HH & KS meet

Second Shades
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All three spies had been taling Xi Lu and surprsingly the leader aswell as they travel 3 countries before they found themselves landing in Korea


"Please take your seats we begin lift off in 5 minutes."

Sehun took his seat which was stationed exactly across from his target in first class, Jongin and Jongdae were both in echonomy class close to the leader. Sehun along with the other  two barely got any rest with their targets on the move 24\7 it had barely been three days and they were comming to their fourth stop.







The plane was going to land in about 5 minutes and Sehun knew he wouldn't be able to hold in his pee for much longer so he quickly lifted the armrest and made his way to the back.

When Sehun came back from the toilet and sat back in his seat he heard the woman's voice announce that landing was in 3 minutes and for everyone to take their seats and put their seat belts on. When Sehun went to reach for his seatbelt he turned and noticed his target gone from site including the case that was placed next to his seat. Sehun ran to his targets cube and clicked open the luggage compartment and found it empty.

"!" He cursed under his breathe but quickly looked foreword.

He's still on the plane.

When a flight attendant walked through the curtain with her trolley Sehun quickly jogged up to her.

"Excuse me," Sehun looked towards her name pin "uh- Mingsoo, but do you happen to know where the person sitting here went?" He pointed towards the now vacant seat.

The flight attendant looked over the man's shoulder so she could get a good look at the place he was pointing to. She quickly stood in a straight position and smiled at Sehun.

"I'm sorry sir, but that seat has been empty since the flight took off."

"Excuse me?" He rose a brow.

"That seat," she pointed towards the chair, " has been empty since we took off-- oh sir I'm going to have to ask you to take your seat we will be landing very shortly."

Sehun turned towards the chair a second time when he made his way back towards his his sight came into contact with a white envelope placed on his seat. Looking around Sehun quickly sat on his seat moving the envelope into his pocket.

When everyone got off the plane Sehun was on high alert for a blonde mop of hair but only got dirt colours.

"Where the are you." He hissed passing people and brushing shoulders with a couple.

Sehun placed a finger on his ear piece.
"Captain we've got a problem."

"What's up--"

Sehun cringe when his earpiece started going static.

"Found yo

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TinaTissue28 #1
Chapter 7: Ah while I was really looking forward to reading more I hope whatever has happened to make you do this sorts itself out. Good luck!
AnimeNightcoreKitty #2
Chapter 6: Ahhh! Cliffhangers!! Nooo! It was going really well (well still is) I can't wait for the new chapters! Keep writing, good job! I really like how Tao and Lay both my biases are the awsome evil spies! XD
Chapter 6: Only a few chapters in and I am already hooked :D
And yey the little boy mentioned Baek, can't wait till he makes an appearance
TinaTissue28 #4
Chapter 5: I love it when Lay is the bad guy in sulay stories. Unicorns aren't always innocent.
bubble1765 #5
Chapter 5: Aw my bts bias didn't say the important stuff!!! Don't worry Jin, they'll regret it.

And...........couple action??? I realize they're enemies at the moment, but that just makes couple's bonding all the better. Because one has to beat the other up at some point. Hehehehehe, I'm so mean to them.

Moooooore please!!!
Chapter 5: such an impatient....just let jin finish his words first...it may be important ya know!!!...and...*sigh* cliffhanger...i hate it...
shulahoops #7
Chapter 4: I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that the leader is Xiumin
shulahoops #8
I never read a spy!au before so I'm interested :)
bubble1765 #9
Chapter 2: I really like this idea!!! Spy au's are so much fun.

The only thing I would say about it right now is I can't really tell who is speaking. I know each line was a different person, I just don't know who was speaking and when. It was kinda confusing.

Other than that, I can't wait for what's next.