
Chapter 4: Literally great story.... revealing many aspect there
Please jb what u'v done are wrong, u can be better huhuuu
mrsmina #10
Chapter 10: Where am i back then that I just found out this stories now;( it's really a good stories and i dont know this will update soon or bad things it wont but i just want to appreciate your work💗