
Too little too late.


“What took you so long?!” I asked Donghae as soon as I saw him walking over to my seat. “I’ve been waiting for 30 minutes for you!”

“Sorry hyung. My phone went missing.” He said as we walk to the car park.

We’re off to meet some of his friends and of course, HyunAe. And the girl I’ve been eyeing for quite some time now. She’s about my age. I didn’t tell Donghae about this, because for sure, he’ll tease me with it and wouldn’t let me off the hook.

“Who’s going to be there? Hye Yoo? HyunAe? Ae Rin?” I asked as I start the engine.

“I don’t know about Ae Rin-sshi. She didn’t confirm to anyone of us. but Hye Yoo noona and HyunAe are already there with the rest of the guys.”

I smiled secretly upon hearing her name. Yeah. Hye Yoo.

Good thing Donghae has his eyes on the road and not on me.


“Guys!” Jungmo called as we enter the establishment. The whole gang is complete. Ae Rin was there. And to my surprise, Siwon is even present. I thought he’s busy shooting his latest drama?

“Hey slowpokes.” They greeted us as we sat down at the table. I was lucky enough to sit beside Hye Yoo.

This is actually the nth time that I met Hye Yoo. And each time I meet her, it felt like the first time. Butterflies on my stomach and such. Argh. Am I in love?

 “Jungsoo.” She called.

“Yes?” I asked, trying to suppress the joy that I am feeling as my name came out of . It was like music to my ears.

“Can you pass the empty glass?”

Still, with a smile plastered on my face, I grabbed the empty glass and passed it to her.

Her hand slightly touched mine as she got the glass from me.

Thank goodness the lights were dim enough to hide my blushing face.

A simply touch like that can make me feel hot all over, it was like my blood was rushing over my head.

“Thanks.” She said and poured herself a drink.

The night went on smoothly. I was able to talk to Hye Yoo once again.

“I really like your capsule earrings.” She suddenly said. “I had the same one before, I mean even before you had yours published, but then I lost it.”

“Really? That’s odd since there’s two pairs of that earrings.”

“You got it at Myeongdeong?” she asked.

“Yeah! I bought it years ago at S.O.A.”

I pulled mine off and handed it over to her. “You can take mine.”

“Ani!” she decline. And it felt like she’s declining my feelings for her. “It’s just that, it was one of your trademark earrings…” she tried to defend as she saw my face turn sour.

I can’t let that ruin my night with her so I quickly brought back the happy me.

It was a fun night. A very long night for me. The smile on my face was plastered until we decided to split up.

“We’re going to drive HyunAe home, why don’t you just join us?” I asked Hye Yoo. I’m really having the great rush of confidence for doing this. Gladly, Donghae added up to this.

“Yeah noona, why don’t you just come with us.”

Hye Yoo smiled sweetly and I was certain that she’d say yes.

“Thank you for offering a ride home.” She said which made me really happy. “But Jay’s picking me up.”


As if she’s reading my mind. HyunAe answered.

“Jay Kim. Trax. He’s unnie’s fiancé.”


I looked at her with a shocked expression.

“Did I forget to tell you about him?” Donghae asked.

I shook my head in disappointment.

They kept on saying things, explaining how Jay met Hye Yoo, how Jay proposed, how Jay is sweet and all.

“You guys should go now.” HyeYoo told us. “It’s getting pretty late. You still have schedules for tomorrow.” She added and they nodded to it.


“Donghae, you drive.” I told him as we got in front of my car. “HyunAe keep him company.”

I sat down at the backseat.

As we go to HyunAe’s place, we got there just in time when Hye Yoo got off Jay’s car. They caught up with us since Donghae has his little stopovers.

Donghae and HyunAe went out. I was left alone in the car so I moved to the frontseat. Usual for someone that is sad, depressed and heartbroken to look out of the window. I did that. But it broke my heart into a million more pieces.

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